Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Noni capsules
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Noni capsules are herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. Noni is a fruit found mainly in South India which contains many health benefits. Noni fruit is known for its high level of antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C and various other minerals which help to Strengthen the immune system. People suffering from Respiratory problems may benefit from this. Noni Capsules promotes immunity, Arthritis relief, circulation of blood, energy and digestive health. It contains standard extract of Morinda Citrifo. Noni capsules have anti inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation of the body.
- Promotes metabolism
- Urticaria
- Migraine
- Maintain heart health
- Help reduce weight
- Anti ageing agent
- Increase hemoglobin levels
- Have anti cancerous properties
DOSAGE : 1-2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.
*Each 500mg Noni capsule contain:
Noni (Morinda Citrifo) 500mg
Noni Juice is also known as Indian Mulberry (Morinda citrifolia). It is an evergreen plant found in Southeast Asia and Australia. Noni juice is used for the prevention and recovery of many diseases. Noni also finds mention in Ayurvedic studies.
- Noni is rich in nutrients like Vitamin A, C, Niacin and Iron which are necessary to keep the body strong and prevent diseases.
- Noni’s analgesic properties are useful for patients with arthritis. It reduces the causes of arthritis.
- Due to its rich in vitamin C and selenium, it gives glowing skin by fighting free radicals. Popular Australian model Miranda Kerr openly admitted that she herself uses noni juice.
- Some dermatologists say that the antibacterial and antifungal properties of Noni Juice also relieve head skin irritation.
Noni Juice Side-Effects
- There is no medical evidence or documentation of Noni, yet many professionals have used it and recommended to take it.
- Excessive consumption of this fruit can lead to heavier menstruation than normal.
- There can be some other side effects like bad breath, fatigue and cough.
Advantages and uses
- They help in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension and inflammation.
- They also help in cold and flu.
- They reduce bacterial infections and diarrhea in children
- Vomit capsules are also beneficial in cases of vomiting, asthma, depression.
- They help in the treatment of tuberculosis, seizures, burning ulcers and various types of infections.
How to take Noni Capsule
Consuming 500 mg per day is considered safe.
Have you ever heard of ‘Noni Fruit’? If not, then you must know about it. This is a fruit that has miraculous health benefits. You will be surprised to know that it contains more than 150 nutrients and this fruit is capable of curing every disease of yours.
This fruit, known as Noni fruit, is so much beneficial for health, that many researchers have been done on it so far. Based on research, many of its properties have been revealed by scientists. Learn about the amazing benefits of Noni fruit –
According to research conducted so far on 1 Noni fruit, it can be used in medicine and in dealing with all kinds of health problems. Non-capsule is also available in the market as a medicine, which is beneficial in many ways.
2 Noni increases your immunity tremendously, enabling you to fight diseases and not get sick.
3 It helps you fight deadly disease like cancer and helps in the formation of red blood cells by eliminating tumor cells.
4 There is also a solution to the problem of impotence in men and infertility in women. It also prevents menstrual problems and the formation of sperm in men.
5 One of the biggest advantages of this fruit is that it can increase your lifespan by up to 100 years by keeping you healthy and helps you to maintain youth for a long time.
Benefits of Noni Juice – Benefits of Noni capsule
1. Benefits in Cancer
Noni capsule has many such properties and nutrients, which can protect us from various diseases. Noni juice has anticancer and antioxidant properties. These properties prevent cancer cells from growing, so that the cancer does not spread in the body. Also, noni rich in medicinal properties can also reduce the risk of cancer caused by smoking. Not only this, it is also endowed with antitumor properties, which can prevent cancer-enhancing tumors before they grow and can be effective in protecting the body from tumors and cancer.
2. Benefits of Noni in diabetes
Consuming two glasses of Noni juice daily can be beneficial for diabetic patients. It is rich in ant diabetic properties, which may be effective in controlling type 2 diabetes. These properties are helpful in controlling diabetes by reducing the amount of sugar and glucose present in the blood.
3. Noni’s benefits for the immune system
If you have to improve or boost your immune system, then Noni juice can help you here. Noni juice contains antioxidants as well as many properties that can be effective in improving your immune system as well as protecting you from many diseases.
4. Benefits of Noni capsule for improving digestion
Noni capsule can be a good solution for digestive system problems. It has pain-relieving properties, which help to relieve inflammation of the intestines. In addition, it has many other properties, which can be beneficial in eliminating digestive problems.
