Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- December 16, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Diet Chart for Menopause
Foods to be Consumed | Foods to be avoided | |
Fruits | Banana, apple, papaya, pineapple, mango, amla. | All canned and packaged fruits. |
Vegetables | Beans, cabbage, pumpkin, potatoes, tomato, green leafy vegetables, mustard greens. | Overcooked vegetables, frozen vegetables, red and green chilli. |
Grains | Oatmeals, whole wheat, brown rice. | White rice, noodles, pasta, maggie, macroni. |
Legumes | All pulses, legumes, soybean, nutri nuggets. | Dried and frozen pulses. |
Spices | Fennel, cumin, coriander, black pepper, turmeric. | Red chillies. |
Oils | Cow ghee, olive oil, mustard oil, soybean. | Cream, palm oil, butter. |
Nuts | Raisins, almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, sesame seeds. | Peanuts, pistachio. |
Dairy Product | Soya milk, tofu, low fat milk. | Whole milk, condensed milk, cheese. |
Beverage | Almond milk, wheat grass juice, coconut water, buttermilk. | Canned fruit juice, canned soups. |
- December 16, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Diet Chart for Insomnia Patients
Foods to be Consumed | Foods to be avoided | |
Fruits | Grapes, apple, pear, orange, mango, papaya. | Canned fruits. |
Vegetables | Spinach, carrot, cabbage, pumpkin, mushroom, turnip. | Canned vegetables. |
Grains | Brown rice, millet, oats, corns, whole wheat. | Refined flour, refined grains. |
Legumes | All lentils, beans and legumes. | Frozen and dried pulses. |
Spices | All spices. | Red chillies. |
Oils | Cow ghee, olive oil, soybean oil. | Hydrogenated and unsaturated oil. |
Nuts | Walnuts, almonds, cashews, flax seeds. | All nuts taken in limit. |
Dairy Product | Low fat milk, low fat yoghurt, buttermilk. | Tea, coffee, high fat milk. |
Beverage | Home made juices, coconut water, herbal tea. | Carbonated drinks, alcohol. |
- December 16, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Diet Chart for Tonsilitis Patients
Foods to be Consumed | Foods to be avoided | |
Fruits | Apple, cranberry, litchi, papaya. | orange, peach, grapes, mango. |
Vegetables | Broccoli ,cabbage, asparagus, mushroom, peas, potato, ginger. | Okra, eggplant, taro roots. |
Grains | Barley, rye, corn, wheat. | White rice. |
Dairy Product | Cow ghee. | Palm oil, butter, cheese, condensed milk. |
Legumes | All pulses and legumes. | Nil. |
Nuts | Almonds, raisins, walnut, peanuts. | Nil. |
Oils | Cow ghee. | Butter, cheese, condensed milk. |
Spices | Black pepper, cardamom, cumin, fennel. | Nil. |
Beverage | Coconut water, home made soups, herbal tea. | Canned soups, carbonated drinks, tea, coffee. |
Patient Story – Rahul Sharma, Suffering from ulcerative colitis
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Rahul Sharma is a young boy 24 years old who is native from Jammu , he is a college student and is studying in Jammu only his father is a shop keeper. After having a joyful life he had to suffer a lot for past 2-3 years when the first symptom of ulcerative colitis appeared
It all began with loose motions, stomach pain along with blood and mucus. Earlier when the complaint was not severe Rahul ignored it but the problem keep on increasing and disturb his day to day life he went to his mother and told everything about the condition. His mom got him tested to the modern lab and lab technician after hearing his complain did his colonoscopy. After reports come it was confirmed that Rahul was suffering from ULCERATIVE COLITIS.
As the parents are totally unaware about the diseases, they went to gastro specialist in Jammu after getting appointment. Doctor Nitin prescribe some steroid medication by telling him that it work more quickly. They just said yes for steroidal treatment because he just wanted to be in normal condition as soon as possible.
Doctor continued giving him steroid for 3 months but the change desired by Rahul never came. He left the doctor when no change was seen and shifted to another doctor in Jammu only but those proved to be futile and he got irritated as he was facing too much problem. He have to go to the washroom 15-20 times a day which made him very weak, he was unable to eat much or able to digest it and problem of bleeding also increase.
One of his best friend suggested him to take ayurvedic treatment and both went to an Ayurvedic clinic in Jammu and took 3 month remedy in one go as he was embarrassed to come out of his house. His studies were badly hampered. Ayurvedic medicines deteriorated the whole condition, enhancing the symptoms. Symptoms became more severe and weakness increases. Now they were a point where they didn’t know what to do.
But her mom is strong lady who watched many cures of UC on you tube and reached a placed called CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTRE. The place had its reputation as one of the top ayurvedic hospital in north India with 131 year experience and having their own medicinal formulation and very good reputation in foreign also. They got number for online consultation they call on that number and CAC doctor pick the call and guide her very well regarding ayurvedic treatment they are giving . She was very convinced and decided to come to CHANDIGARH.
