Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Patient Story – Suman, Suffering from anxiety
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Mrs. Suman a patient 40 years old from Sirsa came to visit our clinic (CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTRE). She look depressed, tensed with a pale face, she couldn’t able to speak properly due to her anxiety issues. Her husband tell her history that the problem started a year back when she suddenly hear the news of accident with her close friend. She started facing disturbed sleep issue along with the irritable behavior. She suddenly started crying without any region and facing tremors issue. Then they rush to nearby hospital for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. After hearing all her history the doctor advise them to visit the psychiatrist for better diagnosis and also for her counseling. They then visit the psychiatrist and tell all her history. After hearing all her complaint the doctor talk to her and done her counseling for the better result. He then prescribe medication for a week and ask to come after that for the counseling session. After taking medication for the week she feel some improvement and they visit the doctor again for the counseling and the treatment. She shows good improvement with the medication along with the counseling session she underwent. Then the doctor decrease her medication along with the completion of counseling session .But as soon as the counseling of her stopped with decrease in medication dose she again had the same episode of disease.
They rush to the hospital in a panic and tell all the complaint she is suffering with after examination of the patient the doctor advise her to get hospitalized for the settlement of problem she is facing . They then get her hospitalized and she get recovered in three days and get discharged but this time the results were not satisfying to them . So they started searching for the other possible treatment for her illness. Then her son came to know about AYURVEDIC treatment and the PANCHAKARMA therapies for the same. They then through internet came to know about CHANDIGARH AYURVED CENTRE and contact the doctor on phone. Her husband told all her history and also send her reports to the doctor, then the doctor advise them for ayurvedic treatment which are herbal products with no side effects. After getting satisfactory response on phone they came to visit our clinic in Chandigarh. After hearing all her history and examination of the patient Vaidya Karanvir Singh tell the family that she will get completely cured with ayurvedic medication along with the panchakarma therapies. They then decide to start medication along with the panchakarma therapies. After taking medication along with panchakarma therapies for 2 weeks she get 70 % relief. Now after taking medication for 4 months she get completely cured with no episode of disease in between her treatment.
This syrup maintains the overall activity of the brain. As the herbs used for the preparation of this syrup are Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Dhania (Coriandrum sativum), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Saunf (Foeniculum vulgare), etc. These all act as a mind relaxant. It is the best Ayurvedic medicine for anxiety. The use of this syrup provides good results to the dementia patient. This syrup has the best memory boosting power and helps in increasing the blood flow to the brain. It is used as an antioxidant that increases the retention power
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 teaspoonfuls twice daily.
2. Tagaradi Churna:
Tagar (Valeriana wallichii) is the main ingredient used for the preparation of this churna. This churna is very beneficial in neurological, psychological, and digestive disorders. In low dosage, it calms the mind, strengthens the nerves, and prevents convulsions. It improves the strength of the heart muscles and helps in reducing the blood pressure. It is the best Vata and Kapha pacifier churna. Tagaradi churna improves the quality of sleep and induces sound sleep. It elevates the mood and helps the patients in reducing stress and mood disorders. It is the best Ayurvedic treatment for anxiety.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful twice a day with normal water.
3. Rasayan Vati:
Rasayan vati is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic formulation which is the best tablet in anxiety which contains various herbs such as Aswagandha, Shilajeet, Amla, Musali, Shatavar, Brahmi, Abhrak Bhasam, Mukta pisti, Praval pisti, , Kaunch Beej, Saunth, Mirch, Brahmi, etc. These ingredients show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immune-modulator properties. These tablets provide good results in General debility, Psychological disorders, and improves immunity.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
4. Brahmi Capsule:
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) is considered the best anti- anxiety medicine and the best herb for neurological disorders. In the preparation of Brahmi vati the main ingredient is Brahmi that makes coordination between the neurons and supports mental clarity. These herbal tablets maintain the overall activity of the brain, relieve stress, and relax the mind.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 capsules twice daily.
5. Brain relaxant churna:
This churna is a pure Ayurvedic preparation that contains Amla (Emlica officinalis), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Marich (Piper nigrum), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Suddha gandhak, Lauha bhasma, etc. It is mainly used for the treatment of psychiatric conditions, speech problems, to improve intelligence and also beneficial in sleep disturbances, panic attacks, phobia, and relieves stress. It is one of the best Ayurvedic medicines for depression.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablespoonful twice daily.
6. Stress care tablet:
Stress care tablets are pure herbal formulation considered as best Ayurvedic tablet for stress prepared from ingredients like Sarpgandha (Rauwolfia serpentine), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Jatamansi (Nardostacys jatamansi). The herbs used for the formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, anti-depressant, & immune-modulator properties. These herbal tablets give good results in Stress, Depression, Anxiety, All neurological disorders, Increases intelligence, and Improves memory.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
In Ayurveda, Shirodhara is a classic therapy which includes pouring of warm herbal oil on the forehead in a continuous stream. The term Shirodhara comes from two words “Shiro” meaning ‘head’ and “Dhara” meaning ‘stream’ that is considered as Bahiparimarjanachikitsa, or external treatments in Ayurveda.
Procedure –Shirodhara treatment begins with Abhyangam. The person has to lie down on the table with closed eyes and relax the body. Before starting the treatment, eyes and ears should be covered with clean cotton to prevent the entrance of oil in eyes and ears. The procedure starts with the pouring of about 2 liters lukewarm oil continuously as a stream on to the forehead in an oscillating manner. The time duration of Shirodhara may extend 45-1 hour depending upon the condition of a patient.The therapist may also give a mild Shiroabhyanga during this procedure. After completion of the procedure, the head washed with lukewarm water and remove the cotton from the eyes and ears and clean that area with a clean cloth. The patient should be advised to avoid dust, sunlight, cold, wind for a short while.
Weight loss Tips
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Foods to Avoid Weight Loss
To protect yourself from the disease of obesity, you should not consume these things mentioned below:
High oil items, such as French fries and chips.
High sugar beverages, such as cold drinks and sorbets.
High sugar foods, such as sweets and kheer.
Some exercises and yoga for weight loss –
- Exercise and yoga for weight loss
- Get used to walking or running in the morning and evening.
- Do pushups. For this, lie on the floor on the stomach and with the help of both hands, lower the body up and down.
- Practice skipping.
- Swimming for a while every day.
- If possible, use a bicycle to travel anywhere.
- Weight loss can also be done by going to Zumba or dance class.
Apart from these exercises, weight can also be reduced with the help of the following yogasanas given below:
- Bhujangasana
- Veer Bhadrasana
- Surya Namaskar
- Chakrasana
- Dwelling
To make our diet chart and the exercises mentioned above more effective, you should make the following changes in your lifestyle:
Don’t forget to have breakfast – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Due to negligence in the matter of breakfast, diabetes, mood swing and obesity can be the disease. Actually, breakfast in the morning directly affects the metabolism process of our body. A person who does not have breakfast on time, his appetite gradually increases. In such a situation, the more hungry person starts eating more food and eventually he becomes obese.
Drink plenty of water – Water can help you a lot in getting rid of obesity. Therefore, try to drink more and more water throughout the day. If possible, make a habit of drinking water before meals, this reduces your appetite a bit and you do not eat excessively.
Sleep deeply – Scientists have found that lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, because lack of sleep reduces our body’s insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. This causes leptin levels in the body to decrease, which increases our appetite. The process of metabolism and neuroendocrine in our body is completed by getting good sleep.
Stay away from stress – Avoid stress as much as possible. Actually, due to stress, there are some hormonal changes in the body, which can increase your appetite. To avoid this, practice yoga or meditation.
Avoid depression – Being unhappy or depressed all the time can lead to obesity.
To avoid this, walk outside and do things that make you happy. Express the feelings of your mind by writing in a diary and if possible, meet people by participating in some social events.
