Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Rheumatoid Arthritis (Aama Vata)
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Ayurvedic Aspect –
The disease Amavata is compared to Rheumatoid Arthritis. There is similarity in signs and symptoms of both diseases. Aama Vata is found in All the four Vedas. Aacharya Madhava was the first Physician who described the Disease Aama Vata. It really seems to be simple disease but on the other hand its prognosis is not so good. The concept of Ama is totally unique in Ayurvedic science and this Ama is produced by the undigested food and it is the main cause of the various disorders.
Amavata is disease of Rasavaha strotasa. It is caused due to Agnidushti, Formation of Aama leading to Sandhi vikruti (Joint deformity). The People are unaware about disease and its complications thus leading to lifelong joint deformities. Many Ayurvedic preparations and herbs are mentioned in the classics which are proved to be effective remedy in Amavata.
Changing lifestyle of human being or Modernization has created several disharmonies in biological system because of globalization, busy professional and social life, dietary habits have changed to a big extent which disturbs the normal metabolism and produce several toxins referred to as “Ama” in Ayurveda.
People first take steroids for a long period of time which give relief for some time but after that causing many side effects like Acne, blurred vision, Cataracts or glaucoma, difficulty in sleeping, High Bp etc. then they approach to Ayurveda and still getting positive results without any side effects. Instead of this if they would have approach firstly to Ayurveda there would be no complication and disease would have been treated at early stage with minimal amount of medication and promising results.
Nidana (Causitive factors) –
1) Viruddha Ahara – Incompatible food
2) Viruddha Chesta – Improper physical
3) Nischalata- Lack of physical activity
4) Snigndhama bhuktavato vyayamam :- To Perform physical exercise soon after intake of heavy food causes Ama in the body.
It is very difficult to elicit the very exact cause of Aamavata.
When we see according to modern science also stated that the exact etiopathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis is not known.
Symptoms(Samanya Lakshan) of Amavata-
- Angamarda – Body ache
- Aruchi – Anorexia
- Trushna – Thirsty
- Gourav – Heaviness in the body
- Aalasya – Lethargy
- Angashunata – Swelling in the body
- Jwara – Pyrexia
- Apaki – Indigestion
Pratyatma lakshana of Amavata
1) Sandhi shotha – Swelling in multiple joints
2) Sandhi shoola – Pain in the joints
3) Gatra stabdhata – Stiffness in the body
Clinical features –
- Hasta sandhi shotha & shoola – Inflammation & severe pain in metacarpo-phalangeal joints & proximal inter-phalangeal joints are mostly affected
- Paad sandhi shotha & shoola – The feet are often involved especially the metatarso phalangeal joints & subtalar joints are affected
- Jaanu gulfa sandhi shotha – It involves firstly smaller joints of hands & feet after that symmetrically it affects the joints of wrist, elbow, ankle & knee.
- Angagaurav – Feeling of heaviness in the body.
- Stabdhata – In R.A. stiffness of joints, particularly observed in morning hours
- Jaadhya – Due to deformity limited movements in the joints, weakness in grip or triggering of fingers occurs in R.A.
- Angavaikalya – Deformity in joints
- Sankocha – Contractures
- Vikunchana – This can be compared to volar subluxation, ulnar deviation that occurs at metatarsophalangeal joints and bilateral flexion contractures of the elbow.
- Angamarda – Body ache, myalgia
Joints Commonly Involved In R.A.
1) Finger joints (40%) – MCP & PIP joints
2) Shoulder joints (20%)
3) Foot joints (20%)
4) Wrist joints (15%)
Other joints that are involved in Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis Joint Deformity –
1) Swan neck deformity in interphalangeal joint.
2) Boutonniere (flexion at proximal interphalangeal joint & hyperextension at distal interphalangeal joint).
3) Z deformity in the thumb.
4) Volar subluxation along with ulnar deviation occurs at metacarpophalangeal joint.
5) Bilateral flexion contractures of the elbow.
6) Synovitis at wrist can cause carpel tunnel syndrome.
Treatment and Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
When disease becomes chronic and the patient develops deformity in the joints such as Sandhisankoch (Joint stiffness) , Akarmanyata (Limited movements) etc. cannot be corrected with medicines alone.
Effective Herbs-
- Drug of Choice- Guggulu
- Other metallic preparations-
- Suvarna Bhasma
- Tamra Bhasma
- Loha Bhasma
- Parada
- Gandhaka
Chikitsa of Amavata
- Langhana: – Langhana is the 1st line of treatment to digest Ama. langhana does not means complete fasting but there is intake of light food items.
- Swedana: – Swedana is sudation therapy; in this disease swedana is done externally on affected joints. Ruksha swedan – (Sudation without oil/fat)- rooksha sweda valuka (sand) is recommended.