THEN NEXT WEEK they took appointment and came to CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTRE. They met with DR KARANVIR and doctor prescribe him UC CARE KIT and some dietary changes, and told him to strictly follow the diet chart, otherwise it will deteriorate the condition. Rahul was ready to do everything because hi just want to be in normal condition. They took medicines of 15 days first and and went back to home
After taking 15 days medicines he start feeling a bit relief which gain his faith in the medicines. Rahul and his mother visited CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTRE again were very happy took medication for one month this time, after taking medicines for 3 consecutive moths he was 80% cured . He was very happy. After 3 month both his parents come and saying thank you to doctor for such a wonder and they lose the hope to see their son back living normal life.
Detox Premium Powder
These are herbal-mineral sachet contain various ingredients used for the formation of these sachets are prawal pishti, shukta pishti, Giloy satv, kehrva pishti, Jahar Mohra pishti, sutshekhar ras, shankh bhasma, kamdudha ras, moti bhasma that in combination provide good relief on the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis patients.
- Shukta pishti: antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties
- Prawal pishti: It is made from coral calcium that reduces bleeding associated with ulcerative colitis patients.
- Giloy satv: This herbal satv remove all toxins from the body. It reduces excessive Pitta from the body associated with ulcerative colitis.
- Jahar Mohra pishti: The antidiarrheal property of this pishti stops loose stools
- Kehrva pishti: This pishti provides good results in rectal bleeding, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and abdominal inflammation
- Sutshekhar ras: This preparation reduces bloating & gastritis. It provides calming effect on the body.
- Akik pishti: It is a mineral-based medicine that reduces excessive heat, weakness, & general debility.
- Kamdudha ras: This ras is beneficial in burning sensation, loose stools, bleeding tendencies related to ulcerative colitis patients.
- Moti bhasma: The anti-inflammatory property of this herb reduces inflammation in the body.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
Ulcer Heal Tablet :
It protect the endothelial layer, cure ulcers, and restores body metabolism.
Recommended Dosage : Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water 30 mins after a meal.
Kutaja Ghan Vati
It is an herbal formulation that is safe without any side effects. It is prepared from ingredients like Kutaj, Shankh bhasma, & Musta. These ingredients help to treat chronic diarrhea associated with ulcerative colitis. It is also helpful in ama digestion i.e. removal of toxins from the body, rectal bleeding, colon inflammation and abdominal cramps.
Recommended Dosage : Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water 30 mins after a meal.
Stop Bleeding Tablets
It helps to stop or reduce heavy bleeding. when there is bleeding, the body forms clots to stop the bleeding. in some of these clots leads to bleeding after breakage ,these tablets have anti-inflammatory, pain killer, anticoagulant properties. It also pacifies pitta doshas and helps in detoxification of rakta dhatu (blood tissue).
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meal.
Amalpitmishran Syrup
It is pure herbal combination consist of ingredients like Vasa( Adhatoda vasica), Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia), Neem(Azadirachta indica), Bhringraj(Eclipta alba), Haritaki(Terminalia chebula), Bahera(Terminalia bellirica), Amla(Emblica officinalis), Yashtimadhu(Glycyrrhiza glabra), Mukta shukta bhasam, etc. In ayurveda its uses are in hyperacidity, gastritis, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain and anorexia. It mainly balances vitiated pitta doshas.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
Digestion Support Tablet:
This tablet is unique blend of best digestive herbs like kutaz chal, bilav, dhania, mustak, shankh bhasm, piper mint, and dadim that maintain natural Ph balance in the stomach and aid digestion of all types of food. The herbs present in this control acidity, gas, flatulence and constipation.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
Sheet Dhara Syrup
This herbal syrup is prepared from ingredients such as ajwain satav, mushak kapoor, peppermint, etc that naturally relieve the symptoms like bloating, blenching, nausea, vomiting, feeling of discomfort, etc. The regular use of this herbal syrup neutralizes the high acid content, reduces abdominal pain, & cramps.
Recommended dosage: Take half teaspoonful of this syrup in half a cup of water. Drink this mixture twice daily on an empty stomach.
Patient Story – Krishna Murti, Suffering from Skin Problems
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
A patient Krishna murti 72 year old had visited our clinic (Chandigarh Ayurved Centre) in November . He was scratching all over his body from the entrance till he reaches the OPD . While giving the history of his disease he is restless due to the itching problem .
He told in the history that the itching stated 1 year back on back and legs and was very mild and gradually increase day by day and he develop a habit of itching all over the time . Firstly he tried many home remedies but didn’t do them properly , then once it reaches to the level which make him awake from the sleep during night he got worried and decided to visit a doctor. Then on the very next morning he went to the nearby hospital and see the doctor . He provide some medication for the itching as well to reduce the dryness of the skin . During the starting days of treatment he had some relief and was satisfied with the treatment but as soon as he stop taking medication his disease came back with a severe attack . Then he again visited the doctor and ask him about is it curable or not , and the doctor shows a light of hope to him . He again took the medication and get relief during the starting days but the disease reoccurred as soon as the days passes . He then switch to another and took the medication prescribed by the doctor but no longer time relief . He then keep on changing the doctors with some change in their respective treatment plan .Till now he become hopeless to be fully cured and get rid of this itching problem . He then came to known about the ayurvedic treatment and the panchakarma therapy for the same through his son who is living in Chandigarh . He called him to visit his house so that they could visit Chandigarh Ayurvedic Center to understand about the possibility of treatment in his illness . He then went to his son`s house to visit the clinic for the treatment plan .
