Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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When the process of saliva in the mouth is reduced, then dry mouth is the problem of dry mouth. There can be many reasons for this, such as lack of water in the body, starvation or decrease in the amount of fluoride in the water. According to experts, every sixth person definitely struggles with this problem at some time.
What is dry mouth?
The problem of dry mouth is also called Xerostomia. When the salivary glands in our mouth stop making saliva, then the problem of dry mouth arises. The saliva produced in the mouth eliminates the acid created by the bacteria of the teeth, so that there is no problem of worms in the teeth, as well as saliva helps to chew and swallow food easily. In the case of dry mouth disease, eating is the most troublesome.
Dryness of the mouth is also found as a symptom of other diseases, such as-
- Sjogren syndrome
- Diabetes
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Hypertension
- Anemia
- Parkinson’s disease
Causes of Dry Mouth
The first symptom of dry mouth is less saliva in the mouth, so it feels like dry.
- Dehydration (dehydration) is the biggest cause of dryness of the mouth.
- Some allopathic medicines also cause dry mouth problems, such as; Causes of allergy medicines, analgesics and depression medications.
- Cancer problem occurs during chemotherapy in a cancer patient.
- Due to stomach malfunction.
- Injury to any part of the head can cause damage to the nerves, which can lead to dry mouth problems.
Symptoms of Dry Mouth
Apart from the basic symptoms of dry mouth, there are other symptoms, which are as follows-
- Dryness in mouth and throat.
- Foul smell from mouth.
- Having trouble chewing and swallowing food.
- Having problems with teeth in insects.
- Lack of desire to eat and taste of mouth fades.
- Itching in the gums and gums related disorders.
Prevention Tips for Dry Mouth
To avoid the problem of dry mouth, firstly one needs to pay attention to lifestyle and diet style. Keeping them balanced can be avoided to some extent like-
- Eat fruits and vegetables that have high water content, such as cucumber, cucumber, watermelon etc.
- Drink plenty of liquid substances so that there is no problem of dry mouth.
- Minimize the intake of substances like tea and coffee.
- Pay special attention to mouth cleanliness. Clean the teeth well after meals.
- Chew the food properly and eat small amount of water in the middle of the food, so that the problem of dry mouth is not disturbed.
- Do not consume preservative-rich diet, eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Mental illnesses such as Anxiety neurosis are also seen as a problem of dry mouth. So try to live a stressful life.
- To avoid consumption of tobacco, alcohol, smoking etc. This can also cause dry mouth problems.
Home Remedies for Dry Mouth
Generally, to get rid of the problem of dry mouth, first of all home remedies are adopted. Here we will talk about some such home remedies passed by the experts of CAC, by whose use the problem of dry mouth can be reduced to some extent-
- Consumption of red chili is beneficial in the treatment of dry mouth.
- Eat red chillies in a soup or salad. It is a good home remedy for dry mouth. Apply it on the finger and apply it on your tongue, for some time the tongue will burn, but our salivary glands become active.
- Fennel beneficial in the treatment of dry mouth
- Boil one glass of water after adding one spoon of fennel and one spoon of sugar candy. Drinking it is very beneficial in cold mouth dryness. Fennel contains flavonoids which are helpful in the production of saliva.
Lemon and Honey Beneficial in Dry Mouth
Mix well with a few drops of lemon juice and a little honey in a glass of water and drink it in small amounts throughout the day. This will make saliva in the mouth and will not dry the mouth.
Aloe Vera Beneficial in Dry Mouth
Drying of fresh aloe vera juice 20-25 ml every morning on an empty stomach reduces dryness of the mouth.
Cardamom beneficial in the treatment of mouth dryness
Chew one or two seeds of cardamom on dry mouth, it provides relief in dry mouth problem.
Baking soda for dry mouth
Take a glass of water, add a quarter teaspoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of salt and sugar and a few drops of lemon juice and drink. It does not cause dehydration and the problem of dry mouth can be avoided.
Ginger beneficial in the treatment of dry mouth
Ginger is a home remedy to avoid dry mouth. Taking a small piece of ginger in the mouth and chewing it slowly gives relief.
How to use ginger
Intake of Water Beneficial in the treatment of dry mouth
Sprouts recipe
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Grams or pulses or any type of cereal grains are our daily diet, these grains are found in proteins, carbohydrate vitamins A and B, but their nutrient value increases several times after germination (Lentil Sprouts). , Vitamin C is also produced in these donations. Vitamin C is a very big requirement of our body. Sprouted Lentils are rich in fiber, digestive and nutritious.
Cereals are the seeds of grains that take out sprouts in favorable conditions, and also increase the size of the grains.
How to sprout grains
We mostly use these seeds by sprouting, black gram, kabuli gram, soya, whole moong, moth or cowpea beans.
You can use these grains by changing and sprouting them. The grains that need to be sprouted, wash them 2 times with water and immersed in water (water should be 2-3 cm above the grains) and let it soak overnight or for 10-12 hours. (Always use only drinking water to sprout grains)
Take out the grains from the water, cover it in a sieve or wrap it in a thick cotton cloth and place it inside a room in a hot place in a basket. These grains germinate in 24-36 hours.
On the second day you will see that white grains like thread have come out in these grains. If it shoots 1-2 mm. They are ready, then they are ready to eat the grains, if the seedlings are very small then you sprinkle a little water in these grains and let them remain like this for 12 hours, now these seedlings are sufficiently tall (after germination It is necessary to always keep the moisture in the grains). Germination occurs sooner in summer days than in winter, does not germinate at very high or very low temperatures, germination does not occur even if the seeds are not moist or watery.
In these sprouts, the minerals and vitamins remain in full quantity till 7 days after germination, it is good to eat them within 7 days. Sprouts can be eaten raw or boiled both ways in the form of salad, or you can also make them any dish you like.
How to boil Lentil Sprouts
After the seeds have germinated, wash them with water, put them in the cooker and add 2-3 tablespoons of water and salt to taste.