Diet Food for Weight Loss
Below we are going to tell you about two such easy recipes that can help you lose weight fast:
- Fruit Salad
- Vegetable Soup
- Jeera water
What amount of oil should be used in cooking for weight loss?
People who want to lose weight should use olive oil, coconut oil, rice bran oil or mustard oil for cooking. You should not use more than three or four teaspoons of oil for cooking in a day. However, people using extra virgin olive oil can use 6-7 teaspoons of oil a day.
What to do if you want to eat sweet cheese?
When this happens, try one of these recipes:
Eat something sweet at home, as it usually uses less sugar than the market.
Eat a piece of dark chocolate.
Eat some fruits after meals.
Chew the cloves after a meal.
Diet and Home Remedies for GOITER
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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- The person suffering from goiter should take more of the following items: old rice, barley, garlic, moong dal, drumstick, cucumber, and sugarcane juice, milk and milk products.
- Oats, marine foods, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, garlic, whole rice, onion, guava, egg (yolk) citrus fruits because they are all rich in iron.
- Pineapple or pineapple juice.
- Bananas, because they catalyze the thyroid.
Avoid them
- Flour goods, white sugar, meat items, fried or smooth foods, preserves, fragrant spices, tea, coffee and alcohol.
- Cabbage, bananas, cauliflower, broccoli, mustard greens contain goiter-producing ingredients, and can produce goiter.
Yoga and exercise
- Exercise a small amount of neck stretching or loose or similar exercises, these are good for thyroid gland health.
- A person suffering from goiter should participate in moderate level aerobic activity such as walking or running for 30 minutes daily.
- Yoga There are some postures of yoga that improve your thyroid gland as well as control your metabolism. The beneficial yogasans in thyroid disease are:
- Pranayama
- Vidalasan
- Bhujangasana
- Dhanurasan
Home remedies
- Keep the ice bag in the throat and heart area for 20 to 30 minutes.
- In the first two months of therapy, the patient should take plenty of rest and stay in bed once a week.
- Apply the paste made from flaxseed seeds on the inflated area and wash after half an hour.
Eat liquorice. Triterpenoid glycerythenic acid, a major component found in liquorice, inhibits the growth of Thyroid Cancer Cells.
Ashwagandha Churna
At night, take one spoon of Ashwagandha powder with lukewarm milk of cow. Its leaves or root can also be boiled in water and drink. Ashwagandha removes imbalance of hormones.
Add half a teaspoon of aloe vera juice to two teaspoons of basil juice and drink. This cures thyroid disease.
Grind green coriander and dissolve it in a glass of water. This will give relief from thyroid disease.
Drink one teaspoon of Triphala powder daily. It is very beneficial.
Turmeric and Milk
By drinking turmeric in milk daily, thyroid treatment is also done (thyroid ka gharelu ilaj).
Drinking gourd juice on an empty stomach works best in thyroid disease. It calms the disease.
Black Pepper
Regularly consume small amounts of black pepper in food.
Shrigu Patra, Kanchnar and Punarnva decoction helps in Treatment of Thyroid, useful in treating thyroid.
According to Ayurvedic experts, Kanchanar, Shigru Patra and Punarnava have anti-inflammatory properties in all these herbs which relaxes the inflammation of the thyroid. So if you are suffering from thyroid, you can use Kanchanar, Shigru Patra and Punarnava decoction.
Flaxseed Powder
The use of flaxseed powder provides relief in the problem of thyroid because sufficient amount of omega-3 is found in flaxseed. Omega-3 helps in controlling the function of thyroid. Therefore, thyroid patients should regularly use flaxseed powder.
Coconut oil
The use of coconut oil helps maintain thyroid function. Therefore, thyroid patients should use coconut oil as a cooking oil.
Your diet in thyroid disease during thyroid
During thyroid problems, your food should be like this:
- In thyroid disease, eat a low fat diet.
- Include more and more fruits and vegetables in the food.
- Eat especially green leafy vegetables. They contain a significant amount of iron, which is beneficial for thyroid patients.
- Eat foods rich in nutrients. Taking food containing minerals and vitamins helps to control thyroid.
- Eat a diet containing iodine.
- Consume more nuts like almonds, cashew nuts and sunflower seeds. They contain sufficient amount of copper, which is beneficial in thyroid.
- Milk and yogurt should be consumed under thyroid home remedies.
- For home treatment of thyroid, you should consume more vitamin-A. For this you can eat carrots.
- Eat whole grains. It is rich in fiber, protein and vitamins.
- Elements present in liquorice make the thyroid gland balanced. It also prevents the cancer from growing in the thyroid.
- Eat wheat and jowar.
Your Lifestyle for Thyroid Disease
All these changes should be made in the lifestyle during thyroid: –
- Try to live a stress free life.
- Do yoga.
- Avoid These in Thyroid
- Do not eat junk food and preservative foods.
- Avoid smoking, alcohol etc.
Yoga for Thyroid Disease
You can also do yoga to treat thyroid, it provides benefits: –
- Do pranayama and meditation regularly.
- Greet the sun
- Do Pawanmuktasana.
- Perform congregation.
- Do the rest.
- Do the halasan.
- Matsyasan.
- Do Bhujangasana.
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Gums are such a protective shield for our teeth that if they get any type of disease, they can give bad results for the health of our teeth. For this reason, it is very important for the gums to be healthy. To keep the gums healthy, you brush regularly, but due to lack of some vitamins and germs, there is a disease associated with the gums and out of these, there is a problem like bleeding and swelling. However, this can be avoided with the help of home remedies
Green Tea If you are fond of drinking green tea, then you should consume it. If your gums are moving from their place then you should drink green tea. Drinking this makes your gums strong.
Make a solution of sea salt, add a small amount of sea salt to a cup of lukewarm water. Rinse one sip of this solution in your mouth for 30 seconds and spit it out. Repeat this process several times. Rinse it will eliminate your problem.
Use a Tea Bag Soak the tea bag in boiling water, drain it after 2-3 minutes and allow it to cool down to a temperature that you can easily tolerate. By doing this, the problem of your gums ends.
Apply a little honey on the gums and tell you that honey protects your gums from leaving their place. Honey has natural anti-bacterial and antiseptic ingredients, which you can take advantage of in treating your infected gums.
Cranberry juice prevents bacteria from sticking in the teeth, so try drinking about 120 ml of sweetened cranberry juice daily. This makes your gums strong. It does not allow it to leave their place.
Make a lemon paste and make a paste by adding a little salt to the lemon juice. Mix it well and apply it on your teeth. After leaving for a few minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. It also makes your gums strong.
Taking a diet rich in vitamin-C is not that only lemon is helpful in gums discomfort. Other fruits and foods rich in vitamin-C, such as oranges, grapes, guava, kiwi, mango, papaya, capsicum and strawberries are also essential in the treatment of gum disease. It strengthens your gums.
Eat Vitamin-D in the diet. Vitamin-D contains anti-inflammatory elements, so when you are treating gingivitis and want it not to happen again, make sure that you take vitamin-D Is taking the right amount. It keeps our gums strong.
Use baking soda when brushing teeth, baking soda kills the acid present in your mouth. This reduces the chances of tooth decay and gum problems, and while doing so is not a cure for gum diseases, but regular brushing with baking soda keeps gum problems away.
Eat the amalgam if you are troubled by the problem of gums, then you will take care that your gums do not separate from their place. So if you have these problems then you should take Amla. It keeps your gums in the right place.
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Gums are such a protective shield for our teeth that if they get any type of disease, they can give bad results for the health of our teeth. For this reason, it is very important for the gums to be healthy. To keep the gums healthy, you brush regularly, but due to lack of some vitamins and germs, there is a disease associated with the gums and out of these, there is a problem like bleeding and swelling. However, this can be avoided with the help of home remedies.