On very next morning they visited our clinic with all the reports they had from various hospitals . After examination of patient skin and went through all his reports Vaidya Karanvir Singh suggest him of panchakarma therapy which will cure the problem fully without any side effect . He also told him that panchakarma therapy alone will cure the disease and he need not to take any type of medication . After hearing that the family jumped with joy and happiness and decided to start the therapy from the very same day . He completely explain the family about the therapies ( i.e. Udvartan , Virechan , Lepam ) for next 10 days.
After taking panchakarma therapy for the 10 days he recovered 95 % and was so happy and satisfied with the treatment .
Ayurveda is the natural way to get rid of various disease with no side effect . The medication are 100% herbal and also has panchakarma therapies which help our body and mind to be healthy and disease free , it also eliminate all the toxins out from the body .
1 Udvartan :-
Udvartana is an ayurvedic treatment based on powders composed of minerals, herbs and medicinal species. Although it is true that in the vast majority of abhyanga and other panchakarma treatments the use of medicated oils is essential, in certain cases, dry powder is much more useful and recommended to some patients. So, this type of abhyanga is given the generic name of the Udvartana massage.
Procedure – In Udvartana, dry powder abhyanga is done in such a way that we are elevating the hairs from a ‘downward-pointing direction’ and push them to change their direction and point upwards.
2 Lepam :-
Lepa is the fine paste of the selected drugs used for external application. In Ayurveda lepa is mentioned for both ‘chikitsa’ of various diseases and beauty.
Procedure–The selected herbal drugs are collected and pounded to a fine powder form in a khalvayantra and add the required quantity of water to make a thin paste. The paste is applied to the whole body for a certain period. After the paste gets dry, it is removed with clean cotton and a warm bath is given to the patient. For moisturizing, aloe vera gel is applied to the whole of the body
3 Virechan :-
Virechana is a Sanskrit word that means “laxative” or “purging” and may refer to any substance used to induce purging. It mainly includes the administration of purgative substances for the cleansing of pitta through the lower pathways.
Procedure –This therapy involves the intake of Ayurvedic and herbal medicines that destroy the doshas and toxin from the body and bring them to the abdomen. As Pitta is situated at the level of intestines, it is best to expel toxins through the anal route. The Ayurvedic medications that are used for the therapy may vary from person to person depending on the patient’s digestion strength. During the whole treatment, the patient will be subjected to oral intake of Ayurvedic medicines followed by fermentation. The patient will also be subjected to a personalized light and warm diet.
Patient Story – JAUNDICE
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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A young patient with age 20 years visited our clinic with a report of very high billirubin level and deranged liver function test . He look yellowish with a sad face.
He told that the problem started with high grade fever and poor appetite 2 months back . He thought he might had eaten something wrong and catch the infection . But when there is no relief for 3 to 4 days the family took him to the nearby hospital .The doctor immediately after looking his eyes and skin tell the family about the jaundice and advise some blood test , after the result of the reports came he confirm the diagnosis . He prescribe several medication with a hope of cure of disease . But a week of taking the medication his condition worsen and also the level of his billirubin increase . Then they again rush to the hospital and after seeing his condition as well as the result of blood report the doctor advise him to get hospitalized . The family get worried about the condition of the child and decide to hospitalized him for the time being .
After 3 to 4 days when they observe there is no improvement on the condition and the report of the patient family couldn’t understand what to do or not .
At the same day one of their relative visit the boy to the hospital to ask about well being . Their he came to known about the situation and worry of the family . He then advise the family to switch to ayurveda for the betterment of the boy . They then search on internet and came to known about the CHANDIGARHAYURVEDCENTRE which has ayurvedic treatment and the panchakarma therapy . Then they called up the no given on the site and had a talk with our doctor . The doctor asked them about the history of the patient and also all the reports which they had during there several visit to the hospital . After getting satisfactory response on the phone and assority of well being of there child they immediately shift him the hospital . They took him to our centre ( Chandigarh Ayurved Centre ) where Vaidya Karanvir Singh examine the patient and go through all the reports with them , he then told the family about the condition of the patient and also give hope to cure the disease fully . The family jumped with joy and show full faith towards him for their Childs health . He then prescribe the medication to the boy for only one week and tell them to review after the completion of the coarse . After one week when he visited the clinic with his family he has a light of happiness over his face . When they show his report to the doctor the billirubin is 7 points decreased and also the health of the patient get improved . His appetite improves , no fever with mild yellowish micturation along with mild discoloration of skin . Then he took one more week medication and visited after the another week medication get completed . Now he look more happier with a report of further decrease of billirubin level .
Ayurveda is the most safest way of being healthy and disease free . The herbs used in formation of ayurvedic treatment are all herbal products with no side effect . Ayurveda also blessed with the panchakarma therapy which is very helpful to cure any type of disease . Now a days the life style of the people become so much tensed that they forget even to get time for their own health and body. Ayurveda help people to be naturally healthy with body and mind .
1 Liver Care Tablet :-
It help in proper functioning of the liver and also stimulates the growth of new liver cells . This tablet contain ingredients like kalmegh , Bhumi amla , Kutaki , Giloy , Imli Kshar , Yavakshar , , Mukta shukta pisti , Imli kshar etc . These herbs balances excess pitta Dosha and help in problem like abdominal bloating , flatulence , abdominal pain , loss of appetite and indigestion .
