Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Home Remedies for Tonsillitis Treatment
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
What is a tonsil?
In Ayurveda, tonsillitis has been referred to as ‘tuberculosis inflammation’. Tonsils are a part of the body that resides on both sides of the throat. It plays an important role in the body’s defense system, and protects the body from external infections. These are part of our body’s lymphatic system, which helps in fighting external infections.
When there is any type of infection in the tonsils, their shape changes and swells. This is called tonsillitis. Tonsils 2.5 cm in size. Long, 2 cm Wide and 1.2 cm They are thick. Although tonsillitis can occur at any age, but it mostly occurs in childhood. It is a common infection found in children. Occurs more in children from young children to adolescence (5–15 years).
Tonsils Causes
These reasons can be due to tonsils: –
- The most common disease in tonsillitis is Streptococcus Pyogenes.
- Apart from this, Staphylococcus aureus is also a cause of Mycoplasma Pneumonia.
- Influenza causes tonsils, called flu.
- Due to coronavirus, one of its two subtypes is also the cause of SARS.
- By eating or drinking too much cold (ice cream or cold drink).
- Weakness of immunity.
Symptoms of tonsils:
- Severe pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing anything.
- Pain in lower ear also.
- Swelling in the lower part of the jaws.
- Sore throat, and smell of mouth.
- Extreme weakness, fatigue, and irritability.
- Problems such as shortness of breath, and dripping saliva in young children.
Home Remedies for Tonsil Treatment
Gargle with salt water. This reduces inflammation. This is a very easy way to cure tonsillitis at home.
- Mix 2-3 drops of lemon juice in one teaspoon of honey and give the child three times a day.
- Mix lemon juice and fresh ginger in hot water. Gargle every 30 minutes with this water.
- Gargle by adding lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and pepper to the hot water.
Ginger help to reduce Tonsillitis Symptoms
Licking ginger juice mixed with honey relieves swelling and pain.
Milk with Turmeric
Add a pinch of turmeric to warm milk and eat it before sleeping at night. Turmeric intake helps in curing tonsils as well as many diseases.
Boil alum powder in water and gargle. It reduces the discomfort of tonsils and gives you comfort.
in Hindi)
Put 4-5 garlic in water and boil it. Gargle with this water. This home remedy (Tonsil ka ilaj) provides relief from inflammation and irritation.
Heat 6-7 grams of fenugreek seeds in one liter of water. Gargle three times a day with this. It is beneficial in tonsils.
Grind the onion juice mixed with lukewarm water. It benefits greatly in tonsils.
Tulsi and Honey help to reduce Tonsillitis Symptoms
Boil 4-6 basil leaves in a glass of milk. When lukewarm, take half a teaspoon of honey mixed with it.
In the morning, lukewarm about 7-8 glasses of water. Add salt to it. Sit down with a frown. Drink water to the best of your ability. When the water reaches the throat and starts vomiting, then bend and press the stomach. Touch the tongue with the finger. Doing so will cause vomiting. Do this until all the stomach water comes out. After this, drink lukewarm milk after half an hour. This activity should be done on an empty stomach in the morning.
Yoga Helps in Tonsillitis Treatment
- Do pranayama.
- Do Kapalbhanti, Anulom-Antonym, Ujjai and Bhastrika.
- Perform Kunjal Kriya.
- Sethubandhasan
- Pawanmuktasan
- Bhujangasana
- Ustrasana
Avoid Your Foods in Tonsillitis
During Ayurvedic treatment for tonsils, one should avoid: –
- Do not consume strong ingredients (curd, cold milk, cold water, ice cream, rice) at all.
- Don’t eat stale food, junkfood.
- Do not eat fried and roasted foods.
- Do not consume cold things like- yogurt, ice cream, cold water at all.
- Do not consume junkfood, fried-roasted, spicy things at all.
- Do not heat again and again after keeping food in the fridge. By doing this the nutrients of the food are reduced. This makes the person’s immunity weak.
Lifestyle Tips in Tonsillitis to Avoid Tonsillitis
- This is a disease caused by infection, so take special care of cleanliness in it.
- Wash hands thoroughly before eating anything.
- Take care at home in case of infection in young children. There is a risk of viral infection in the school.
- Wash hands after coughing and sneezing
- Ice cream
- Fill a few pieces of ice in a cotton cloth and bake it on the part of the tonsils around the neck. Give ice five to six times a day.
Turmeric milk
Take warm milk in a glass. Add half a teaspoon turmeric powder and half a teaspoon pepper powder to it and consume it regularly before bedtime.
Lemon, salt and honey
Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of warm water. Add a pinch of salt and two teaspoons of honey. Take it twice a day.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Tinnitus is an ear disease, in which a sound like whistle or buzzing is heard within the ears. Whereas such sound is not coming from outside. Tinnitus can be caused by decreased hearing ability, wax accumulation in the ear, an ear injury or infection, or when listening to a loud voice. Tinnitus affects the brain and your daily activities. Because of this voice, you do not mind in any work. It is often difficult to know the cause of tinnitus. We are telling you that by adopting home remedies, you can get rid of this noise occurring within the ear.