To overcome the problem of gingivitis, first of all pay special attention to your diet. Apart from this, here you will be told some special home remedies, by which you can also prevent the problem of swelling in the gums and bleeding. However, these treatments have to be used with great care. Now let us know further what methods can be best in home remedies to eliminate gingivitis.
Heat a glass of water to eliminate gingivitis. Now add a teaspoon of salt to the lukewarm water and rinse with it. Not only this, you can repeat this process even after eating, which can reduce the swelling of your gums to a great extent within a few days. According to scientific research, salt is found to have oral health protective properties, which can also be used to reduce gingivitis.
You will find clove oil at the grocery shop. Massage the teeth and gums with this oil to reduce gingivitis. You can use it several times a day to get a good effect. Actually, clove oil has the property of reducing gingivitis and has been confirmed. This is the reason that if you massage its oil on your gums, it can act actively to reduce inflammation.
Mix a little turmeric with baking soda and massage your gums with it. After this, rinse with lukewarm water and clean the mouth. This home remedy can also be used three to four times a day after having dinner. There is a lot of scientific research on baking soda, according to which the consumption of baking soda actively works for oral health.
Cut the ginger into fine parts and make a paste with the help of a grinder. Now add a teaspoon of salt to it and mix it well. Use this paste on the gums. If used continuously for a week, its positive effect will be seen. Ginger has antimicrobial and antifungals-like properties, which are also believed to cause gingivitis. Because of this, if you use ginger paste on your gums, you will definitely get the benefit.
Citrus fruit is one of the major reasons for bleeding gums. Citrus fruits like orange, lemon, etc. and vegetables especially Brockley and Cabbage can prevent gum bleeding by giving you sufficient amount of Vitamin C.
6 MILK :-
Milk is also a rich source of calcium in milk, which is regularly needed to fill your gums. That is why milk should be taken on a regular basis to stop the bleeding in the gums.
Vegetables Chewing raw vegetables clears teeth and induces blood circulation in the gums, so one should get into the habit of eating raw vegetables daily.
Cranberry and Wheat Grass Juice Cranberry or Wheat Grass Juice can give relief to those who bleed from the gums. Canberry juice has anti-bacterial properties, which removes bacteria from the gums.
Camphor, peppermint oil, camphor and peppermint oil can be used to maintain freshness and cleanliness of your mouth.
After brushing the massage, gently massage with the finger on the gums, it improves blood circulation. This makes the gums strong and stops bleeding.
Home remedies to heal fracture
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Bone is an important part of our body. If the bones are strong, the body remains fit and healthy, but due to adulteration of food items and wrong habits of our eating habits, the body does not get the necessary nutrients due to which the bones start to become weak. Many times bone fractures occur due to loss of bone flexibility or due to injury to bone. The bones of young children are more fragile than those of older ones, due to which children are more prone to fracture and fracture. It is important to first know what to give first aid in case of bone injury or fracture.
How to recognize bone injury
- If the hand, foot bone is slipped, then curvature starts appearing at that place.
- When a bone fracture occurs, blood begins to accumulate around the area of injury and there is swelling.
- Many times a bone fracture causes that part of the body to hang up and that organ turns blue and the feeling in it decreases.
What to do if a bone fracture
- If a bone fracture occurs due to any reason, first of all, support it and do not let it move. Pain is aggravated by the movement of bone and pieces of bone can also go away. Use something solid to support the bone, such as a wood or pipe. If there is nothing to support, then support by hand.
- When the shoulder bone is broken, support the shoulder with a cloth or bandage and if the bone of the hand is broken, support the arm by tying it with the chest. If the knee, thigh or leg bone is broken, use a strong pillow or wood.
- If you start looking out after breaking the bone, then the dust may become dirt, which increases the risk of infection.
Some of Home remedies for bone addition and home remedies
If there is any wound on the bone anywhere in the body, it is important to treat it. If the bone is broken, cleanse the wound properly and apply medicine.
► Many times a piece of bone is separated by injury. In such a situation, do not throw this piece, clean it and tie it in a cloth and send it to the hospital with the injured person.
How to overcome calcium deficiency ?
Calcium is most essential for the development and treatment of bones. There is a greater possibility of swelling and bone diseases due to lack of calcium or less in the body. Increase calcium intake to add broken bone quickly.
- If you eat non-veg then eat fish.
- Calcium is also high in green leafy vegetables.
- Milk cheese and milk are high in calcium, such as cheese, yogurt.
- During pregnancy, women need more calcium to strengthen their bones.
- Vitamin D is required to digest calcium in the body. Therefore, do food that is full of nutrients.
Ayurvedic treatment
Harajod is a bone-binding herb that is helpful in adding broken bones and protecting the body from diseases. Harajod can be used as a paste by applying Ayurvedic medicine or in two ways like water.
First dry the herb of Harajor, add urad dal to it and grind it into a paste. If broken, apply these coatings and tie it with a clean cloth. Apply this paste again in two days. By doing this remedy continuously for one month, you will see rapid improvement.
In addition to connecting the bone, the stroke is also effective in treating pain. Consuming Harajoda juice with ghee also provides rapid benefits.
Bone strengthening measures
- Do regular yoga or exercise.
- Drink milk instead of coffee and tea.
- Avoid eating any kind of supplements, eat green vegetables.
- Sitting in sunlight for a while in the morning provides vitamin D.
- Sulfur is found in onion and garlic which is necessary for strengthening bones.
- Avoid canned beverages and cold drinks. This drink makes the bones hollow.
It often happens that due to licking many times, the bone breaks, which remains canker for a long time. Bone fracture is also called bone fracture. Many times it happens that bone fractures reduce flexibility. Bones also become weak. There is an increased risk of recurrent breakdown of weak bones. If you adopt these measures to avoid this problem, then the bones will get stronger. Know what those methods are-
- Desi Ghee Boil two spoons of desi ghee, one spoon of jaggery and one spoon of turmeric in one cup of water. After that, it cools and adds bone quickly by drinking. Drink this water 2 times a day.
- Grind an onion and mix one spoon of turmeric in it and tie it in a clean cloth. After that, heat this cloth in sesame oil and compress the cracked bone. Doing this twice a day provides relief in pain and bone also joins quickly. Onion – Mix 1 spoon turmeric in 1 ground onion and tie it in a clean cloth. After that, heat the cloth in sesame oil and compress it on the broken bone. By shrinking the bone 2 times a day, you will get relief from pain and bone will also be added.
- Dry the urad dal and dry the urad dal in the sun and make a paste. Apply the prepared paste on the cracked bone and tie it. Doing this helps the bone join quickly. Prepare the paste by mixing the liquorice liquorice, manjith and khatai. Apply this paste on the broken bone and tie it. Doing this will help the bone injury recover quickly.
Urad Dal –
Grind urad dal pulse in sunlight and make a paste. Tie a bandage on the broken bone. By doing this treatment, your broken bone will connect quickly.
Black Pepper –
Mix the juice of black pepper and Kag Ganga Herb and drink 3-4 times a day. Consuming this will add your broken bone in a few days.
Mulethi –
Make a paste of Mulethi, Manjith and Khatai. After this, tie a bandage by applying it on the broken bone. This will add your bone quickly.
Sheep Milk –
This is considered to be the most effective remedy. Take lamb milk from somewhere and massage it at the place where the bone is broken. Will benefit soon, but keep in mind this is a very smelly treatment.
Harajod plant
Harajod plant Dry and grind the leaves of Harajor plant. Mix and grind the urad dal equal to the leaves. Now make a wet paste. Now straighten the bone with the help of bamboo wood. After this, apply this paste on the cotton cloth and tie the cloth. Tie bamboo wood on top with a cushion. Kusha is native grass. Apply this paste every third day. Natural calcium is found inside the blast which helps to connect bones. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling and pain of the extremities.
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties Turmeric is very useful in relieving pain during fractures. It can be consumed in many ways. You can apply turmeric milk or turmeric onion paste in the fractured area for 1-2 days.