5. Benefits of Noni for Liver Health
If you are troubled by liver problem, Noni capsule can be beneficial for you. It has hepatoprotective properties, which are capable of protecting the liver from causes that cause liver damage. Also, it can be effective in strengthening liver activity . Carbon tetrachloride (which is used in fats and oils) acts as a toxin for the liver and noni juice may be beneficial in protecting the liver against acute carbon tetrachloride toxin.
6. Benefits of noni to relieve inflammation
Noni capsule has many other properties besides eliminating many diseases, which make it beneficial. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation.
7. Benefits of Noni to relieve arthritis
People have to face a lot of trouble due to arthritis. Noni juice can be very beneficial for those people. Noni capsule has anti-arthritic properties, which may be effective in curing gout complaints such as chronic rheumatoid arthritis from autoimmune disorders.
8. Benefits of Noni juice to lose weight
If you are worried about increasing weight and obesity, then Noni e can be beneficial for you. It has anti-obesity properties, which are effective in preventing obesity and reducing weight. For this reason, intake of noni capsule makes it easy to control weight.
9. Noni’s benefits for brain health
Noni juice can be beneficial for brain health. It has many medicinal properties such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. These properties found in Noni have protective functions on brain damage caused by ischemic stress (a type of mental stress).
10. To keep the heart healthy
Noni juice is also beneficial for the heart. Its roots contain an ingredient called anthraquinone, which can be beneficial in many heart problems with cancer. Apart from this, consuming noni juice reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol and is also beneficial in blood pressure. These benefits of Noni juice can be useful for your heart health .
Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Ayurveda
- February 18, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In the Modern era of fast food, there is change or irregularity in the diet and also in sedentary lifestyle. In addition to this there is tremendous mental stress. These are causing disturbance to the digestive system further leading to many diseases. Digestion and absorption disorders plays the main role amongst them. So due to all these causes, many people are suffering from various digestive disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Grahani Roga). Your search related to Herbal Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ayurvedic Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Natural Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Alternative Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) end here. We at Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provide effective remedies that work very well in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Grahani Roga).
Grahani and Agni are interdependent.
- Functionally weak Agni i.e., Mandagni, causes improper digestion of ingested food, which leads to Ama Dosha. Ama Dosha is the main cause of most of the diseases. It has pivotal importance in the pathogenesis of Grahani Roga. Grahani is considered under eight major diseases
- It is hard to diagnose and difficult to treat this disease-
- It has two stages: Amavastha and Niramavastha.
- In Amavastha – first line of the treatment is to make Ama to Nirama. Further diet and lifestyle modification along with medication should be followed.
People firstly choose Allopathic medicines by Knowing their harmful side effect they still approach and take modern medicines. Instead of this one should choose Ayurveda because this disease is curable in Ayurveda with natural herbs and also very safe to use it even on daily basis. Additionally, it provides a good health by acting on various parts of the body.
On having a look at present Scenario and by observing in our daily practice there is increase in cases of IBS and we have cured many patients of IBS or Grahani Roga on daily basis, so we are Confident now as we had Worked and had been treating this disease from Generations, so our results are promising and effective.
Our Idea is to spread the knowledge of Ayurveda Worldwide and change the mind of people because Miracles Happens and we have seen it on our daily practice.
We are Working hard just to see You Healthy and Happy.
It is an intestinal disorder causing pain in the stomach, bloating, diarrhea and constipation.
The cause of IBS isn’t well understood. Diagnosis is made often based on symptoms.
Let’s have a look inside your body: –
The Alimentary Canal:-
Grahani Swaroopa – All the Acharyas and Commentators of Samhitas described Grahani as Agni Adhisthana (Place of digestive Fire).
Acharya Sushruta described Grahni as Sashti pitta dharakala (6thkala).
There is a strong relationship that exists in between Grahani and Agni is inter-related i.e. Agni support the function of Grahani and Grahani used to support the function of Agni. Any impairment of Agni leads to the Grahani impairment or vice versa. So any defect or pathology in the functioning of any of these may leads to disease condition.
Nidana (Causative Factors):-
- Viruddha (wrong combination of food) and Vistambhi Aahar (Constipating food)
- Suppression of natural urges.