- Snehana is contraindicated in amavata
- Katu, Tikta & Pachak aahar & aushadhi :- The drug are decided on the basis of these fators i.e. Katu (pungent), Tikta (bitter) & acts as deepana, pachana or an appetizer.
- These drugs, by virtue of their qualities does Aamapachana, hence may help in relieving shotha & shoola.
- Virechana: – Erandataila and Haritaki are used
- Basti chikitsa: – ksharabasti and anuvasanabasti in amavata. Following tailas are used in anuvasana and nirooha basti – Prasarani taila∙ Bruhat saindhavadi taila∙ Dashmooladi taila∙ Eranda taila is used as base in preparation of these tailas
- Shamanaushadhi-
- Kwath yoga –
∙ Rasna panchak kwatha
∙ Rasna dwadashak kwatha
∙ Shunthi gokshur kwatha
∙ Dashmooladi yoga
∙ Shattyadi kwatha
∙ Rasonadi kashaya
- Choorna yoga-
∙ Pippalyadi choorna
∙ Amrutadi choorna
∙ Panchasama choorna
∙ Alambushadi choorna
- Lepa in Amavata – Shatapushpadi lepa
∙ Himsradi lepa
- Guggulu in Amavata – Simhanada guggulu
∙ Yogaraja guggulu
- Ghrita in Amavata – Nagaradi ghrita
∙ Shringaveradya ghrita
- Shoola shamanartha(Pain Releiving) taila
- Vishgarbha taila
∙ Panchaguna taila
∙ Prasarini taila
Rasaushadhi in Amavata
Amavata vidhwamsa rasa
∙ Amavatarirasa
∙ Amavatadri vajra rasa
∙ Suvarna bhasma
Our Medication is given below-
Rheumatoid Arthritis Care Kit
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
According to Ayurveda healthy skin is a result of overall health condition of individuals and prescribes numerous skin care treatment that needs to be pursued at every stage of life. The function of ayurvedic herbs is to purify skin and eliminate vitiated tridoshas from the body as they are mainly responsible for skin disorders and other diseases. Several herbs have been mentioned in Ayurveda which can be used to obtain healthy skin and glowing complexion.
Acne is essentially the case for every teenager. Those who have it, they are mentally grief-stricken and do not understand why these pimples are coming out and how they can be cured.
The time of getting rid of pimples is between 13-14 years of age and between 20-22 years of age. At this age, diet should not be done to increase heat. According to allopathic medical science, pimples are caused by the stoppage of secretions from the fat glands. This secretion keeps coming out of the pores to keep the skin balsamic. If it stops, it gets gathered under the skin in the form of a pimple and becomes hardened. It is called ‘Acne vulgaris’. If it falls in place, then it is called pimple. They are cured only when the pus is removed.
They continue to grow and heal in normal condition, but persist for many days in exceptional and severe condition. Facial skin is disfigured. The amount of male hormone called androgen in the body is more than normal, it is also related to this disease.
Home Remedies
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is commonly used to treat pimple. It is used on pimples because of its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
Aloe vera
Pimple removal may be the home remedy for aloe vera gel. The antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties present in it can prevent the pimple caused by bacteria to thrive as well as reduce its associated inflammation.
Green Tea
Green tea can be the answer to the question that arises in the mind. Yes, the polyphenols present in it can play an important role in home remedies for acne. It can reduce the secretion of polyphenols sebum (oily substance released from the skin glands). This can cure pimples or relieve them to some extent.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains antibacterial compound as well as vitamin-E. For this reason, coconut oil can be used as a remedy for removing pimples and as a result of the treatment of spots in the face . In addition, coconut oil can help to keep the skin moisturized and soft, and also protect against skin infection .
Honey and Cinnamon
Honey and cinnamon powder can also be a home remedy to remove pimples. It is said to reduce pimples . Actually, cinnamon and honey can help in pimple treatment by fighting acne bacteria. Both honey and cinnamon have antibacterial properties. In addition, cinnamaldehyde chemical compound present in cinnamon also has antiinflammatory properties, which can be beneficial in treating pimple.
Garlic is also considered a method of removing pimples. It contains allicin, which acts as an antibacterial. It can work to keep the skin free from bacteria and prevent them from growing . It also has antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Together these properties can be beneficial in reducing acne.
Castor oil
Castor oil ie castor oil can work to clean the skin dirt . In addition, castor oil can also work to make skin healthy and soft by fighting skin problems . It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
The use of turmeric can also be a method to remove pimples. Due to its antiseptic, antibacterial, and healing properties, it can be used to reduce symptoms of pimples . Also turmeric contains curcumin, which exhibits anti-inflammatory as well as antimicrobial properties. Together these properties can help to cure pimples and pimples .
Rock Salt
Rock salt is also an easy way to remove pimples. Magnesium can help reduce the symptoms of acne by balancing the hormones present in it. In addition, it can help to make the skin healthy and soft by cleansing the dead cells present in the skin .