- Due to tinnitus
- Ear infection
- Sinus infection
- Ear closure
- Meniere’s disease
- Old age
- Constant exposure to loud noises
- Sudden exposure to loud noises
- Head or neck injury
- VIII Tumor affecting cranial nerve
- Autosclerosis – a condition in which the small bones of the inner part of the ear become immovable.
- Medical problems such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, hypertension, anemia, cardiovascular problems, autoimmune disorders and circulatory disorders
- Extreme stress and fatigue
- Excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeinated beverages and cigarette smoking may worsen the condition of a tinnitus patient.
- Migraine headache
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies
In the treatment of tinnitus, zinc is a better medicine. Noise is also often caused due to high blood pressure. Zincgo helps to normalize blood flow and helps to reduce the noise in the ear. This herb has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which relieves the problem of tinnitus caused by an infection in the ear. Putting 3 to 4 drops of zinc juice in water daily and drinking it 3 times a day will give relief from tinnitus in a few weeks. Keep in mind that zinc should not be given to children.
Apple Cedar Vinegar
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies Apple cider vinegar has anti fungal and pain relieving properties. It is also used in the treatment of tinnitus caused by infection. It controls alkaline levels in the body. Drink two spoons of apple cedar vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and drink it 2 to 3 times a day until the problem of tinnitus is overcome.
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies Tulsi is a panacea for the treatment of tinnitus. Its anti-bacterial properties help kill bacteria responsible for tinnitus in the ear. Grind the basil leaves in a blender, then filter it with a thin cloth and extract its juice. Heat this juice lightly and put 2-3 drops of it in the ear twice a day.
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies Tinnitus often occurs in the ear during cold weather. In this case, the use of garlic increases blood circulation and its anti-bacterial properties relieve the problem of tinnitus. Crush two garlic buds in sesame oil and heat it on low flame for a while, after cooling, put 2-3 drops in the ear. Do this experiment every night before sleeping at night.
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies Ginger is known for its pain relieving and many medicinal properties. It keeps the blood flow in the body correct and prevents from pre-radicals. Also, its pain relieving property relieves ear pain caused by tinnitus. Boil half a teaspoon of chopped ginger in a cup of water for 10 minutes and filter it and mix one spoon of honey in it and drink it to get relief. Chewing a piece of raw ginger puts pressure on the ear and relaxes the tinnitus.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In Ayurveda mukhdushika is disease in which there is appearance of papules on face which resembles the sprouts on the bark of Shalmali plant, which occurs due to the vitiated Kapha, vata dosha and Rakt dhatu. It is also called Yauvan Pidika. It can be corelated to Acne vulgaris explained in modern science
Causative factors of Mukhdushika
- Time and age factors
- Tarunya or Young age
- Madhyahan(Noon)
- Vasant ritu(Blossom), Grishma ritu(summers), Sharad ritu(
- Aharaj(Food factors)
- Heavy meal or food hard to digest
- Excessive spicy, sweet food
- Oily food, milk and milk products
- Meat
- Excessive Alcohol consumption
- Viharaj (Activities or lifestyle)
- Holding natural urges
- Waking up all night
- Excess sleeping
- Fasting
- Excessive sunbath
- Mansik (Mind/stress factors)
- Stress
- Anger
- Irritation
- Behavioral changes
- Painful eruptions, pain may be acute or mild
- Eruptions are thick and hard
- Itching
- Burning sensation and redness
- secretion from the eruptions
- Vaman(Emesis) : It is the best procedure to subside Kaphaj abnormalities. It expels excessive accumulated kapha out from the body.
- Virechan (Purgation) : This therapy is mainly used in Pitta vikaras. As Rakt properties are analogous to Pitta dosha so purgation is effective in Raktaj disorders. It expels excessive pitta from the body
- Nasya : Gotukola(Centella asiatica) Nasya for 3days followed by application of Tiladilepa for 14days.
- Raktamokshana : With Jaloka or Leech therapy. Leech sucks the Dushit rakta(toxins present in blood or infected blood) from our body and helps cure acne.
If these treatment does not work then there are surgical and para surgical procedures like Siravedh(Venesection to remove infected blood), Chhedan(Excision), Agnikarma(Cautery) that are used in severe cases.
It includes both oral intake of medicines like pills, syrups, powder, decoction which have anti inflammatory, anti bacterial properties and balance vitiated doshas and local application of lepas and oils.
Few examples of oral medicines :
- Arogyavardhini vati
- Brihatmanjishthadi kwath
- Panchtikta ghrit guggulu
- Chitrakadi vati
- Gandhak rasayan
- Khadiradi vati
Lepas are anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, treats acne and even enhances the complexion.
In Ayurveda lepas are usually given in oily skin and Tailas are given in dry skin patients.
