Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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The benefits of marshmallow root are not known by many people, it has been used since ancient times to keep the heart healthy, eliminate infections, improve digestion, keep skin healthy, heal wounds etc. The use of marshmallow root as a medicinal has its special place.
What is Marshmallow ?
Althaea officinalis or marshmallow root is a perennial herb believed to be native to Europe and North Africa. It is used as an herbal remedy to treat digestive, respiratory, and skin conditions. This Ayurvedic medicine is also considered beneficial for lung diseases, bacterial infections, etc.
Marshmallow Root Nutritional Value
Rich in medicinal properties, marshmallow root contains good amount of nutrients. Because of which it is very beneficial for our health. Marshmallow root contains high amounts of aluminum, tin, magnesium, selenium and iron. Apart from this, calcium in marshmallow root is also good. Due to the presence of these nutrients, we can use it to treat various types of health problems.
Benefits of Marshmallow
It is a medicinal herb that acts as a natural mucus for our body. This means that it acts like a soft fiber for us. It swells when exposed to water. This quality of marshmallow route creates a protective covering around the membrane. Marshmallow root contains a flavonoids antioxidant, pectin which is a type of fiber. In addition, it contains antiviral and antibacterial substances such as aspirin such as amino acids, couperins, phenolic acids, tannins, and quercetin.
Studies show that all these compounds improve the functioning of mucous membranes in the respiratory tract. Marshmallow root also contains good amount of antioxidants which helps in reducing oxidative stress.
Marshmallow Benefits For Heart Some scientists believe that the use of marshmallow root is very beneficial for heart health. Scientists are examining the use of the juice extracted from the marshmallow flower to treat various heart conditions.
During an animal study in 2011, Marshmallow flower juice was tested for lipemia, platelets and inflammatory problems. All these problems can cause cardiovascular diseases. During this study, researchers found that regular juice of Marshmallow flower for 1 month promotes heart health. Apart from this, it also has a positive effect on the level of HDL cholesterol.
To avoid these problems, take 2-5 ml of Marshmallow juice 3 times a day.
Marshmallow benefits for digestion
Marshmallow root is very beneficial for stomach related problems. In particular, it can effectively treat digestive disorders. By taking Marshmallow regularly, you avoid constipation, indigestion, irritation of the intestines, etc. Another 2011 study showed that consuming marshmallow flower juice is beneficial in treating gastric ulcers. If consumed regularly for 1 month, it promotes anti-ulcer activity in the body.
To use it, you should consume 2-5 ml liquid marshmallows 3 times a day. If you have any side effects from taking it, then it should be discontinued immediately.
Use of Marshmallow for skin health
You can use Marshmallow root to make your skin healthy. It can also be used to remove the effect of ultraviolet radiation. This directly means that marshmallow root is beneficial for skin problems caused by the sun. You can use Marshmallow root to make your skin healthy. It can also be used to remove the effect of ultraviolet radiation. This directly means that marshmallow root is beneficial for skin problems caused by the sun. A 2016 study suggested that skin treatment products affected by UV radiation may use juice extracted from marshmallow root.
To avoid skin problems, use cream, ointment or oil extracted from marshmallow in the morning. You can use it more often when exposed to the sun. But the skin needs to be tested before using it. Use it on a small area of your body. If there is no burning or swelling of any kind within 24 hours then it can be safe for you.
Marshmallow root properties to protect against cold cough
Marshmallow has medicinal properties that reduce cough, phlegm and throat irritation. By consuming it, you can treat a problem like a cold cough. It helps in reducing inflammation of lymph nodes. Marshmallow root is very beneficial in getting rid of respiratory diseases and cold cough. A study found that herbal syrup containing marshmallow root provides relief from respiratory diseases related to mucus formation. Apart from this, you can also take Marshmallow tea.
Benefits of Marshmallow Treat Wounds
Having antibacterial properties, the use of marshmallow helps in healing wounds. A study done in 2015 shows that using juice extracted from marshmallow root helps reduce the effects of bacteria. They account for about 50 percent of bacterial infection. Using this juice on wounds, its antibacterial effects help treat wounds by destroying bacteria. Marshmallow root treatment increases speed and reduces inflammation of wounds.
You use marshmallow root juice with cream or ointment. Apply it over the wound 3 times a day with cream or ointment. But note that before using it, test it by applying it to other parts of the body. Do not use if you have any side effects.
Marshmallow’s medicinal properties heal pain
A study conducted in 2014 suggests that marshmallow root helps relieve pain. This is because marshmallow root has analgesic properties. Marshmallow root is used for a pleasant experience. It can also effectively treat sore throat and pain etc.
You should use 2-5 ml of liquid marshmallow 3 times a day. If you have any type of problem while taking it, stop it immediately and consult your doctor.
Marshmallow root for hair
Some studies suggest that the mucus present in marshmallow root is beneficial for your hair. It provides hair protein and helps to thicken hair. Mucus present in marshmallows can also be used as a hair strengthener and conditioner.
Marshmallow Route for Weight Loss
If you want to lose weight you can use marshmallow root. This can be the easiest and effective way for you to lose weight. This controls your weight because consuming marshmallow can keep your appetite under control for a long time. It is also easy to digest, due to which you use extra calories. Therefore, after consuming it regularly, excess calories are not stored in your body. As a result, you can control your weight.
Side effects
- There is a fear of stomach upset
- May cause dizziness
- Skin irritation
- Low blood sugar
If you are drinking marshmallow tea, then add 30 to 40 drops of marshmallow tincture in a glass of water. Do not take more than 6 grams a day if you are taking powder or capsules. 2 grams of marshmallow is enough to see the effect at once.
When should not use Marshmallow?
There is not much information about this that a pregnant woman should not consume it. According to research, if you are pregnant then it should be avoided.
Breast feeding-
If you breastfeed your baby, do not eat it even in such a situation. Try to get advice from your health expert once.
Bleeding disorder-
This is a problem when the body is hurt and the bleeding does not stop. Many people suffer from this disease. Do not consume marshmallow in such situation. According to research, this problem may increase further.
If you are a diabetic patient, do check the sugar level before taking it. Try not to consume it
There is a possibility of increasing the sugar level due to its intake and blood also does not freeze. So if you are going to have surgery or have it, then avoid it. According to the health expert, it should be discontinued two weeks before the date of surgery.
What forms are available?
- Powder
- Capsule
- Tea
- Cough Syrup
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Piles are haemorrhoids that cause swelling and also bleeding. Hemorrhoids can be defined as the mass or clump of tissues developing in the anal canal. Bleeding includes blood vessels, support tissue, muscles, and elastic fibers.
Bleeding hemorrhoids can be treated using several methods or forms of surgery. The Ayurvedic form of treatment called Agni Karma is an effective and natural cure for hemorrhoids. On the other hand, a medical procedure known as infra red coagulation therapy can also be performed for effective treatment of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids.