Pineapple is a high source of enzyme called bromelin which helps in reducing inflammation and infection during bone fracture. For this, consume pineapple daily. Eat only fresh pineapple, do not consume its juice.
Calcium-rich foods:
Everyone knows that calcium helps in building blocks of bones. This mineral is beneficial for bone health. Whenever there is a fracture in the bone, try increasing the intake of calcium rich foods. Dairy products, green vegetables are sources of calcium.
Apply ice:
Wrap 2-3 ice cumin in a clean cloth. To remove the pain, apply this cloth on the affected area. It also reduces inflammation with pain. Do this process 3-4 times a day. Keep in mind that do not apply ice directly to the affected area, this may cause irritation.
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
If gas becomes in the stomach someday, it becomes difficult to eat and drink and work. Some people get so much pain from gas that it becomes difficult for them to breathe. Due to gas, there is heaviness and pain in the stomach, burning sensation in the eyes, feeling of vomiting and even headache. To say this is just gas, but ignoring it can lead to many serious consequences. Constipation, acidity and ulcers, etc. are diseases caused by gas.
Causes of Stomach gas :
Many types of research have been done about the causes of stomach gas. Various research has found that the stomach gas causes. Here we are explaining some of the major reasons :
- Consumption of drugs like aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen
- Drinking more alcohol and tea-coffee
- Having a stomach infection called Helicobacter pylori
- Accumulation of bile acid in the stomach
- Consumption of food that causes gas
- Eating more fiber-rich foods
- Weakness of the immune system due to viral infections, such as cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus
- Over stress
- Unable to digest milk and milk products
- If there is inflammation or irritation in the intestines
Symptoms of Stomach gas –
Symptoms of gas problem include mild burning sensation in the stomach to severe pain. Although mild burns may be ignored, gas pain becomes difficult to tolerate. Other symptoms of stomach gas can also occur, which are as follows :
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- loss of appetite
- Abdominal pain and bloating
- Frequent hiccups
- Black or red stool
- vomit blood
- Spasms and discomfort
- Gas can also cause nervousness
Home Remedies for Stomach Gas
Most people resort to medicines to get rid of the gas problem, which can also have side effects. Therefore, here we are giving some home remedies to get rid of gas. Home remedies for stomach gas given can be beneficial in relieving the initial symptoms of gas problem, but the treatment given by a doctor is beneficial when the condition is severe.
Baking Soda
A spoonful of baking soda
a glass of water
How to use:
Mix the baking soda well in the water.
After that drink this water.
How often do:
It can be drunk whenever needed.
How is beneficial:
The use of baking soda can be beneficial in many ways. One of them is the treatment of gas. A research in this regard is available on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). According to research, humans have hydrochloric acid in their stomach, which helps to digest food . When sodium bicarbonate is added to hydrochloric acid, this chemical acts immediately and can slow down the production of gas . It can be said on this basis that the use of baking soda as a gas medicine can be helpful in reducing the problem to some extent.
Aloe vera
Two teaspoons fresh aloe vera gel
a glass of water
How to use:
Mix aloe vera gel well in water and drink.
How often do:
You can drink one or two glasses a day.
How is beneficial:
According to Ayurveda, the benefits of aloe vera have been seen in many health problems. It can also be used for gas. A bacterial infection called Helicobacter pylori is also a cause of stomach gas formation. A research published on the NCBI website has found that Aloe vera has anti-bacterial properties, which may help to overcome the infection of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. This can help to some extent in reducing stomach gas and treating gas .
Coconut Water
Coconut water
How to use:
You can drink it at any time of the day.
How often do:
Consuming three to four glasses of coconut water throughout the day can be beneficial.
How is beneficial:
There are many benefits of using coconut water. While it is considered good in digestion, it can also be used as a gas medicine. Scientific research was done to confirm this quality of coconut water. Research has found that coconut water improves digestion, along with reducing gastric problems. On this basis, it can be said that coconut water can be beneficial in treating gas .
Green Tea
One teaspoon green tea powder or green tea bag.
A spoonful of honey
A cup of water
How to use:
First of all, heat the water thoroughly.
Then add honey and mix it.
After this, put green tea powder or green tea bag in the water.
If adding powder, mix it and drink it after filtering.
At the same time, if using a tea bag, put it in water and leave it for a while and then drink.
How often do:
About two cups of green tea can be drunk throughout the day.
How is beneficial:
The benefits of green tea have also been seen to reduce the gas problem. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which directly affects the inner lining of the stomach. This causes the gas problem to gradually reduce. Drinking this tea as a gas medicine can solve chronic gas problems. Therefore, one can consume green tea to avoid gas-related diseases. This fact is confirmed by a research paper available on the NCBI site .
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Half glass of water
How to use:
Add the juice to the water.
You can drink it at any time of the day.
How often do:
Consuming two glasses of lemonade throughout the day can be beneficial.
How is beneficial:
Lemons have been considered beneficial in many ways for health. It can also be used as a gas medicine. According to various research available on the NCBI website, lemons are classified as citrus fruits. Gastroprotective properties are found in citrus fruit such as lemon. These properties found in it may be beneficial in reducing the infection of Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause gas problems. This may help reduce the stomach gas problem .
Process number-1
Small piece of ginger
A cup of water
How to use:
Chew a piece of ginger for a while.
Then swallow it with the help of water.
How is beneficial:
Ginger has its own special place in Ayurveda. The benefits of ginger have been seen for health. Ginger can be helpful in relieving stomach disorders. According to research, ginger has antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties, which may be beneficial in reducing stomach inflammation caused by an infection called Helicobacter pylori. This can help treat gas (10).
A spoon cumin
a glass of water
How to use:
First fry the cumin seeds lightly and then grind them finely in a grinder.
Then heat the water and mix this powder in it.
After this drink this water.
How often do:
Drink after eating two or three times a day.
How is beneficial:
The use of cumin not only enhances the taste of food, it has also been considered as a medicinal medicine in Ayurveda. It is cultivated most in Asia, Africa and Europe. Cumin has antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties. Due to these properties, it can act like a panacea in gas and other stomach diseases .
Coconut Oil
A little virgin coconut oil
How to use:
This oil can be used in cooking.
How often do:
Two to three teaspoons of coconut oil a day can be included in the meal.
How is beneficial:
Coconut oil is beneficial for health in many ways. Its properties can also be beneficial in relieving gastric ulcers and reducing gas problems. According to a research published on NCBI website, virgin coconut oil has gastroprotective activity. This property may be beneficial in removing bacterial infections called Helicobacter pylori. In addition, the anti-ulcer properties found in it may also help alleviate the problem of ulcers caused by gas and in some ways to prevent gas .
Simple yogurt
How to use:
It can be eaten with food or as a snack.
How often do:
Eating one or two bowls of yogurt daily can be beneficial.
How is beneficial:
Gastric ulcers and Helicobacter pylori bacteria are the main causes of stomach gas formation. At the same time, the yogurt has probiotic properties. Numerous scientific research has so far considered that probiotics can function effectively on gastric ulcers and Helicobacter pylori (13) (14). Therefore, the use of yogurt can be beneficial in the prevention of gas.
Two teaspoons honey
A glass of hot water
How to use:
Mix honey well in warm water.
Then drink this water on an empty stomach in the morning.
How often do:
Drink it every morning on an empty stomach.
How is beneficial:
Honey is beneficial for health. The reason for this is the variety of properties present in it, which can be beneficial in curing the body along with eliminating diseases. These properties have antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties. Both these properties can help reduce the effect of the gas. While on one hand the antiinflammatory properties show an effect in reducing the swelling of the stomach caused by gas. At the same time, antibacterial properties can relieve this problem by eliminating the various types of bacteria that cause gas. On this basis, honey can be classified as a home remedy for gas (15).
½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 glass of lukewarm water
How to use:
Add cinnamon powder to lukewarm water.