After 1 whistle in the cooker, turn off the gas immediately. Also remove half the pressure of the cooker, (Do not boil the sprouted grains too much, their nutrients are exhausted). On opening the lid of the cooker, remove the sprouts from the cooker and add half a lemon juice to make the seeds tasty, put some chopped coriander on top. Take a salad of sprouts filled with vitamins, serve and eat. You can use this salad for daily meals
If the amount of water in the boiled grains is high, do not throw it away like soup, you can drink it, it contains very nutritious elements.
- Loses weight: The nutritional value of sprouts is high and it is low calorie food. So if you are on diet, do not forget to take it. The fiber present in it reduces the feeling of hunger due to which you control food. This hunger hormone prevents excess release of Ghrelin and relieves obesity.
- Will keep the heart fit: It contains high amount of omega-3 fatty acids which prevents bad cholesterol from increasing. Due to non-complaint of blockage in the mind, it also prevents heart disease such as heart attack and stroke. Potassium eliminates the problem of stretch in the arteries and increases oxygen in the blood.
- Strengthens the Immune System: Vitamin-C increases the number of WBC cells in the body thus strengthening the immune system. Vitamin-A present in it has antioxidant properties which increases its ability to fight against diseases.
- Decreases cancer risk: Antioxidants, vitamin-C, A and protein in it help reduce the risk of cancer by reducing free radicals. Free radicals are very dangerous for heart and aging.
Home Remedies for Dry skin
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Skin is the basis of body beauty. Generally, there are three types of skin, oily, dry and normal, in which dry skin causes more problems and it needs special care. For the treatment of dry skin, the first home remedies (Beauty tips for Dry Skin) are adopted. Because it is less likely to have side effects if used correctly.
Dry skin
Our skin reflects our inner health, that is to say that if the body is healthy, then the skin will also look clean and glowing. A healthy diet can be led by adopting a balanced diet, regular lifestyle, on the contrary, there is a higher chance of getting sick due to unhealthy lifestyle and diet, which causes the skin to glow. But using home remedies can bring back lost skin tone.
What is dry skin
When the skin becomes dry and lifeless or starts to appear like white crust then it is called dry skin.
Causes of Dry Skin
- Skin dryness is not only due to lack of nutrition in the body, but there are many other reasons as well which cause this problem.
- Dry skin on face becomes even more dry during the winter season in which it needs extra care. Many times the skin is not naturally dry while being dry due to other reasons. Just as the soap or cleanser used to clean the skin has a direct effect on the skin, if harsh soap is used, then the harmful elements present in it will eliminate moisture and dry the skin Will make.
- Stay in contact with the sun for a long time. The harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun damage the skin as well as make the skin dry. These rays go into the inner surface of the skin and inhibit the formation of collagen and as a result the skin starts drying up.
- If you are suffering from any disease for a long time, you are consuming all kinds of allopathic medicines, then its harmful effects will also be seen on your skin.
- Always taking bath with hot water also keeps the skin dry. Epidermis, that is, the first layer of skin, is also affected due to contact with hot water, due to which the skin becomes dry.
- The skin remains dry due to a disease called hypothyroidism. In this problem, thyroid or thyroid gland produces a small amount of thyroid, which affects the sweat glands in the skin and lacks moisture in the skin.
- Skin moisture is lost by swimming too long in the swimming pool. This water is rich in chlorine and due to contact with the skin, the skin moisture starts to decrease.
- Aging can also be a cause of dry skin. With aging, the formation of collagen in the skin starts decreasing and as a result the skin becomes dry.
- If you suffer from any disease like psoriasis or eczema, then skin dryness can be a problem as this disease affects the formation of collagen.
Apart from these common reasons, according to Ayurveda, these reasons also cause dryness in the skin. Let’s talk about it-
Vataj skin means skin which has excess of vata in it, the skin remains dry, it becomes very dry and dry in cold weather and gets molded quickly with age. Such skin is thin, dry and has very little moisture, due to the sebaceous glands found in the skin, dry skin is less active than oily and normal skin. Therefore, it loses its fat before time, so it needs special care. In particular, to give this kind of skin nutrition, massage should be done with natural oils, it will retain moisture in the skin and remove dryness. Apart from this, home remedies for dry skin should be taken.
Red skin, which is excess of bile, such skin has rash, acne, it is common to have sunburn frequently. It is very sensitive and soft and has lightness and warmth. This type of skin is more prone to rashes and pimples. Bile is effective in sunlight due to yellowing and sensitive skin. In this skin, massage should be done with cold-liquid coating and oil.
Kaphaj skin is more oily, thick and cold. Such skin is more likely to get dirty and complaints of acne are more. For the care of phlegm affected skin, it is necessary to remove the toxic elements of the skin.
Measures to avoid dry skin
Changes in lifestyle and diet plan are necessary to avoid dry skin discomfort. Along with these, home and Ayurvedic remedies are very beneficial for dry skin. Let’s know about it in further detail. Lifestyle Changes for Dry Skin
- Generally, skin care can be taken after making some lifestyle changes to deal with problems caused by dry skin or the dryness in the skin does not increase to a great extent.
- Daily exercise and yoga exercises cause perspiration due to which natural oil comes out from the skin pores. This oil provides moisture to your face.
- Before going under sunlight, apply sunscreen with good moisture in the skin and keep the face covered.
- Use cold water for bathing.
Diet Plan for Dry Skin
Skin dryness also depends to a large extent on diet plan. If the diet plan is not right, then it will also have a direct effect on the skin. Therefore, what kind of body vata, pitta or phlegm is there should be a diet plan on it, otherwise it will have the opposite effect on the skin.
Observe your nature and eat accordingly. The problem of dry skin is seen in a person of an aphrodisiac nature, so take a diet of diets and massage the skin with aqueous oils.
Use fruits and vegetables in food, so that the body gets adequate dietary fiber. By this, the digestive system is cured, the person remains healthy and good health results in good skin.
Avoid these things when you have dry skin
Junk and processed foods collect toxins in the body and give rise to many problems, which results in the skin becoming dry. Therefore, they should not be consumed at all.