Agni Karma an Ayurvedic treatment for Agni remedies
The word ‘Agni’ in Sanskrit refers to ‘fire’. Agni Karma is an Ayurvedic medicine, which involves the use of Agni or Agni. It is also called firing. Agni Karma is popularly called Dahan Karma. Agni Karma is used in the treatment of many different types of diseases. This is a good method for the treatment of bleeding.
In this process any ill surface or tissue of the body, such as haemorrhoids, is destroyed and burnt using electric current and cold to warm temperatures. An acidic agent is also used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids in the process of Agni Karma, like alkali karma.
The different types of agni karma include:
- High fire
- Durdaghda / improper burn surgery
- Extremely powerful / extra cautious
- Samya dagdha / proper fire work
Infra red coagulation therapy
Infra red coagulation therapy or infra red photo coagulation is a medical procedure. Which is used to treat hemorrhoids and can only treat internal hemorrhoids.
A device is used during the process, which produces a beam of intense, powerful infrared light. The heat released by infrared light causes memorial tissue and bleeding to cut blood pressure. This results in the death of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids and a scar on the wall of the anal canal. The surrounding nerves are held together by scar tissue, which prevents them from bulging into the anal canal.
Ayurvedic treatment Agni Karma is considered as an effective medical treatment procedure of infra red coagulation therapy. this is because:
Agni karma is a more natural method of healing for bleeding of fire and no unnatural substance like infra red light beam is used.
Agni Karma provides treatment without failure and success is guaranteed.
Apart from this, Gugulu Alkali Sutra therapy is also one of the best treatments – no side effects and no possibility of recurrence. No hospital stay, no pain, join duty immediately.
Agnikala is the age-old technique of providing relief by giving special energy (heat) to the aching part of the body with a fire plate made of iron, copper, silver, vang, bronze or mixed metal. It is useful for removing various muscles of the body and their disorders. The patient does not feel any pain due to this treatment. If the patient is sitting with his eyes closed, he does not know that he has been treated with fire. On Tuesday, with the help of some similar techniques, fire fighting experts treated the patients reached in Ayurveda University.
Immediate relief in knee and back pain
Fire treatment is effective for the treatment of diseases like knee, back pain, heel, sprain, headache, sciatica and arthritis. Treatment usually takes 2 to 5 minutes at a time and the patient also feels immediate benefit.
Agnikarma (thermal couture) is an ancient technique derived from the Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda. The technique of firefighting is designed to relieve various muscle and joint pain disorders.
The term agnikarma means the use of agni (heat). Agni (thermal couture) involves a process whereby heat is transferred to the affected parts of the body in an unsatisfactory manner using metal shalaka (metal rod). Therapeutic burns using these metal rods are made on the basis of expert knowledge in many areas, including various types of disorders, the constitution of the patient, the severity of the disorder.
Agnikarma (thermal couture) is described in the Ayurvedic literature of the Sushruta Samiti, written by the legendary Vedic Indian surgeon Sushruta, often referred to as the father of modern surgery, where he described the effects of agnikarma on the bone (bone) ) Is described on the disorder of the joint, joint (joint), and ligament / tendon.
Agnikarm (thermal couture) is effective in conditions of severe pain and chronic pain. Knee pain, Sciatica, spondylitis, Slipped disc, Neck pain, Cervical spondylitis, Osteoarthritis, Tennis elbow, Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Heel pain, Plantar fasciitis, Myofascial pain, Chronic fatigue pain, Frozen shoulder etc. The condition is treated with the help of Agni Cautery treatment. Panchakarma (five-fold measures of bio-purification treatment procedures), one of the great features of Ayurveda, comes under the treatment of Shodhana, although it is not completely resected. Is because it has the qualities of Brahman, shaman etc. Most Panchakarma procedures are resection in their therapeutic action.
Panchakarma presents a unique approach to Ayurvedic treatment with 5 specially designed procedures for internal purification of all parts / channels of the body.
Highly personalized based on the needs of the person based on body type, dosha imbalance etc.
Panchakarma also recommended it as a seasonal treatment to tone your mind- body system Panchakarma processes purify all gross and subtle channels, eliminate toxins and stagnant wastes and metabolism from the body.
Panchakarma improves the absorption and metabolism of nutrients as well as medicines and also enhances immunity.
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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You must have noticed that often the waiters give fennel seeds after eating food in the restaurant. Fennel is also used in many ways in homes, so you must be consuming equal fennel. In fact, a small-looking fennel is very beneficial, but most people may not know much about the use of fennel.
Fennel seeds calms vata and bile, increases appetite, digests food, increases semen. It is beneficial for heart, brain and body. It provides benefit in rheumatism, sores, pain, eye diseases, vaginal pain, indigestion, constipation etc. Along with this, it also helps in curing diseases such as worms, thirst, vomiting, dysentery, hemorrhoids, TB etc. in the stomach.
What is Saunf ?
The use of fennel seeds has been used since ancient times as a mouth cleanser and as a domestic medicine. Its plant is about one meter high and fragrant. Its leaves are also used as a vegetable. In the Mediterranean, a plant similar to fennel is found which is called aniseed. It is used in Italian food.
Name of Saunf in Different Languages
The botanical name of anise (sauf) is Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Syn-Foeniculum officinale All. Anethum foeniculum Linn.) And is of the Apiaceae (Apiaceae) clan. Fennel is also known worldwide by these names: –
Saunf in –
- English – Bitter fennel, Common fennel, Indian sweet fennel, Fennel fruit (Fennel fruit)
- Hindi – fennel, big fennel (badi saunf)
- Marathi – Badi sepu, Saunf
- Sanskrit – Chhatra, Shaleya, Shaleen, Mishreya, Madhurika, Egypt
- Urdu – Panamadhuri
- Kannada – Badisopu, Sabbsige
- Gujarati – Variyaali, Valiaari
- Telugu – Sopu, Pedhyajilkurra
- Tamil – Sohikire, Shoumbu
- Bengali – Mouri, Pan mori
- Punjabi – Sompu, Saunf
- Malayalam – Perumjikam, Kattusatkuppa
- Nepali – Madesi saunf
- Arabic – Ejiyanaj, Aslul Ejiyanaj
- Persian – Razianaj, Rajyana
What is fennel used for?
It is used for digestive problems such as stomach irritation, gas, flatulence and stomach ache in children. Apart from this, it is also used in problems such as breathing problems, cough-cold, backache and urination in bed. The fennel flavor is cold. It is rich in calcium, sodium, iron and potassium. Apart from this, it is also used for its fragrance.
Some women also use fennel to increase the flow of milk to the breasts, to cure menstruation, to ease the process of giving birth, and to increase mating capacity. For your information, please tell that in some cases its powder is also used as a snake bite treatment.
How does fennel work?
It works as a medicine. There is not much study yet for this doctor. However, in some studies it is clear that fennel acts to kill many dangerous bacteria, such as Aerobatic aerogens, Bacillus subtilis, E.coli, Proteus vulgarli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus albias and Staphylococcus aureus etc. In addition, fennel has antimicrobial properties and also increases estrogen hormone in women.