Then consume it comfortably.
How often do:
You can consume it every morning on an empty stomach.
How is beneficial:
Cinnamon is not only used as a spice to enhance the taste of food in the kitchen, but it is also beneficial in removing many health related problems due to its quality. Cinnamon may also be a better alternative to home remedies for gas. Many scientific researches have been done in this subject. According to one such research, cinnamon has bactericidal properties. This property can work effectively on bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, but has not been considered more effective in research (16). Therefore, further research on cinnamon needs to be done with respect to gas.
Process number-1
5 grams turmeric powder
5 grams of salt
a glass of water
How to use:
Mix turmeric and salt together.
Then consume it with water.
You can also make the water lukewarm.
How to use:
Mix turmeric with yogurt or banana and make a paste.
Then consume it with water.
How often do:
Can be consumed once or twice a day.
How it is beneficial:
Turmeric not only brings flavor to the food, but turmeric is also used for health due to its properties. It can also be included in home remedy to remove stomach gas. Research has shown that the intake of turmeric can reduce the irritation and swelling caused by gas in the stomach . According to other research, curcumin present in turmeric has been found to have anti-Helicobacter pylori properties. Therefore, turmeric may prove to be somewhat beneficial in the gas problem .
Chamomile Tea
6 to 7 chamomile flowers washed
1 glass of water
Honey (to taste)
How to use:
Heat the water and add chamomile flowers and honey, if necessary.
When the water is well heated, turn off the gas and sieve the water in a cup.
If it is lukewarm, consume it as tea.
How often do:
It can be consumed once a day.
How is beneficial:
The benefits of chamomile tea can be beneficial for health in many ways. Research has found that chamomile can be a home remedy for gas. It is used for stomach irritation, indigestion, diarrhea.
1-2 grams celery
Jaggery nuggets
How to use:
Add celery to jaggery and then make tablets and eat it.
How often do:
Can be eaten once or twice a day.
How is beneficial:
Celery has been used as herbal medicine for centuries. It is believed to have many properties, which are important from a health perspective. These properties also have its anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. These properties can be beneficial in the prevention of gas. Research has found that these properties found in celery may be beneficial in reducing the effects of Helicobacter pylori causing gas problems and preventing infection from it .
Root of liquorice
One teaspoon liquorice powder
A glass of hot water
How to use:
Mix the liquorice powder in hot water and leave it for about 10-15 minutes.
After this, sieve and drink water.
How often do:
This mixture can be drunk at least once a day.
How is beneficial:
Mulethi can be used for sore throat and coughs and colds. If liquorice powder is drunk by dissolving it in water, it protects the stomach lining from harmful bacteria and gas ulcers. The liquorice also has anti-Helicobacter pylori properties, due to which it can reduce the bacterial infections that cause stomach ulcers and gas.
Black Pepper
Half teaspoon pepper
½ teaspoon black salt
Half lemon juice
A cup of water
How to use:
Mix all these ingredients in water and consume them.
How often do:
You can consume these once daily.
How is beneficial:
Black pepper can be used as a home remedy for gas. According to research, pepper has gastro-protective properties. This property found in black pepper may be helpful in improving gastrointestinal function and the problem of stomach gas .
Mint oil
2 or 3 drops mint oil
Half a glass of lukewarm water
How to use:
Add the drops of oil to the water.
Then drink this mixture.
How often do:
You can consume it every morning on an empty stomach for better results.
How is beneficial:
In Ayurveda, mint oil has also been used to get rid of many diseases and health related problems. It can also be used as a home remedy for gas and to prevent infections caused by it. One research used a variety of oils, including peppermint oil. Research has found that many oils as well as mint oil have anti-Helicobacter pylori properties against Helicobacter pylori causing gas problems (23). More scientific study is needed in this regard.
If the digestive system will not function properly, then gas, acidity, indigestion and constipation are certain. If you want to avoid all these conditions, then vitamin-rich foods and supplements should be consumed regularly. These essential vitamins can help the body fight infection. Also protects the inner lining of the stomach from damage and can reduce the risk of ulcers . Chicken, eggs, yogurt and cereals are rich in vitamins. At the same time, citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and amla have plenty of vitamins, but only doctors can tell better how many vitamins are needed.
Yoga for gas problem
Practicing yoga with medicines can be helpful in controlling and relieving symptoms related to digestive diseases. At the same time yoga also reduces stress, which can alleviate problems such as gas, GERD (gastrophagal reflux disease) and peptic ulcer . Here we are giving some types of yoga for gas problem:
Padahastasana: Can make digestive system better by eliminating the problem of constipation, gas and acidity. Apart from this, this asana can also be done to reduce the stomach.
Kapalabhati: This Kapalabhati Pranayama can relieve tension as well as gas, constipation and acidity.
Uttanapadasana: This asana can give relief in case of indigestion, constipation and gas problems.
Pawanmuktasan: Along with relieving acidity and constipation, it can also help in removing stomach gas.
Diet for gas problem –
After knowing what to do for gas, here we are telling you what to eat and what not to eat. There are many foods that cause gas problems .
1.Fat-rich, fried, sour and very spicy foods can cause gas problems.
2.Consumption of coffee, cocoa and strong tea can also make gas in the stomach.
3.Some vegetables like cabbage, raw beet, onion, garlic and turnip can also cause gastritis problems.
4.Cold drinks can cause carbon dioxide in the stomach, which can lead to gastritis problems.
5.Fructose-rich fruits-vegetables such as peaches, plums, and cucumbers can also cause gastritis problems.
Certain foods can help prevent gastritis and reduce its symptoms as a gas removal remedy contains :
- High fiber foods such as apples, oatmeal, broccoli, carrots and beans.
- Eat easily digested foods, such as roasted chicken and low-fat soup.
- Drinks that are not carbonated.
- Yogurt can also be consumed by adding salt.
- There is something special ahead
Prevention Tips for Stomach Gas Problem
Changes in lifestyle and diet can occur. Here’s how to know:
- Along with the above mentioned home remedies, it is also necessary to follow some important rules to get a solution to the problem of stomach gas. If you take these measures to prevent these gas problems regularly, then you will never have this problem.
- You must drink at least eight-ten glasses of water per day. This makes the digestive system work well and does not cause constipation. Our intestines work well when the stomach is clean, which does not have to withstand gas and acidity.
- Stomach by eating fried and chili-spicy things
- Burning sensation and gas formation. Therefore, stay away from such foods. Also note that by eating what you get, you get irritation and gas in the stomach. You can make a list of such foods and avoid eating them.
- Stay away from junk food.
- Keep an eye on whoever is taking the medicine. If you feel burning and gas in the stomach due to taking any of those medicines, then tell the doctor about it. The doctor may give other medicines instead.
- Do not consume alcohol, smoking and tobacco at all. These spoil our digestive system, causing gas and acidity. In addition, their consumption also affects the kidneys and lungs.
- Reduce your intake of tea and coffee. Their effect is hot, due to which there is a burning sensation in the stomach.
- Do yoga for at least 20-25 minutes daily. This causes the internal organs of the stomach to function properly and our body naturally detoxes. Initially, under the supervision of a trainer, you can do Pawanmuktasana, Butterfly posture, Padahastan, Naukasana and Surya Namaskar etc. All these not only overcome the problem of gas, but also keep the weight balanced.
- Also, take a walk after morning walk and dinner. This keeps the digestive system good and the food is easily digested.
- Make a difference of at least two hours between dinner and sleep.
Healthy Breakfast Recipes For Weight Loss
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
1. Banana, Almond, Cinnamon Smoothie
Material :
- A banana
- Four almonds
- 200 ml milk
- Two teaspoons curd
- A quarter teaspoon cinnamon powder
Recipe :
- Put all the ingredients in the mixture and make a mixture.
- Now put it in a glass and it is ready for consumption.