Fish Oil
Fish oil is also used as a remedy for acne. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in relieving acne due to inflammation.
Lemon can also be used for pimple treatment, like many other household substances . Indeed, the flavonoids present in it exhibit antibacterial activity.
The use of neem as a home remedy for removing pimple is quite popular. Neem leaves have antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties .
Multani Mitti
Multani soil is also one of the home remedies for acne. Actually, acne occurs due to the formation of sebum (oily substance) by the oil glands of the skin . Multani soil can soak this natural oil formed in the skin and clean the dirt on the face.
Acne Go Kit
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Asthimajjagatavata)
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Ayurveda has successfully been treating inflammatory and degenerative conditions of the spine from Centuries based on the concept of Trayo Doshas.
In Ayurveda Samhitas salient features of Ankylosing Spondylitis is compared withAsthi-majjagata Vata. It is caused due to Vata dosha i.e. Vatik disorder.
It is found in both male and females because of the Current life Scenario like unsuitable sitting, sleeping, riding bicycle or bike, prolonged standing and eating low nutritional value food as the junk food.
It is mainly because of the imbalance of Vata and Kapha Doshas but sometimes can be because imbalance of the three Doshas as well.
Ayurveda offers amazing guidelines, medicines and various therapies for treating Ankylosing spondylitis. Since Ayurveda addresses the root cause of the problem, so getting fantastic. The strength of Ayurveda in the area of spine and joint treatments appreciated globally.
In the modern aspects for this disease analgesics and steroids are used and causing side effects hampering the physiology of the body.
Ayurvedic aspect of disease
Nidana (Etiology) :
According to AcharyaCharaka, The following factors aggravates theVata –
- Intake of dry, cold, scanty, light food
- Excessive sexual indulgence
- Ratrijagrana[waking up at night]
- Inappropriate therapeutic measures
- Langhana(Fasting)
- Swimming in excess
- Exercise and other physical activities in excess causing loss of dhatus.
- Worry, grief and affliction by disease causing Excessive emaciation
- Sleeping over uncomfortable bedding and seats
- Excessive anger
- Sleep during day time
- Suppressing of natural urges leading to formation of Aama
- After Traumatic incidence
- Marma Injury
- Abstinence from food
- Rides of Animal like Camel, Elephant,horse or fast moving vehicles and falling down from the seats of these animals and vehicles.
Rupa: (Symptoms) :
- Bhedanavatpida at Asthi and parva (Pricking pain in bone and small joints)
- Sandhishool (joint pain)
- Mansa BalaKshaya(Emaciation),
- NidranashaAswpna (Loss of sleep)
- SantataRuk (Continuous pain)
Samprapti: (EtioPathogenesis):
Hetusewana causes
Vata vitiation
vitiated Vata travels in different parts of body
Rukshata (dryness) ,Parushata , Kharata (roughness) in Strotasa
Sthanasanshraya at Asthi and Majjadhatu
(Ankylosing Spondylitis)
Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis
At our Chandigarh Ayurveda centre (CAC) with our Ancient knowledge and good clinical approach we are providing the treatment which is very effective treatment and based on the classical texts . Treatment is on long term basis and requires regular follow-ups. It comprises of Panchakarma procedures which helps in Purifying and detoxifying the imbalanced doshas and Dhatus for healthy well being along with medicines.
Panchakarma procedures usually requires around 30 to 90days on the basis of chronicity and how severity of the disease. Diet charts are also advised along with modification of lifestylehelps in recovering fast and also in prevents further worsening of the condition.
Total Cure of the disease is possible if the patient comes in early stages.
Shaman Chikitsa-
1. Pain – O – Kill tablet –
- Jyotishmati (Celastruspaniculatus)
- Devdaru (Cedrusdeodara)
- Rasna (Pluchealanceolata), etc.
The herbal tablet is gives promising effect in reducing stiffness, pain, tenderness, etc. based purely on herbs.
It help to relax your muscles and muscles cramps thus relieving pain. It maintains Proper blood circulation and thus giving soothing effect by pacifying tryo doshas.
Dose – Take 1 tablet twice daily with normal water.
2. Nerve up tablet –
Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata dosha and reduces kaphadosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It Improves the central nervous system.
Ingredients –
- shudhakuchala
- shudhashilajeet
- abhrakbhasma
- pravalpishti
- shankhbhasma etc.
This tablet is effective in ankylosis spondylitis and overall Strength.
Dose – Take 1 tablet twice daily.
3. Pain – O – Kill Oil –
It is a medicated oil which is for External use only
It pacifies severe pain, tenderness, redness, swelling, etc.
- Rasna (Pluchealanceolata)
- Kushtha (Saussurealappa),
- Vatsnabh (Aconitum ferox), etc.