- Irregular eating habits
- Excessive Eating
- Sharirik (Physical factor) and Mansik Bhava (Emotional factors-excessive stress, anxiety)
- Sitagunaaahar (Cold food items) etc.
Role of Aama:-
Aama – Food which is half digested is known as Aama due to weak digestive fire or manda-Agni.
Grahani and Agni both are close relation to each other or Adhara-Adheya-Sambandha. Grahani is described as an Adhishthana of Agni by most of the Aaacharyas.
Mandagni (Deceased level of digestive fire) is a root cause of Ama Dosha and it is the crucial factor for manifestation of most of the diseases.
Sangrahani is the prime disease of gastro-intestinal tract and often seen in day-to-day practice.
According to Ayurveda Types of Grahani on the Basis of Involvement of Doshas:-
- Vataj Grahani
- Pittaj Grahani
- Kaphaj Grahani
- Tridoshaj Grahani
Vataj Grahani:
In this type of Grahani there is vitiation of vata.
Nidana (Causitive Factors):
- Intake of rasa like Katu, tikta and Kashaya (Pungent/Bitter/Astringent)
- Dry, contaminated foods
- The suppression of natural urges
- Excess physical activity
- Intake of insufficient food
- Fasting
Lakshana or Symptoms:
- Dry skin, hair, nails, a dry mouth or throat
- Constipation or constipation alternating with diarrhea
- Abdominal distension, bloating, flatulence and excess wind
- Feeling cold most of the time
- Loss of weight
- loss of sleep, anxiety and nervousness
Pittaja Grahani:
Pitta Dosha is vitiated in this type of Grahni.
Nidana (Causitive Factors):
- An excess intake of katu, amla, lavana (pungent/sour/salty foods)
- Suppression of natural urges
- Excess physical activity
Lakshana or Symptoms:
- Sweating, fever, feeling hot
- Often Feeling of Heartburn, belching, sour eructation
- Excessive thirst
- Loss of temper or irritability
- Stools-Diarrhea, loose liquid stools
Kaphaja Grahani:
Kapha dosha is vitiated in this type of Grahni.
Nidana (Causitive Factors):
- Intaka of Madhur rasa or Sweet food items.
- Intake of food that is hard to digest, fatty foods
- Intake of cold and heavy foods in excess
- Atya asana or Excessive eating
- Sleeping immediately after intake of food.
Lakshana or Symptoms:
- Difficulty in digestion
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Decreased of loss of appetite
- A running nose
- expectoration of cough
- Heaviness of the body, lethargic.
- Love to relax or not wanting to move
- Stools – heavy, slimy and full of mucus
Tridoshaja Grahani:
- It is caused by the combination of factors of the above three types.
There are mixed Symptoms i.e. all that are described above.
Some Specific symptoms are as follows:
- Gurgling sounds in the abdomen
- Passing of stools with mild pain
- Stools appearance- combination of liquid, compact, cold unctuous
- Lumbar region pain.
- Abdominal pain
- Bloating
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Diarrhea and constipation both.
- Changes in the bowel Habits.
- Inability to empty the bowel
- Indigestion
- Nausea
- Loss of Appetite
- Passing Excessive amount of gas
- Stool with Mucus
- Blood in stoolmay be appearing red or very dark or black tarry like consistency.
Passing of Red / Black Colored Stool on daily basis is a Medical Emergency please consult a Doctor.
Other Common symptoms- Depression, Confusion, Anxiety, discomfort, tiredness, weakness, symptoms get alleviated by Defecation.
What Treatment Should we opt. for Sangrahni (IBS)?
The person suffering from this disease is having many questions in mind. Regarding the disease that will it be cured or not and very much frustrated and think what to do or not to do.
So end up your worries and get Consulted clear your doubts and successfully Treated at CAC.
We had been treating the disorder and getting amazing results in minimal amount of time from hundreds of years.
We provide the treatment which is 100% natural which detoxifies your colon and make it healthy thus making your body free from the disease and live a normal life.
Our Medication for IBS / Grahani
1. Pittashekhar Rasa
2. Panchasakar Churna
3. Detox Standard Powder
4. Kutaj Ghan Vati
5. Puran Pachak
6. Digestion Care Tablet
7. Sheet Dhara
For Detailed Description of medicine visit the website below:-
Diet and Lifestyle plays an important role in this disease. By following the DO’s & Don’ts helps to recover fast from the disease.
Pathya or What to Follow?