Home Remedies for Dry skin
Generally, people first adopt home remedies to bring radiance to the home remedy for dry skin or to make the skin soft and glow. Let us know about some such home remedies.
How to Use Honey for Dry Skin Care Tips at Home
Honey is very beneficial for dry skin. If the skin becomes dry due to changing weather, applying the honey provides moisture to the skin. Keep it on the face for ten minutes and then face it.
How to use olive oil to soften dry skin
To make dry skin good, add a few drops of olive oil to half a cup of cold milk and mix. Now apply it on the face through cotton.
How to Use Milk Cream for Dry Skin
Mix a little milk cream in one teaspoon of sesame oil and whisk well then apply it on the face and neck. The dryness of the face goes away.
How to use almond oil for dry skin
Mix equal quantity of almond oil and honey and massage it gently on the face with hands. Wipe with wet towels after ten minutes, this will dry out dry skin.
How to Use Coconut Oil for Dry Skin
Coconut oil is very effective for dry skin. Massage it and leave it on the skin for a few hours, then take a bath. It removes dryness and improves skin. Castor oil brings dry life to the skin. Applying castor oil on dry skin provides relief from winter damage.
How to use curd
Yogurt or yogurt is an excellent means of providing moisture to the skin. Apart from this, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties provide relief to dry skin. The lactic acid present in it removes bacteria causing irritation or irritation. Gently massage your face with fresh curd and leave it for ten minutes, after which wash the skin. How to Use Banana Paste Castor oil for beauty tips for dry skin
Peel and grind two bananas and apply it on the face and wash it with water after one hour.
How to use Oatmeal for Dry Skin
Using oatmeal on dry skin is very beneficial. Before bathing, apply oatmeal to the skin by mixing it with water and leave it for five minutes. This home remedy is very beneficial for dry skin.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Dry Skin
It is generally safe to take Ayurvedic treatment for skin related problems. Let us know about some easy ayurvedic remedies which will bring radiance to dry skin and glow on the face.
Multani Mitti brings glow to the face
300g Take curd, 10 gm of Multani mitti, juice of 10 ml lemon and whisk well. Apply this paste on the face for 1 hour and then wash it with water. This will improve the face.
How to use sesame oil
Mix well the cream of milk in 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, then massage it lightly with this mixture, after 20 minutes wash the face with plain water, it removes the dryness of the face and makes the face soft and soft and shiny is.
Maize flour softens dry skin
Mix the maize and jowar flour and cream well and apply on the face and wash it after drying. This will make the face soft.
How to use Black lentil mask
Apply a paste of 1 teaspoon of Urad dal powder in curd and apply the prepared paste on the face. When the paste is dry, remove it with water, it will make the face soft and soft.
How to use Tomato and Orange Pack Beauty Tips for Dry Skin
Add 1 tomato and orange pulp and 1-1 teaspoon of rose water and glycerin to the pulp of half papaya, leave it on the face for 20 minutes and wash the face after drying. This keeps moisture on the skin.
Is it right to use Ayurveda treatment for Beauty Tips for Dry Skin?
Ayurvedic treatment is best for skin related problems because it is home remedies for glowing skin. Chemical products found in the market only give the skin a glow for some time, but along with it the harmful elements contained in them cause damage to the skin later. Artificially made cosmetics damage the skin cells causing premature wrinkles and fine lines to appear on the face. Often such misconceptions are seen in the society that Ayurvedic treatment for skin does not benefit everyone and it causes a reaction, but these only misconceptions are a myth. In the true sense, natural treatment is the best because it cures the skin naturally while the use of artificial products makes the skin exposed to harmful substances.
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Material Required
2 liter milk
1 cup mixed dried fruits
1/2 cup Makhane
10-12 cashews
2 tablespoons raisins
1/4 cup sugar
1 to 2 inch piece dry coconut –
3-4 cardamom
1/2 cup fresh fruit
How to make?
- Put milk in a pan and let it boil. Add a little water to it before using it, because boiling the milk in a dry pan can burn it on the bottom. Soak the fries and cashews in milk and grind them.
- Soak dried fruits in milk for one hour and grind them and keep them from the beginning. Cut the coconut very thin. Peel cardamom and grind to make powder.
- Add the flower paste and cashew paste to the milk, cook until the milk thickens and turn off the heat.
- After it cools down add raisins, dried fruit paste and coconut to the prepared thick milk. Mix the sugar and cardamom powder by stirring the milk well with a spoon.
- Cover the kheer for 2 minutes so that the aroma of cardamom is well incorporated into the dry fruits and the sugar will also dissolve. Keep the kheer to cool down.
- Now chop the fresh fruits of choice into cold kheer. Garnish the kheer in a bowl and serve fresh chopped fruits and dried fruits. Celebrate the festivities with delicious and nutritious kheer.
Health Benefits of Dry Fruit Kheer:
Sharad Purnima has a special significance in all Purnima. Sharad Purnima is celebrated on the full moon of the Shukla Paksha of Ashwin month. It is also called Kaumudi Purnima. Kheer is made on Sharad Purnima and is kept under the open sky all night. With this, it becomes like nectar. But you will be surprised to know that eating this kheer which is kept under the open sky, gets rid of all diseases. It is believed that on this day the moon is full of all its 16 arts, due to which the moon rains amrit on the earth at 12 o’clock at night. To accept this nectar as a prasad, Kheer is kept in the light of the moon and after 12 o’clock at night, the kheer is picked and eaten as a prasad.
Let’s know what is the benefit of eating kheer which is kept in the open .
Milk contains an acid called lactic, which exploits a greater amount of strength than the moon’s rays. In addition, starch is found in rice, due to which the process becomes even easier. According to scientific beliefs, consuming this Kheer is also very beneficial.
- For people suffering from asthma, eating this Kheer is very beneficial. Asthma patients should be eaten around four o’clock in the morning after placing kheer in the moonlight on the night of Sharad Purnima.
- Sharad Purnima Kheer is also very beneficial for heart patients and lung patients. Breathing related diseases are also removed by eating it.
