Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
CAC Mango Face Cream
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Mango is a very tasty fruit found in summer. Mango is also called the king of fruits. Eating mango has many benefits, but do you know how beneficial it is to use mango for the skin too? With the help of mango, you can not only get pure and clean skin, but it will also get rid of many skin problems. Mango has many benefits for the skin. Both raw and cooked mangoes can prove beneficial for skin health. Common from face packs to other skin things are very quality.
CAC Mango Face Cream is pure herbal formulation without any side effects. Mangoes are loaded with beta-carotene and Vitamin A which helps you get a glowing skin and revive the dull skin and turn your skin into a radiant one. Mango face cream Helps to get rid of acne and acne scars. Beta-carotene in mangoes has a strong anti-aging effect. Vitamin C present in mangoes helps to reduce dark spots, freckles, acne scars and pigmentation. This cream makes your skin free of blemishes, wrinkles, and scars. Also helps to exfoliate dead skin cells which results in a smooth and glowing skin.
- Mango fruit plant extract
- Wheat germ oil
- Borax
- Light liquid paraffin
Benefits of CAC Mango face Cream:
- Helps you get a glowing skin
- Treats acne and acne scars
- Anti-ageing
- promotes cell regeneration
- Reduces dark spots, freckles, and hyperpigmentation
- Makes your skin brighter
- Removes dullness
- Exfoliates dead skin cells
- Remove blackheads and whiteheads.
- Blemishes
- wrinkles
How to Apply: wash your face with suitable cleanser for your skin type dry it. Then Dab the strawberry cream onto your face in small dots. Focus on trouble areas, such as the cheeks and forehead. Gently massage the cream into your skin using small, upward, circular motions.
- It can be used for whitening – you can scrub at home with scrubber mango. Prepare a paste by mixing one teaspoon of honey and a little milk in 1 teaspoon of mango pulp or use CAC mango cream. Then scrubbing with this paste gets rid of dead skins and makes the face glow.
- The Face Cleanser Will Shine Mango Works as a good cleanser. is. For this, apply mango pulp on the face by mixing 1 teaspoon of wheat flour. This paste acts like a cleanser on the skin and brings back the lost complexion.
- Most people have to deal with the problem of skin tanning due to the tanning coming out in the sun. To get rid of it, you can use any type of mango cooked or raw. Mix mango pulp in milk cream and after applying 10-15 minutes on the skin, clean the skin with cold water. Doing this 2-3 times in a week will remove the tanning and improve the skin.
- For this, take 1 teaspoon of mango pulp and make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon of milk and almond powder. Also read: Do not forget to make such a mistake while bleaching, follow these methods on burning, after this apply the paste on the face for 20 minutes and clean it with water. It will work like a natural face wash. Face Pack Prepare face pack by mixing mango pulp, milk, honey and Dalia and after 15 minutes on face wash it with cold water. Make a paste by grinding 2 teaspoons of milk, almond powder and crushed oats in the mango pulp and after 20 minutes on the face, clean the face with lukewarm water.
- Mango pulp mixed with multani mitti and apply it on face for 30 minutes and when the paste dries, clean the face with lukewarm water. Make a paste by mixing mango pulp, 7-8 walnuts (crushed) and 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, and keep it on the face for 45 minutes and after that clean the face with lukewarm water.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Amalpitta is one of the commonest vyadhis(diseases) of annavahasrotas(Gastro intestinal tract), caused by vitiated agni(digestive fire).It is considered Pitta Kapha pradhan Tridoshaj vyadhi(Caused by multiple factors. Intermittent loose motions followed by constipation is described as one of its symptoms in Ayurveda. In Amalpitta the quantity of Pachak pitta(Gastric juices) is increased and its quality of normal bitter taste(alkaline) is changed to sour taste(acidic) as a result of fermentation.
Dietary reasons :
- Incompatible diet(Fast food, spicy food, junk food)
- Adhyashan (food or snacking after a meal)
- Ama bhojan (consuming food even though previous food is no digested)
- Guru and snigdha bhojan (Heavy and oily food)
- Constant indigestion.
- Excessive dry food items
Lifestyle factors :
- Ratrijagran (Staying awake at night)
- More exercise than normal
- Fasting alot
- Diwasvapan (Sleeping at daytime)
- Vegadharan (Suppressing natural urges)
- Excessive consumption of Alcohol, tobacco, smoking. They irritate gastric mucosa and increase the secretion of more gastric juices
- Prolonged intake of some medicines (NSAIDS – Pain killers)
- Stress, anxiety. Worrying alot plays an important role in Amalpitta.
- Nausea
- vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Bloating, fullness of abdomen
- Loss of appetite
- Feeling as if stomach is full with little amount of food
- Loose stools followed by constipation.