- Diet should be rich in Fiber and fat content should be low.
- Add on Porridge or oats to your diet
- You should have1 tablespoon of linseeds per day.
- Meals sgould be prepared at home using fresh ingredients
- Maintain a diary or note down in phone what you eat and track your symptoms – After that try your best to avoid things that trigger your IBS.
- Do Relaxing meditation
- Get plenty of exercise
- You can Add Probiotics to your diet
Apathya or What to Avoid?
- Avoid the food items or products containing a sweetener (sorbitol).
- The foods that are hard to digest should be avoided. (like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, onions and dried fruit or decrease the amount)
- Try not delay or skip your meals
- Na-ati-Shighram Mashniyat or Avoid eating too quickly.
- Avoid Oily and spicy food items or processed items.
- Low fat diet should be followed.
- Eat fresh fruit daily (less than or equal to80g)
- Limit Tea and coffee i.e. it shouls not more than 3cups.
- Avoid alcohol or fizzy drinks
Mixed Vegetable Soup
- February 18, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is a healthy and tasty soup recipe, which is made from vegetables stock and spices to taste. This recipe is a different form of veg clear soup and its texture, taste and flavor are also similar. It is a very good starting food / starter, which can be served as lunch or dinner.
Soup recipes are made all over India and abroad. It is usually served as an early meal / starter to increase appetite, but can also be eaten due to other health-related reasons. One such simple and popular healthy soup recipe is Vegetable Soup Recipe, which is quite famous for its nutrients and ingredients added to it. As I mentioned earlier, the texture and taste of the mix veg soup recipe is similar to the famous clear soup recipe. Nevertheless, there are many variations in these two recipes. The main distinguishing difference is in the texture or consistency of the soup. Especially in this recipe, the vegetables are boiled and corn flour mixture is added to it to make the stock thick. In a clear soup, the vegetables are boiled and then salt and pepper are added to them to make it spicy. Only a few selected vegetables (mentioned below) are added to it. Mix Veg Soup Recipe Now I would like to give some important tips and advice for making the best mixed vegetable soup recipe. First of all, I would like to tell that the vegetables used in it should be finely chopped and small. Large size chopped vegetables take time to boil and are not easily cooked for soup. You can add any type of vegetable if you want. I have used some simple vegetables in this recipe, but you can use any type of vegetables in it. This soup tastes delicious even after being served hot or kept for a while. Therefore, prepare it in advance and heat it in the oven before serving.
Vegetable Soup Recipe.
Preparation Time: 5 MINUTES
Cooking Time: 10 MINUTES
Total Time: 15 MINUTES for how many people: 3 Servings
Mixed Veg Soup Recipe Content For the soup:
- Oil
- Peeled garlic,
- finely chopped 1 inch ginger,
- Finely chopped
- 2 tbsp green leaf onions,
- chopped carrots,
- Finely chopped beans,
- Finely chopped ½ capsicum,
- Finely chopped 2 tbsp cabbage,
- finely chopped 2 tbsp peas
- 2 table spoon sweet corn
- 4 cup water
- 4 tsp salt table spoon
- Vinegar ▢½ t spoon mixed herbs
- ½ t spoon chilli flakes
- ½ tsp black pepper powder
- 2 tbsp leafy onions,
- Chopped for slurry / slur
- 1 tsp corn flour ¼ cup of water
First heat 3 tbsp of oil in a large pan and fry 3 layers of garlic, 1 inch ginger and 2 tablespoons of leafy onion lightly.
Add 1 carrot, 5 beans, ½ capsicum to it and fry for a minute. After this add 2 tablespoons of cabbage, 2 tablespoons peas, 2 tablespoons sweet corn and fry lightly. Now add 4 cups of water and 4 tsp of salt and mix well.
Now cover it and boil for 5 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked well.
Now take 1 tsp corn flour and 4 cups of water in a small bowl. Mix it well and make sure that the knot is not formed. Now put this corn flour solution in it and boil for 3-4 minutes or until the soup thickens.
Now add 1 tablespoon vinegar, ½ tsp mixed herbs, ½ chili flakes and ½ tsp black pepper powder. Keep mixing it until everything is well combined.
Finally, topping it with 2 tablespoons of leafy onions and enjoy vegetable soup. Add 1 carrot, 5 beans, ½ capsicum to it and fry for a minute.