Take care of skin
The anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-allergic properties present in fennel help to take care of the skin. Taking the steam of fennel helps to maintain the texture of the facial skin.
Morning sickness away
Morning sickness during pregnancy can be overcome with fennel. Apart from this, it also controls symptoms like vomiting and nausea. However, please consult your doctor before consuming it during pregnancy.
Avoid diabetes
According to studies conducted, the oil found in fennel is very effective for the treatment of diabetes. It helps in controlling the blood by reducing the amount of sugar in it. Also, the antioxidant properties found in fennel reduce cholesterol levels.
Cancer prevention
The fennel plant has many beneficial elements that can help protect against serious and chronic diseases. It also includes some types of cancer. Fennel contains anethole, which has been found to have cancer-fighting properties.
A test tube study found that anethole prevents cancer cells from growing. At the same time, other test tube studies found that fennel extract prevents the spread of breast cancer cells in the human body and helps to destroy cancer cells.
Studies on animals have also revealed that fennel extract may help prevent breast and liver cancer.
Beneficial for breastfeeding women
Fennel has galactogenic properties, which help to make more milk in the breast. According to research, the anethols present in fennel, such as dienethole and photoanethole, have galactogenic effects.
Fennel can increase milk secretion and increase blood levels of prolactin. This hormone indicates to make the body more breast milk.
However, fennel has no effect on milk secretion in other studies. Even women who consumed fennel seed milk tea. Problems such as weight loss and difficulty in drinking milk have been observed in their newborn. For this reason, women who want to breastfeed should consult a doctor before consuming fennel to increase the amount of milk.
Loss of appetite
Fennel not only increases the taste of food but also reduces hunger. In a study, 9 healthy women were given 2 grams of fennel daily before lunch and 250 ml tea to drink. This made these women less hungry and consumed fewer calories than women who took placebo tea.
Essential oil of fennel contains anethole, which can help prevent hunger from increasing.
Another study of 47 women found that women who took a supplement of 300 mg of fennel extract daily for 12 weeks gained less weight than women in the group who took placebo. However, more research needs to be done in this context.
Other benefits of fennel
Fennel seeds also have antibacterial properties, which prevents harmful bacteria and yeast from growing. It contains antioxidants, including vitamin C and quercetin. This can help reduce inflammation.
According to a study done on animals, fennel extract also prevents the memory from being weakened. In addition, a review of 10 studies noted that fennel improves sexual function and women who have reached menopause feel satisfied. Along with this, it also provides relief from problems like hot flashes, vaginal itching, vaginal dryness, pain during sex, and trouble sleeping.
Helpful in treating hernia
Its seeds is also used in the treatment of hernia. However, there is still a need to do proper studies in this direction.
Precautions and Warnings Using Fennel Seed In
Fennel should be stored in a closed container. It should be kept away from moisture and heat.
If anyone has a problem of hyper-sensitivity, then the use of fennel should be stopped immediately and anti-histamine should be taken or treated.
The rules related to the use of herbal supplements are not as strict as the rules of medicine. Rules related to their usefulness and security still need further research. It is important to compare its advantages and disadvantages before using this herbal supplement.
How safe is it to use fennel?
- There is not much information about how beneficial it is for pregnant women. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid its intake.
- Its use can be dangerous for breastfeeding women. If a breastfeeding woman uses an herbal beverage that contains aniseed, there may be a problem with her baby’s nervous system.
- Oil made from this should also not be used on a newborn or a small child. If someone is allergic to fennel, they should not consume it and stop using it for some time
- Bleeding problem
- Hormone related problems like breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis or uterine fibroids etc.
Side effect of Using Fennel Seed
- Seizure outbreak
- Vomiting, nausea, irritability
- Hyper sensitivity, hyper-sensitivity, skin allergies, photosensitivity
- Pulmonary edema, hormone-associated cancer
Fennel Seed Doses In
Generally, it should be taken from five to seven grams and the oil made from fennel should be used only from 0. 1 to 0. 6 mL.
Its dose may be different for every patient. The dosage you take depends on your age, health and many things. Herbal supplements are not always safe.
In what forms is fennel available?
This herbal supplement is available in many forms: dry fruits, essential oil, extract, tablet, tincture and decoction.
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Rosary pea or crab`s eye popularly known as Gunja in Hindi . It is a slender, climbing herb with peculiar bright red seeds. It can be found growing over shrubs , plant and hedges . It is the most toxic herbal plant because of presence of abrin toxin present in plant seeds .
Gunja occur in two forms normally , the one with the red seeds and the other one is white seed .
Purified Gunja preparations work well for treating painful arthritis and hair fall . It is also considered a potent aphrodiasiac.
ENGLISH NAMES :-Indian Licorice root , Crab`s Eye , John Crow Bead , Abrus seed
HINDI NAMES :- Gunchi , Gamanchi , Gunja , Rati
SANSKRIT NAMES :- Kakadantika , Rati , Sheetpaki , Kakashaveya , Shikhandika
TAMIL NAMES :- Gundumani
TELUGU NAMES :- Guruvinda ,Guruginia
MARATHI NAMES :- Gunj , Gunja
PERSIAN NAMES :- Gunchi , Chashmi , Khurosa
RASA :- Tikta ( Bitter ) , Kashya ( Astrigent )
GUNA :- Ruksha (Dry ) , Laghu ( Light )
VIRYA :- Ushana ( Hot )
VIPAKA :- Katu ( Pungent )
EFFECT ON DOSHAS :- Balances Vatta and Kapha Doshas
PARTS TO BE USED :- Roots , leaf and Seeds
Botanical Name :- Abrus Precatorius
Kingdom :- Plantae
Division :- Magnoliophyta
Class :- Magniliopsida
Order :- Fabales
Family :- Fabaceae
Subfamily :- Faboideae
Tribe :- Abreae
Genus :- Abrus
Species :- A precatorius
1 Promote growth of hair :- The oil from the seed of herb is useful to promote the growth of human hair .
2 Treatment of Gonorrhea :- The rosary pea roots are used in treatment of Gonorrhea , Haemoglobinuric bile and Jaundice .
3 To Treat Fever ,Cough and Cold :- The leaves of Rosary Pea are used in making of tea which is helpful in treating cough , fever and colds .
4 This herb is also used as Laxative , Abortifacient , Aphrodisiac and Sedative
5 The seeds of this herb has antimicrobial , anodyne , diuretic , expectorant , hemostat , emetic , febrifuge , purgative and refrigerant property .
6 The seeds after being converted to vermifuge paste can be applied topically in case of sciatica , stiffness of shoulder joint and paralysis .
7 The white seeds of the herb are used in siddha medicine , to make oil that is regarded as an equivalent of the present day vigra .
8 In some traditional medicines , the herb is used to treat scratches , sores and wounds caused by dogs ,cats and mice .
9 The paste of its roots is often used in treatment of abdominal pain and tumors .
10 The juice derived from the paste of the leaves and seeds of rosary pea can be used to treat grey hair .
The seeds of Rosary pea are highly poisonous . In the powdered form they have been known to disturb the uterine function and also prevent conception in women .