- People suffering from skin disease get a lot of benefits by eating Sharad Purnima Kheer. It is believed that if any person has skin disease, then he should eat kheer kept in the open sky on this day.
- This Kheer also benefits people suffering from eye related diseases. There is also a belief that the moon of Sharad Purnima is very bright, that’s why people with low eyesight should keep looking at this moon. Because it improves eyesight. With this, it is believed that in the moonlight of this night, a thread should be put 100 times in the needle to increase the eyesight.
- Along with providing benefits in eyes, asthma and skin diseases, the moon and kheer of Sharad Purnima is also very beneficial for heart patients and lung patients.
- Prevents malaria outbreaks. Kheer mosquito bites spread malaria bacteria in the body, causing you to get malaria. But bacteria cannot thrive without a suitable environment. When the malaria bacteria get the environment of bile, then it spreads throughout the body in 4 days, or else it ends in a short time. In this case, the main reason for spreading malaria is increased bile in the body or imbalance of bile. That is, by controlling bile, we can avoid malaria. Bile can be balanced by eating kheer. Therefore, to avoid the imbalance of bile, it is a custom to eat kheer especially at this time.
- This kheer beneficial for eyesight also greatly benefits people suffering from eye related diseases. It is believed that the moon of Sharad Purnima is very bright, that is why people with low eyesight should keep looking at this moon. Because it improves eyesight. With this, it is believed that in the moonlight of this night, a needle should be threaded 100 times to increase the eyesight.
Till ke Laddu
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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The delicious Laddu we will talk about today is Til Laddu, which is made from good and sesame seeds. By eating it in winters, the body gets different strength as well as it also keeps the body completely warm during the winter season.
According to Ayurveda, the effect of Vata in our body would increase very rapidly in winter. This causes joint pain and muscle tightness. At this time, if you eat sesame and goodies, then all these things will be under control.
There are three types of sesame seeds – black, white and red. Red sesame is used less.
It is full of health treasures as well as it increases the immunity of the body. You will get three times as much calcium in half a mole, which is half a cup of whole milk. At the same time, if you eat laddus made of sesame and good, then your body will get iron.
Many types of proteins, calcium, potassium, copper, fiber, B complex and carbohydrate are found in sesame. Consuming sesame relieves stress and does not cause mental debility.
Similarly, a lot of iron, vitamins and minerals are also found in good. Eating sesame laddus keeps the stomach fine, does not have high blood pressure and the liver works properly.
- Antioxidants are available: By eating sesame seeds, the body gets antioxidants. It corrects all the damage caused by viruses, aging and bacteria to the bloodstream of the body.
- Diabetes: According to a study in 2011, the main works as a medicine for diabetic patients suffering from type 2 diabetes.
- Skin Care: It contains Vitamin E and Vitamin B, which makes the skin young and shiny. If you eat sesame and goodies in winter, your youth will remain intact.
- People with arthritis: who have arthritis should eat sesame and good laddus daily. In winter, arthritis increases due to increasing wind, but eating sesame will reduce the swelling of your feet.
- Boon for teeth: Mole prevents tooth decay and bleeding from the gums and is used to strengthen teeth, gums and jaws. Millions of people are online, the $ 160 million American lottery has won the hearts of Indians. Lotto Smile Manly Strength The only way to get back in 1 night Man Boost grow hair naturally! Check out this Ayurvedic hair oil. Hair Oil
- If cold-cold is to remove chest congestion and sinus problems, then eat laddus of this sesame. It keeps the body warm from inside.
- Get rid of constipation also: Laddus made of sesame is very beneficial for constipation.
- Reduce Sodium: In a study, consumption of sesame not only reduces blood pressure, but it is also effective in reducing the amount of sodium in the body.
- Calcium Laddus make bone strong, removes headache and also cures disease like PMS syndrome.
- Stress free: If you use this oil regularly, then your stress, fatigue, sleeplessness will be cured.
- Prevention of Cancer: It contains antioxidants and strong natural substances which are anti-cancer. This causes the growth of cancer cells in the body.
- It is found in high amounts of protein, calcium and B complex in strong mole that makes your brain. Eating about fifty grams of sesame per day fulfills the calcium requirement. Mental weakness and stress are removed by consuming sesame.
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Obesity and diabetes are the two biggest health problems of today. The chaotic lifestyle, wrong eating are the main reasons for this, but by improving lifestyle and eating habits, we can avoid these problems.
Blood sugar levels in diabetes are greatly increased due to which the insulin production capacity of the body is affected. Many times it happens that the body is not able to use insulin actively.
The most important thing to control diabetes is that you should pay special attention to your food and avoid it. Apart from this, there are many home remedies through which you can control diabetes and lead a normal life.
1. Control diabetes by using basil leaves
Anti-oxidants are found in basil leaves. Apart from this, many such elements are found in it which make pancreatic beta cells active towards insulin. These cells increase the secretion of insulin. Get up in the morning and chew two to three basil leaves on an empty stomach. You can also drink basil juice if you want. This reduces blood sugar level.
2. Taking cinnamon powder is also very beneficial
Cinnamon is a major spice used in Indian cuisine. Insulin sensitivity increases with the use of cinnamon. It is helpful in reducing and controlling the level of sugar in the blood. Obesity can also be reduced by its regular intake. Make a fine powder by grinding cinnamon and take it with lukewarm water. Pay special attention to the quantity. Taking this powder in large amounts can be dangerous.
3. Drinking green tea is also beneficial
Green tea contains high amounts of polyphenols. It is an active anti-oxidant. Which is helpful in controlling blood sugar. Drinking green tea every morning and evening will benefit.
4. The juice of drumstick leaves is also beneficial
The juice of drumstick leaves is also very effective in controlling diabetes. Grind drumstick leaves and squeeze them and consume it on an empty stomach in the morning. This will not increase the sugar level.
5. Consumption of berries seeds
Jamun seeds are also beneficial in controlling diabetes. Dry the berries properly. After drying, grind them to make a powder. In the morning, take berries seeds with lukewarm water on an empty stomach. This will help in controlling diabetes.