It relaxes the muscular cramps and helps in relieving severe pain.
Method of application – Apply over the affected area twice daily.
Detailed description about the Medicinal Kit Available at our website link is given below-
Ankylosing Spondylitis Care Kit
Single Drugs
Some Useful drugs are given below regading the disease-
- Jivanti
- Musta
- Usheer
- Bilwa
- Shatavri
- Kantakari
- Guduchi
- Turmeric
- Guggulu
- Ginger
- Myrrh
ShodhanChikitsa –
Panchakarma Procedures Proved to be very effective for the management of the disease.
- ShalishastikaPindaSvedana
- Abhyanga
- AnuvasanaBasti
- MustadiYapanaBasti
- PratimarshaNasya with AnuTaila
Patients suffering from spinal conditions and thus vata gets aggravated.
- Add warm foods to the diet.
- Avoid Oily and too much of Spicy food items.
- High fibrous diet with low fat content.
- Avoid Vata Aggravating diet For example – Cauliflower, Cabbage, Mushrooms, Beans and Citrus Food items.
Yoga helps in providing efficient pain relief and core strengthening Through Pranayama and
Postures –
Pranayama (Yogic breathing) exercises
- Ujjayi Pranayama (Conqueror Breath)
- Kumbhaka Pranayama (Breath Retention)
- Ashwini mudra
- Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
- Naukasana (Boat Pose)
- Marjaryasana (Cat Pose)
- Gomukhasana (Cow Pose)
- SetuBandhaSarvāṅgāsana (Bridge Pose)
- Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
- Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
- Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
- Balasana (Child’s Pose)
Yoga does promote health and overall wellness of the spine and helps in treating Ankylosing Spondylitis Flare-ups.
CAC Nerve up
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Nerve up It tablet is a herbo-mineral tablet and is purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Nerve up tablets help in balancing the vata doshas. It reduces kapha dosha, and acts as nervine stimulant. It shows effective results in improving the central nervous system. It contains natural ingredients like shudha kuchala, shudha shilajeet, abhrak bhasma, praval pishti, shankh bhasma etc. These contains natural vatahar properties and helps in curing vata diseases.
Uses of CAC Nerve up tablet
- Acts as CNS stimulant: speed up physical and mental processes.
- Respiratory stimulant
- Acts as convulsant: producing sudden and involuntary muscle contractions.
- Prevents periodic returns of the disease.
- Joint pain
- Inflammation
- Stiffness
- Diabetes
- Gout
- Arthritis
- Swelling in joints
- Bodyache
- Erectile disfunction.
- Body weakness
- Insomnia
Ingredients of CAC Nerve up tablet are
Each 650 mg tablet contains:
Shudha Kuchala (Strychnos nux-vomica) – 153mg
Shudha shilajeet (asphaltum) – 153mg
Abhrak bhasma – 76mg
Ras sindoor – 38mg
Praval pishti – 115mg
Shankh bhasma – 115mg
Our CAC NERVE UP TABLET is 650 mg per tablet. Which is easy to take in dose of twice a day (1bd). It is different in comparison to other pharmacy nerve stimulating medicines available in open market.
CAC NERVE UP helps manage pain or inflammation caused due to an imbalanced Vata dosha. Kuchla, due to its Vata balancing and Ushna (hot) properties helps to reduce the pain or inflammation, especially in case of rheumatism, gout, and arthritis
IT is beneficial in certain conditions such as diabetes and weak or poor digestion which occurs due to an imbalance of Vata -Kapha doshas. Kuchla, due to its Vata- Kapha balancing properties helps manage diabetes.
It’s Ushna (hot), Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestion) properties helps to enhance appetite and improves digestion. It also helps manage male problems due to its Vrishya (aphrodisiac) property.
CAC NERVE UP TABLET helps to manage anxiety. According to Ayurveda, people with aggravated Vata dosha are more prone to anxiety. Taking Kuchla helps in balancing aggravated Vata and thus reduce the symptoms of anxiety. This is because of its Vata balancing properties.
CAC NERVE UP TABLET helps to manage asthma and gives relief in case of breathlessness. According to Ayurveda, the main doshas involved in asthma are Vata and Kapha. The vitiated ‘Vata’ combines with deranged ‘Kapha dosha’ in the lungs causing obstruction in the respiratory passage. This results in difficulty in breathing. Sudha Kuchla is useful because of its decongestant, bronchodilator, and expectorant activities. This is due to its Kapha balancing property.