1 If consumed raw the seeds can result in nausea , severe abdominal pain , vomiting and diarrhea , burning in throat . Later on ulcerative lesion of mouth and esophagus might result.
2 Eye damage conjunctivitis and even blindness might result from coming in contact with an infusion of the seed extracts .
Marigold or genda
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Marigold or genda flower has many names. People all over the country also know marigold by the names Gultora, Kalag, Lalmuruga, Hazara, Velvet etc. Marigold flowers are found in almost every household. As beautiful as it is, it is also beneficial for your body. According to Ayurveda, marigold has many medicinal properties, and is also a herb. Marigold or genda benefits and uses are available when you have sprain, swelling problem and use of marigold in the wound. Apart from this, you get benefit from the medicinal properties of marigold in diabetes, gonorrhea and urinary disease.
Not only this, the medicinal properties of marigold are beneficial in diseases related to breath including eye disease, nose bleeding and ear pain. You can benefit from marigold even if you have cough, rupture of skin and hands and feet.
What is marigold?
The marigold plant is known for its beautiful attractive flowers and leaves. Its flower produces a strong fragrance, due to which marigold flowers are applied in homes and gardens. There are many species of marigold, according to the variation in the colors of the flowers, but the main ones found in these are: –
- Hazara (its flower is large)
- Surnai
- Kaukahan (with red and yellow swirl cycle)
Name of Marigold (Genda) in Different Languages
Botanical name Tagetes erecta Linn. (Tagetes erecta) is Syn-Tagetes excelsa Soule, and is of the Asteraceae clan, other names of marigold are also: –
- Hindi- Marigold, Gultora, Kalag, Lalmuruga, Hazara, Velvet
- Sanskrit-zandu, ganeruk, macropolis
- English- Marigold (African marigold), African marigold, Big marigold, French marigold
- Urdu-Genda
- Oriya-Gendu
- Konkanni-Gondephool
- Kannada-Chandumallige, Seemeshyamantige
- Gujarati-Galgoto, Guljharo, Makhamala
- Tamil-Kanakappuchti (Kancappucceti)
- Telugu-Bantichettu, Banti
- Bengali-marigold (Genda)
- Nepali-Saypatri
- Marathi-Makhamali, Roji, Zendu
- Malayalam-Chendumalli
- Manipuri-Sanari (Sanarei)
- Arabic-Hajai, Hamahama
- Persian- Gulhazara, Kajekharusa, Sadabarg
Medicinal Properties of Marigold
The Ayurvedic properties are:
Marigold is bitter, bitter, cold, cold, short, dry and cough.
Marigold (Genda) Benefits and Uses
The medicinal properties of marigold, quantity and methods of use are: –
Grind the marigold bud. Apply it outside the eyes. It is beneficial in eye disease such as flatulence etc.
Applying the juice of marigold leaves outside the eyes is also beneficial in eye diseases.
Medicinal Uses of Marigold
Marigold is used to treat skin problems such as burns, wounds and rashes. Applying its paste on the skin reduces swelling, redness, sensitivity, dryness and swelling.
Protection against toxic elements of the body
It helps in the detoxification process of the body by removing all the toxic substances stored in the body. Along with this, it also helps in reducing irritation and inflammation along with benefiting the digestive system.
Relieving menstrual pain
Marigold flower has been considered very helpful in relieving menstrual pain and spasms in the female reproductive system.
Skin condition
Marigold flower is also used in reducing skin problems due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Its oil helps reduce damage to our skin from UVB radiation. Also, according to a 2018 study, it was found that marigold methanol extracts contain high levels of polyphenols, which provide anti-aging effects to the skin.
Removes mosquitoes, insects
Its strong odor, antioxidant element can be used naturally to ward off mosquitoes, insects and other insects. Because of this, marigolds are planted in home gardens and are also used as extracts in candles.
Marigold Benefits in Fighting with Cough Treatment
Marigold flower can be used to treat cough. Make the powder of the flower bud knob (Pushpadhar Receptacle). Mix 2 to 5 grams of powder, 10 grams of sugar and one spoon of curd and take it thrice a day. It is beneficial in cough and respiratory disease.
Medicinal properties of marigold in inflammation of the breasts
Women can use marigold in the problem of swelling of the breasts. Grind marigold leaves and apply it on the breasts. Along with this, the swelling of the breasts is reduced by making it compressible.
Benefits of Marigold (Genda) for Piles Treatment
Use of marigold is also beneficial for the treatment of piles. For this, grind 10 grams of marigold leaves and 2 grams of black pepper together. Drinking this is beneficial in piles.
Toast 5-10 grams of marigold in ghee and take it thrice a day. It provides relief in hemorrhoids or bloody piles.
Drink extracts of marigold leaves. This stops the blood flowing in piles immediately. To extract the extract, take 250 grams of marigold leaves and two kg of banana root. Soak them in water at night and take out extracts in the morning. Drink 15-20 ml of this extract.
Taking 5-10 grams of marigold flower juice two or three times a day is beneficial in bloody piles.
Benefits of Marigold (Genda) to Treat Gonorrhea
For the treatment of gonorrhea, take 10 grams of marigold leaves and 2 grams of black pepper. Grind and drink both together. It is beneficial in gonorrhea.
Medicinal properties of marigold in injury-sprain-swelling
By extracting the juice of marigold almanac and applying it to the affected area, it provides relief.
By applying leaf juice, the wound and bleeding from the wound stops.
Uses of Ayurvedic Medicine Marigold (Genda) to Treat Cracked Heels
When the skin or heel of the hands or feet is ruptured (marigold), marigold benefits. Mix the juice of marigold leaves in Vaseline and rub it on hands and feet. It removes dryness and dryness of hands and feet.
Benefits of Marigold (Genda) to Treat Boils
Grind marigold leaves and apply on boils and wounds, it provides relief. Applying it on piles moles also provides relief.
Grind marigold leaves and apply it after lukewarm. It provides benefits in boils or pimples caused by diabetes.
Marigold (Genda) Benefits for Urinary Disease
Mix sugar candy in the juice of 10 grams of marigold leaves and drink it thrice a day. The urine that has been stopped from the body comes open. Before taking remedy, please consult any Ayurvedic physician.
Uses of Ayurvedic medicine Marigold (Genda) for Menstrual Disorder
Toast 5-10 grams of marigold in ghee and give it thrice a day. It benefits from excessive bleeding in menstruation or bleeding problems during hemorrhoids.
Uses of Ayurvedic Medicine Marigold (Genda) is Beneficial in Wasp Bite
The use of marigold to reduce the effect of its sting is beneficial if the wasp has bitten. Grind marigold leaves and apply on the stinged area. This reduces side effects such as pain due to sting.
Marigold (Genda) Benefits in Relief from Dental Pain
Take 20-30 ml marigold leaf decoction twice a day for a few days. This causes the stones to melt. Rinse with this decoction provides instant relief in toothache.