- Sweet taste in mouth
- Belching, (sour belching)
- Stomach pain and Feeling of burning in stomach and throat
- Feeling of burning in heart region
- Headache
- Tremors, fainting sometimes
PATHYA AHARA VIHARA (Food habits and lifestyle to be followed)
- Light food, food having cooling properties like coconut water
- Old rice, wheat, barley, cucumber, green gram
- Pumpkin, bitter gourd,Asparagus, Ash gourd,leafy vegetables except methi
- Gooseberry, figs, dry grapes, pomegranates, apple, banana
- One teaspoon of ghee with warm milk
- Dadimpak(Sweet preparation made of pomegranate), gulkand(jam made from rose petals) with milk
- Take adequate sleep and rest
- Have food at fixed intervals, do not skip meals
APATHYA AHARA VIHARA ( Diet and lifestyle that should be avoided)
- Avoid excessive spicy, salty,
- Fried and junk food, fasting
- Over eating, take small frequent meals
- Food containing excess salt, oil, chillies, garlic
- Rice, curd, sour fruits, Black gram, horse gram, mustard oil
- Tea, coffee, aspirin type drugs
- Lying down immediately after eating and in supine position. Best position recommended is left lateral.
- Do not go directly under afternoon sun as it aggravate pitta
- Avoid anger and stress. Practice Pranayama and meditation for the same.
- Avoid causative factors
- Palliative treatment : To pacify pitta and increase the digestive fire
- Avipattikar churan : It helps relieve gastritis quickly. helps with indigestion and constipation. It has ingredients like Triphala and Trikatu. It should be taken in the dose of 1-5gms in the starting of meal or in between meals
- Hinguashtak churan : It improves digestion, helps with bloating and anorexia.
- Patoladi Kwatha : It is a decoction of bitter herbs like Giloy, Patol, Triphala, Pongamia pinnata and Neem. All these bitter herbs pacifies pitta, the main cause of Amalpitta. It should be take before meals or empty stomach, 10-20ml with Honey.
- CAC Amalpitta mishran : It has ingredients like Vasa, Guduchi, Nimba, Chirayata etc all bitter and pitta pacifying herbs. It strengthens metabolic rate and enhances digestive fire. Helps with heart burn, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, belching.
- Panchkarma treatment : When patient cannot be managed with oral medications, therapies like Vaman(emesis), Virechana(Purgation) are administered accordingly. In some chronic cases Asthapana basti (Medicated enima) is given.
- Shatavari(Asparagus racemosus) : With milk, 3gms twice a day
- Yashtimadhu (Liquorice) : Twice a day with milk, 3-5gms
- Indian Gooseberry : Powder with milk.
- Shunthi (Dry ginger) : 1-3 gms daily twice with water.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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There can be many reasons for this disease. However, insomnia is mainly a result of mental disturbance. Any type of physical pain such as body aches, extremely intense or uncomfortable weather conditions or chronic illnesses can also cause insomnia.
Over-labor and over-anxiety can also lead to lack of sleep. People who have a prior history of inappropriate digestion, constipation and irregular eating habits are more likely to suffer from insomnia. There can be any reason for insomnia.
It is an irony that in today’s modern lifestyle, people do not see sleep as a necessity but as a pleasure. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 30% to 40% of people say that they sometimes have insomnia problems and 10% to 15% say they have trouble falling asleep all the time.
In Ayurveda, sleeplessness is called ‘ANIDRA(insomnia)’. It is possible to treat insomnia by adopting Ayurvedic treatment and right lifestyle. There are some easy home remedies for sleeping soundly and deeply.
Here are some natural tips to help you get a good sleep.
- Drinking warm milk before sleeping at night is an easy way to get sleep. Almond milk is an excellent source of calcium, which helps the brain produce melatonin (the hormone that helps control the sleep / wake cycle).
- Rub the cold pressed organic sesame oil on the soles of your feet, before you comfortably soak the sheet in comfort (put cotton socks on the feet, so that your sheet doesn’t get greased).
- Boil 3 grams of fresh mint leaves or 1.5 grams of dried mint powder in 1 cup of water for 15-20 minutes.
- At night, lukewarm with 1 teaspoon honey. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon cumin seeds over a chopped banana. Eat regularly at night.
- Respiratory exercise, yoga and meditation are a great way to relax your mind and get a good sleep!
Lifestyle recommendations:
- Avoid watching TV or working on computer till late at night.
- Avoid drinking coffee, tea or other aerated drinks after dusk.
- Therapies like Ayurvedic massage and Shirodhara can help to relax the mind.
- Practice sports or workouts for 30 minutes daily to make your body tired and give energy direction. See for details on how yoga can help you deal with insomnia.