2 Liver Care Syrup :-
This syrup help in balancing Pitta dosha . This syrup enhances regeneration of liver cells , improved blood flow from the liver and promote function of liver .It help in treatment of fatty liver , hepatitis , hepatomegaly , liver cirrhosis , obstructive jaundice . It contain ingredient like Kalmegh , Bhumi amla , Kutaki , Giloy , Yavakshar , Imli Kshar , Mukta Shukta pisti , etc . These herb show antioxidant , Hepato- protective , anti inflammatory properties . This also improves digestion and enhances appetite .
3 Detox Premium Powder :-
This powder contain a mixture of ingredients such as– Jahar mohra, Akik pishti, Giloy satva, Tal sindoor, Parwal pishti, etc. It clears away the toxins from the body and stimulates the function of the liver and increases the flow of bile.
Trikatu means 3 most essential species –Maricha , Pippali and Sonth . It is an herbal formulation used for enhancing effects and increasing the absorption of ayurvedic medicines. It has hot potency, which means its intake results in the production of heat in the body and increases digestive juices and bile salt secretion. Trikatu tablet promotes the bioavailability of nutrients and increases the absorption of drugs in the bloodstream.
This churna is made up of mainly 2 ingredients Bhumiamala and Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa), which has the best results in the condition of Jaundice. It detoxifies the liver and brings down the SGOT and SGPT levels. It also increases the production and excretion of bile and is effective in gall bladder cleanser. The churna balances the aggravated Pitta and helps in nourishing the liver.
UTI Care Tablet is an herbal formulation of Sajjakshar , Gokshura , Punarnava , etc. The capsule cures the flow of urine, relieves the burning sensation, swelling, pain, and discomfort. UTI Care Tablets are also beneficial in kidney stones, chronic kidney disease, Renal colic, burning sensation or pain during micturition, Hypertension.
Patient Story – Shivansh, Suffering from Eczema
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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A boy Shivansh 24 years , he was having problem of eczema since birth, he start taking treatment from the age of 7 years , he started his treatment from ivy hospital Mohali for 2 years , got temporary relief , but not totally satisfied, then his parent decided to shift him from allopathic medicines to homeopathic medicines
On march 2007 they went to Mumbai for homeopathic treatment, they took treatment from Dr. Nair, after 2 month treatment they got 30% relief they were quite happy, we decided to continue treatment, after continuing treatment condition remain at 30% only, then they left the treatment as it is not possible for child to take that much medicines, so they stop medicines and went back to Chandigarh.
Then for next 3-5 years they took no treatment and try some home remedies for eczema, but problem keep on increasing itching increase, there is lots of res patches which spread to whole body Small, raised bumps, which may leak fluid and crust over when scratched, all these symptoms keep on increasing.
Then when the patient was in 8th standard in 2016 , his family shifted to Guwahati and there they again started allopathic medicine in multispecialty hospital, they continue their treatment for 3 years but got mild relief.
Then after getting so many treatment they get totally upset one day searching on net about treatment of eczema there they come through some patient reviews who got treated through ayurvedic treatment from Chandigarh Ayurvedic Centre. They took online consultation with doctor , doctor consult him and explain him about the diseases in ayurvedic aspect, how herbal medicines will work. After getting satisfactory response his family decided give it a chance. As Chandigarh is the home town they come as there work is over from Guwahati .
On 29 august 2020 they came to CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTRE and meet with Dr karanvir Singh, he consulted him guide him with medicines and panchkarma therapies.
For medicines DOCTOR priscribe him“eczema care kit” which contain
Detox Premium Powder:
The eczema sachet consists of various herbo-mineral preparations in it.
Parwal Pishti: This Pishti is prepared from natural coral calcium processed with rose water. It reduces the inflammation in the eczema patients.
Shukta Pishti: It contains pearl oyster shell calcium processed in different ways. This Pishti balances the pitta dosha in the body.
Giloy Satv: This satv is prepared from the herb Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). The antioxidant nature of this herb removes all toxins out from the body.
Gandhak Rasayana: The main ingredient in this is purified sulphur that acts as a blood purifier. This rasayana deal with all signs and symptoms related to eczema.
Tal Sindoor: It is an herbal medicine that contains ingredients like Shuddha parade, Gandhak, Shuddha haratal, and Aloe vera that treat various skin diseases.
Sudhyog Tab: These are herbal tablets that provide very effective result in eczema patients.
Moti Pishti: This is an ayurvedic preparation that shows anti-inflammatory properties. As it reduces inflammation in eczema patients.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with plain water.
Blood Purifier Syrup:
The herbal syrup is prepared from herbs like Khadir Chall (Acacia catechu), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Harad (Terminalia bellirica), Baheda (Terminalia chebula), & Amla (Emblica officinalis) that acts as a natural blood purifier. This herbal syrup reduces redness, itchiness, swelling on the skin.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
Panchtikat Ghrit Guggul:
This herbal preparation contain ingredients like Neem (Azadirachta indica), Patola (Trichosanthes dioica), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), Patha (Cissampelos pariera), Vidanga (Embelia ribes), etc that relieves all skin diseases. It balances Pitta & Kapha dosha in the body.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water.