CAC NERVE UP TABLET is mostly indicated for use in the following conditions which include, Prameha (manages diabetes), Mehahara (treats urinary tract disorders), Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body), Medhya (improves intelligence), Balya (improves muscle strength), Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps in digestion), Rochana (stimulates appetite), Vamana (prevents nausea and vomiting), Shonitasthapana (prevents bleeding), Pandu (treats anaemia), Varnya (improves complexion), Kshayajit (treats tuberculosis), Vayasthapana (prevents ageing), Jvara (useful in fever), Anulomana (improves breathing), Kasahara (Relieves cough, Shwasha (relieves breathing difficulties), Amahara (treats indigestion), Dahahara (relieves burning sensation), Trutahara (relieves excessive thirst), Gulmajit (useful in abdominal tumours), Hikkanigrahana (controls hiccups), Kantya (relieves sore throat), Triptighno (relieves pseudo-satiation), Hridaya (treats heart problems), Krichra (treats painful micturition), Chakushya (treats eye problems), Garbhaprada (treats infertility), Vamanopaga (treats emesis), Sangrahini (treats diarrhoea), Kustha (treats skin disorders), Kamala (prevents jaundice), Krimihara (relieves intestinal worms), Kanthya (improves voice), Arsha (treats piles), and Pushtida (good for nutrition).
Ayuvita Multivitamin Tablet
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Many times we see people who are very fit and looking at them, you also think that maybe they must eat something that is so strong, so they do not say anything more. We take care of health and give them all the vitamins their body needs, so all the vitamins are necessary for you, no matter what kind of vitamin is there, we tell you about what is multi-vitamin like By its name you will know that multivitamin means that all vitamins are together. Those vitamins are called multivitamins. By the way, not all vitamins are in one thing, whether you eat any kind of fruit or any kind of things, even if you eat all day, but there is definitely a deficiency of one vitamin in all things. There is not all the same vitamins, there is a deficiency of some vitamins in all.
Just as it is necessary to take mineral diet and other nutrients to make our body healthy, similarly taking multivitamins is also very important in our body, let us tell you that there are many supplements of multivitamins in the market but by the way Also not a good supplement. Because they have a lot of adulteration and there are many things in them that can also have side effects on our body, so if you also want to build a fit and good body then the supplements you have in the market There will be no benefit from taking them because they are absolutely full of adulteration and are very expensive too.
- Researchers say that taking one tablet of multivitamins daily can increase memory as well as reduce mental disorders.
- Researchers found that taking multivitamin tablets has a positive effect on memory as it increases the capacity of brain cells.
- 13 vitamins are needed for proper development of the body. Vitamin A, C, D, E and K play an important role in the development of the body.
In today’s time, many people are starting their day with multivitamin tablets instead of breakfast. Those people believe that multivitamin tablets are necessary to meet nutritional deficiency. Use of multivitamins to a certain extent is beneficial. But it can never become a substitute for food.
In view of the increasing utility of multivitamin, today we are going to tell you about the benefits
Benefits of multivitamin
- Multivitamins remove the deficiency of essential nutrients in our body. Can prevent many types of diseases.
- If our body is not getting the necessary vitamins, then our body starts spending more and more energy even in light tasks. Due to which we can get tired and many kinds of disease. By taking multivitamins, our body gets energy and we remain fit.
- Taking multivitamins daily also reduces stress and anxiety levels. Our body uses vitamin B to convert food into energy. This makes our body’s nerve function properly. In addition, Stress produces hormones.
- In a recent study, it has been found that vitamin B supports your memory. In this study, people who were given vitamin B12 supplements were found to be much better than those who did not take their memory test supplements.
- Multivitamins also help to increase muscle capacity. Regular multivitamins can reduce the effect of free radicals. Free radicals are mainly age related problems.
We should always take multivitamin only after the advice of your doctor. Many people have problems with breathing due to multivitamins, swelling of face, tongue and throat etc. So, you should immediately go to your doctor for treatment. All people have different effects of multivitamins.
Multivitamin side effects
- Upset stomach
- Sore throat
- Swelling on face
- Trouble breathing
- Headache etc.
Taking too much of multivitamin can also damage our body. Therefore, you should take a good diet. You can include green vegetables, lentils, oatmeal, fruits, salads, milk, dry fruits, eggs, rice etc. in your daily diet to meet vitamin deficiency.
CAC Ayuvita multivitamin tablet is one of best herbal multivitamin supplement which naturally provides benefits of a multivitamin. it is rich in Vitamin D whose only best source is sunlight but Ayuvita has same potency as we get from sun rays. It helps to strengthen bones and muscles. It has vitamin B that supports your memory. This makes our body’s nerve function properly. vitamins are needed for proper development of the body. Vitamin A, C, D, E and K play an important role in the development of the body. Vitamin ‘E’ is often eaten for skin beauty. But excess of it in the body causes internal bleeding.
Multivitamin Tablet is used for Skin diseases, Baldness, Supplements, Migraine headache, White hair, Heart problem, Cell damage, Alzheimer’s disease, Arthritis, Vitamin D deficiency and other conditions.