- If you want, you can fill it in a bottle and take it with you on the way to office.
- For one person.
2. Macha smoothie
Material :
- A spoonful of matcha tea
- A quarter cup of water
- Half cup spinach
- 6 chopped almonds
- Two teaspoons chia seeds
- Two tablespoons grated coconut
- A spoonful of light coconut milk
- Some blueberries for topping
Recipe :
- Heat one-fourth cup of water in a pot, then remove it from the gas and add the matcha tea to it.
- Then mix it well.
- Now mix spinach, coconut milk and macha tea in a mixie and make a mixture.
- Take out the mixture in a bowl and garnish it with grated coconut, almonds, chia seeds and blue berries.
- For one person.
3. Sunny Side ie Poach and Avocado Toast
Material :
- A wheat toast
- two eggs
- Half avocado
- A quarter teaspoon of chili flakes or black pepper
- One teaspoon olive oil
- Salt to taste
Recipe :
- Heat olive oil in a pan and make egg poach in it.
- Meanwhile, mash half the avocado.
- Place the mashed avocado on wheat toast.
- Now place the poach over the mashed avocado.
- Then sprinkle some chili flakes or black pepper and salt on it as per taste.
- Your toast is ready.
- If you want, you can also add another toast on top of it and make it like a sandwich.
- For one person.
4. Sprouted Salad with Flaxseed Powder
Material :
- 2 cups boiled sprouted moong
- ½ cup chopped tomatoes
- Half cup chopped cucumber
- 2 tablespoons boiled peanuts
- 2 tablespoons flaxseed powder
- 4 tablespoons lemon juice
- ½ teaspoon black salt
- 2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves
Recipe :
- In a bowl mix boiled moong, chopped vegetables, boiled peanuts and flaxseed powder.
- Now add black salt, lemon juice and chopped coriander to it.
- Your protein rich breakfast is ready.
- For one person.
5. Rava Upma
- 4 tablespoons semolina
- Half finely chopped onion
- Half finely chopped carrots
- One spoon mustard seeds
- Some curry leaves
- One tablespoon ghee
- A spoonful of gram lentils
- 10 peanuts
- Half a teaspoon chopped green chillies
- Salt to taste
- 1 cup water
- 1 tablespoon chopped coriander
Recipe :
- Heat a pan and add ghee to it.
- Now add curry leaves and mustard seeds to the ghee.
- Let the mustard crackle.
- Now add chana dal and fry it for a while.
- Add chopped onion and cook onion for few minutes till it changes color.
- Then add chopped carrots and peanuts and cook for 2 minutes.
- Add semolina, salt and green chilies and cook it well for 2-3 minutes.
- Then add water to it.
- Stir it until the water dries up.
- When the water dries, add coriander leaves to it and eat it hot.
- For one person.
6. Gram flour
Material :
- 4 tablespoons gram flour
- Half finely chopped onion
- Half finely chopped tomatoes
- Two tablespoons finely chopped coriander
- Two teaspoons olive oil
- A quarter teaspoon turmeric
- A quarter teaspoon red chili powder
- One or two finely chopped green chilies
- Water as required
- Half cup Greek yogurt
- Salt to taste
Recipe :
- Take a bowl and pour all the ingredients with gram flour.
- Now mix the ingredients well by adding water to it and prepare the solution.
- Now take a non stick or ordinary griddle and keep it on the gas to heat.
- Now add about a teaspoon of olive oil.
- When the oil is hot, add a tablespoon of gram flour and spread it.
- When it is cooked like a paratha, serve it.
- Make two gram flour cheela and eat with Greek yogurt.
- For one person.
7. Yogurt, fruits, nuts and seeds
Material :
- Half cup Greek yogurt
- Half thinly sliced apple
- Half thinly sliced peach
- A quarter cup of pomegranate
- A spoonful of pumpkin seeds (pepita)
- A teaspoon flaxseed powder
- One tablespoon chopped almonds
Recipe :
- Whisk Greek yogurt with flaxseed powder in a bowl.
- Now add chopped apple, chopped peaches, pomegranate, almonds, and pumpkin seeds.
- Your breakfast is ready.
- For one person.
8. Green Apple and Spinach Smoothie
Material :
- A green apple
- Half cup spinach
- Half a cup of almond milk
- A finely chopped date
- One teaspoon Melon seed powder
Recipe :
- Mix all the ingredients in a grinder and make it smooth.
- Now drink this smoothie in a glass.
- You can also take it to the office by putting it in a bottle.
- For one person.
Note: Not only breakfast, but along with breakfast, it is important to take care of the right exercise, yoga, avoiding junk food and diet all day.
After knowing these easy breakfast recipes for weight loss, you will no longer have the excuse that you did not have breakfast in the absence of time.
Home Remedies For Fast Weight Loss Tips in Hindi
- There is an easy way to reduce obesity, you wake up in the morning and drink pure water without eating anything, which is quite beneficial. Exercising and walking by drinking water without eating anything provides energy to the body’s nerves. And the mind is cheerful.
- Apart from this, you can also eat green tea and lemonade in the morning. Which are quite useful for weight loss.
- Mixing ripe lemon juice and honey in water and drinking / licking can also reduce weight.
- If you do not have acidity, then drinking thin milk of turmeric (without cream) at night also helps in weight loss.
- It is best to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and beans to control weight. Eating cucumber, cucumber, radish, gram, moong, peas, papaya, carrots and all types of lentils is beneficial.
- Eat a small amount of dryfood every day, such as eating almonds, pistachios, figs, cashews, and raisins provides protein vitamins and the digestive system is also good.
- You should also use Triphala, Amla and Harda in your food, so that both your teeth and stomach remain strong. If the teeth are strong, it will be easy to chew the food and if the food is chewed properly then the digestive system will be able to digest all the food properly, and if the food is digested properly then there will be no accumulated food in the stomach. Whenever the food is not fully digested, then that diet changes into fat / FAT. Therefore, take Triphala, Amla and Harda regularly.
- Such people often do that immediately after eating food they fill their stomachs with water. Which is not good for health, drinking water immediately after eating causes rapid weight gain.
What not to do:
- Sugar, sweet dishes, stored food, cold drinks, baking products (bread, loaf), and beer increase weight.
- Fried foods, dishes containing desi ghee, potatoes, all purpose flour, rice, sugar, etc., play the most important role in growing lard.
- Never eat food with a full stomach. Always eat food a little bit.
- Avoid eating anything at all times because it increases obesity.
- Indigenous spices such as asafoetida, parsley, black pepper, cloves, and curry leaves help to digest the digestive system if proper spices are added to the food. And due to the clean stomach, fat does not accumulate in the body.
- Eating small amounts of food more often reduces the digestive system’s labor, which causes no indigestion and also does not increase fat.
- Sugar syrup, talking while eating, watching TV, is very harmful body, in this way a man ea
- ts more than his hunger and he does not even know.
- Food and breakfast should focus on fresh, whole foods that are fragrant with herbs and spices.
- Additionally, including non-starchy vegetables like greens, brinjals or tomatoes in your diet will boost fiber which can help you feel satisfied longer after eating.
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Hair loss is a common problem that can affect anyone, whether male or female. Many hair loss reasons can be responsible for this, which we will give further information in the article. At the same time, people also take many modern remedies to get rid of this problem, the side effects of which can make hair problem even more complicated. This is the reason why in this article of StyleCrease we are going to show the ways to prevent hair loss. The home remedies mentioned here are helpful in reducing your problem to some extent. Keep in mind that these home remedies should not be considered as a treatment for hair fall. If the problem is serious then contact the concerned doctor.
Causes of hair fall
The reasons for hair loss are many, among them the major reasons we are mentioning below.
- Genetic – Genetic is also a major cause of hair loss. If someone in the family has had a problem of hair loss earlier, then any other member in the family may also have to face it.