Beneficial Part of Marigold (Genda)
These parts of marigold are used: –
- Leaves
- flower
- seed
- The root
How to use marigold? (How to Use Marigold (Genda)?)
Marigold should be used in such quantity: –
- Powder – 5-10 grams
- Brew – 15-20 ml
Winter Diet Tips: Best Foods to Eat in Winter to Stay Healthy
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
The winter season brings with it the problem of low immunity, due to which people easily fall prey to colds and infections. To avoid all this, you have to take special care of your diet, as well as include such super foods in your diet, which make you strong inside as well as healthy.
Daily diet tips: Seasonal fruits like oranges, strawberries and amla are full of anti-oxidants and vitamin C properties. Add them to your daily diet.
Likewise, green leafy vegetables like spinach, fenugreek, mustard, dill and green onions can prove to be very beneficial for your health.
– In winter our gastrointestinal becomes fast, due to which the food is easily digested. In this way, in addition to whole grains like jowar, bajra, nachni, you should include urad dal, rajma and beans rich in protein in your daily diet.
– Make citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, tomatoes, red paper and sweet potato etc. as part of your daily diet, so that your immunity improves and energy levels are boosted.
– Zinc helps in strengthening your immunity, in such a way, include zinc-rich fruits such as black berry, pomegranate, avocado, guava, peach, kiwi in the diet. Apart from this, Kabuli chana, beans, meat, egg etc. are also zinc rich food.
Milk, cheese along with salmon and cod fish are good sources of vitamin B12. They make your immunity strong as well as protect you from fatigue and stress.
– Eating potatoes and sweet potatoes will prove beneficial for you.
– Eat fresh and hot homemade food in winter. Do not eat pre-made or packed food.
– Take full care of hydration as well. In addition to water, eat herbal tea, green tea, soup etc.
– If the mood is not good due to the cold weather, then eat dark chocolate. This is a mood changer, which will give you a good feeling.
Winter Super Foods
The winter season brings with it a great variety of super food. Apart from fruits and vegetables, there are some other foods that you must include in your winter diet, so that winter does not affect your health. They help keep you warm.
Honey: Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, honey is the best remedy for winter. It gives you relief from colds, cold infections and many types of allergies.
Dry fruit: What could be better than morning dryfoots to remain energetic throughout the day. In addition to almonds, pistachios, walnuts, rich in vitamins and minerals, you should also add dry grapes, figs and apricots to your winter diet.
Black pepper, fenugreek and asafoetida: This season is such that you need to include warm things in your food. In everyday food, tea or soup or lentils – pepper, fenugreek, asafoetida, cumin and rye increase the amount slightly.
Tulsi and Ginger: Basil, which is full of antibacterial, antibiotic and antiviral properties, is essential for you in every season, but due to cold and cold in winter, its need is increased a lot. Sore throat or phlegm complaints- Ginger relieves you of all the minor problems caused by cold.
Ghee: People have a big misconception that ghee increases fat, while research has also proved that it reduces bad fat from your body. It helps you stay in shape. In winter, eat one spoon of ghee every day.
Jaggery: Along with improving digestion power, it also strengthens your immunity. Also, it keeps you warm, so that there is no problem of cold and flu.
Garlic: Due to antibacterial and antiviral properties, garlic becomes even more important in winter. It protects you from diseases occurring in this season.
Orange Orange or its juice gives the body strength to fight against cold. Oranges contain vitamin C and anti-oxidants, which increases immunity.
Spinach is very common to get spinach in this season so Do not leave this food at all. A lot of iron and nutritious elements are found in it.
Peanuts fried in winter, mixed with salt or else Eat lots of plain peanuts. Peanuts will provide body heat and protein. Always keep the chikki found in the market together.
Guava if the power of the heart is increased in winter. Must eat It contains an element called lycopene which relieves the problem of arteries.
Carrots Vitamin A, B, C, in carrots If D, E and K are found, then carrot pudding is cooked.
Kiwi This fruit also contains vitamin C which That is a very good fruit for winter.
Chicken Soup In the winter if you heat hot chicken If you drink soup, you will not get cold.
Nuts with a mix of nuts Keep and eat them at intervals of several hours a day. Doing this will create heat in your body.
Eating apples everyday can cause cancer and many diseases Relieved. Apples contain anti-oxidants and proteins that make the body strong.
Pumpkin This vitamin A, caroinide, leuine and mineral Is a treasure of Eating it relieves cold.
Onions It is found in vitamin C which is the stomach. Fights infection and free radicals.
Patra Pinda Sweda
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is an treatment in painful conditions caused mainly by Vata Dosha, usually in degenerative diseases. Leaves which can pacify morbid Vata are used in the bolus for tackling inflammatory diseases of joints and soft tissues. Vitiated Kapha and its symptoms like heaviness, coldness etc can be got rid of by using Kapha destroying leaves in the bolus. Patra Pinda Sweda is used mainly to relief from pain, inflammation, swelling and stiffness (catch) associated with bone, joint and or musculoskeletal pains.
- The leaves generally used are – like Eranda (Ricinus communis), Nirgundi (Vitex negundo), Arka (Calotropis gigantean), Chincha (tamarind), Dhatura (Dhatura metal), Shigru (moringa leaves) etc, Other ingredients like pieces of lemon, coconut grating, Rasnadi Churna, Methika, Saindhava Lavana, Taila etc, cloth for placing the roasted medicine, threads to tie the cloth into bolus, heating apparatus, spoon, pan, spatula, etc are taken.
- Fresh leaves 500gm in quantity should be collected and chopped into small pieces. Required quantity of Eranda Oil is taken as per the condition in non-stick pan.
- Slices of 4 lemons are added into it. When the lemon slices become slightly fried the powder of Satahwa and Methika 100 gm is added.
- Then 50gm scraped coconut is added. When the mixture turns brownish Saindhav is added and stirred well.
- Then the leaves one by one are added; thicker leaves are added first then thinner. When the leaves are fried the mixture is taken out.
- The sliced leaves and the other ingredients which are fried and processed in the herbal oils are tied in a clean cloth.
- The upper free ends of the clothes are tied with strong thick threads so as to form a bolus of Patra Pinda. Four boluses are prepared for proper conduction of the procedure in undisrupted manner.
The bolus is dipped in oil which is kept on heating apparatus at a constant temperature in pan. The Pottali of Patra are gently rubbed with mild pressure in the manner similar to the Abhyanga.
The fomentation given by Patra Pinda Swedana should be carried out in all the 7 postures in which Abhyanga (herbal massage) is done so as all parts of the body is equally fomented.
The treatment procedure is carried out for 5-10 minutes in each posture. Thus time duration of the treatment ranges from 30-40 minutes. A uniform temperature of potties is maintained by dipping them in heated mixture of medicated decoction & milk. This process is carried out until proper sweating occurs.
Post Procedure
After completion of the process, Rasnadi Churna is applied on the vertex of the patient. Patient is advised to take rest for one hour and take bath with warm water. Patient is advised to take light diet and drink hot water after procedure.