- Take part in regular aerobic exercise like walking, jogging or swimming. After this you can get deep sleep and there is no sleep disturbance during the night.
- As long as you are not able to sleep, keeping track of those minutes can cause trouble in sleeping again. If sleep is disturbed, turn the clock away from your eyes.
- Track your sleep patterns for a week or two.
- If you feel that you are spending less than 80 percent of your time in bed at bedtime, then it means that you are spending too much time in bed. Try to go to bed later and don’t nap during the day. If you start sleeping early in the evening, light the lights.
- If your brain is thinking or your muscles are tense, you may have difficulty sleeping. To calm the mind and relax the muscles, meditating, taking deep breaths or relaxing the muscles can be beneficial.
- Regular meditation can regulate and improve your sleep patterns. for more information
Considerations related to food to relieve insomnia
If you are also looking for a treatment of insomnia, then let us tell you that you can make some changes in your diet to deal with insomnia. like
- Avoid taking caffeinated beverages after one or two o’clock.
- Limit the amount of alcohol and do not take alcohol two hours before bedtime.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In Ayurveda it is explained as Shweta pradara , In this there is excessive vaginal discharge with itching, burning sensation and pain which is followed by bodyache and tiredness.
It is caused by imbalance of Rasa and Kapha Dhatu.
Due to the causative factors listed below Doshas get vitiated and lodged in sites of Apana Vayu like hips, bladder, thighs, vagina etc. Body can not withstand the vital strength due to the imbalanced doshas and it’s lost through vaginal route.
- Incompatible food
- Alcohol intake
- Repeated food intake causing indigestion
- Grief, stress
- Repeated Miscarriage
- Emaciating disorders or diseases like anemia and diabetes
- Weight lifting
- Injury
- Day sleeping and sedentary lifestyle
- Unhygienic activities and infections
- Vataj : Discharge will be dry, frothy, associated with pain. Appears similar to the fleh washed water
- Pittaj : Discharge will either be yellow, blue, red or black with associated burning sensation. Secretion is profuse in this case.
- Kaphaj : Discharge will be thick slimy pale and will appear like wheat washed water.
- Sannipataj(Involving all three doshas) : Features of all three doshas are observed here. It’s either yellowish in colour or it looks like mixture of ghee and honey. It has bad adour.
Other symptoms
- Lower back and abdominal pain
- Leg pain(calf and thigh)
- Frequent urination and burning sensation during the same
- Fatigue or weakness
- Upset stomach
- Frequent headaches
- Inflammation and redness of vagina and surrounding areas
- Debility
- Giddiness
- Syncope
- Sepsis
- Anemia
- Drowsiness
- Delirium
- TANDULODAKA : It is considered one of the best remedies in Lucorrhea. Boil half portion of rice in 1 liter of water. Boil it for 10-15mins and remove the rice from it. Add a tablespoon of sugar in the rice water and drink it lukewarm once a day regularly. You can also add powder of seeds of Jamun in it.
- CORIANDER SEEDS : Soak 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds in a cup of water all night. In morning chew the seeds and drink the water empty stomach for a month. It flushes out the toxins from the body and improves overall health.
- FENUGREEK SEEDS FOR WASH : Boil atleast 3 tablespoon of methi seeds in 1 litre of water for 20-30 mins and then strain the water. Use it for vaginal wash when it’s cold or lukewarm.
- Fenugreek seeds can also be taken internally in the form of tea. They provide calming effect on the skin and mucous membrane. They help with the pain, swelling and irritation.
- DRY INDIAN GOOSEBERRY AND LIQUORICE : It should be taken in equal quantities, powder it and mix it with honey thrice the quantity.
- ALOE VERA : Aloe vera contracts the uterine tissue. It helps the discharge of abnormal fluids. Drin aloe vera juice regularly.
- GUAVA LEAVS DECOCTION : Boil guava leaves with water for half an hour and strain the water and let it cool down. use it for vaginal wash.
- NEEM : Extract obtained from bark of neem, added with cumin seeds can be consumed to get rid of leucorrhea. or you could just add little neem oil in a glass of milk and have it. Neem has antimicrobial properties and is anti inflammatory.
- AMARANTHUS ROOT : Grind healthy amaranthus root and mix it with water. Drink it 2 times a day to get good results. It is antibacterial in nature.
- OKRA OR LADY’S FINGER : Boil about 200gms of okra in 1 liter of water. When the water is reduced to half of its quantity. Drink this mixture, it will help cure the disease. To improve the taste you can add honey or sugar according to your taste.
- BANANAS : Eat bananas regularly. Or you could make dishes with banana or banana, amla juice, raw sugar etc.