- After this add 2 tablespoons of cabbage, 2 tablespoons peas, 2 tablespoons sweet corn and fry lightly.
- Now add 4 cups of water and 4 tsp of salt and mix well.
- Now cover it and boil for 5 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked well.
- Now take 1 tsp corn flour and 4 cups of water in a small bowl.
- Mix it well and make sure that the knot is not formed.
- Now put this corn flour solution in it and boil for 3-4 minutes or until the soup thickens.
- Now add 1 tablespoon vinegar, ½ tsp mixed herbs, ½ chili flakes and ½ tsp black pepper powder.
- Keep mixing it until everything is well combined.
- Finally, topping it with 2 tablespoons of leafy onions and enjoy vegetable soup.
- February 18, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Kutaja Ghana Vati is an ayurvedic formulation that has anti-dysenteric, antidiarrheal, anti-amoebic action and haemostatic properties for treating and curing alot of ailments including dysentery, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption syndrome, intestinal infections and different bleeding disorders.
Ayurveda scriptures of Charaka Samhita describes this potent herb as Arshoghna (used in treating piles or arsha), Kandughna (used to get relief from itching), Stanyasodhana (used for cleansing and purifying breast milk and making it fit for children) and Asthapanopaga (used in enema). It is also used for treating Atisara (diarrhoea), Jwaratisara (secondary diarrhoea), Asra (blood-related or bleeding disorders), Pravahika (amebiasis), Trsna (thirst), sukrasodhana (sperm-purifier), Kusthahara (treats skin disorders), Deepana (improves digestion), Vatasruk (treats gout) and Jantujit (prevents worm infestation).
Kutaja bark – Holarrhena antidysenterica
Ativisha – Aconitum heterophyllum
TASTE(RASA) – Tikta(bitter) and Kashaya (astringent)
GUNA(QUALITY) – Laghu(light) and ruksha(dry)
VIRYA(POTENCY) – Sheet(cold)
VIPAKA(RESULTANT- Katu vipaka(Pungent)
PRABHAV (Therapeutic effect) – Antidysenteric
DOSHA KARMA(effect on humors) – Pacifies kapha and pitta dosha
DHATU(Effect on tissue) – Rasa and rakta
BENEFICIAL FOR ORGANS – All organs in the abdomen
Seeds of kutaj contains
- Conessine
- Isoconessemine
- Conessimin
- Conarhimin
- Conimin
The alkaloid CONESSINE has antidysenteric and anthelmintic properties, so Kutaj is mainly useful for dysentery, diarrhea and helminthic disorders.
Stem bark of kutaj contains :
- Conessine
- Isoconessimine
- Kurchessine
- Holadysenterine
Ativisha, also known as Atis, is a tall herb mainly grown in the Himalayan region.
Atis is effective in maintaining a healthy digestive system because of its carminative property. It is also helpful in diarrhea as it prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms due to its antibacterial activity. It lowers the levels of triglycerides and increases levels of HDL– cholesterol (“good cholesterol”), So it helps with the weight loss. According to Ayurveda, it helps in managing the symptoms of diabetes due to its Tikta (bitter) and Kapha balancing properties. Ativisha powder with honey helps to manage cough and cold due to its Ushna (hot) potency and removes the mucus.
The topical application of its seeds with honey gives relief from throat infections and tonsilitis. Its roots can be inhaled for managing headaches or migraines.
According to Ayurveda, indigestion (Agnimandya) occurs due to an imbalance of Pitta dosha. Whenever consumed food is left undigested due to Mand agni (low digestive fire), it results in the formation of Ama (toxins in the body due to improper digestion). In simple words indigestion is the state of an incomplete process of digestion of the consumed food. Ativisha helps in the treatment of indigestion by digesting the Ama due to its Deepana (appetizer) and Pachana (digestion) properties.
Vomiting is caused by imbalance of all three doshas, specially Pitta and Kapha dosha. Imbalance of Doshas can occur due to various incompatible eating habits like consuming excessive Teekshna (sharp), Kashaya (pungent), Amla (sour), Vidahi (causes burning sensation), Guru (heavy food), Ati Sheeta (cold diet) and Apakwa Ahaara (uncooked food). It further forms Ama (toxic due to improper digestion) in the body which leads to indigestion. Ativisha prevents Vomiting because it digests the Ama due to its Deepana (appetizer), Pachana (digestion) and Tridosha balancing properties
Diarrhea, known as Atisara in Ayurveda, is a condition that occurs because of the imbalance of Vata dosha which disturbs the functioning of the digestive fire (Agni) and results in Agnimandya (weak digestive fire). The other factors that might be responsible for Diarrhea are improper food, impure water, toxins (Ama) and mental stress. Ativisha helps in the treatment of diarrhea because of its Vata balancing property. It also helps in the management of weak digestive fire due to it’s Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestion) properties.