6 Turmeric is helpful in controlling diabetes :-
Turmeric is used for spices and beauty, but the use of turmeric can be quite beneficial for patients with diabetes. Mixing turmeric in milk and drinking it also reduces body pain. In this case, you can drink turmeric milk before going to bed every day.
7 Clove is helpful in controlling diabetes
Clove is considered beneficial in many diseases. The use of cloves helps in digestion. The level of baled sugar can be controlled with cloves. Because cloves are found to have antioxidants that can help control the level of blood sugar.
8 Garlic is helpful in high blood sugar
Blood sugar levels can be controlled with the use of garlic. Because the properties present in garlic do not allow the level of baled sugar to rise. The use of garlic can also relieve pain and indigestion problems. Garlic has many anti-oxidants that can keep blood sugar levels under control.
9 Bay leaf can control blood sugar level
Bay leaf is used as a spice for cooking. But diabetes can also be controlled with the use of bay leaves. Diabetes patients should drink and make a decoction of bay leaves. Diabetes can be controlled by its use
10Tulsi Helps to treat diabetes in the treatment of diabetes
The antioxidants and essential elements present in Tulsi help the insulin accumulating and releasing cells in the body to function properly. Diabetes patient should eat two to three basil leaves on an empty stomach daily. It reduces sugar or diabetes symptoms .
11 Amaltas Helps to control diabetes in the treatment of diabetes
Wash some leaves of Amaltas and extract their juice. Drinking a quarter cup of it daily on an empty stomach is beneficial in the treatment of sugar.
12 Bitter Gourd Helps to Treat Diabetes Symptoms
karela juice reduces the amount of sugar. To control diabetes, bitter gourd juice should be drunk regularly. On seeing the symptoms of sugar , drink tomato, cucumber and bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach in the morning.
13 Turnip Beneficial in Diabetes in the treatment of diabetes
Eat turnip as a salad or as a vegetable. Turnip intake during the treatment of sugar is very beneficial.
14 Flaxseed Helps to Control Diabetes in Diabetes
Take flaxseed powder with hot water on an empty stomach in the morning. Flaxseed is rich in fiber, due to which it helps in proper absorption of fat and sugar. Flax seeds reduce the post-meal sugar of the diabetic patient by about 28 percent.
15 Fenugreek Helps to Control Diabetes
Put fenugreek seeds in a glass of water before going to bed at night. Drink this water on an empty stomach in the morning and chew fenugreek seeds. Diabetes remains under control by regular consumption.
16 Amla Juice Helps to Control Blood Sugar Level
10 mg Amla juice should be 2 gms. Mix it with turmeric powder and consume it twice a day. It reduces the symptoms of diabetes and its problems
17 Neem beneficial in controlling diabetes :-
Insulin in neem leaves increases the sensitivity as well as smooths blood flow in veins and arteries and also prevents relying on sugar reducing medicines. Juice of neem leaves should be started as soon as symptoms of diabetes or sugar (sugar ke lakshan) are seen. According to Ayurveda, this juice should be drunk on an empty stomach every morning
Home Remedies for Food Poisoning
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Both food and water are needed to keep the body alive and energized, as well as to keep it alive. In the absence of food and water, the body can never remain active, but sometimes if the same food and water is taken from carelessness and dirt, it damages the body. This is to say that the consumption of contaminated food is likely to cause many diseases, one of them is food poisoning.
Food poisoning
By now you must have understood that if food or drink is dirty or infected, there is a possibility of food poisoning. Although most cases of food poisoning are cured within a few days, but one should try to prevent food poisoning in infants, pregnant women, and the elderly, as it causes great harm to their health. This is a disease that you can treat in a day or two or in a week itself. But in this case, negligence can also bring the risk of serious stomach diseases. Therefore, it is important that you have complete information about this disease so that it can be controlled in time or early.
Perhaps you are not aware that unbalanced diet and lifestyle can also lead to food poisoning. Food poisoning occurs when we eat food that is infected with bacteria, viruses and other microbes or toxic substances. Children and the elderly are more prone to food poisoning because their immunity is weak.
Causes of Food Poisoning
Food poisoning is caused due to imbalance of both diet and lifestyle, besides there are other things which are as follows-
- Food poisoning is caused by consuming contaminated food. Like eating stale food.
- When cooking food from home, if dirty water is used to wash it or if dirty water is used for cooking, then food poisoning can occur.
- If you do not keep the food items covered, then harmful bacteria get into the food by sitting on a dirty fly which leads to food poisoning.
- Often the food shops on the way are not covered with food items, due to which, the flying dust of the road reaches directly into the food. On the other hand, dirty fly also reaches into food, which transmits harmful bacteria in food. When we eat that food, it becomes a disease.
- If the water tank used in the house is not cleaned for a long time, then the water gets contaminated. When we use that water in any form, there is a possibility of this disease.
- The problem of food poisoning is not just due to contaminated food, sometimes it is also caused by eating food with our dirty hands.
Symptoms of food poisoning
Due to food poisoning, many types of symptoms are felt in the body-
- Stomach ache
- Stomach pain starts.
- Every 15 to 20 minutes vomiting starts.
- The food is not digested, eating anything immediately causes it to pass out as vomiting.
- The head starts hurting.
- The body starts feeling very tired and weak. Due to which the body starts to look lifeless.
- The body temperature starts to rise, meaning fever.
To avoid food poisoning, it is important to take care of some things, such as-
- Before washing, wash your hands thoroughly in lukewarm water with soap.
- Wash food utensils, boards and other surfaces in hot water with soap.
- -When purchasing from the market, keep raw meat, chicken and fish etc. away from other foods as it causes cross contamination.
- Wash vegetables before cooking or before eating.
- Cook the food until its toxic ingredients come out.
- Always keep the food in a clean container.
- Keep food in the fridge immediately after eating.
- Do not eat food that has been kept in the open for some time and has started smelling from it. Also, do not eat the packet if the date has expired.
- After coming from the toilet, wash your hands with soap.