- TRIPHALA CHURAN : Take 2 tablespoon of triphala churan and boil it in 2 glass of water for fifteen minutes and use it for vaginal douching.
- LODHRA(SYMPLOCOCUS RACEMOSA) : Take bark of lodhra and boil it in water to make decoction and use it for douching. Lodhra is astringent and has antimicrobial properties.
- AMALAKI POWDER : Take 1tsf of amalaki powder, add some honey in it. It can be added to a glass of milk as well.
- ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS (garden asparagus): Boil it with Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera) and drink it regularly for good results.
- WALNUT LEAVES : Walnut leaves have astringent properties. Soak the leaves in water and boil for 20 minutes. Use it for douching.
Home Remedy for Piles (Hemorrhoids)
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Use of Aloe vera for Piles Treatment
- The anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties of aloe vera reduces the irritation of hemorrhoids, and does not cause constipation. It is beneficial in treating both internal and external types of piles. Apply aloe vera gel to the warts outside the anus. It calms the burning and itching. Eat 200-250 grams of pulp of aloe vera. This will not cause constipation and will ease bowel movements.
Useful Apple Vinegar for Piles Treatment
- Apple vinegar helps in shrinking blood vessels due to its astringent properties. Drink a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water in bloody piles and drink it twice a day. Soak cotton swabs in apple cider vinegar and keep it in the anus. This will give relief from burning and itching.
Use of olive oil for the treatment of hemorrhoids
- Olive oil has inflammatory healing properties. It reduces inflammation in the blood vessels. Apply olive oil on warts of blind piles.
Badam oil
- Soak cotton in pure almond oil, and apply it on warts in bad piles. It reduces inflammation and irritation.
- Make ash or bhasma by burning coconut coats. Mix it in fresh whey and drink regularly on an empty stomach in the morning.
Eating figs benefits in hemorrhoids disease
- Soak three figs in a glass of water. Drink this water in the morning on an empty stomach, after consuming it.
Use of cumin seeds for home remedies of hemorrhoids
- Grind cumin seeds with water and apply it on the piles. Apply it on warts.
- Toast cumin in bloody piles and grind it with sugar candy. Take 1-2 grams of it with whey 2-3 times a day.
Home treatment of Piles with the use of Lemon.
Mix ginger and honey in lemon juice and eat it. This benefits Piles.
Whey and Oregano
Whey is similar to nectar in hemorrhoids. Mix one quarter parsley powder, and one teaspoon black salt in a glass of buttermilk and eat it daily for lunch. This is the best home remedy to get relief from piles.
Home remedies of piles with papaya
Eat papaya at dinner. This will not cause constipation. This will not cause pain during excretion.
Eat ripe banana for home remedies of hemorrhoids disease
Boil ripe bananas, and consume them twice a day. It gives an advantage.
Use of hot water gives immediate relief in piles pain
Add hot water to the bath tub and sit for 10-15 minutes. It is the best treatment to get relief from pain, and burning piles.
Your diet during piles
Eat more fiber-rich foods, such as fibrous fruits and vegetables.
- Drink 7-8 glasses of water daily.
- Eat buttermilk regularly in food.
Your Lifestyle in Piles or Hemorrhoids
- Exercise regularly and do pranayama.
- Do not sit in one place for long.
If you have treatment for piles or are suffering from hemorrhoids, then it is very important to avoid these things: –
- Junk food
- Do not consume fried and roasted and spicy food at all.
FAQs related to Piles or Hemorrhoids
You often ask these questions about piles: –
Is hemorrhoids treatment only possible by surgery?
Treatment of hemorrhoids is only surgery, but it is not true. Timely treatment, and a better lifestyle can cure this disease.
CAC Aleovera scrub
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Aloe Vera Scrub For Acne
Aloe vera gel contains 75 types of ingredients, the main ones are: vitamins and minerals, salicylic acid, lignin and saponins, sugars. In the summer season, the skin has to face many troubles. Sunburn, perspiration, perspiration and rashes from strong sun are very common in this season. In such a situation, if you only take care of your face and ignore the rest of the body, then you may have to suffer a lot of damage. So in the summer season you should take care of the face, skin, hands, back, abdomen and feet as well. For this you do not need to take expensive treatments of the parlor, but you can make body scrub from aloe vera at home. This body scrub makes your skin soothing and shiny as well as keeps the skin clean and fresh.
Actually, even in the summer season, the skin of the face is the worst and there is less effect on the skin covered in clothes. However, it is not that there is no need to pamper the skin of the rest of the body. So today we will teach you how to make aloe vera body scrub. Aloe vera contains a wealth of antioxidants, which exfoliate and cleanse the skin. So let’s know how to make this scrub.