Twak churna:
Twak Churna balances all the three doshas of your body. It help reduce symptoms of various skin diseases like ECZEMA, PSORIASIS, cure FRECKLES, and other skin allergies. It help reduce Pigmentation of skin, MELASMA over face and Acne along with Urticaria, Cellulites and all kinds of Dermatitis. It contain ingredients like Yashtimadhu and Manjishtha that possess antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoon twice daily with normal water.
Neembadi tablet:
Neem tablet is pure Ayurvedic formulation. It is prepared from the standard extract of herb Neem (Azadirachta indica). Neem herb is widely used to cure acute to chronic Skin problems such as Pimples, Itching, Dryness, Blemishes, Dark spots, Pigmentation, Scars, etc. Neem leaves are rich in Vitamin-E, Fatty acids & emollients. It is such a wonderful herb that is easily available and shows Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-microbial, Antifungal, Antiseptic properties. Neem cleanses the pores and protects the skin from various infections, Psoriasis, Eczema, Leprosy, Skin ulcers.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
- Twak Basti – Basti has a great healing capability and is considered to be the half treatment for many diseases. The treatment is mainly used for removing out loosened doshas from the body via the intestinal tract. In Ayurveda, there are many types of Basti or medicated enema. Twak Basti is prepared from teekshan dravyas and medicinal plant substitutes. Twak Basti improves your skin disorders and maintains a good complexion of the skin. It is a combination of Giloy, Manjistha, Neem, etc herbal plants.
- SSPS (Shasti shali pinda sweda): In this procedure medicated rice along with medicated oil and Manjisthadi powder is used on the full body. It is very effective and has good results in your body. Medicinal properties of these herbs help in curing itching, skin complexion, redness of the skin, and many more skin problems.
- Lepam: A freshly prepared medicinal herbal Lepam is applied on the affected part of the body. This Lepam helps in burning sensation of the skin. A medicinal powder called Manjisthadi powder is used in this therapy. This powder is very effective in eczema and any kind of skin disorder.
- Anuvasna Basti: In this procedure, Basti is prepared from pippliyadi tailam & administered to patients. It provides effective results to the eczema patients.
After taking medicines and panchkarma therapies for 3 months he was very much satisfies and got 70% relief. His parents were very happy with the response of medicines and therapy.
Patient Story – Moh. Asif, Suffering from Ulcerative Colitis
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Moh. Asif is patiet from maharastra, his age is 45yrs, in march 2017 he start facing problem of indigestion, gas acidity but he ignore it with increase in time he start facing more and more symptoms like going to toilet 10-15 times a day, cramps in abdomen and sometime mucous in stool and bleeding also , he took medicine from nearby mbbs doctor he prescribed him , antacid and loperamide, he took medicine for 2-3 weeks but get no satisfactory results, he started seeing a physician for ulcerative colitis in Mumbai. In starting doctor prescribe him medicines of piles. But no result found. Various medicines and other treatments did not help. He started seeing gastroenterologist Dr. Rupalia in Hindu mahasabha hosp. Mumbai she told him to do colonoscopy, after reports he diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and also tell that he have to continue the treatment for lifetime.
His first treatment was with suppositories, which he found extremely uncomfortable, hard to put in, and hard to hold. For the next 5-6 months he was treated with rounds of prednisone and mesalamine (mesacoll) OD. This was awful as he had terrible ups and downs with prednisone, and every time he started to feel better he start feeling sick again. He finally switched to many doctors to and every doctor tell to take treatment for lifetime, he was not at all satisfied by the treatment.
The he move to homeopathic medicines, he took homeopathic medicines for 6 month, in starting he got some relief and no satisfactory result found
Then he shifted to ayurvedic treatment in Mumbai, he took medicines for 3 months, but still gain no satisfactory result
From he again shifted to allopathic medicines to some other gastroenteritis in Mumbai only they started Asacol and Prednisone to four months of infusions. Nothing helped. It tempered the issue for a time, but the ulcers continued to cause constant problems.
During the worst time he was sleeping on intervals of two hours at a time. He was exhausted. He was going to the bathroom at least 15-20 times a day.
Since he has tried everything,
He then see some reviews of ulcerative patient of planet aurveda (Mohali). In April 2019 he took medicines from planet Ayurveda, they promise him to treat ulcerative colitis in one month, he thought for trying this also, he took medicines from them for 6 months from April 2019-september 2019 . In September 2019 he got admitted in hospital as the condition become so severe to HOLY FAMILY HOSPITAL MUMBAI.
Condition became so severe that if he sit he is not able to stand.
Them he shifted to princeadicon hospital Mumbai, he was much satisfies with the treatment, but they put him on steroids, he felt somewhat relief from that,
Then one of his friend from CHANDIGAH MANPREET SINGH, he suggested him to come to CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTRE, firstly he refused an he lost trust on Ayurveda. He influenced him to take medicines fron VAIDYA KARANVIR SINGH (CAC)
From 3rd September 2020 he start taking medicines from CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTRE in about 3 months he has got 70-80% relief, steroids has been stopped , enema stopped . He is very much satisfied from them medicines.