Because of today’s sedentary lifestyle, Piles have become a common problem occurring as a result of chronic constipation. Constipation leads to the imbalance of all the three doshas, mainly Vata dosha. Aggravated Vata dosha leads to low digestive fire, causes persistent constipation, which further results in pain and swelling around the anal region if ignored or left untreated. This can afterwards lead to the formation of pile mass. Ativisha helps in the management of Piles by treating constipation due to its tridosha balancing property (mainly Vata
- Atidine
- Atisenol
- Atsine
- Histisine
- Hetisinone
- Hetidine
- Heterophyllisine
- Heterophylline
- RASA – Katu tikta (Pungent, bitter)
GUNA – Laghu, ruksha (light, dry)
VIRYA – Ushna (Hot)
VIPAKA – Katu(Pungent)
PRABHAVA – Vishahara(Anti toxic)
- Lekhaniya – Scraps off excess medo dhatu (fat) from body, clearing all the blocked spaces (srotas) in body
- Arshoghana – Fights against piles
- Shirovirechak – Helps in bringing out the doshas above neck region.
Medicinal properties of KUTAJ GHAN VATI
Kutajghan Vati has the following medicinal properties.
- Antidiarrheal
- Antimicrobial
- Antidysenteric
- Astringent
- Anthelmintic
- Aam Pachak (Detoxifier)
- Hemostatic
- Antiamoebic
- Diarrhea
- Diarrhea with Fever
- Dysentery
- Amoebiasis
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Abdominal Pain/cramps due to Diarrhea
DOSAGE – 1-2 tablets daily with plain water
- February 18, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Leuco Care tablet is herbal and purely ayurvedic formulation. It is used for vaginal discharge with itching and smell. It is effective uterine tonic for women of all ages, regulates the menses, prevent dysmmenorrhoea, and clots during menses. It contains herbs like kukutandtwak bhasma, Sfutika bhasma, Majuphal,Supari, Kamarkas etc that are all good for women vaginal health and prevent leucorrhoea. It act as anti inflammatory, antioxidant, anti fungal, anti bacterial etc.
- Kukutandtwak
- Sfutika bhasma
- Majuphal
- Mochras
- Nagkeshar
- Gond katira
- Kamarkas
- Gond pipal
- White discharge
- Itching
- Allergies
- Fungal infection
- Smelly discharge
- Back pain due to white discharge
- Weakness
- Trichomonial infection
- Candida infections
- Atrophic vaginitis
- Cervicitis
The benefits of Mazufal have also been seen in relieving many problems related to the vagina. According to a scientific research, the extracts of ointment are found to have antimicrobial effects, which can reduce the problem of vaginal infections. It can also relieve vaginal itching and burning. In addition it may also help in vaginal tightening .
There is a lot of vitamin, calcium and fiber in Nagkasar present in leuco care which removes all diseases related to leucorrhoea. For this, Nagkasar is consumed in many ways.
Its asthmatic and flowing blood preventive properties help to prevent menorrhagia, bleeding and heavy menstrual bleeding. It is usually used along with Bolabat Rasa. However, this type of treatment is not an ideal treatment and provides only temporary relief. Other medicines including Ashokarishta, Praval Pishti, Kamdudha Ras, Yashtimadhu, Amla (Amla) etc. should also be used as an ideal treatment.
CAC Leuco care is a herbal preparation that helps to treat different types of discharge in vagina and reduces fishy smell as it contains majuphal, mochras, sfatik bhasam, gond pippal etc that are very helpful.
Pain o kill tablet
- February 18, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Pain o kill tablet is ayurvedic and purely herbal formulation. It help to relax your muscles and muscles cramps thus relieving pain. It balances all the three doshas of your body thus maintaining proper blood circulation. It provides soothing effect to the affected area of pain. It contains various herbs like Jivanti, Musta, Usher, Bilwa, Shatavari and Kantkari. All these herbs are natural pain relievers.
this Tablet belongs to the muscle relaxant drug class. It is used to treat spine and joint pain, muscle stiffness, and blood vessels. It also works on the central nervous system and relieves pain.