CAC Aloe Face Scrub Recipe
- 250 g aloe vera gel
- 1 small bowl brown sugar
- 2-3 drops olive oil
- 1 teaspoon lavender oil
- 1 teaspoon peppermint oil
You have to mix all these ingredients in a bottle. You can use this gel on the skin of any part of the body. Along with cleansing your body, it will also make your skin shiny. After 15 minutes of scrubbing, take a bath with cold water. You can use this scrub twice a month. You will find Aloe Vera Body Scrub easily in the market but you can buy it online from here at low prices. Here you will get 1 ML Aloe vera body scrub for just.
Some other ways
Remove aloe vera gels like this at home
- Take a fresh medium size aloe vera leaf.
- Remove its peel and spoon its gels into a bowl.
- You can keep this gel in an airtight container and use it whenever you want. Keep in mind that instead of keeping it warm, keep it in a cool place. This Homemade Aloe vera Body Scrub Will Make Skin Smooth And Shiny
- In the summer season, you can make aloe vera body scrub at home to clean and exfoliate the entire body, not just on the face.
Apply this gel around your face and eyes with cucumber
- Blend the aloe vera gel and cucumber together.
- Use a gauze cloth to extract the juice.
- Add witch hazel, and gelatin to it. Warm it on a low flame, adding it slowly. Heat the mixture until it thickens.
- Cool the mixture and add the extracted juice of cucumber and gel to it.
- Fill it in a bottle and use it regularly.
Hydrating aloe vera gel for face with vitamin E
- Mix aloe vera gel with vitamin E oil.
- Add citric acid and essential oil to it as well.
- Fill it in a jar for daily use.
Aloe vera face scrub
- Add aloe vera gel and ground oatmeal in a ratio of 5: 1.
- To avoid spoiling, add a pinch of baking soda to it.
- Use it as your regular scrub.
Aloe Vera Facial Scrub Benefits
- Aloe Vera Gel has anti-microbial properties making it ideal to treat acne and pimples.
- It is known to retain your skin’s firmness.
- Prevents skin dryness.
- Delays aging process
- Ensure deep cleaning
- Provides fresh & healthy skin
- Skin Type: Fit for all types of skin but it mostly targets Sensitive skin.
- Skin Concerns: Sensitive Skin, Skin Impurities, Dull Skin, Dry Skin
- Features: Tan Removal, Black Head Removal, Skin Toning, Nourishment, Dead Skin Cell Removal
- The skin goes through complete removal of dead skin cells.
- Helps in mild exfoliation which can reduce pores.
- Cures microbial skin problems such as pimples and acne problems.
- Ensures proper cleaning of the skin pores resulting in making the skin healthy as well as fresh.
- It also helps in reducing blackheads and whiteheads
CAC aleovera scrub Key Ingredients
Aloe extracts, Vitamin A, C, E and B12
Home Remedies for Tonsillitis Treatment
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
What is a tonsil?
In Ayurveda, tonsillitis has been referred to as ‘tuberculosis inflammation’. Tonsils are a part of the body that resides on both sides of the throat. It plays an important role in the body’s defense system, and protects the body from external infections. These are part of our body’s lymphatic system, which helps in fighting external infections.
When there is any type of infection in the tonsils, their shape changes and swells. This is called tonsillitis. Tonsils 2.5 cm in size. Long, 2 cm Wide and 1.2 cm They are thick. Although tonsillitis can occur at any age, but it mostly occurs in childhood. It is a common infection found in children. Occurs more in children from young children to adolescence (5–15 years).
Tonsils Causes
These reasons can be due to tonsils: –
- The most common disease in tonsillitis is Streptococcus Pyogenes.
- Apart from this, Staphylococcus aureus is also a cause of Mycoplasma Pneumonia.
- Influenza causes tonsils, called flu.
- Due to coronavirus, one of its two subtypes is also the cause of SARS.
- By eating or drinking too much cold (ice cream or cold drink).
- Weakness of immunity.
Symptoms of tonsils:
- Severe pain in the throat and difficulty swallowing anything.
- Pain in lower ear also.
- Swelling in the lower part of the jaws.
- Sore throat, and smell of mouth.
- Extreme weakness, fatigue, and irritability.
- Problems such as shortness of breath, and dripping saliva in young children.
Home Remedies for Tonsil Treatment
Gargle with salt water. This reduces inflammation. This is a very easy way to cure tonsillitis at home.
- Mix 2-3 drops of lemon juice in one teaspoon of honey and give the child three times a day.
- Mix lemon juice and fresh ginger in hot water. Gargle every 30 minutes with this water.
- Gargle by adding lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and pepper to the hot water.
Ginger help to reduce Tonsillitis Symptoms
Licking ginger juice mixed with honey relieves swelling and pain.