- Physical or emotional stress – Physical or emotional stress can also cause hair loss. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium. When you shampoo, comb, or turn your hands into hair, a lot of hair comes together in a fist.
- High fever or severe infection
- Delivery
- Major surgery, major illness or sudden blood loss
- Severe emotional stress
- Crash diet (short weight loss diet), especially those that do not have enough protein.
- Because of certain medicines, such as contraceptive medicine or antidepressants.
Other causes of hair loss
- Alopecia Areata – Severe hair loss problem
- Anemia
- Autoimmune conditions such as lupus
- Due to burns
- Some infectious diseases like syphilis
- Excessive shampooing and blow-drying
- Hormonal changes
- Thyroid disease
- Some habits like – constantly rubbing hair, pulling or rubbing scalp
- Bacterial infections of scalp
Home Remedies for Hair Fall :
Coconut Oil
Massage hair and scalp thoroughly before sleeping at night.
Then wash the next day with a mild shampoo.
Coconut oil can be used two to three times a week.
How beneficial?
Coconut oil is used in many hair products . Coconut oil can be useful in reducing damage to hair. It is quite light and can provide nourishment to the hair deeply. Before or after washing hair, the use of coconut oil helps to maintain hair protein, which can promote hair health . Also, the use of coconut oil can reduce the risk of hair loss or breakage .
Onion juice
Method of use
Grind the onion and extract its juice.
Now by immersing cotton in it, apply the juice from the roots of the hair to the ends.
After half an hour, wash the hair with cold water and shampoo it later.
How beneficial?
Use of raw onion juice on scalp has been found useful in hair growth. On this basis, the use of onion juice can be effective for Alopecia Areta .
Curry leaves
Method of use
Put a handful of curry leaves in half a cup of coconut oil and heat it in a saucepan.
When the mixture starts to turn a light black color, turn off the gas and leave the mixture to cool.
Sieve the mixture after it cools.
Now apply this mixture on your hair and scalp and leave it for half an hour.
Then wash with shampoo and conditioner.
It can be used once a week.
How beneficial?
Curry leaves have been used for hair for many years. It can act as a tonic for the hair, keeping the hair color intact as well as helping to freeze new hair . Not only this, curry leaves can also reduce the risk of hair becoming white . Although no exact scientific evidence exists yet, one can use curry leaves to keep hair healthy.
- Egg
Method of use
Mix the egg white in almond oil.
Now apply it in your hair.
After about half an hour wash the hair with shampoo.
How beneficial?
Eggs can be an effective ingredient to keep hair healthy. This can not only keep the hair healthy but can also prevent the hair from deteriorating or breaking. Eggs can also be used for hair along with many other ingredients such as olive oil, honey, and yogurt . Not only this, egg yolk can also be beneficial for hair and can act like a useful treatment in hair loss .
Method of use
Boil the gooseberry in coconut oil until the oil turns black.
After this, cool the oil and massage the scalp with it.
After about 20-30 minutes wash the head with shampoo.
How beneficial?
Amla has been used as a hair tonic. The use of amla can help strengthen hair. If Amla is used with coconut oil, it can be helpful in preventing hair fall. In addition, amla can provide nourishment to the hair, which can make the hair healthier. If amla is consumed, it may be more beneficial . Amla contains vitamin C, which can be beneficial for hair fall .
Green Tea
Two green tea bags
Two to three cups of hot water
Method of use
Put both tea bags in hot water and wait for the water to cool down.
After taking out the tea bags, wash the hair with this water.
Also massage your head.
How beneficial?
The benefits of green tea for hair are also many. Green tea contains a polyphenol called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). EGCG can be helpful in hair growth and may be beneficial for alopecia as well .
Method of use
Grind the fenugreek seeds in a grinder.
Now mix this powder in curd and mix it.
Apply this mixture on the head and hair and gently massage the scalp with hands.
After about 20 minutes wash your hair with lukewarm water, shampoo it.
How beneficial?
Yogurt is a source of probiotics .
According to a research published on the website, the use of probiotics can work to improve hair growth and their thickness .
Rosemary Oil
Rosemary oil as required
8 to 10 drops olive or coconut oil
Method of use
Mix rosemary oil and olive or coconut oil.
Apply it in the head before sleeping at night, wash the hair the next day.
It can be used once or twice a week.
How beneficial?
Use of Rosemary oil can be very beneficial for hair. Use of Rosemary oil or its leaves can be beneficial for hair growth. However, more precise research is still needed in this topic.
Aloe Vera
A leaf of aloe vera
Method of use
Boil the aloe vera leaves in hot water and then grind them to a paste.
Now wash the hair, apply the paste well on the hair.
After this, gently massage the scalp with hands.
After about 15 minutes wash the hair with cold water.
It can be applied two to three times a week.
How beneficial?
The benefits of aloe vera are many. Aloe vera can be beneficial for health and skin as well as hair. It can be helpful in hair loss and hair growth. It can be used as a hair fall medicine. This can prevent hair from deteriorating and can help keep hair healthy. Aloe vera can also be used with other ingredients such as almonds or castor oil .
One teaspoon Shikakai Powder
A spoonful of aloe vera powder
One spoon Amla powder
One spoon Henna Powder
Method of use
Mix all these ingredients in an equal amount and make a paste.
Now apply the mixture on your head and hair.
After a while, wash the hair with lukewarm water and do shampoo.
This home remedy can be used twice a week as a hair loss medicine.
How beneficial?
Shikakai is an herbal herb. It has been used for years as an herbal shampoo to enhance and wash hair . Not only this, along with cleaning the hair, anti-dandruff shampoo made from it can also be helpful in getting rid of dandruff . How it works on hair requires further research at the moment.
After home remedy for hair loss, now comes the diet. Here is information about how to prevent hair fall from the intake of food items.
What to eat and what not to do to prevent hair fall ?
Diet also plays an important role when it comes to preventing hair loss. If the diet is correct then the hair will also be healthy. At the same time, lack of nutrients can also be the cause of hair loss . So in this part of the article, we are giving information about what to eat and what not to do to prevent hair loss.
What to eat to prevent hair loss –
Egg – Egg intake can be beneficial for hair. Indeed, eggs contain protein and protein deficiency can lead to hair loss and loss . If no one eats eggs, they can consume other protein rich foods like almonds or peas. Eggs also contain biotin, not just protein, which may be beneficial for hair .
Omega 3 and 6 – Consumption of omega 3 and 6 may be beneficial to prevent hair loss . Salmon fish for omega 3, walnuts and omega 6 for walnuts or pumpkin seeds can be consumed .
Iron – Iron can also be beneficial for making hair healthy . In such cases, iron-rich foods such as spinach, peas or kale can be consumed .
Zinc – Lack of zinc can also cause hair loss when it comes to nutrients. In such a diet containing zinc, foods such as chicken, almonds, oatmeal, peas. They can be consumed .
What not to eat
Vitamin A – Vitamin-A is beneficial for hair, but excessive intake of it can cause hair loss .
Also, it may be a good idea to distance yourself from the food and beverages mentioned below, these can complicate the problem of hair.
Sugary beverages
Junk foods
More tea and coffee
Some other ways to prevent hair loss :
- Along with treating hair loss and home remedies for hair loss, it is also necessary to take care of some important things. These measures are related to the lifestyle of the person and there is no exact scientific evidence available.
- Hair color found in the market has many types of chemical, which is not good for hair. Repeated hair coloring can break hair, as well as reduce the natural shine of hair.
- Do not tie the hair too tightly. Tight tying can cause more hair breakage.
- Clean the comb regularly.
- Wear a scarf or cap on your head before going out in the sun to protect your hair from harmful sun rays and pollution.
- Do not turn your hands over hair repeatedly.
- Do not wash hair with warm water. Washing with warm water can make hair dry, lifeless andtarnished.
- Exercise regularly.
- Stay away from stress or anxiety.
- Do yoga or meditation.