Tailas also have wound healing properties and reduces the scar formation.
Few lepas and oils are :
- Lodhradi lep
- Arjunadi lep
- Sidharthadi lep
- Kumkumadi tail
- Haridradi tail
- Manjishthadi tail
Procedure for Lepa application : Purva karma – Wash the face with normal water.
Pradhan karma – Take the required quantity of powder of the herbs, mix it with water to make a paste. Apply it all over the face in Pratilom gati.The lepa should be of uniform thickness of one forth of patient’s own thumb ( about 1/4th of an inch). Keep it for 30mins or till it dries.
Pashchat karma : Wash the face with normal water. Avoid excessive exposure to sun during the treatment.
Few Home Remedies for Mukhdushika
- Amla Juice : Drink Amla juice everyday. It is rich in vitamin C. Protects the skin from free radicals as it is a natural anti oxidant.
- Powdered mixture of coriander seeds, fennel, basil, turmeric, and amla in equal parts. All of these herbs are packed with anti oxidants, so they prevent inflammation in our skin. Take this powder with warm water twice daily
- Concoction of Kutaki, Guduchi, Shatavari : All 3 herbs should be mixed in equal quantity. Take the mixture with warm water 2 times a day after meals
- Melons : Rub melon paste on your face before sleeping at night, leave it over night. It is pitta pacifying and has cooling effects. It will help with redness and burning.
- Apply mixture of Turmeric and sandalwood mixed with rose water on the affected area and leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with cold water
- Dry grapes or raisins are very good cooling agents. Soak 30-40 raisin in water overnight, crush them in the morning and have them empty stomach.
- Papaya is a great remedy for acne. Increase it in your diet and apply its paste with rose water on face. Let it stay for 15mins then wash it off with water.
- Food items with bitter taste like Guduchi, Patol, methika, bitter gourd
- Leafy green vegetables
- Eat more fresh fruits
- Apply aloe vera gel on face
- 4-5litres of water intake per day
- Sleeping on time(atleast 8hours of sleep)
- Drink a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. It helps with the bowel movements. Triphala powder with lukewarm water helps clear the bowel.
- Practice yoga and Pranayama : Alternate breathing, Sheetali pranayam, matsyasana, Sarvangasana, bhujang asana. This will help relieve stress and anxiety. Sheetali pranayam pacifies pitta.
- Spicy, oily, pungent food
- Fast food, junk food, processed food
- smoking, tobAcco chewing, excessive alcohol consumption
- Irritant cosmetics
- Acne lesions must be left untouched(Don’t squeeze the eruptions as it will spread the infection)
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Cosmetic products containing charcoal have gained good popularity recently. These products also include charcoal-containing face masks. These face masks are made from activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is considered useful in removing toxic substances, dirt and dead cells from the face. There are a lot of face masks in the market which claim that they have activated charcoal, but they cannot be considered of good quality.
How to apply Charcoal face mask ?
- First of all, buy a high quality charcoal mask or if possible make it at home.
- After that, apply it on the skin of your hand and see if it is reacting.
- After this, fold your hair and make a bun or apply a rubber band.
- Now clean and exfoliate your face.
- You can also use a clinger for this so that the entire dirt on the face gets cleaned.
- After this, with the help of a brush, spread the paste of charcoal mask all over the face.
- Keep in mind that charcoal masks should not be applied on your eyes and lips.
- Allow the mask to dry for 7 to 10 minutes and then gently remove it from the face (Peel off).
- After this, wash face with cold water and wipe with towels and apply a good moisturizer.
Benefits of applying Charcoal face pack :
For your information, let us know that the charcoal facemask found in the market is a bit expensive but its benefits are many. Apart from this, home-made charcoal face pack has the same benefits. Let’s know about some of the main benefits of applying Charcoal Face Pack.
Charcoal face mask for acne
Due to the formation of dirt on oily skin and face, heat spots start coming out. In such a situation the charcoal facemask acts to exfoliate the skin. It absorbs oils and toxins (toxins) from inside the skin. Due to which the pimples are completely cured and there is no stain of any kind.
Charcoal face pack for oily skin
During summer, the skin of most people becomes oily, due to which the beauty of the face is diluted. In this situation, applying charcoal face pack is very beneficial. It draws unwanted excess oils from the skin and makes the skin soft and smooth. People with oily skin should apply charcoal face pack twice a week.
Charcoal face mask use for smaller pores
As soon as you get out of the house, dirt starts to accumulate in some way or the other. Due to the polluted environment, the pores of the skin begin to clog. Because of this, the skin starts dying. A charcoal facemask is a great way to get rid of it. It removes dirt from the pores and shrinks the larger pores, which makes the face appear clean.
Charcoal face mask to remove blackheads
Blackheads are a common problem in women. It looks very bad due to which the attractiveness of the face fades. Applying a charcoal facemask brings out blackheads naturally and applying a charcoal face mask once a week does not cause black heads twice.