Pottali can be used for 3 days and after it. Duration: 7-21 days depending on the nature and intensity of the disease.
Indications: Intervertebral disc protrusion or prolapsed (IVDP), Sciatica (Gridhrasi), Osteoarthritis, Chronic stages of RA (Jeerna or pravruddha Amavata), Cervical spondylosis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Frozen Shoulder, Pakshavadha (Hemiplegia) etc. Contraindications: Taruna Jwara (Acute fever), Atisara (Diarrhoea), Raktapitta (Hemorrhagic disorders), Twak Vikara (Infective eczema, Psoriasis etc.)
Surya snan or sun bath benefits
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Sun bath is very popular in India at least but abroad (sun bath). Sitting in the morning sun for a while also gives you many health benefits. The sun rays provide the necessary energy by operating our nervous system or vascular system. Whenever you do it, it is better to allow more sunlight to reach your spine
How to do
- If you are taking a sun bath, then your head should be in shade. You can also cover it if you want. This is necessary because the sun rays should not fall directly on the head while taking a sun bath.
- During this time, the time to assimilate the sun rays can be at any time throughout the day in cold or hilly areas. In other places where there is a lot of heat, it is better to do sun bath at sunrise. one can tolerate the heat at this time and does not harm the body.
- After a sun bath, it is better to take a walk in the shade or take a bath with water.
- You can do this from ten minutes to half an hour. It would be better if you start with ten minutes. If you wish, you can gradually increase the duration according to desire and time. You can also massage the body if you want while taking sun bath. Massage the entire body with mustard oil under the rays of the sun once a week. After massaging, one should take more advantage of the sun rays by taking a sun bath in lukewarm sun. Sun bath is the biggest source of calcium. This keeps bones strong.
- It is the largest source of calcium. This will keep the bones strong. Sunlight keeps the bones of the body strong in old age. Blood pressure remains normal. It is beneficial in dermatitis and arthritis. The body receives the necessary calcium and phosphorus.
- Bathing in the sun rays in the morning not only increases the level of vitamin D, but also keeps the weight balanced. During this massage, the body gets energized. You feel energetic.
- If lukewarm sun falls on the skin, it reduces high blood pressure. There is no risk of heart attack and stroke. Bathing flax regularly, it will not only keep teeth strong, but will also improve hair growth.
- Pregnant women take flax bath regularly, then get rid of physical fatigue, backache, nausea problem. This keeps the immune system healthy and stress does not remain. Complaints of high cholesterol are also removed.
Take precautions
- If the weather is hot, wake up early in the morning and do it at sunrise.
- If you feel dizzy while sitting in front of the sun, contact the doctor.
- Never sleep in front of the sun without protection. If you want, get advice from an expert about this, then only practice it.
- If you do this for a long time, then definitely wear a hat, sunglasses and light colored clothes.
- Skin is sensitive and if you are allergic to sunlight, it is better not to do it.
Benefits of sunburn
- The body is hot: Sunlight, being the main source of fire (heat), gives warmth to the body shrinking from cold, which removes the lack of coolness and bile within the body. In Ayurveda, Sunbath is known as ‘Atap Seven’.
- Get Vitamin D: Vitamin D is important for bone strength in the body. The essential natural source of this vitamin is sunlight. Only when vitamin D is present in the body, the body absorbs calcium.
- Increases immunity: Sunlight has such miraculous properties, due to which the possibility of impact of various types of infections on the body is reduced. This makes the immunity of the body strong. Consumption of sunlight causes adequate build-up of WBCs in the body, which work to fight against disease-causing factors
- Breathing cancer: The sun’s rays give the body the elements to fight cancer. If the risk of cancer is avoided, then those who have cancer also benefit.
- Helps in digestion: According to Ayurveda, the work of digestion in the body is done by Jathragni, whose main source is Surya. In the afternoon (around 12 o’clock) the sun is at its peak and at that time Jathargni is also more active. Therefore it is said that the food taken at this time is well digested.
- Bet positive hormones: The sunshine effect of the hormones serotonin and endorphins that make you feel good is sufficient in the body, which is beneficial in balance of depression, seasonal affective disorder, psycho-emotional health and body clock-rhythm.
There are other advantages:
The problem of not sleeping due to sunburn is overcome because sunlight has a direct effect on our pineal gland. This gland makes a hormone called melatonin in the body. One such powerful anti-oxidant melatonin determines the quality of our sleep and also prevents depression.
Soaking in the sun has many skin benefits. Soaking up sunlight clears the blood and cures fungal problems, eczema, psoriasis and many other skin related diseases. It also helps reduce BP. How late it is to meet the sun
To take full advantage of the sun, it is considered good to sit in a lukewarm sun at least 3-4 times a week in the morning (10:30 to 12 noon) or 20 to 30 minutes from the afternoon (3 to 5 pm).
Kapha is more formed in children. In such a situation, it is good for them to consume sunlight only after 10 o’clock in the morning because some cold is more in the morning.
For the elderly, the afternoon can be considered more beneficial for sunbathing.
For adequate vitamin D, whites need less time to sunbathe than dark-skinned or dark-colored people. A person with normal complexion should take 30 minutes, a white person with 15-20 minutes, while a dark-skinned person should consume more than 30 minutes of sunlight.
Even more trouble due to meeting with sun
Sitting in the sun for a period of time can cause problems like pigmentation, skin allergies, skin cancer, aging effects, blackness, dehydration, eye problems. Anyway, everything is bad. Therefore, as much has been said, the more time one should sit in the sun.
The body contains certain elements such as melanin, hemoglobin, and keratin that determine skin color. Due to the constant exposure to excess sunlight, some people start to mess up their production due to the effect of ultraviolet rays. This increases the risk of skin tanning after some time.
Sun tan
Excessive sitting in the sun can cause sun tan (darkening of the skin due to sunlight). It is important to know here that people’s sensitivity to sunlight may vary. It can also happen when someone is in the sun for 20 minutes, while no one can do it even in 1 hour. When the sunlight of winter starts to irritate the skin, then removing from the sun will be the right option.
When sun tan …
- According to Ayurveda, taking things with the same qualities increases those qualities while taking things with opposite qualities leads to a decrease. In such a situation, bile or heat enhancing things should be avoided, ie it is beneficial to use things that are naturally cold in nature.
- Protect the affected area from sun exposure. Protect the body in the hot sun with the help of scarves, glasses, caps, full sleeve shirts or umbrellas.
- Drink 2 to 3 liters or more of water as needed.
- Prepare aloe vera pulp or gel, cucumber or raw potato slices or juice, sandal paste, rose water, gram-turmeric paste or lentil pulse paste in raw milk or rose water on the affected part.
- Use of coconut oil or kumkumadi oil is also beneficial.
Apart from these external remedies, other medicines can be taken according to the problem with the advice of doctors. This mistake of morning time will have to be carried around all day long.
- Many times there is less heat in the sun, then it can be cold. In such a situation, take off the socks, hat etc. and sit in the sun so that you can get full sun.