Milk with Turmeric
Add a pinch of turmeric to warm milk and eat it before sleeping at night. Turmeric intake helps in curing tonsils as well as many diseases.
Boil alum powder in water and gargle. It reduces the discomfort of tonsils and gives you comfort.
in Hindi)
Put 4-5 garlic in water and boil it. Gargle with this water. This home remedy (Tonsil ka ilaj) provides relief from inflammation and irritation.
Heat 6-7 grams of fenugreek seeds in one liter of water. Gargle three times a day with this. It is beneficial in tonsils.
Grind the onion juice mixed with lukewarm water. It benefits greatly in tonsils.
Tulsi and Honey help to reduce Tonsillitis Symptoms
Boil 4-6 basil leaves in a glass of milk. When lukewarm, take half a teaspoon of honey mixed with it.
In the morning, lukewarm about 7-8 glasses of water. Add salt to it. Sit down with a frown. Drink water to the best of your ability. When the water reaches the throat and starts vomiting, then bend and press the stomach. Touch the tongue with the finger. Doing so will cause vomiting. Do this until all the stomach water comes out. After this, drink lukewarm milk after half an hour. This activity should be done on an empty stomach in the morning.
Yoga Helps in Tonsillitis Treatment
- Do pranayama.
- Do Kapalbhanti, Anulom-Antonym, Ujjai and Bhastrika.
- Perform Kunjal Kriya.
- Sethubandhasan
- Pawanmuktasan
- Bhujangasana
- Ustrasana
Avoid Your Foods in Tonsillitis
During Ayurvedic treatment for tonsils, one should avoid: –
- Do not consume strong ingredients (curd, cold milk, cold water, ice cream, rice) at all.
- Don’t eat stale food, junkfood.
- Do not eat fried and roasted foods.
- Do not consume cold things like- yogurt, ice cream, cold water at all.
- Do not consume junkfood, fried-roasted, spicy things at all.
- Do not heat again and again after keeping food in the fridge. By doing this the nutrients of the food are reduced. This makes the person’s immunity weak.
Lifestyle Tips in Tonsillitis to Avoid Tonsillitis
- This is a disease caused by infection, so take special care of cleanliness in it.
- Wash hands thoroughly before eating anything.
- Take care at home in case of infection in young children. There is a risk of viral infection in the school.
- Wash hands after coughing and sneezing
- Ice cream
- Fill a few pieces of ice in a cotton cloth and bake it on the part of the tonsils around the neck. Give ice five to six times a day.
Turmeric milk
Take warm milk in a glass. Add half a teaspoon turmeric powder and half a teaspoon pepper powder to it and consume it regularly before bedtime.
Lemon, salt and honey
Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of warm water. Add a pinch of salt and two teaspoons of honey. Take it twice a day.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Tinnitus is an ear disease, in which a sound like whistle or buzzing is heard within the ears. Whereas such sound is not coming from outside. Tinnitus can be caused by decreased hearing ability, wax accumulation in the ear, an ear injury or infection, or when listening to a loud voice. Tinnitus affects the brain and your daily activities. Because of this voice, you do not mind in any work. It is often difficult to know the cause of tinnitus. We are telling you that by adopting home remedies, you can get rid of this noise occurring within the ear.
- Due to tinnitus
- Ear infection
- Sinus infection
- Ear closure
- Meniere’s disease
- Old age
- Constant exposure to loud noises
- Sudden exposure to loud noises
- Head or neck injury
- VIII Tumor affecting cranial nerve
- Autosclerosis – a condition in which the small bones of the inner part of the ear become immovable.
- Medical problems such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, hypertension, anemia, cardiovascular problems, autoimmune disorders and circulatory disorders
- Extreme stress and fatigue
- Excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeinated beverages and cigarette smoking may worsen the condition of a tinnitus patient.
- Migraine headache
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies
In the treatment of tinnitus, zinc is a better medicine. Noise is also often caused due to high blood pressure. Zincgo helps to normalize blood flow and helps to reduce the noise in the ear. This herb has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which relieves the problem of tinnitus caused by an infection in the ear. Putting 3 to 4 drops of zinc juice in water daily and drinking it 3 times a day will give relief from tinnitus in a few weeks. Keep in mind that zinc should not be given to children.
Apple Cedar Vinegar
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies Apple cider vinegar has anti fungal and pain relieving properties. It is also used in the treatment of tinnitus caused by infection. It controls alkaline levels in the body. Drink two spoons of apple cedar vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a glass of water and drink it 2 to 3 times a day until the problem of tinnitus is overcome.
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies Tulsi is a panacea for the treatment of tinnitus. Its anti-bacterial properties help kill bacteria responsible for tinnitus in the ear. Grind the basil leaves in a blender, then filter it with a thin cloth and extract its juice. Heat this juice lightly and put 2-3 drops of it in the ear twice a day.