In addition, pregnant or lactating women should inform their doctor before its use. If you are taking non-prescription drugs, herbal medicines and diet supplements.
This medicine should be taken with food. It is important that you take it regularly. Remember to ask the doctor any questions you may have during medication and treatment. As the treatment progresses, keep it at par with your condition.
The information given here is based on salt. Its uses and side effects may vary from person to person. Neurologist must be consulted before using the drug.
- Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans) 150 mg
- Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) 350 mg
- Shudh Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) 200 mg
- Shigru (Moringa oleifera) 150 mg
- Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) 200 mg
- Vatsanabh shudh (Aconitum ferox) 20 mg
- Shudh hingul (Ferula narthex) 10 mg
Uses of pain o kill tablet:
- Knee pain
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Backache
- Cervical spondylitis
- Osteoarthritis
- 100% natural & safe product
- This herbal product is formulated under the guidance of MD Ayurveda expert
- Natural & Herbal formula for overall health
Jaiphal in Joint and muscle pain relief
Nutmeg is also known as a natural pain reliever. Nutmeg contains abundant myristicinni, aluminin, and eugenol. Which not only help to speed up the brain and reduce nervous tension, but also reduce joint or muscle pain. Therefore, if you are suffering from joint or muscle pain, use it. By the way, if you want, you can also include it in your food.
Consuming it daily will strengthen your bones and relieve you of all types of joint pain. Digestive problems like constipation gas and acidity are also overcome by consuming nutmeg daily. But keep in mind one thing that using too much nutmeg can harm your health. Therefore, consume it in limited quantity. Apart from this, people of warm nature should not consume it.
The benefits of Shallaki are quite beneficial for arthritis sufferers. Actually, a tritpenoid called bolsavic acid is found to reduce inflammation in the shell. Which proves to be quite effective in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Not only this, Bolsevia is beneficial in preventing inflammation in tissues and breakdown of connective tissue. Use of this cream in arthritis or joint pain also gives great relief.
Glycosaminogon promotes the prevention of excessive wear of joints by inhibiting caries, glycosaminogon is an important element in the structural building blocks of joint cartilage that promotes normal lubrication and has shock absorbing properties, which provide the correct structure of the joints. And work is necessary.
Shuddha Guggulu is used for the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms:
- Arthritis
- swelling
- High amount of cholesterol
- Arteriosclerosis
- Rheumatism
In the treatment of arthritis
Nirgundi also proves beneficial in the treatment of arthritis in arthritis. A light massage of oil extracted from the leaves of Nirgundi provides relief in arthritis, arthritis, sciatica etc. Drinking decoction of its leaves daily in the morning and evening also provides benefits. In addition, it also works as a brain tonic.
The decoction of Nirgundi is beneficial in joint pain because according to Ayurveda, Nirgundi has the property of the suppressor of Vata, which calms Vata and is beneficial in joint pain.
The use of Nirgundi is very beneficial in the treatment of slip disk because according to Ayurveda, Nirgundi has the property of calming the vata dosha which helps in reducing the pain and stiffness in the slip disk.
The use of Nirgundi is also beneficial in pulse, neuralgia because according to Ayurveda, there is definitely an outbreak of pain wherever it occurs. Nirgundi has the property of calming the Vata, hence the Nirgundi pulse gives relief in pain.
CAC Brahmi capsules
- February 18, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
These are herbal and purely ayurvedic formulation. Brahmi help Promote mental fitness, improve brain and nervous system. Brahmi is one of the world’s most powerful adaptogens. Brahmi help improve mental clarity, overall well-being and Boost energy without adverse side effects. Brahmi has Cooling property which keeps the mind calm and free of Anxiety. It also promote sound sleep. Regular consumption of Brahmin strengthen immune system. It is a good anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and best immunity booster.
Brahmi (Bacopa moneri) – 500mg
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Ease the symptoms of alzeihmers disease
- Responsible for intelligence
- Provide relief from arhthritis
- memory and thinking skills (cognitive function)
- anxiety
- Improve function of nervous system
- Reduce ADHD symptoms
- Lower blood pressure level
- Reduce inflammation
DOSAGE: 1-2 capsules twice daily with water after meals.