- People who are more sensitive to the sun’s rays or sunlight can sit back on the sun instead of the mouth.
- Those who do not have time to sunbathe at one place, they can also take advantage of the heat of the sun while disposing of their works on the go.
- If you want to sit in the sun for much longer then sit with water. Keep drinking some water in between.
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Parijat is also called Harsingar. You must have used the parijat flower, but you may not have known about the quality of Parijat. Parijat tree is found in gardens. Its flowers are very attractive and attractive. People usually use Harsingar flower only for worship. People do not know that the benefits of Parijat or Harsingar are not one or two but many.
What is Parijat?
Parijat’s other name is Harsingar. The mention of Harsingar is found in many ancient texts. Its flowers are highly fragrant, have short palms and are white in color. The center of the flower has a bright orange color. The plant of Harsingar is shrubby.
Name of Parijat in Different Languages in other languages
The botanical name of Parijat is Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Parijat in-
- Hindi – हरसिंगार, पारिजात, कूरी, सिहारु, सेओली
- English – ट्री ऑफ सैडनेस (Tree of sadness), मस्क फ्लॉवर (Musk flower), कोरल जैसमिन (Coral jasmine), नाईट जैसमिन (Night jasmine)
- Sanskrit – पारिजात, पुष्पक, प्राजक्त, रागपुष्पी, खरपत्रक
- Uttrakhand – कुरी (Kuri), हरसिंगार (Harsingar)
- Oriya – गोडोकोडीको (Godokodiko), गंगा सेयोली (Ganga seyoli)
- Urdu – गुलेजाफारी (Gulejafari), हरसिंगार (Harsingar)
- Assemia – सेवाली (Sewali)
- Konkani – पारिजातक (Parizatak), पारडिक (Pardic)
- Kannada – गोली (Goli), पारिजात (Parijata)
- Gujarati –हारशणगार (Harshangar), जयापार्वती (Jayaparvati)
- Tamil – मंझाटपू (Manjatpu), पवलमल्लिकै (Pavalmallikae)
- Telugu – सेपाली (Sepali), पगडमल्ले (Pagadamallae), कपिलानागदुस्तु (Kapilanagadustu)
- Bengali – हरसिंघार (Harsinghar), सेफालिका (Sephalika), शेउली (Seuli)
- Nepali – पारिजात (Parijat)
- Punjabi – हरसिंघार (Harsinghar), कूरी (Kuri), पकुरा (Pakura)
- Marathi – पारिजातक (Parijatak), खुरस्ली (Khursali)
- Malayalam – पविलामल्लि (Pavilamalli), परिजातकम (Parijatakam)
Parijat Benefits and Uses
- By now you have known what is Harsingar, and by how many names Harsingar tree is known in the country or abroad. Along with the leaves of Harsingar, its flower also has therapeutic properties. Harsingar flowers are beneficial in eye problems as well as Parijat is used to increase appetite and to overcome other digestive disorders. Let us know that Harsingar plant can be used medicinally for which disease, what should be the amount of medicinal use, and what are its methods: –
Benefits of Parijat Vriksha in Dandruff
- Many people are troubled by the problem of dandruff. There are many remedies to remove dandruff, but many times dandruff does not get rid of dandruff. You can cure dandruff with the benefits of Harsingar. Take seed of Parijat. Make a paste of it. Apply it on the head. This ends the problem of dandruff.
Benefits of Parijat in Oral Disease
- The tongue has a small piece of flesh resembling a bell, which is called galsundi. If there is a disease related to this, take Harsingar’s plant. Chew its root. It cures disorders associated with mumps.
Harsingar tree cures cough
- If you use Parijat tree as an Ayurvedic medicine for cough, you will get a lot of benefits. Make a powder of 500 mg Parijat bark. Cough is cured by taking it.
Benefits of Harsingar in bleeding
- Some people continue to bleed from the nose and ears. Such people can use Parijat tree. Take a plant of Harsingar. Put its root in the mouth and chew it. It stops bleeding from the nose, ears, throat, etc.
Benefits of Harsingar in the problem of stomach worms
- Be it children or adults, everyone has problems with stomach worms at times. The benefits of Harsingar are found in this disease. Break fresh leaves from Harsingar tree. Eat fresh leaf juice (5 ml) of Parijat with sugar. This kills the harmful worms living in the stomach and intestines.
Parijat Uses in Urinary Problems
- If you suffer from the problem of frequent urination, then the Parijat tree will provide benefits. Make a decoction of the leaves, roots, and flowers of the tree trunk. Drink it in 10-30 ml. This eliminates the problem of frequent urination.
Parijat Vriksha Uses Wounding Healing Chronic Wounds
- Wounds can be healed with the benefit of Harsingar. Make a paste of Parijat seeds. Apply it to boils or other common wounds on the skin of the head. It cures wounds.
Harsingar tree beneficial in diabetes
- Parijat tree is very beneficial in diabetes. Make a decoction of 10-30 ml Parijatha leaf. Take it. It is beneficial in diabetes.
Parijat tree gives benefits in spleen disease
- Add parijatha, apamarg and alkali (125-250 mg) of talmkhana to the oil. Taking it is beneficial in spleen disease.
Harsingar tree delivers benefits in arthritis
- The properties of Parijat can also benefit from arthritis. Make a decoction of the root of Parijat. Drink 10-30 ml of it. It is beneficial in arthritis.
- Make a paste by grinding the leaves of Harsingar, lukewarm. Applying it on the joint pain is very beneficial.
- Make a decoction of the leaves of Parijatha. It also provides relief in joint pain and arthritis.
Harsingar tree beneficial in nervous system disorder
The properties of Parijat also benefit in nervous system disorders. Take Parijat and Nirgundi leaves. The quantity of leaves should be equal. Make decoction from it. Drinking 15-30 ml of this decoction relieves nervous system-related pain.
Benefits of Parijat tree in eye diseases
Parijat tree also provides benefits in eye disease. Grind the bark of Parijat tree with kanji and make oil. Applying it on the eyes provides relief in eye pain. For better remedy, please consult an Ayurvedic doctor.
Uses of Parijat to Treat Fever
Parijat tree is used to cure fever. Make a decoction of the leaves of Parijat tree. Take ginger powder and honey mixed with 10-30 ml decoction. It also provides relief in severe fever conditions including normal fever.
Mix 1-2 grams of Trikatu powder in 5-10 ml juice of parijatham and take it. This also causes severe fever.
Parijat Beneficial for Piles
The use of Harsingar seeds helps to overcome the problem of hemorrhoids, but the special thing is that the seeds are grinded and used externally in the piles and they are used in a continuous manner.
Parijat Beneficial to Treat Fracture
Using bark of Harsingar stem with Arjun bark is beneficial in bone fractures.
Use of Harsingar for long and strong hair
The decoction of the seeds from Harsingar helps to overcome the problem of hair. Make a decoction of Harsingar and wash the hair, this helps to remove dandruff and prevent hair fall.