Just as the body needs care, the hair also needs adequate maintenance. The measures mentioned in this article to prevent hair fall are not only economical but also easy. If even after adopting the home remedy of hair loss, one’s hair is constantly falling, then it is possible that the person has a serious health problem and they need to be treated for hair loss. In such a situation, doctors can advise the patient about hair loss medicine. Apart from this, along with home remedies for hair loss, be sure to take care of the diet as well.
For detailed information visit our website-
Home remedies to grow Hair Faster
- January 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Every girl dreams that her hair is long and thick. But this dream of few girls can be fulfilled. If the hair is not long or there is no life in them, then you are responsible for it somewhere. Our lifestyle has become such that we are not able to pay attention to our hair at all. Neither apply oil to hair nor massage them. If you want to increase hair growth, then you have to take care of it regularly. Apply almond oil to your hair, include vitamin E food in your diet and always keep your hair clean and tidy. By doing this, your hair will grow in a few days. So let’s know some best ways to grow hair.
More hair shaving Many people shave hair twice a day, but if you brush your hair 20 times a day, your hair will start growing quickly. Scrub with a little pressure. When you are brushing your hair with a brush, apply some pressure on the scalp. This will correct the blood circulation of the head and the hair will grow quickly.
Apply oil to hair once a week. Applying oil to the hair provides nourishment to the head. You need natural things to grow hair of jaggery oil. Soak some goodhall buds in hot coconut oil for overnight. Then use this oil to massage your hair. This will make hair grow faster and thicker. Tie your hair and go to sleep whenever you want to braid it. Hair will not be broken by wearing it.
Vitamin E To increase hair growth, you will have to eat vitamin E diet. Such as almonds and akharat. Apply almond oil, we believe that oil is good for hair only by using coconut. But you should also add almond oil to your hair because it contains a lot of vitamin E. Do not wash the hair with hot water. Hot water spoils the hair. Hot water opens the hair follicles of the scalp, causing hair fall. Keep hair clean As important as applying oil to hair, it is also necessary to keep hair clean with shampoo. Their growth is faster due to clean hair. Hair should be washed three times a week with mild shampoo. Cover the hair with a scarf Whenever it is in the sun, cover the hair with a scarf. It is very important to protect the hair from the strong sunlight.
If you want to improve hair growth, then trim them from time to time. This not only gets rid of split ends, but also reduces hair breakage and helps in hair growth.
What you eat is not just for filling the stomach, but it also has a wide impact on your health and skin. By eating the right nutrition food, your hair also starts growing faster. Therefore, you should try to include protein rich foods like eggs, curd and nuts in your diet.
If you want your hair to be less broken and their growth too fast, then you should not use hair products that cause hair damage by heating. If you keep your hair healthy, then it also causes faster hair growth.
It is necessary to shampoo to remove hair mess and clean it, but avoid shampoo every day. Due to this, the natural oil of the hair ends, which causes dryness in the hair and also affects its growth. If you want, you can leave the day and shampoo. Also, keep in mind that after shampooing your hair, you must condition it.
You can also adopt some home remedies to give hair extra nutrition and increase its growth. For example, you can apply aloe vera gel on your scalp and hair. It removes problems like hair fall and dandruff.
The fatty acids present in coconut oil are considered very good for hair. It gives extra strength to the hair. Therefore, to improve your hair growth, massage your hair with coconut oil. Onion juice works like magic on the hair. Although its smell can make you a bit nervous. To improve hair growth, apply onion juice on the hair and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After that shampoo it.
1. Onion juice
You will not know about the benefits of applying onion juice in hair! Applying onion juice to hair makes hair stronger and reduces hair loss! The highest amount of sulfur is found inside the onion, which increases the blood circulation of the scalp, in addition, it also corrects any infections or bacteria in your head! There is also a lot of research that prevents onion hairs from rooting!
2. Egg
Put an egg in hair, jade of hair is strong by applying egg on hair! Apply an hour before shampooing hair!
3. Eat fruits and vegetables
It is better to eat fruits and vegetables by eating chemical-rich products or medicines! You must know how beneficial fruits and vegetables are for our health! Since childhood, we have been hearing about the benefits of fruits and vegetables. Proteins, minerals and vitamins are needed to grow and strengthen hair. Which we can find very easily in fruits and vegetables!
4. Clean the scalp with oil
The main reason for hair growth is not to recognize blood circulation in hair! If the blood circulation in your hair does not reach right then your hair starts to grow or fall! If you gargle with oil in your scalp every two days or even two to three times a week, then blood circulation will occur properly in your head, which will automatically reduce your hair loss!
5. Aloe vera hair
Aloe vera is a very healthy plant and has been considered very high in Ayurveda! This aloe vera is also very beneficial for hair! The gels in aloe vera leaves greatly benefit hair! Also you can use aloe vera powder! By making a paste of this powder and applying it to the hair, the hair becomes very strong!
6. Exercise daily
Exercise makes our body very attractive and strong! By exercising daily, blood circulation in our body is done in a very good way! Due to which we get great benefits mentally and physically and exercising daily reduces our stress too fast! We should regularly include exercise in our routine! You can do daily walks, swimming, cycling or any sports (sports) etc.
7. Stay away from stress
We have already told you about the stress damage! If you take more stress than it can cause your hair to fall! So always keep yourself relaxed! You can listen to meditation, exercise, a game or sports or listen to music of your choice to reduce stress! By doing this your stress level will be reduced considerably and it will help in preventing your hair from falling out!
8. Coconut Oil, Amla, and Lemon
1 teaspoon coconut oil, 1/2 lemon (half), 2 tablespoon amla powder, mix all these three things together! Put it on your hair now! Let it be for about 45 minutes! You can apply this recipe twice a week! Trying these tips will reduce your hair loss and also use them to darken dry hair!
9. Castor Oil
After massaging the hair with castor oil, soak the towel in warm water and wrap it on the head for twenty minutes! If you want, you can add two to four drops of lemon juice to reduce the viscosity of the oil. Castor oil is considered one of the most beneficial oils for natural hair treatment! Applying castor oil makes hair grow thicker, darker and softer as well as faster!
10. Vitamin
Mix vitamin-C or E-pill in coconut oil and massage the hair lightly with it! Wash hair thoroughly after the massage is over! Vitamin-E and C have antioxidant properties! These vitamins work to improve hair health quickly by reducing oxidative stress!
11. Henna
Henna is a natural conditioner! Mix rosemary powder in curd and make a paste! Apply this paste in your hair and let it stay for a while! After the hair paste has dried, wash it thoroughly with shampoo! Henna strengthens your hair and makes it black, thick and soft! If possible, instead of henna powder sold in the market, grind the henna leaves yourself and use them for paste! If henna leaves are not available then use only henna powder of good brand!
12. Ginger
Peel the ginger and extract its juice! Apply this juice to the hair and after 20 minutes wash the hair with a good shampoo! Ginger improves the blood flow in our head and helps hair grow!
13. Mustard Oil
Massage the hair with mustard oil at night at intervals of three to four days and wash the hair with a good shampoo in the morning the next day! Omega-3 is found in plenty in mustard oil! Which is very good for hair health! Try to apply mustard oil to your hair only at night! Because applying mustard oil during the day increases the risk of sticking dirt and dust on your hair!
14. Fenugreek
Fenugreek seeds also contain abundant amounts of protein and nicotinic acid, which prevents hair breakage! Fenugreek seeds contain hormones which prove to be very helpful in making hair grow faster! Fenugreek seeds contain hormones that help hair grow faster!
15. Rice Water
Rice water contains a carbohydrate called inositol, which prevents hair loss! In addition, rice water also contains amino acids, which strengthen the roots of the hair as well as make them art, thick and soft! Soak rice in water! Sieve the water after 20 minutes! Now, lightly lighten your hair and hair roots with that water! Later wash your hair with a good shampoo!