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies Tinnitus often occurs in the ear during cold weather. In this case, the use of garlic increases blood circulation and its anti-bacterial properties relieve the problem of tinnitus. Crush two garlic buds in sesame oil and heat it on low flame for a while, after cooling, put 2-3 drops in the ear. Do this experiment every night before sleeping at night.
How to get relief in tinnitus with home and natural remedies Ginger is known for its pain relieving and many medicinal properties. It keeps the blood flow in the body correct and prevents from pre-radicals. Also, its pain relieving property relieves ear pain caused by tinnitus. Boil half a teaspoon of chopped ginger in a cup of water for 10 minutes and filter it and mix one spoon of honey in it and drink it to get relief. Chewing a piece of raw ginger puts pressure on the ear and relaxes the tinnitus.
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In Ayurveda mukhdushika is disease in which there is appearance of papules on face which resembles the sprouts on the bark of Shalmali plant, which occurs due to the vitiated Kapha, vata dosha and Rakt dhatu. It is also called Yauvan Pidika. It can be corelated to Acne vulgaris explained in modern science
Causative factors of Mukhdushika
- Time and age factors
- Tarunya or Young age
- Madhyahan(Noon)
- Vasant ritu(Blossom), Grishma ritu(summers), Sharad ritu(
- Aharaj(Food factors)
- Heavy meal or food hard to digest
- Excessive spicy, sweet food
- Oily food, milk and milk products
- Meat
- Excessive Alcohol consumption
- Viharaj (Activities or lifestyle)
- Holding natural urges
- Waking up all night
- Excess sleeping
- Fasting
- Excessive sunbath
- Mansik (Mind/stress factors)
- Stress
- Anger
- Irritation
- Behavioral changes
- Painful eruptions, pain may be acute or mild
- Eruptions are thick and hard
- Itching
- Burning sensation and redness
- secretion from the eruptions
- Vaman(Emesis) : It is the best procedure to subside Kaphaj abnormalities. It expels excessive accumulated kapha out from the body.
- Virechan (Purgation) : This therapy is mainly used in Pitta vikaras. As Rakt properties are analogous to Pitta dosha so purgation is effective in Raktaj disorders. It expels excessive pitta from the body
- Nasya : Gotukola(Centella asiatica) Nasya for 3days followed by application of Tiladilepa for 14days.
- Raktamokshana : With Jaloka or Leech therapy. Leech sucks the Dushit rakta(toxins present in blood or infected blood) from our body and helps cure acne.
If these treatment does not work then there are surgical and para surgical procedures like Siravedh(Venesection to remove infected blood), Chhedan(Excision), Agnikarma(Cautery) that are used in severe cases.
It includes both oral intake of medicines like pills, syrups, powder, decoction which have anti inflammatory, anti bacterial properties and balance vitiated doshas and local application of lepas and oils.
Few examples of oral medicines :
- Arogyavardhini vati
- Brihatmanjishthadi kwath
- Panchtikta ghrit guggulu
- Chitrakadi vati
- Gandhak rasayan
- Khadiradi vati
Lepas are anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, treats acne and even enhances the complexion.
In Ayurveda lepas are usually given in oily skin and Tailas are given in dry skin patients.
Tailas also have wound healing properties and reduces the scar formation.
Few lepas and oils are :
- Lodhradi lep
- Arjunadi lep
- Sidharthadi lep
- Kumkumadi tail
- Haridradi tail
- Manjishthadi tail
Procedure for Lepa application : Purva karma – Wash the face with normal water.
Pradhan karma – Take the required quantity of powder of the herbs, mix it with water to make a paste. Apply it all over the face in Pratilom gati.The lepa should be of uniform thickness of one forth of patient’s own thumb ( about 1/4th of an inch). Keep it for 30mins or till it dries.
Pashchat karma : Wash the face with normal water. Avoid excessive exposure to sun during the treatment.
Few Home Remedies for Mukhdushika
- Amla Juice : Drink Amla juice everyday. It is rich in vitamin C. Protects the skin from free radicals as it is a natural anti oxidant.
- Powdered mixture of coriander seeds, fennel, basil, turmeric, and amla in equal parts. All of these herbs are packed with anti oxidants, so they prevent inflammation in our skin. Take this powder with warm water twice daily
- Concoction of Kutaki, Guduchi, Shatavari : All 3 herbs should be mixed in equal quantity. Take the mixture with warm water 2 times a day after meals
- Melons : Rub melon paste on your face before sleeping at night, leave it over night. It is pitta pacifying and has cooling effects. It will help with redness and burning.