- If you have a pet at home, wash hands after touching it.
- Take homemade hot food with you during travel. Do not store cold and raw food until it is peeled.
- Drink as many beverages as possible – Take water, decaffeinated tea or juice, whatever you can drink. With this you can overcome the lack of fluids and it will also be helpful in preventing dehydration.
- It is good not to take alcohol, milk or caffeinated beverages.
- Start eating soft foods like rice, banana, toast etc.
- Avoid spicy foods, fried foods, dairy and high fat foods.
Food poisoning can become a serious and life-threatening condition, especially for the elderly, adolescents, pregnant women and those whose immune system is weak. In such a state, to avoid worsening the physical condition, one should avoid eating these things-
- Do not eat poultry and raw meats
- Do not eat raw and undercooked fish
- Avoid raw or undercooked eggs, and foods containing them
- Avoid eating raw sprouts.
- Do not take unpasteurized juice.
- Avoid taking unpasteurized milk and its products.
Home Remedies for Food Poisoning to get relief from food poisoning
Generally, to get rid of food poisoning people first try home remedies.
Drink Plenty of Water to Get Relief from Food Poisoning
In the treatment of food poisoning, maximum attention should be given to the lack of water in the patient’s body. Therefore, when symptoms are seen, drink as much water as possible, along with giving soup, thin khichdi, coconut water, rice water, electrolyte powder, etc., the body remains hydrated.
Cumin Beneficial in Food Poisoning
Use of cumin in food poisoning is also very beneficial. Use of cumin is a very effective home remedy to reduce swelling and pain in the stomach. For this, fry one spoon of cumin seeds and grind them and use them in your soup.
Tulsi Beneficial in Food Poisoning
Mix one spoon of honey in the juice of some basil leaves. According to the patient’s condition of its use, there is a possibility of relief from pain within a few hours.
Banana Beneficial in Food Poisoning
Banana is a source of potassium. Banana is a very effective way to recover quickly from food poisoning and reduce its effects. For this, banana should be mashed into curd and eaten.
Apple Beneficial in Food Poisoning
Apple works effectively against food poisoning. Apple acts as an enzyme that helps prevent bacterial growth.
Lemon Beneficial in Food Poisoning
The acidity of lemon juice kills the food poisoning bacteria. Therefore, it is considered beneficial in food poisoning. For this, squeezing the juice of one lemon and adding a pinch of sugar to it, using it as a medicine gives better results. Apart from this, you can also use lemon in your tea.
Apple Cider Vinegar Effective in Food Poisoning
Vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar, prevents bacteria from growing in the stomach due to its alkaline properties. This can reduce the effect of food poisoning rapidly.
Mint Beneficial in Food Poisoning
Peppermint tea is not just aromatherapy but peppermint oil is extremely beneficial for its soothing effect. Whenever there is cramping in the stomach with pain, adding a few drops of it to the tea, drinking it gives quick relief.
Lauki Halwa Recipe
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
A gourd pudding or milk pudding made by mixing grated gourd with cooked milk, mawa and dry fruits becomes very easy, you can make it for a party or if you like to eat some good dessert then eat this pudding Can.
Ingredients for Lauki Halwa
- Gourd – 1 kg
- Sugar – 1.5 cups (300 grams)
- Mawa – 1 cup (250 grams)
- Full cream milk – 1 cup
- Ghee – 1/4 cup (50 grams)
- Cashew – 15
- Almonds – 15
- Cardamom – 6-7
How to make Lauki Halwa
To make pudding, wash the gourd. Peel and cut the stem. Cut the bottle gourd into 3-4 inch pieces and grate it all around, remove the soft part and seeds in the middle.
Cut cashews and almonds into small pieces and peel cardamom and make powder of its seeds.
Heat the pan on the gas, and put the gourd in the pan to cook and add milk and mix it well. Cover the pan and let the gourd cook for 3-4 minutes on low heat.
Check the gourd. The gourd light must have softened. If milk is visible in the gourd, then cook the gourd by stirring it for 1-2 minutes, until the milk is over.
When the milk in the gourd is finished, add sugar to the gourd and mix. Cook it until the sugar completely dissolves in the Halwa and its juice is finished, stir the Halwa by stirring it every 1 minute so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
Now fry the mawa in another pan and prepare it. For this put crumbled mawa in the pan. Keep the gas low and medium, and cook it while stirring the mawa continuously until it changes color slightly.
After changing the color of mawa and ghee comes out of it, fry the mawa is ready, take it out in a bowl.
When there is very little juice left in the bottle gourd, add ghee and fry it well for 2-3 minutes while stirring continuously. After frying the gourd, add roasted mawa, chopped cashews, almonds and cardamom powder, cook the halwa after mixing it well for 1-2 minutes.
Stir the Halwa and cook it for 3-4 minutes on low flame. Halwa is ready. Take out the Halwa in a bowl and garnish with chopped cashews and almonds. Hot pudding gourd pudding is ready. Serve and eat it when you want.
- While making the pudding, keep stirring it continuously, so that your pudding does not burn by sticking to it.
- Keep the halwa in the fridge when it cools down completely and for 1 week when you feel like remove it from the fridge and eat it.
- Before making gourd pudding, make sure to test the gourd once, because sometimes the gourd gets bitter. Which can make your pudding bitter.
- For 4 members
- Time 50 minutes
Fatty Liver Home Remedies
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Find Fatty liver home remedies, causes, Symptoms, Treatment from CAC. Here you will learn how to treat fatty liver naturally at home, how can you use herbal home remedies at home for fatty liver at home naturally. People who have fatty liver problems need to take special care about their diet. Because people with fatty liver often have stomach and digestive problems. These include problems such as lack of stool, gas in the stomach, persistent acidity. Learn here how to deal with the problem of fatty liver…
What is fatty liver? | How to get rid of fatty liver home remedies
As it is clear from the name, the problem of fatty liver is related to the accumulation of fat in the liver. The fat that goes into the body through our food is stored in different organs.