Each 1000 mg tablet contains:
- Moringa – 200 mg
- Tulsi – 200 mg
- Spirulina – 200 mg
- Mushroom extract – 200 mg
- Orange extract – 200 mg
- Skin diseases
- Baldness
- Complement
- Migraine headache
- White hair
- Heart problem
- Cell damage
- Alzheimer’s
- Arthritis
- Vitamin D deficiency
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Rasayan vati is herbo-mineral ayurvedic formulation, which is 100% natural. Rasayan vati contains various herbs such as Aswagandha, Shilajeet, Amla, Kesar, Musali, Shatavar, Brahmi Abhrak Bhasam, Swarn Makshik Bhasam, Yashad Bhasam, Mukta pisti, Praval pisti, Jaiphal, Vang Bhasam, Dalchini, Javitri, Gokhru, Kaunch Beej, Saunth, Mirch, Pipli, Amla, Kesar, Manjith, Anant Mool, Brahmi, Musali, Swarn Vang, etc. These ingredients show antioxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, immuno-modulator properties. These tablets provide good results in General debility, Psychological disorders, and improves immunity.
- Ashwagandha
- Shatavar
- Dalchini
- Kaunch beej
- Brahmi
- Gokhru
Uses of Rasayan Vati:
Special about CAC Rasayan vati
CAC Rasayan vati is 650 mg per tablet, which is easy to take in a dose of twice a day (1bd) It is different in comparison to other pharmacy Rasayan vati available in open market.
Rasayan vati contains ingredients like Saunth,Ashwagandha,Shatavar, Gokshuru and Dalchini, these all work as immuno boosters and provide natural immunity to body.
Rasayan vati is a perfect combination of several useful herbs that can help to reduce all kinds of body pains,aches and stiffness due to muscular pain or any other reason.
Rasayan vati also help to fight depression with the help of ingredients like Ashwagandha, Brahmi that help to calm the mind and gives sound sleep.
CAC Rasayan vati is very helpful in amenorrhoea, that is very common nowadays. It contains shatavar and Brahmi that help with this issue.
CAC Rasayan vati plays important role in all kinds of sexual disorders like infertility, azoospermia, pcod etc. As it contains various herbs that help to improve sexual health.
CAC Rasayan vati is also useful for epileptic patients , as it works on the brain activity and makes it strong. As the name suggests it is a rasayan itself.
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Aloe Vera is having 101 qualities of cure along with healing benefits Rose along with is a perfect mixture for clear glowing skin and Say bye-bye to your blemishes.
You may be wondering if Aloe Vera safe for using on your face??
Generally speaking, the answer is YES.
When used correctly, Aloe Vera can help with a variety of ailments that might give mind-blowing effects to your skin because CAC Aloe Vera Gel contains purified extracts of Aloe Vera which totally make it different from other Aloe Vera gels available in the market.
- Aloe Vera Gel
- Rose water
- Honey
Scientific Name- Aloe barbedenses
Aloe vera- Aloe vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe.
Aloe Vera – It is a succulent plant having thick, fleshy, serrated, lanceolate-shaped leaves that is greenish color.
Aloe Vera inner gel is obtained by opening and slicing the leaf. The gel is crystal clear, odorless, and tasteless and free of leaf skin or yellow parts.
It is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses.
Active components of Aloe vera and properties:
Aloe vera is enriched with 75 potentially active components: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids.
Vitamins: vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E i.e. rich in antioxidants. It contains vitamin B12, folic acid & choline. Antioxidant helps in neutralizing free radicals.
- Enzymes: It contains 8 enzymes: aliiase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cellulase, lipase, and peroxidase. Bradykinase helps to reduce excessive inflammation when applied to the skin topically and others help in the breakdown of sugars and fats.
- Minerals: It provides calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium and zinc. They are essential and helpful for the proper functioning of various enzyme systems in different metabolic pathways and some are antioxidants.
- Sugars: It provides monosaccharides (glucose and fructose) and polysaccharides: (glucomannans/polymannose).
- Anthraquinones: It provides 12 anthraquinones traditionally act as laxatives. Aloin and emodin acting as analgesics, antibacterials and antivirals.
- Fatty acids: It provides 4 plant steroids; cholesterol, campesterol, β-sisosterol and lupeol. It is having anti-inflammatory action along with lupeol which possesses antiseptic and analgesic properties.
- Hormones: Auxins and gibberellins which helps in wound healing and having anti-inflammatory action.
- Others: It is enriched with 20 of the 22 human required amino acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids. It also contains salicylic acid possessing anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Lignin when used as topically, it enhances penetrative effect of the other ingredients into the skin. Saponins are soapy substances form about 3% of the gel having cleansing and antiseptic properties.
- ROSE Water– Rose water is a flavoured water made by steeping rose petals in water. Rose extracts are high in vitamin C and helps to stimulate collagen plus enriched with Vitamin E. It is having anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. Additionally, It is used to flavor food, Also used as a component in some cosmetic and medical preparations, and used for religious purposes throughout Asia and Europe.