Charcoal face mask for Bug Bites
After biting a bug on the skin of the body, it starts to suffer and burn. Applying charcoal in such a way does not cause pain and swelling on the bite of bee and wasp. Apart from this, it is also very beneficial in relieving itching and burning.
Charcoal beneficial in whitening underarms
Charcoal is a popular remedy for whitening dark underarms. It exfoliates the underside of the arm, flushes out impurities and completely removes deep dead skin. Even neutralizes the underarm odor. Applying two tablespoons of city and one teaspoon of lemon in charcoal powder, black underarms turn white.
- It removes the stubborn dirt hidden in your face and cleanses it deeply. Using it gives you a soft and glowing skin.
- If you are upset with Home Remedies For Oily Skin, use a charcoal mask. This controls more sebum production in the skin, due to which it causes problems.
- Pimple or blackheads, it gives relief from all these troubles. For this, you can use either its face pack or facewash.
- The pores are opened several times in the face and are visible clearly. They don’t look good. For this, you use a charcoal face mask. It removes dirt and closes open pores.
- Regular use of it keeps the face tight and you do not have any problem of wrinkles.
Eucalyptus and Spearmint Body lotion Benefits
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Eucalyptus: is an awesome decongestant. It is also an anti-inflammatory and an analgesic making it amazing for reddened skin and sore muscles. And on top of all that, eucalyptus is a natural antiseptic that is filled with antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties making it highly effective in helping promote healthy skin.
Properties of Eucalyptus Oil
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-spasmodic
- Decongestant
- Disinfectant
- Anti-septic
- Anti-bacterial
Spearmint: is gentler than the popular peppermint making this mint oil perfect for skin products. Spearmint essential oil has a very relaxing aroma that will help wake you up. Topically it is great for sore muscles and promoting overall skin health.
Coconut Oil: is rich in vitamin E and proteins making it a fantastic moisturizer for skin and hair
Homemade Eucalyptus and Spearmint Sugar BODY LOTION Recipe
- Eucalyptus leave extract
- Essential oil
- Aqua
- Mineral oil
- Petroleum jelly
- Borax
For Skin: Moisture along with pollution damages the skin. Due to moisture present in the air, our skin is prone to damage by microorganisms. Eucalyptus oil has anti-bacterial properties that removes every skin infection. It gives you soft and stainless skin. Applying this oil provides relief in burning sensation. It removes muscle pain as well as protects the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
For muscle pain
Eucalyptus oil is a natural analgesic. It claims anti-inflammatory properties making it an effective medicine for external pain. To ease the pain, massage a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the affected area.
Benefits of CAC Eucalyptus and Spearmint Body lotion:
- Reduces symptoms of cough, and cold
- It will awaken your senses
- It will clear your mind
- It will help you de-stress
- It will help open your nasal passages and you’ll breathe easier
- Relieves muscle and joint pain
- Act as insect repellent
- Prevents growth of germs
- Relieves sunburn
- Skin irritation
- Reduces pigmentation
- Reduces itching
- Wounds
- Skin Infections
Method of Application: Taking into consideration the consistency of the lotion squeeze a suitable amount of lotion into your hands. Don’t put lotion for your entire body into your hands all at once, focus on one area of your body at a time? Rub your hands together to warm up the lotion and then apply it to your body. Gently press the lotion into your skin with slow sweeping motions, focusing your application on areas that are particularly dry, like the knees and elbows.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
What is Urticaria ?
Urticaria is a skin disorder that is mainly caused by impurity of blood and activation of certain hormones. It is a type of allergic reaction, also known as Hives or Urticaria. In this, a sudden intense burning and itching is felt on the skin, which later appears as small or big red rashes. In general, its effect lasts only for a few minutes and later recovers on its own, but in some patients, its effect may persist for a long time. At the same time, it may obstruct the respiratory tract when there is urticaria on the mouth and throat. Therefore, in such cases you should contact your doctor immediately without delay.
Causes of Urticaria:
As we have already told you in the article that urticaria is a type of allergic reaction. The main reason for this is a special hormone called histamine. At the same time, as soon as some other chemicals are produced in excess it can also cause hives. Excess of these hormones may be responsible for certain things, which can be counted as its reasons.
- Parts of skin shedding from animals (especially from cats).
- Pest bites
- Side effects of certain medicines.
- Pollen particles of flowers.
- Due to allergies to other foods like oyster, shellfish, fish, nuts, egg and milk.
- Emotional stress.
- More cold or sunny.
- Excessive sweating problem.
- Disease or immunity related problems.
- Mononucleosis (a viral infection that spreads by kissing).
- More exercise.
- Because of being in the water longer.
Symptoms of hives are as follows:
- Itching
- Rash rash with swelling on the skin.
- Small rashes appear together on the skin as a large bulge.
- These rashes come on the skin and disappear within minutes.
- Dermitographism, in which there is a swelling of the skin even after a minor scratch.
- After knowing the symptoms of urticaria, we will now talk about what can be used in the treatment of hives.