Detox Premium Powder
These are herbal-mineral sachet contain various ingredients used for the formation of these sachets are prawal pishti, shukta pishti, Giloy satv, kehrva pishti, Jahar Mohra pishti, sutshekhar ras, shankh bhasma, kamdudha ras, moti bhasma that in combination provide good relief on the signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis patients.
- Shukta pishti: antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties
- Prawal pishti: It is made from coral calcium that reduces bleeding associated with ulcerative colitis patients.
- Giloy satv: This herbal satv remove all toxins from the body. It reduces excessive Pitta from the body associated with ulcerative colitis.
- Jahar Mohra pishti: The antidiarrheal property of this pishti stops loose stools
- Kehrva pishti: This pishti provides good results in rectal bleeding, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and abdominal inflammation
- Sutshekhar ras: This preparation reduces bloating & gastritis. It provides calming effect on the body.
- Akik pishti: It is a mineral-based medicine that reduces excessive heat, weakness, & general debility.
- Kamdudha ras: This ras is beneficial in burning sensation, loose stools, bleeding tendencies related to ulcerative colitis patients.
- Moti bhasma: The anti-inflammatory property of this herb reduces inflammation in the body.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
Ulcer Heal Tablet :
It protect the endothelial layer, cure ulcers, and restores body metabolism.
Recommended Dosage : Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water 30 mins after a meal.
Kutaja Ghan Vati
It is an herbal formulation that is safe without any side effects. It is prepared from ingredients like Kutaj, Shankh bhasma, & Musta. These ingredients help to treat chronic diarrhea associated with ulcerative colitis. It is also helpful in ama digestion i.e. removal of toxins from the body, rectal bleeding, colon inflammation and abdominal cramps.
Recommended Dosage : Take 2 tablets twice daily with normal water 30 mins after a meal.
Stop Bleeding Tablets
It helps to stop or reduce heavy bleeding. when there is bleeding, the body forms clots to stop the bleeding. in some of these clots leads to bleeding after breakage ,these tablets have anti-inflammatory, pain killer, anticoagulant properties. It also pacifies pitta doshas and helps in detoxification of rakta dhatu (blood tissue).
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily with plain water after meal.
Amalpitmishran Syrup
It is pure herbal combination consist of ingredients like Vasa( Adhatoda vasica), Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia), Neem(Azadirachta indica), Bhringraj(Eclipta alba), Haritaki(Terminalia chebula), Bahera(Terminalia bellirica), Amla(Emblica officinalis), Yashtimadhu(Glycyrrhiza glabra), Mukta shukta bhasam, etc. In ayurveda its uses are in hyperacidity, gastritis, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain and anorexia. It mainly balances vitiated pitta doshas.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
Digestion Support Tablet:
This tablet is unique blend of best digestive herbs like kutaz chal, bilav, dhania, mustak, shankh bhasm, piper mint, and dadim that maintain natural Ph balance in the stomach and aid digestion of all types of food. The herbs present in this control acidity, gas, flatulence and constipation.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
Sheet Dhara Syrup
This herbal syrup is prepared from ingredients such as ajwain satav, mushak kapoor, peppermint, etc that naturally relieve the symptoms like bloating, blenching, nausea, vomiting, feeling of discomfort, etc. The regular use of this herbal syrup neutralizes the high acid content, reduces abdominal pain, & cramps.
Recommended dosage: Take half teaspoonful of this syrup in half a cup of water. Drink this mixture twice daily on an empty stomach.
Advice he give to patients like him “Try not to be embarrassed or stressed by your symptoms. When I first got sick, I tried to hide all of my symptoms from my friends and family, which just caused more confusion, anxiety, and pain. Also, don’t lose hope. There are so many treatments. Finding your individual balance of treatment options is key, and patience and good doctors will get you there and taking proper care of your diet is very important, as diet plays very important role in curing ulcerative colitis and few edibles which we take in our daily live like milk is avoided so proper medicine along with proper diet is ver much important”.
Back Pain Treatment
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Back Pain Treatment – Back pain can be caused by any reason, such as lifting heavy objects, heavy workouts, sitting for long periods, etc. In the state of pain, one does not focus on anything. In such a situation, some home remedies can give you immediate relief from this condition.
Choose any of these, mustard oil, olive oil, lavender oil, and massage it on the waist by heating it lightly. In the meantime, massage the spine with a slight pressure on the spine. Massage directly in circular motion as well. This will give you relief from pain in a short time.
Epsom Salt
Pour a bowl of Epsom salt into a bathtub filled with lukewarm water. Stay in the bathtub as long as the water is hot. You will be able to feel pain reduction as soon as you exit.
Fenugreek seeds
Take one spoon of fenugreek seeds and make powder of it. Now mix it in a glass of warm milk and add a teaspoon of honey together. Drink while taking it. In one hour you will feel relaxed in back pain.
Regardless of the pain, turmeric proves effective. Mix one teaspoon turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk and drink it slowly. Sleep this drink at night and in the morning your pain will have disappeared.
Take one to two inch piece of ginger and grind it. Pour it in a cup of warm water and mix one teaspoon of honey together. Drink it with a kiss. Ginger has a compound called gingerol which has properties for reducing inflammation and relieving pain.