- HONEY– Active ingredient present in honey is Methylglyoxal.
It is responsible for the antibacterial effects. Additionally, manuka honey(produced from nectar of Manuka tree) has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
It has been used traditionally for wound healing, soothing, sore throats, preventing tooth decay and helps in improving digestive issues.
- It is extremely calming and soothing the dry skin.
- It helps in tightening of the skin.
- Contains the goodness of rose and aloevera.
- Freshly made without any preservatives.
- Helps in treating sun burn and sun tan.
- Helps in treating acne and other skin rashes.
- Helps in improving overall skin elasticity.
- You can customize it as per your skin type.
- Lightness the blemishes of skin i.e. used in hyper pigmentation.
- It helps in treating acne.
- Skin rashes, bumps, pimples and other skin problems can easily be treated by this toner.
- Aloe Vera also contains lots of anti oxidants like beta carotene and Vitamin C & E which are highly beneficial for skin.
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Garlic capsules are herbal and purely ayurvedic formulation. It is used in diseases related to heart and blood systems. In foods and beverages, fresh garlic, garlic powder and garlic oil are used to add flavour. It balances all the three doshas of body i.e Vata, Pitta, Kapha and maintain healthy balance of these doshas. It is very effective for high cholesterol, diabetes and in high lipid levels. It is an anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, anti fungal and immuno modulator.
Garlic (Allium sativum) – 500mg
- High blood pressure
- Prostrate cancer
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Prevent tick bites
- Common cold
- Indigestion
- Weight loss
- Indigestion
DOSAGE : 1-2 Capsules twice a day with plain water after meals.
If garlic is made by cutting finely, then eating it gives more benefits. If five cloves of garlic are eaten regularly every day, then the chances of getting heart disease decreases. Garlic is also a good source of selenium. It prevents blood clotting in the veins and makes blood pressure normal. Eating garlic also cures other diseases of the body.
When consumed regularly in your diet, garlic helps in saturated appetite and burns excess fat in the body, resulting in weight loss. Consuming it in small amounts every day will work wonders when done correctly and in range.
Consuming a limited amount of raw garlic cloves has a significant effect on lowering the body’s blood sugar levels, thus making garlic a boon for people suffering from diabetes or other heart diseases. A good solution for lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol, garlic helps reduce the risk of heart diseases.
Applying garlic only (in small amounts) to the affected areas, or adding it to your daily diet helps prevent acne. Garlic can be used to treat acne scars, combined with other ingredients such as honey, turmeric or cream. An antibiotic herb, garlic is also an effective skin cleanser that helps prevent and cure many skin related diseases.
Garlic clears most endo-stomach problems, helping with bowel movement. Helping to get rid of stomach gas, garlic is an effective herbal remedy that removes any type of insects and harmful bacteria in the intestines.
Special about CAC Rasayan vati
CAC Rasayan vati is 650 mg per tablet, which is easy to take in a dose of twice a day (1bd) It is different in comparison to other pharmacy Rasayan vati available in open market.
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is an herbo-mineral ayurvedic formulation of CAC consist of herbs specifically designed to treat drying ,inflammation, and deadening of tissue and skin, particularly of the rectum area. The main ingredient is Neem which is best for treatment of ailments of the blood and plasma, most effective against many skin diseases which is caused due to harmful toxins and vitiation of the blood. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects which makes it useful in treating piles, and fissures. In addition, this blend contains many ingredients which shows cleansing action on the liver and kidneys, which further helps to detox the skin and post-digestive functioning. The herbs added shows rejuvenating and soothing action on the circulatory and digestive systems. It is used to treat a variety of skin conditions including, but not limited to, rectal bleeding and inflammation.
The Guggulkalpa with Synergistic combination of Tiktarasatmaka dravyas such as Nimba, Vasa ,Guduchi, Patol, Kantakari (Panchatikta) acting as Kanduhar. Useful in Twachavikar due to Raktashodhak and Krumighna property. Extremely useful in Twak Vikar of dry types.
- Azadirachta indica – Neem – 480 grams
- Trichosanthes Dioica – Patola (leaves) – 480 grams
- Tinospora cordifolia- giloy – 480 grams
- Vasa – 480 grams
- Solanum Xanthocarpum – Kantakari – 480 grams
- Water for decoction – 24.456 Kg
The decoction is prepared using above ingredients and reduced to 3.057 Kg liquid. Then filtered and following ingredients are added.
- Shuddha Guggul – 240 grams
- Cow’s Ghee – 768 grams
Guggulu Beneficial for Skin
Guggul is also beneficial in skin related problems because it has skin properties, it keeps the skin healthy, in addition to it, it helps to remove the pimples from the skin which are more oily skin. helps.