But when a lot of fat starts accumulating in the liver, then its functioning starts getting hampered. Due to this, the liver is not able to perform digestive functions of food properly.
Liver works mainly to produce energy from the juice obtained from food. Also does the necessary work related to blood purification and supply.
But when there is pressure on the liver to accumulate excess fat, then it is not able to do the job of producing energy properly. This causes a person with fatty liver to feel fatigued very quickly.
There are two types of fatty liver
Fatty liver problems are mainly of two types. These include problems with alcoholic fatty liver and non-alcoholic fatty liver.
- Alcoholic Fatty Liver is seen in those people who consume alcohol regularly.
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver problems are seen in more people. People who have hypertension (high PB) sugar (diabetes), liver cirrhosis etc. In this disease, the patient may have swelling and wound problems in the liver.
How your diet, what to eat and what should not, should be in the problem of Fatty Liver
Symptoms of fatty liver
- People who have fatty liver problems often have stomach ache problems. These people have pain in the upper part of the navel in the stomach.
- Fatty liver can cause bloating problems on the stomach. There may be problems of heaviness and stiffness in the stomach.
- Fatty liver can cause yellowing of skin and eyes. These people may also feel a decrease in their weight.
Fatty liver treatment
Fatty liver problems can be controlled with the right diet. If the problem is more serious, the doctor can give you medicines keeping in mind your liver and your health condition.
With an active lifestyle, you can control the swelling on the stomach and the stiffness in the stomach. Walking and doing yoga regularly will benefit you.
Keep these things in mind while eating and know about home remedies to get rid of fatty liver
- If you start your day with a glass of lukewarm lemonade or herbal tea, you will get a lot of benefits. Because the consumption of these herbal drinks in the morning works to get toxic out of your liver.
- Eat a salad of fruits and vegetables. Sprinkle black salt and roasted cumin powder on this salad and eat it. Just do it for a week, see the difference yourself. You will feel very light and the fret will be clean.
- Eat vegetable salad with black salt and cumin powder
- It is best for you not to eat food, deep fried food and fast food. Because these foods prepared from refined flour and fried in oil cause great harm to liver health. Then the liver of people struggling with fatty liver problem is already weak.
- Use yogurt in the midday meal and peppermint or fresh green coriander chutney in the dinner. They are very digestible. Helps your body to digest food and prevents toxins from accumulating inside the body.
- People struggling with fatty liver problems should stay away from alcohol. Also, dinner i.e. dinner should be done at least 2 hours before going to bed at night. Do not spend time sitting or lying down immediately after dinner. Walk at a rather slow pace.
Top Ayurvedic Home Remedy for Fatty Liver
Home remedies for fatty liver are easy, quick and inexpensive to prepare. For example, ginger is the best natural home remedy for fatty liver which helps in cleaning the liver and reducing fatty deposits. The effectiveness of ginger depends on its freshness. Thus fresh ginger root is preferable.
Green tea remedy for fatty liver
Green tea is very beneficial in health. Green tea has a large effect on getting rid of fatty liver. For better results, include green tea in your daily diet and take advantage of its anti-oxidant properties. It relieves fatty liver problems.
Orange and lemon for fatty liver
Vitamin C extract citrus juice is a surefire home remedy for fatty liver. If you want a good result, drink orange and lemon juice on an empty stomach.
Bitter gourd for fatty liver
Although bitter gourd tastes bitter it has a positive effect on fatty liver. For best results, eat one or half cup of bitter gourd vegetables every day. Bitter gourd can also be taken as juice.
Milk thistle medicine
Milk thistle herb is considered effective in many ways to remove unnecessary toxins from the body, it also has miraculous effects on the liver. For the treatment of damaged liver cells, you should consume it regularly.
Whole grains
Whole grains are rich in fiber and other nutritious ingredients, it is also easily digested. This drug of fatty acids breaks down harmful toxins in the liver. For best results you should take whole grain and its product instead of processed grain.
Raw tomatoes
If you are suffering from fatty liver problem then eating raw tomatoes will be very beneficial for you. It is easily available and you should consume it regularly for best results. You will reduce your liver problem if you will use these home remedies for fatty liver at home.
Read More : How to Cure Fatty Liver Naturally
Try these too
Many other remedies can also be tried to get rid of fatty liver problem. You can get rid of fatty liver by including Rosemary, Liquorice, Cookery and other similar medicines in your daily diet.
- January 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Everyday we go through many physical problems. One such problem is inflammation. We often ignore this as a common problem, but it can also be a sign of some serious diseases. If the swelling is more than a day or if the inflamed area is very tight and the skin color has become bright, then it should be cautious about it immediately. You can adopt the remedy given in this article to reduce the problems caused by inflammation. The best way to prevent inflammation, which is called edema in medical parlance, is to first get information about the symptoms, causes and other issues of edema.
What is Edema?
Inflammation due to accumulation of fluid and fluid in any part of the body is called edema. At the same time, any organ affected by edema is called edema. Edema most commonly occurs in the feet and hands. Edema can sometimes be a sign of serious illness .
Types of edema
After knowing what is edema, we are now describing the types of edema, which can be of the following types:
- Peripheral edema: It mostly occurs on the lower limbs of the body. There is swelling on the feet and ankles. This can also be due to heart and liver failure and side effects of some medicines.
- Pedal edema: It occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the paws, soles and lower parts of the feet.
- Pulmonary edema: It occurs due to accumulation of extra fluid in the lungs. This fluid collects in the air sac in the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. Because of this, there is a risk of respiratory failure.
- Cerebral Edema: Cerebral edema usually occurs when there is a blockage in the flow of fluid in your brain and it gathers in one place. This condition can be caused by head injury, stroke, cancer and infection.
- Angioedema: This is mostly due to allergies. During this time, swelling occurs on the inner surface of the skin rather than on the skin. This edema occurs on the face.
- Papilledema: There is swelling of the optic nerve (nerve) of the eye during this edema. It is diagnosed by an ophthalmologist.