Take 8 to 10 buds of garlic and make a paste. Apply this paste on the waist. Dip a towel in warm water and squeeze it. Keep this towel on top of the waist portion with garlic paste. After keeping for 20-30 minutes, clean the part of the waist.
Compress with towel
When you have severe pain in your waist and do not have any massage, then add salt to the warm water and soak a towel in it and squeeze it. Now with this steam emitting towel, lightly loosen it on your waist.
-Keep you dressed in pure cotton during this time. Also, keep in mind that Sikai never do directly on the skin, but there should be a layer of cotton cloth on top of your skin.
Do not place hot bottles or towels directly on the skin
Take a break from the seat
Due to today’s work from home, most of the women are busy with work at home and then work for hours at one place. This is also increasing the problem of back pain. The way to avoid this is to take breaks in between.
– Do not compromise between your home and office responsibilities with your free-time or me-time. It is very important to give yourself time to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy.
Travel doesn’t hurt you
– There is no situation to travel anywhere. But if you have started driving by yourself and go to office, then you should notice that the seat of your car is not very soft.
Domestic ways to avoid Lu and Luz motion
-In addition to the right seat of the car, your seating position should also be correct. Due to this, the flow of blood remains in the body smoothly. Neither hurts pain nor fatigue quickly.
Calcium diet
After 30 in the body of women, calcium deficiency starts after 45 in the body of men. Therefore it is important that you include calcium rich food in your diet. You can also take calcium supplements if you want. This will help keep you away.
Sit comfortably while sitting in the right posture-chair. The back needs to get support of the chair. Your hand also needs to be supported. Get up from the chair after every one hour, so that the physical condition changes. Refresh the body by stretching in the middle of work. Make sure that your place of work is comfortable ,avoid sudden bending, keep the posture correct while sitting.
Keep in mind these things while working on the computer – If you are working on laptop and desktop, then the top part of these things should be in the 90 degree angle of your eye. The mouse should also be at a 90 degree angle. Do not bend the neck while using a mobile phone, just keep an eye down.
Walking – While calling anyone, call while walking. It is better to send a text message to someone in the office, go to their desk and talk. With this excuse you will take some steps.
Be careful while lifting weights – Do not sit down completely while lifting weights. Let the heavy weight come near your body and only then lift it. If you do not do this, you may have backache.
Healthy eating habits: Right eating habits not only help in maintaining healthy weight but also reduces excess pressure on the body.
The right way to sleep- By making a normal change in your sleeping method, you can reduce the pressure on your back, the best way to sleep is to sleep on the side and keep a pillow between your legs.
Reduce mental stress – People really understand that stress increases back / back pain, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, etc. help to relieve stress and keep the mind calm.
Do not smoke- Smoking increases the current problem of back pain greatly. Quitting smoking not only reduces the risk of back pain but it also helps in curing cancer, diabetes and other lifestyle related diseases.
Do regular exercise and yoga- Yoga and exercise are the best ways to keep the body flexible and maintain good body posture. Regular yoga reduces stress and maintains the mental and physical health of the body as a whole.
Salabhasana – First lie down on your stomach. Keep both hands under your thigh. While inhaling the breath, raise the first right leg slowly upward without turning for a few seconds and then keep the right foot in the same position and raise the left side upward like the right foot. Keep in mind that in every case your chin should be attached to the ground. Exhale and come to full position. You repeat the sequence according to your ability.
Makarasan– Lie on the abdomen and bend the elbows of the hand and keep the chin on the palms very straight. Try pulling the ankles of both feet from the hip while slowly taking long breaths. Exhale and return to the previous position.
Dhanurasana– The simple meaning of this asana is to bend the body like a bow. Lie on your stomach and bend the knee of both feet and bring it above the hip and hold both the claws with both hands. Inhale, lift up slowly and make a bow-like composition. During this, look at the front keeping the neck straight. After stopping slowly, return to the former position while exhaling slowly.
Bhujangasana – that is, a snake-like posture spread out. In this case also, like the previous posture, lie on your stomach and place the palms on the side of the chest and raise the elbow slightly by raising the elbow while raising the head, filling the breath in the chest. The navel should be close to the ground. Fold the head backwards. Stop a little and get back to the previous position.
Mercatasan- This asana is considered best for back pain. To do this posture, first lie down on your back. Spread both hands in the direction of the shoulder. Keep your palms open, bend both legs from the knee, now bend the legs to the right and fold the neck to the left. Try for 5-6 seconds.
Similarly, by turning the legs on the left side, keep the neck right.
- December 12, 2020
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Dronapushpi has many names. Dronapushpi is also called Gumadledona, Goya, Morapati, Dhurpisag. You may have seen the Dronapushpi plant near or around your homes. It is produced everywhere during the rainy season. Rubbing Dronapushpi plant gives a basil-like smell. Do you know that Dronapushpi is a very good herb, and has many medicinal properties. Do you know that Dronpushpi benefits and uses are available in fever, vata dosha, typhoid, insomnia. Do you know that in neurological disorder, hysteria, herpes, itching, etc., the medicinal properties of Dronopushi are also benefited.