Home Remedies for Urticariad-
Content :
A spoonful of fresh ginger juice
Two teaspoons honey
How to use:
Drink ginger juice mixed with honey.
Repeat this process for about two to three times a day.
How is beneficial:
Ginger naturally has anti-inflammatory (inflammation-reducing) properties, which help reduce inflammation on the skin caused by hives. It can also help to keep blood clean by reducing blood pressure, as well as the properties of controlling blood attacks, as well as removing impurities that cause excess of plasma triglyceride, cholesterol and lipoprotein. Mainly blood impurities are a major cause of urticaria, about which we have told you earlier in the article. For this reason, it can be said that ginger can reduce some symptoms of hives as a treatment for hives.
Tea Tree-Oil
Content :
A few drops of tea tree oil (according to the affected area)
Cotton and bandage (as required)
How to use:
If less area of skin is affected by hives, apply two to four drops of tea tree oil on a piece of cotton and apply it on the affected skin.
If the urticaria extends over the area on the skin, put about 15 drops of tea tree oil in a cup of water and soak the bandage in that water and keep it on the affected area.
How is beneficial:
You can also use tea tree oil to treat hives. It has anti-bacterial effect, which protects the skin from any kind of bacterial infection. At the same time, its anti-inflammatory effect helps in reducing the irritation and inflammation on the skin due to hives . For this reason, it can be believed that the use of tea tree oil can be helpful as a home remedy for urticaria.
Green Tea
Content :
A green tea bag
A spoonful of honey
A cup of hot water
How to use:
Put the green tea bag in a cup of hot water and leave it for five to ten minutes.
Later, add a spoon of honey and drink it slowly and drink.
You can consume two to three cups of green tea a day.
How is beneficial:
Green tea has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which are helpful in combating skin inflammation due to joint urticaria as well as the effects of skin-related bacterial infections. Apart from this, it also has amazing properties of removing toxic elements from the body . For this reason, it can be assumed that the consumption of green tea can prove to be beneficial as a home remedy for hives.
Content :
One teaspoon turmeric powder
a glass of water
How to use:
Mix turmeric powder in a glass of water and drink it twice a day.
You can also make turmeric paste and use it directly on the skin.
Repeat this process about twice a day.
How is beneficial:
Home remedies for hives are also possible with the use of turmeric. The reason is that it has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine (histamine-lowering hormone) effects. At the same time, the article mentioned above that the histamine hormone causes the main cause of urticaria. Other causes include bacterial infection, which causes inflammation on the skin. For this reason we can say that all these properties of turmeric can prove to be helpful in relieving the hives problem .
Baking Soda
Content :
About one or half teaspoon of baking soda (according to the affected area)
Water (as required)
How to use:
Prepare a paste by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda and necessary water in a vessel.
Now apply this paste on the affected area and leave it to dry for five to ten minutes.
After the time is over, wash it with cold water.
Repeat this process about twice a day.
How is beneficial:
You can also use baking soda as a home remedy for hives. According to experts, a paste of baking soda has been considered helpful in relieving irritation, itching, and swelling on the skin , which are symptoms of urticaria. At the same time, using it in bath water provides relief in urticaria . For this reason, it can be said that baking soda can relieve hives problem to some extent.
Aloe vera gel
Content :
Fresh aloe vera gel
How to use:
Cut aloe vera leaves and remove fresh gel from the center.
Now apply this gel on the affected skin.
After it lasts for 20 to 30 minutes, you wash it with cold water.
Use this process about twice a day.
How is beneficial:
Aloe vera has anti-bacterial and anti inflammatory effects as well as skin repairing properties. This property is believed to be helpful in curing many skin problems . At the same time, in the problem of urticaria, this property may show positive effects in its cause and in preventing symptoms. For this reason we can say that the use of aloe vera gel in home remedies for hives can prove to be a great alternative.
Coconut Oil
Content :
Natural Coconut Oil (As Required)
How to use:
Massage the affected area with coconut oil with light hands.
After that leave it like this for a few hours.
After some time it will be absorbed into the skin on its own.
Repeat this process about twice a day.
How is beneficial:
Coconut oil has been considered a natural moisturizer, which helps to relieve itching, burning, and rashes by providing moisture to the skin . At the same time, the anti-bacterial properties present in it act to prevent bacterial infection, which is one of the causes of urticaria . This is the reason why coconut oil can be used for the Ayurvedic treatment of hives.
Content :
Calamine lotion or witch hazel lotion (as required)
A piece of cotton
How to use:
Dip a piece of cotton wool in lotion and apply it on the affected area.
Apply this process about three times a day.
How is it beneficial:
You can also use calamine lotion or witch hazel lotion in home remedies for hives. Indeed, calamine lotion is believed to be helpful in relieving skin rashes and itching , which are among the main symptoms of urticaria.
Content :
A bucket of cold water
Two to three cups of ground oatmeal
How to use:
Put oatmeal in the bath water and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
After the time is over, use this water for bathing.