- Apply mixture of Turmeric and sandalwood mixed with rose water on the affected area and leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash it off with cold water
- Dry grapes or raisins are very good cooling agents. Soak 30-40 raisin in water overnight, crush them in the morning and have them empty stomach.
- Papaya is a great remedy for acne. Increase it in your diet and apply its paste with rose water on face. Let it stay for 15mins then wash it off with water.
- Food items with bitter taste like Guduchi, Patol, methika, bitter gourd
- Leafy green vegetables
- Eat more fresh fruits
- Apply aloe vera gel on face
- 4-5litres of water intake per day
- Sleeping on time(atleast 8hours of sleep)
- Drink a glass of warm water first thing in the morning. It helps with the bowel movements. Triphala powder with lukewarm water helps clear the bowel.
- Practice yoga and Pranayama : Alternate breathing, Sheetali pranayam, matsyasana, Sarvangasana, bhujang asana. This will help relieve stress and anxiety. Sheetali pranayam pacifies pitta.
- Spicy, oily, pungent food
- Fast food, junk food, processed food
- smoking, tobAcco chewing, excessive alcohol consumption
- Irritant cosmetics
- Acne lesions must be left untouched(Don’t squeeze the eruptions as it will spread the infection)
- February 4, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Cosmetic products containing charcoal have gained good popularity recently. These products also include charcoal-containing face masks. These face masks are made from activated charcoal. Activated charcoal is considered useful in removing toxic substances, dirt and dead cells from the face. There are a lot of face masks in the market which claim that they have activated charcoal, but they cannot be considered of good quality.
How to apply Charcoal face mask ?
- First of all, buy a high quality charcoal mask or if possible make it at home.
- After that, apply it on the skin of your hand and see if it is reacting.
- After this, fold your hair and make a bun or apply a rubber band.
- Now clean and exfoliate your face.
- You can also use a clinger for this so that the entire dirt on the face gets cleaned.
- After this, with the help of a brush, spread the paste of charcoal mask all over the face.
- Keep in mind that charcoal masks should not be applied on your eyes and lips.
- Allow the mask to dry for 7 to 10 minutes and then gently remove it from the face (Peel off).
- After this, wash face with cold water and wipe with towels and apply a good moisturizer.
Benefits of applying Charcoal face pack :
For your information, let us know that the charcoal facemask found in the market is a bit expensive but its benefits are many. Apart from this, home-made charcoal face pack has the same benefits. Let’s know about some of the main benefits of applying Charcoal Face Pack.
Charcoal face mask for acne
Due to the formation of dirt on oily skin and face, heat spots start coming out. In such a situation the charcoal facemask acts to exfoliate the skin. It absorbs oils and toxins (toxins) from inside the skin. Due to which the pimples are completely cured and there is no stain of any kind.
Charcoal face pack for oily skin
During summer, the skin of most people becomes oily, due to which the beauty of the face is diluted. In this situation, applying charcoal face pack is very beneficial. It draws unwanted excess oils from the skin and makes the skin soft and smooth. People with oily skin should apply charcoal face pack twice a week.
Charcoal face mask use for smaller pores
As soon as you get out of the house, dirt starts to accumulate in some way or the other. Due to the polluted environment, the pores of the skin begin to clog. Because of this, the skin starts dying. A charcoal facemask is a great way to get rid of it. It removes dirt from the pores and shrinks the larger pores, which makes the face appear clean.
Charcoal face mask to remove blackheads
Blackheads are a common problem in women. It looks very bad due to which the attractiveness of the face fades. Applying a charcoal facemask brings out blackheads naturally and applying a charcoal face mask once a week does not cause black heads twice.
Charcoal face mask for Bug Bites
After biting a bug on the skin of the body, it starts to suffer and burn. Applying charcoal in such a way does not cause pain and swelling on the bite of bee and wasp. Apart from this, it is also very beneficial in relieving itching and burning.
Charcoal beneficial in whitening underarms
Charcoal is a popular remedy for whitening dark underarms. It exfoliates the underside of the arm, flushes out impurities and completely removes deep dead skin. Even neutralizes the underarm odor. Applying two tablespoons of city and one teaspoon of lemon in charcoal powder, black underarms turn white.
- It removes the stubborn dirt hidden in your face and cleanses it deeply. Using it gives you a soft and glowing skin.
- If you are upset with Home Remedies For Oily Skin, use a charcoal mask. This controls more sebum production in the skin, due to which it causes problems.
- Pimple or blackheads, it gives relief from all these troubles. For this, you can use either its face pack or facewash.
- The pores are opened several times in the face and are visible clearly. They don’t look good. For this, you use a charcoal face mask. It removes dirt and closes open pores.
- Regular use of it keeps the face tight and you do not have any problem of wrinkles.