Guggul Benefit to Control Diabetes
Diabetes is a problem that is caused by imbalance of Vata and Kapha Dosha. Guggul has the property of reducing vata and phlegm and being a chemical medicine, it helps in controlling diabetes.
Guggul Beneficial in Constipation
Constipation is a problem that occurs due to disturbances in digestion and due to increase in vata dosha. Guggul has warm properties, it makes digestion healthy as well as reduces vata dosha. For this reason, Guggul is helpful in relieving constipation.
Benefit of Guggulu to Get Relief from Rheumatoid Arthritis
Joint pain is caused due to increase in vata dosha in the body. Guggul is beneficial in relieving this pain because it has the ability to reduce vata dosha due to the sweet juice.
Guggul Beneficial in Uterus related issues in uterine problems
Uterus or uterine problems such as fibroids are caused by the increase in vata and phlegm defects. Due to the hot semen Guggul, it helps in alleviating uterine problems by reducing vata-kapha dosha.
Guggul Benefits to Treat Pain and Swelling
Both pain and swelling are problems that occur due to the increase of Vata dosha. Guggul has the ability to reduce vata and due to its warm properties, it helps to overcome both these problems.
Guggul Benefits for Stomach Problems
Abandoning food for 3 months, while consuming only 128 mg to 5 grams of pure guggulu while on a diet of milk, is very beneficial in stomach disease. Apart from this, consuming 125 mg of yograj guggulu with 10-40 ml Punarvadi decoction in the morning and evening is beneficial in stomach disease.
Guggul Benefits for Fistula
Taking 650 mg triphala guggul with triphala decoction is beneficial in Bhagandar disease (fistula). Apart from this, drinking powdered equal parts of Mahishaksh Guggulu and Widng with Khadir or Triphala decoction or simply consuming Guggulu with Panchaktikgrit provides quick relief in Bhandar disease. Consuming new Karshiksh Guggulu provides benefits in fistula, leprosy, fistula.
Special about CAC Panchtikta ghrit guguglu
CAC Panchtikta ghrit guggulu is 650 mg per tablet, which is easy to take in a dose of twice a day (1bd). It is different in comparison to other pharmacy Panchtikta ghrit guggulu available in the market.
- February 15, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC easy clean tablet keeps the stomach clean and removes constipation. Ayurveda states that if the stomach is not clean, then in a way, it is responsible for many diseases. So according to that, stomach cleansing is a medicine that prevents a lot of diseases.
Till now you know that the important benefit of this medicine is to remove the constipation.
With the use of easy clean, we also get relief from gas problems. If someone has problems with gas, then the head is usually heavier than that. So the use of stomach protection gives relief from gas problem.
It mainly works on your Vata and pitta dosha of your body. It can cure
- Chronic constipation
- Symptoms of acidity
- Indigestion
- Belching
- Colic pain
- Reduces bloating
Each 1000mg tablet contains:
- Sanay patti Cassia angustifolia – 100 mg
- Ajwain Trachyspermum ammi – 100 mg
- Svarjikshar S.S – 100 mg
- Kali mirch Piper nigrum – 100 mg
- Yastimadhu Glycyrrhiza glabra – 100 mg
- Chhoti elaichi Elettaria cardamomum – 100 mg
- Triphala churan S.S – 100 mg
- Saunf Foeniculum vulgare – 100 mg
- Nisoth Operculina turpethum – 100 mg
- Nimbukamlam Citric acid – 100 mg
- Castor oil S.S q.s
- Abdominal pain
- Bloating
- Constipation problems
- Hemorrhoids
- Loss of appetite
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Indigestion
- Headache
- Intestinal disorders
- Hyperacidity
- Colic pain
- Acidic belching
- Supports intestinal immunity
If you are troubled by the problem of constipation, then take Triphala powder, you will get relief from it. It should be consumed regularly. Take Triphala powder with water at night, it will relieve constipation and also clears the stomach. Triphala powder is made from a mixture of three fruits called Harad Triphala, Amla and Behera. All these three fruits are also used in making Ayurvedic medicines. Use of Triphala also cures other diseases present in the body.
Aniseed is commonly used after meals. Fennel improves the taste of the tongue, from the smell of the mouth. Sometimes fennel is used as spices. It is also called the king of spices. But fennel is also a wonderful medicine. Fennel has so many medicinal properties that it is very useful for health. Fennel gives relief in many minor diseases. We are telling you that these methods of using fennel will keep you fit. Not only this, these home remedies of fennel can also be used in case of discomfort.
The reason for gas in the stomach is usually due to air swallowing while eating or drinking. When you
belch, the stomach gas comes out the most.
Special about CAC EASY CLEAN Tablet
CAC EASY CLEAN is 650 mg per tablet, which is easy to take in a dose of twice a day (1bd). It is different in comparison to other pharmacy EASY CLEAN available in open market.