Repeat this process daily.
How is beneficial:
Bathing with cold water clears the skin and regulates body temperature, which is one of the causes of hives. At the same time, the anti-inflammatory effect present in it helps in reducing inflammation . Now talk about oatmeal, it also has the properties of cleansing the skin, moisturizing and reducing inflammation . For this reason, if you use oatmeal in bath water, then this treatment can prove to be more effective.
Fish Oil
Content :
Fish oil capsule
How to use:
Until the problem is resolved, one capsule of fish oil can be consumed daily.
How is beneficial:
Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties , which help relieve inflammation of hives. For this reason, it can be used as a treatment for urticaria.
Prevention Tips for UTI
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
This disease can be avoided to some extent by making some changes in lifestyle and diet when urinary tract infection occurs.
- Habit of drinking more and more water and urinating.
- Stay away from alcohol and caffeine intake, they can cause bladder infections.
- Immediately after urination urinate.
- Keep the genitals clean.
- Avoid using a bath tub for bathing.
- During menstruation, use sanitary pads instead of Tempon.
- Do not use sperm pesticides to maintain birth control.
- Avoid using any type of fragrant products in genitals.
- Wear cotton underwear.
Yogasanas are beneficial in controlling UTI, as they strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region and reduce the problem of non-blocking of urine. The following asanas help prevent and cure urinary tract infections – Padyasana, Vajrasana, Bhujangasana, Matsyasana. Exercise at least 30 minutes every day. Any aerobic exercise like walking, running, etc. can be done.
- Eat almonds, fresh coconut, sprouts, flax seeds, unsweetened butter, milk, poultry, peas, potatoes, garlic, plain yogurt, brown rice, fruit and vegetable juices.
- Raw vegetables such as carrots, lemon, cucumber and spinach juice.
- Eat high fiber diet, such as legumes, oats, root vegetables.
- Tomato and tomato products such as tomato sauce and pizza sauce, etc.
- Do not consume too much of chocolate etc.
- Coy, coffee or caffeine-rich diet.
- Do not take spicy foods and drinks.
Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection
Apple cidar Vinegar for UTI
Apple vinegar is rich in potassium and other beneficial minerals that protect against bacteria, causing the urine tract infection to thrive. People who are suffering from urine infection, by mixing two teaspoons of apple vinegar in a glass of water, it is beneficial. You can also add lemon juice and honey to this mixture.
Amla is beneficial in relieving UTI
Amla is rich in Vitamin-C and it prevents bacteria from growing. Mix one spoon of amla powder and turmeric powder. Now keep this mixture in a cup of water to boil and boil it till the mixture is halved. Drink this mixture four to five times a day.
Cranberry Beneficial for UTI
Drinking half a glass of cranberry juice daily helps to relieve urine infection and prevent bacteria from growing.
Baking soda is beneficial in relieving UTI
Baking soda balances the acids of acidic urine and helps in relieving pain. This causes acid neutralization in urine and helps speed up treatment.
Tea tree oil beneficial in relieving UTI
Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that help fight bacteria. First of all, mix ten drops of tea tree oil in the bath water and use it in the urine.
Blue berry for UTI
Blueberry has bacteria reducing properties which is extremely beneficial for the treatment of UTI. You can mix and eat fresh blueberries in your breakfast.
Pineapple beneficial in relieving UTI
Pineapples contain enzymes that have swollen qualities. Due to which the symptoms of UTI can be relieved. UTI can be avoided by eating one cup of pineapple daily. Apart from this, you can also drink its fresh juice.
Hot compress beneficial for UTI
The bladder pressure is reduced by hot water daily and the pain due to infection is also relieved. Hot fomentation reduces inflammation and prevents bacteria from growing.
Intake of Drinking water for UTI
If you are suffering from Urine infection then drink more and more water daily, it is easier to get relief.
When to See a Doctor?
There should be no delay in seeing a doctor if you have a UTI. If any person has a UTI, they are advised to undergo a urine test. If a person has UTI again and again, the doctor asks him to have the following tests-
Imaging – This involves the evaluation of the urinary tract using ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scan or X-ray technique.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In Ayurveda Diabetes can be compared to Madhumeha, one of the types of Vataj Prameh because of the similarities in etiopathogenesis, clinical features and prognosis.
Main causes of Madhumeha are lack of exercise, improper food habits, eating food which has properties like snigdha and guru in large amounts which vitiates Kapha dosha, the primal cause of Madhumeha disease.
To prevent the complication of the disease it is mandatory to follow Ayurveda principles like Nidan parivarjan, Asht ahar vidhivishesh ayatana, Dincharya, Ritucharya, Sadavritta and practicing Yoga and pranayama.
Ayurveda describes about 20 types of Pramehas, If not treated on time they can convert into Madhumeha and become incurable.