Parijat Beneficial for Healthy Digestive System
If your digestive power is weak, then the intake of Harsingar can be beneficial for you because the semen of Harsingar improves digestion power by being warm.
Healthy Harsingar for Women
Harsingar is a healthy medicine for women because Harsingar acts as a female-tonic, so its intake helps in relieving the female disorders.
Benefit of Parijat to Get Relief from Stress
Harsingar can be helpful in relieving stress because according to Ayurveda, the main cause of stress is the outbreak of Vata and Harsingar has the property of calming Vata.
Useful Parts of Parijat
Parijat can be used as follows: –
- Parijat tree leaves
- Parijat tree root
- Parijat tree trunk
- Parijat tree flowers
- Parijat tree seeds
How to use Parijat?
The amount of use of parijatham should be: –
- Decoction of Parijat – 15-30 ml
- Parijat juice – 5 ml
To get the most out of Parijat (Harsingar) as a medicine, use it in consultation with a doctor.
Where is Parijat found or found?
Parijat plant is found in the states of Assam, Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat. This is done up to a height of 1500 meters. Parijat plant is found in the sub-Himalayan regions of India at an altitude of 300–1000 m.
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Very few people will know the name of Akarkara. You will be surprised to know that the medicinal and Ayurvedic properties of Akarkara are countless. In Ayurveda, Akarkara powder and powder are used as medicine. It works like magic for diseases such as headaches, toothache, bad smell, toothache, hiccups.
What is Akarkara Plant
In Ayurveda, Akarkara has been used for almost 400 years. Although it is not mentioned in ancient texts like Charaka, Sushruta etc., it cannot be assumed that this herb did not occur earlier in India.
This drug found in India is usually of three types.
- Anacyclus pyrethrum (L.) Lag. (Shape)
- Spilanthes acmella var. oleracea C.B. Clarke, Syn-Acmellaoleracea (L.) R.K. Jansen (Indian anarkara)
- Spilanthes acmella var. calva (DC.) C.B. Clarke, Syn– Acmellapaniculata (Wall. Ex DC.) R.K. Jansen (Elliptical anarkara)
Anacyclus pyrethrum (L.) Lagasca is mainly used in Ayurvedic medicine, but in addition two other species of Akarkara are obtained.
Those which are used for medicine, because of its proven stimulant properties in Akarkara plant, it has been given prominence in aphrodisiac medicines in Ayurveda. By using it in combination with other drugs with similar properties, it helps to increase semen, and sexual desire. People with phlegm and cold nature have special benefit from the use of Akarkara.
It enhances strength, bitter, pulse enhancer, work stimulant, pain reliever and destroys inflammation. Its root helps in stimulating the heart. These antimicrobial insecticides, dentin, toothache, pharyngeal inflammation, tonsillitis, paralysis, epilepsy, chronic ophthalmic, headache, epilepsy , cholera, rheumatism and typhus fever.
Indian Akarkara – it is bitter in juice; Hot; Dry, Vata is a bile suppressant, salivator, stimulant, phlegm reducer, digestive, stomach pain and antipyretic. Its flowers are bitter, helpful in reducing body heat and are painful.
Name of Akarkara Tree in Different Languages
Botanical name of Akarkara- Anacyclus pyrethrum (Syn-Anacyclus officinarum Hayne. Anarkara is of Asteraceae clan. Akarakara is called Pellitory Root in English. But different provinces of India are called by different names, such as-
- Sanskrit-Shakarabhaka, Akalak;
- Hindi-anarkara;
- Urdu-Akarakaraha (Aaqarqarha);
- Kannada-Akkalkari (Akkalkari);
- Gujrati-Akorkaro (Akorkaro);
- Tamil- Akkirakaram (Akkirakaram), Akarkaram (Akarkaram);
- Telegu-Akarakaramu (Akarakaramu);
- Bengali-Akarkara (Akarkara);
- Nepali-Akarakara (Akarakara);
- Malayalam- Akkalkara (Akkalkara), Akkikkaruka.
- English-Spanish Pellitory,
- Arbi-akaraqaha (Aqarqarha), akarqaraha (Aqarqarha), Adul-qaraha (Audul-qarha);
- Persian- Behmpabri (Behampabri).
Treats impotence and erectile dysfunction
Akarkara is a good remedy for treating impotence and erectile dysfunction and it does not increase blood pressure either.
Helps with toothache
Akarkara root powder is very useful as a light massage with camphor helps in toothache. To reduce toothache, one can use it with black pepper, Ajwain Khorasani and Vidanga.
Common cold treats
Akarkara root powder along with black pepper and long black pepper helps in curing the common cold. It has antiviral properties which reduces all the symptoms of flu and reduces nasal congestion.
Epilepsy and seizures
Another benefit of the root of Akarkara is that it is used as an adjuvant to cure epilepsy and seizures. Studies have shown that its basic extract works protective so it helps prevent Caesars.
Treats loss of libido
It stimulates the desire and increases blood flow to the genitals. Akarkara has aphrodisiacs, libido stimulants and spermatogenic actions. It affects the secretion of androgens and increases their formation. Akarkara increases fertility, increases the number of sperm and improves the libido of men.
Fixes mouth problems
Chewing a flower of Akarkara provides relief from toothache. It is an analgesic that is helpful in treating toothache.
Improve sexual health
Akarkara increases blood flow to the genitals, enhances sexual desire, delays ejaculation and corrects the loss of libido in men. It also accelerates the retention of semen.
Treats speaking apraxia in children
Aqueraca can be mixed with honey and Acorus calamus and massage this mixture on the tongue for treatment in children.
For fever
Akarkara powder may also be beneficial in fever . One research has said that acaracra can be used for years in typhus fever. Actually, it has anti-viral and anti-bacterial effects, due to which it can serve as a way to reduce fever. For this reason, it is advisable to take arachnur in mild fever.
To increase memory
Akarkara has memory enhancing activity. For this reason, it can be used to increase memory. Indeed, ethanolic extracts of aquera can improve memory by increasing the level of cholinesterase in the brain. Cholinesterase is a type of enzyme found in the central nervous system, nervous tissue, muscles, and red cells.
Akarkara powder can also be used to reduce hiccups . A mixture of half a teaspoon of Akarkara powder and honey can be beneficial in case of hiccups. In scientific research, it is not clear what properties of Akarkara are helpful in preventing hiccups.
For teeth
This Ayurvedic herb Akarkara can also be used to keep teeth out of problems. Akarkara has (salivary) effect, which can relieve toothache . It can also help in relieving dental caries, tooth loosening and pyorrhea . For this reason, Akarkara powder can also be used in herbal toothpaste .
To overcome mild vertigo and lethargy
If you are disturbed by mild dizziness and lethargy, then Akarkara can be consumed. It is popularly believed that to get rid of lethargy and to get rid of mild dizziness, one can eat a little bit of honey powder in honey.
Menstrual problem
Akarkara can reduce the problem of irregular and delayed menstruation. Also, it is considered helpful to cure stagnant menstruation. Actually, Akarkara acts like an emmenagogue, which can act to increase the menstrual flow .