Dronpushpi benefits and side effects
Many good things have been told about the quality of Dronapushpi in Ayurveda, which you need to know, because you can take advantage of the medicinal properties of Dronapushpi in inflammation of the pores, arthritis, anemia, jaundice etc. Apart from this, you can also take benefit from Dronopathy in case of indigestion, cough, cold, eye diseases, headache, and scorpion stings. Let us know here one by one how many diseases are benefited by consuming or using Dronpushpi, as well as knowing what can be the side effects of Dronpushpi.
Name of Dronpushpi in other languages
Botanical name of Dronapushpi Leucas cephalotus (Roth) Spreng. (Lucus cephalotus) is Syn-Phlomis cephalotes Roth, and belongs to the Lamiaceae (Lemieceae) clan. Other names of Dronapushpi are: –
Dronpushpi in –
English- Gumadledona, Goya, Morapati, Dhurpisag
Sanskrit-Dronapushpi, Phalupushpa, Palindi, Kumbhayonika, Drona
English- Thumbe (Thumbe)
Gujarati-Doshinokubo, Kubo, Kubi
Marathi-Tumba, Devkhumba, Shetvad
Punjabi-Chatra, Guldoda, Maldoda
Tamil- Kocaratacilta, Neyppirkku
Telugu-Peddatumni, Tummi
Bengali-Ghalghase, Barahalkasa
Rajasthani-Udapata, Nidalu kubi
Ayurvedic properties
Karam- vatakapha shamak
Medicinal properties of Dronpushpi
These are the ayurvedic qualities-actions and effects of Dronapushpi: –
Dronapushpi is melodious, bitter, salty, warm, guru, short, sharp, aphrodisiac, phlegmatic, dietary, penetrating, meditative and interesting. Its almanac has vedicidal and inflammatory properties.
Dronpushpi Benefits and Uses
The medicinal properties, quantity and methods of use of Dronapushpi are: –
Treatment of headache with medicinal properties of Dronapushpi
The medicinal properties of Dronapushpi are beneficial in eye diseases. For this, apply the juice of Dronpushpi leaves on the head. With this, take the nasal passages. Headache is cured by this.
Grind the Dronapushpi almanac. Mix black marich powder in it and apply on the forehead. Headache is also cured by this.
Benefits of Dronpushpi in cold and cold
Make a decoction of Dronapushpi and steam it. Use this decoction during bathing. It is beneficial in winter.
Mix equal quantity of ginger juice and honey in 10 ml gum leaf juice. It is beneficial in cold and cold.
Make a decoction by mixing equal quantity of vanafsha and liquorice powder in 5-10 grams of Dronapushpi leaves. Mixing sugar candy in 10-30 ml decoction is useful to cure cold and catarrh.
Read more: The use of celery in cold and cold is beneficial
Dronpushpi Uses to Treat Eye Disease
Grind Dronapushpi with washed rice water. Take 1-2 drops of it in your nose. It is beneficial in eye diseases. Besides, applying it like mascara is also beneficial in jaundice.
Dronpushpi Benefits in Fighting with Cough
Mix equal quantity of honey in the juice of 5 ml Dronapushpi leaves. Drinking this is beneficial in cough and colds.
Dronpushpi Uses to Treat Indigestion
You can also use Dronapushpi to treat indigestion. Make and eat vegetable of Dronapushpi leaves. It benefits in indigestion, and increases hunger.
Benefits of Dronpushpi for Anemia and Jaundice Treatment
Applying Dronapushpi juice like kajal and taking it through the nose is beneficial in anemia and jaundice. You have to mix equal amounts of honey in 5 ml of juice, and use it.
Mix 500 mg black marich powder and rock salt in 5-10 ml Dronapushpi juice. Taking it thrice a day is beneficial in anemia and jaundice.
Benefits of Dronpushpi for Liver and Spleen Disorder
In liver and spleen disorder take powder of Dronapushpi root. Add one part Pippali powder to it. Taking 1-2 grams is beneficial in liver and spleen disorders.
Benefits of Dronpushpi to Treat Arthritis
Arthritis is cured by making a decoction of Dronapushpi.
Make Dronapushpi almanac. Giving 10-30 ml decoction mixed with 1-2 grams of Pippali powder cures arthritis.
The medicinal properties of Dronpushpi in inflammation of the pore hole (Dronpushpi Benefits for Skin Pore Swelling)
For the treatment of inflammation of the uterine cavity, the use of Dronapushpi is beneficial. Make a leaf of Dronapushpi. Mix it in horse urine. Apply it. This reduces inflammation of the pores.
Herbal medicine for itching and scabies is benefits of Dronpushpi for Itching.
You can also take benefits of Dronapushpi in itching and scabies. Apply with the juice or paste of Dronapushpi leaf. It cures wounds, body irritation, ringworm and itching.
Dronpushpi Uses to Treat Insomnia
Drinking Dronapushpi is beneficial in insomnia. Many Ayurveda teachers use it. Drink 10-20 ml of Dronapushpi seeds decoction. It helps to sleep well.
The medicinal properties of Dronpushpi in hysteria
Dronapushpi is beneficial for hysteria. Make a decoction of Dronapushpi and take bath. This cures hysteria. Do visit an Ayurvedic doctor for better benefits.
Beneficial part of Dronpushpi
These parts of Dronapushpi are used: –
- Almanac
- The leaves
- The root
- seed