Causes of edema
After the type of edema and swelling, we are telling you the cause of edema. Some of the causes of inflammation are:
- Excess salt intake
- Heart failure
- Kidney disease
- Liver problems caused by cirrhosis
- Pregnancy
- Standing or walking for too long in hot weather
- Blood clot
- Infection
- Old age
- Overweight
- Decreased blood circulation
Symptoms of Edema
Symptoms of edema usually depend on its type and the affected part. However, pain, swelling and stiffness in the affected area are usually included in the common symptoms of all types of edema, but in addition there are other symptoms of edema, which are as follows :
- Skin rash
- Stiffness in affected area
- Increase in (pulse) rate
- Increased abdominal size
- Pain in body parts
- Weight gain and increase
- Difficulty in breathing and cough
- Chest pain
- Veins in the arms and neck
- Stomach ache
Home Remedies for Edema
Grape Seed Extract
Grape seed extract (100 to 400mg)
Method of use:
Use of grape seed extract supplements daily in the diet.
This supplement can be consumed twice daily.
How beneficial:
Grape seed extracts contain a polyphenolic compound called proanthocyanidin. Because of this, extracts of grape seeds have antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties. Its proanthocyanidin compound properties are believed to help reduce itching, heaviness, and pain, as well as relieve inflammation . Therefore, it can be used to correct the symptoms of inflammation.
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 glass of milk or water
Method of use:
Add turmeric to a glass of warm water or warm milk.
Mix this mixture well and consume it.
In addition, you can prepare a paste by adding a teaspoon of turmeric to a few drops of water.
Then it can be applied on the edema affected area.
This remedy can be done every morning and night.
How beneficial:
The use of turmeric can help reduce the symptoms of edema. A research on mice has also found turmeric to be effective against edema . At the same time, according to a research published on the NCBI website, curcumin present in turmeric has been found to be beneficial in recovering from edema due to brain injury .
Apple Cider Vinegar
2 cups apple vinegar
2 cups hot water
Method of use:
Combine apple vinegar and hot water in a bowl.
Soak a clean towel in the mixture and wrap it over the inflamed area.
After 5 minutes, remove the towel and repeat the same process with cold water.
This can be done twice daily until the swelling is cured.
How beneficial:
An experiment involving apple vinegar has revealed that it can help in relieving edema. Apple vinegar has prebiotic and antibacterial properties. Actually, apple cider vinegar was used on patients affected by varicose veins. As a result there was some relief from the pain and itching caused by varicose veins. Also a decrease in swelling was observed. In such a situation, it can be said that apple vinegar can be used in home remedies to reduce inflammation and other symptoms of edema .
Multivitamin supplements (Vitamin A, C, E)
B-complex vitamins
Minerals such as magnesium, calcium, selenium and zinc
Hot and cold compress
Cold water
Hot water
A clean towel
Method of use:
Soak a clean towel in warm water.
Now wrap this towel around the swollen area of the body.
Open the towel after 5 minutes.
Then repeat this process by soaking the towel in cold water.
This can be done twice daily.
How beneficial:
Cold and hot water have been used for a long time as a home remedy to reduce edema. Alternating edema affected area with hot and cold water naturally increases blood flow in the body. Therefore, it is believed that edema with hot and cold water or bathing can relieve edema. This therapy can also help reduce the pain caused by inflammation in muscles (13). On one hand, hot water helps in reducing pain and can improve the blood circulation and reduce the stiffness in the joints caused by edema. At the same time, cold water and ice reduce body temperature, which can relieve internal inflammation.
Mustard Oil
½ cup mustard oil
Method of use:
Heat the mustard oil lightly.
Now massage the affected area with light hands.
This process can be repeated twice daily.
How beneficial:
Mustard oil contains high amounts of selenium and magnesium, due to which this oil exhibits antiinflammatory properties. Traditionally, it is used to relieve pain. It is also used for therapeutic massage . As mentioned above, massage increases blood circulation in the body, helping to treat edema because one reason for edema is obstruction of blood circulation . In such a situation, it is believed that this oil can help in curing the symptoms of inflammation.
Coriander Seeds
3 tablespoons coriander seeds
1 cup water
Method of use:
Put coriander seeds and water in a saucepan and boil it.
When the water remains half, remove the mixture and filter it.
Now consume it immediately.
Can be consumed twice daily.
How beneficial:
Coriander seeds are also used as a home remedy to reduce inflammation. Indeed, diuretic and saluretic activity is found in coriander seed extracts. With the help of diuretic activity, excess fluid deposited in the body is released through urine. At the same time, salutary activity helps the excess salt accumulated in the body to pass through the urine. Actually, excess salt and water stored in the body can cause edema. Therefore, coriander is believed to help in curing edema with the help of both these activities . In addition, coriander extracts also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which may help reduce symptoms of edema, such as swelling and pain.
1/2 to 1 cup parsley leaves
Half liter boiled water
Method of use:
Cut parsley leaves into small pieces and soak them in water.
Sieve the water after 10 minutes.
Now mix honey and drink it.
Parsley tea can be consumed once or twice daily.
How beneficial:
Parsley is used as a medicine in Ayurveda. Because of its anti-edema properties, it can help reduce symptoms of edema . Parsley is also known as a natural diuretic. It helps to flush out excess fluid from the body through urine. Therefore, Parsley can be used as a home remedy to treat edema and reduce inflammation .
Castor Oil
A few drops of castor oil
Method of use:
Massage by applying castor oil on the inflamed areas.
This can be done twice daily.
How beneficial:
Castor oil is rich in anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Therefore, it is believed to help relieve inflammation and pain caused by edema . As we have already told you above, one reason for oedema is lack of circulation of blood . In this case, blood flow increases after massaging the affected area and some relief can be given from edema.
Epsom Salt
1 cup rock (epsom) salt
Method of use:
Add Epsom salt to the bath water.
Submerge the swollen area in water for 15 to 20 minutes.
Alternatively, you can also bathe by adding rock salt in a bath tub or bucket.
How beneficial:
Rock salt is known to reduce pain and inflammation. Magnesium sulfate present in it can help in relieving edema.