- Inactivity or sedentary lifestyle
- Excessive sleep
- Excessive use of yoghurt
- Consumption of sweet food in large amounts
- Meat soup of domestic, aquatic, marshy animals
- Psychological factors like worry, grief, anger, anxiety etc.
- All kapha aggravating food items
- Doshika classification
- Kaphaj 10 : Prediabetes and early stage of Type 2 DM
- Pittaj 6 : Acute stage of type 2 DM
- Vataj 4 : Advanced stage of type 2 DM, genetic/hereditary DM
- Aetiological classification
- Sahaj(Hereditary, Patients of Type 1 DM)
- Apathyanimmitaj(Acquired, Prediabetes and patients of Type 2 DM)
- Constitutional
- Sthula (Associated with obesity) : Prediabetes and DM with or without insulin resistance
- Krisha pramehi (Associated with weight loss, malnutrition or type 1 DM)
- Prognostic
- Sadhya (Curable, Kaphaj type)
- Yapya (Palliative, Pittaj type)
- Asadhya (Incurable, Vataj type)
- Increased frequency of urine
- Increased appetite
- Excessive thirst
- Turbid urine
- Tiredness
- Weight loss
- Visual disturbances
- In elderly patients symptoms like anorexia, loss of motivation,failure to thrive and urinary incontinence
Diabetes tends to affect all dhatus of the body causing different symptoms
Rasa dhatu (plasma): hyperglycaemia
Rakta Dhatu (blood): Deteriorated quality of the blood cells with increased viscosity
Mamsa dhatu (muscles): muscle wasting, necrosis
Medhas dhatu (fat): hypertrophy of adipose tissue(Obesity)
Asthi Dhatu (bone): De-mineralization of bone tissue, reduced density
Majja Dhatu (nervous tissue): Degeneration of brain tissue
Shukra Dhatu : (reproductive tissue): loss of libido, transmission to next generation
Sira Dhatu (arteries): atherosclerosis
Tvak (skin): necrosis, ulcers, carbuncles
Snayu (nerves): neuropathies
- Boils and carbuncles
- General debility
- Gangrene
- Retinopathy
- Cardiovascular disease
- Renal damage
- Abstinence from causative factors(Nidan parivarjan)
Lifestyle modification can reverse Prediabetes and check in further progression of type 2 DM.
Nidana that should be avoided :
- Any type of fermented material
- Excessive water intake
- High calorie diet
- Milk, oil, ghee
- Sugarcane and its products
- Newly cultivated grains
- Rice, potato, maida, deep fried food, red meat
- Soups and meat of aquatic animals
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Lack of exercise or physical activity
- Excess sleeping
Diet and lifestyle (DO,S)
- Yava is considered as the best diet of Pramehi.
- Shali and shashtik chawal(old rice)
- Pulses like Chana, Adhaki, Mudga, and kulatha are advised
- Diet should be taken keeping the agni(Digestive fire) in mind
- Fresh vegetables, fruits like methika, jamun, Apple, pear, orange
- Bitter and astringent food, bitter gourd
- Protein rich diet like, chickpeas, moong, masoor, lentils, soyabean
- Regular exercise : Brisk walking, swimming, biking, low impact aerobics
Mental Relaxation : Meditative asanas like Shavasana, sidhasana, Padasana, Vajrasana are good for mental relaxation.
Pranayamas like Brahmri pranayama, alternate breathing helps cal down the mind, reduces stress and anxiety.
Yoga Asanas for madhumeha ; Asanas increase peripheral utilization of glucose by improving insulin sensitivity at target level. Some of the asanas are
- Mayr asana (Peacock pose)
- Bhujang asana (Cobra pose)
- Gomukhasana(Cow face pose)
- Halasana (Plow pose)
- Pashchimottanasana ( Seated forward bend)
Pharmacological approach is only advised to those in which lifestyle modification fails or is not sustainable and great high risk of developing type 2 DM
A lot of bitter astringent, pungent property herbal and herbo mineral drugs are used in Prameh patients like Nisha, Amalaki, Nimba, pippali
- Promotion of Agni Status( Metabolism promotion) : Drugs having deepan pachan properties such as Shunthi, pippali, marich, chitrak
- Promotion of ojas status (Promoting immune system) : Drugs like Nisha, Amalaki, Guduchi, Shilajeet.
Few formulation and herbs used in Madhumeh are :
- Vasant kusumakar rasa
- Triphala churan
- Trivang bhasm
- Nimbpatra svaras
- Guduchi swaras
- Aloe vera and aloe barbadensis : Leaf extract of aloe vera
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Fullers earth face pack is a naturally made face pack. It deep cleanses skin, removes blackheads, white heads and reduces pore size. Multani mitti’s astringent property helps reduce Acne. It absorbs excess oil in the affected area. It soothes sunburns, reduces freckles, increases blood circulation.
- Fuller’s earth (Calcium bentonite)
- Aqua
- Kaolin
- Bee wax
- Activated charcoal
- Sandalwood powder
- Essential oils
Properties of ingredients
Fuller’s earth : Fuller’s earth consists chiefly of hydrated aluminum silicates that contain metal ions such as magnesium, sodium, and calcium within their structure.
Montmorillonite is the man clay mineral in fuller’s earth, but other minerals such as kaolinite, attapulgite, and palygorskite are also present in fuller’s earth. Although it is similar in appearance to clay, fuller’s earth is different because its more fine-grained and it has a higher water content.
It is known for it’s ability to absorb oil and other impurities, so it acts as a good cleanser for people with oily skin. It enhances complexion, increases skin tone and softens the skin.
If used as a scrub, multani mitti can remove dead skin cells and remove blackheads and whiteheads and giving skin a natural and healthy glow.
It is effective in treating skin rashes and infections.
Kaolin Clay : Kaolin clay is considered to be one of the gentlest facial clays. It has kaolinite, a mineral that consists of layered silicate. Kaolin clay is suitable for almost all types of skin, especially sensitive skin. Few of it’s properties :
- Absorbs extra oil
- Natural cleansers
- Exfoliates skin
- Soothes skin
- Evens out skin tone
Bee Wax : Beeswax is a natural substance produced and secreted by honey bees. It is hard and breakable when it’s cold but soft and pliable when heated. It is anti inflammatory and anti bacterial so it helps fight conditions like acne, eczema.
It has many healing properties. Its anti inflammatory property encourages healing of wounds. It helps form a protective layer between skin and environment without clogging the pores.
It has high vitamin A content so it helps in reconstructing cell structure and overall skin health.
If its combined with other ingredients like vitamin E it is a good cure for stretch marks.
Activated Charcoal : Dirt, impurities, heavy metals, chemicals and poisonous substances are attracted to activated charcoal. Charcoal removes these toxins from skin without absorbing vitamins and nutrients from the skin. Leaves the skin smooth and supple.
It can help with itching or swelling from insect bites by removing or taking out the sting. It neutralises venom in insect bites.
Sandalwood Powder : Chandan (Santalum album) has natural anti microbial, antiscabetic, hydrating properties. It works as a cleanser for all skin types. Balances Tridoshas. Few of its properties :
- It removes skin tan
- Acts as astringent : It coagulates skin proteins and prevents breakouts, allergies and abrasions. It tightens skin pores by slightly contracting the soft tissues in skin.
- Used as Antiseptic : Chandana mixed with milk if applied to acne, sores, pimples can really help with the situation
- Removes dark spots
- Softens skin
- Lightens blemishes
Directions of use
Mix the required amount of Fuller’s earth face pack with rose water. Add rose water according to the consistency. Apply the paste all over your face and neck, avoiding the area around eyes. Leave it for about 20 mins or until it dries properly. Wash it off with lukewarm water.
Repeat it twice a week for good results.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Kiwi is used as a delicious and healthy fruit. This green sour-sweet fruit is preferred all over the world. Its scientific name is Actinidia deliciosa and its health benefits are many, but did you know that kiwi face creams can also be made. This face cream is beneficial for the skin in many ways. Kiwi contains ingredients considered beneficial for the skin, which we will explain in detail in this article.
Benefits of Kiwi Face Cream
High amounts of vitamins
Kiwi fruit contains high amounts of vitamin C and phytochemicals. Also it can be considered as a good source of Vitamin-E. In addition, it contains phenolics and carotenoids, which can be beneficial for overall health including skin. The antioxidant properties found in kiwi fruit make it a great fruit. These vitamins play a special role in skin care. Vitamins can protect against skin diseases and environmental damage. Due to these properties of kiwi, it can also be used in face creams.
Collagen Development
Collagen is a type of protein that keeps the skin healthy. Polysaccharides present in kiwi fruit can induce collagen-producing cells (fibroblasts) to produce double the collagen growth. This property of kiwi fruit can prove beneficial for the skin.
Useful for acne
The antioxidant properties present in kiwi can relieve skin related problems. According to one study, kiwi can be used in a cosmetic product to protect against acne and soothe the skin. It contains anti-aging and skin whitening ingredients. Kiwi can also prove useful in removing sun tan. Kiwi contains vitamin-C, alkaloids, glycosides, amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins, triterpenoids, and tannins. All these properties can benefit the skin in many ways.
Healthy and glowing skin
Removes blemishes and dark spots
Anti ageing
Some more tips for Kiwi Face Cream
Along with using Kiwi face cream, it is important to keep some things in mind, which are explained below:
- Before applying Kiwi face cream, it is necessary to clean the face completely. Therefore, wash the face thoroughly with water before applying Kiwi face cream.
- Kiwi face cream tips also include removing makeup. If the makeup is waterproof, then clean the face with a good makeup removal.
- Do not leave the house after applying Kiwi face cream. On exiting, the face may get dusty and the effect of the Kiwi face cream may be lessened.
- Kiwi face cream tips are also that after washing the face with plain water, do not rub the face with a towel, but pat the face with a soft towel and wipe it.