How Brahmi Vati Works?
- Brahmi Vati helps in relieving stress, cures respiratory effects, toxins. In addition, this disease strengthens the immune system. It makes the brain and memory power healthy.
- Consumption of Brahmi Vati eliminates brain weakness and all brain disorders. Brahmi Vati also enhances memory and intelligence. People who do more brain-related work, such as students, teachers, etc., must take Brahmi Vati.
- Many people have heart disorders. For such people, Brahmi Vati should be consumed daily. By this, diseases related to the walls and heart are cured immediately.
- Patients who are suffering from sleeplessness should use Brahmi Vati.
- Brahmi Vati proves beneficial in hysteria.
- Brahmi acts as a tonic for the human nervous system. Apart from providing peace to the brain, it also nourishes the nerves, so that you get energized.
- High blood pressure has become a common disease today. It is beneficial to use Brahmi Vati in it.
- Brahmi reduces stress and anxiety as it decreases the levels of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. Brahmi counteracts the effects of stress by regulating hormones involved with the stress response.
- Brahmi is known to help ease the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease due to the presence of the amyloid compound in the neuron that is responsible for damaging the brain. The bio-chemical known as bacosides in Brahmi helps in re-building brain tissues by influencing the brain cells.
- Brahmi helps in boosting your memory. It has a positive effect on the hippocampus part of the brain that is responsible for intelligence, concentration and memory. Interestingly, the leaf of the Brahmi herb has a similar shape like that of the cerebellum – part of the brain which helps in controlling concentration and memory.
- Brahmi is full of antioxidants that are essential for living a healthy life. Antioxidants help in removing free radicals that can further mutate into cancer cells.
- Regular consumption of Brahmi helps in strengthening your immune system. A lot nutrients along with antioxidant compounds help increase the response time of our immune system against various diseases and ailments.
- Brahmi helps in boosting your immunity naturally
- Brahma can be a great remedy that provides relief from arthritis, gout and other inflammatory conditions. It also helps in soothing gastric ulcers and treating an irritable bowel syndrome.
- Brahmi is known for regulating the blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes and may help improve symptoms of hypoglycemia.
- Brahmi oil is great for treating a dry scalp and preventing hair fall. The antioxidant components not only help in rejuvenating your scalp but also promote regeneration of healthy hair. These antioxidants also help in removing all the toxins from the body and enhance your skin complexion by stimulating cell regeneration. Brahmi is good for treating hair problems like dandruff, itchiness and formation of split ends. Moreover, massaging the scalp with Brahmi oil is known to be very soothing.
Special about CAC BRAHMI VATI:
Our CAC BRAHMI VATI is 650 mg per tablet. Which is easy to take in dose of twice a day (1bd). It is different in comparison to other pharmacy BRAHMI VATI’s available in open market.
- February 18, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In the present Scenario, Infertility is very Common than You think.
As noted in various studies and researches, Infertility affects an estimated of 15% of couples globally that amounts to 48.5 million couples. In which Males are found to be merely responsible for 20-30% of infertility cases and thus contributing to 50% of cases overall.
So by keeping this factor in mind, CAC had worked for Hundreds of years and finally made a Formulation which is found to be very effective in the problems related to male infertility and further if used on long term basis provides an Amazing Strength, helped in early ejaculation and erectile dysfunction and overall Health of the individual.
Positive results is being observed in one month only but in some cases when it was used for 3months or more the effect of the medicine was very good.
The positive point is that it is 100% natural and safe i.e. having no side effects.
- Despite of Hesitation please Consult a Doctor and live a Hesitation free life.
- Don’t feel inferior, or decrease your self esteem we are ready to help you to overcome your problem.
- Ashwagandha
- Shatavar
- Konch beej
- Samunder sokh
- Kesar
- Salab mishri
- Akarkara
- Kharinti
- Semal Musli
- Kali Mirch
- Moosk dana
- Trivang bhasam
- Shudh shilajit
- Siddha makardhwaja
Scientific name- Withania Somnifera
Common Names- Ajagandha, Amangura, Amukkirag, Asan, Asana, Asgand, Asgandh, Asgandha, Ashagandha, Vajigandha, Ashvagandha, Ayurvedic Ginseng, Cerise d’Hiver, Clustered Wintercherry etc.
It is an ancient herb which had been used since 3000 years to relieve stress, increase the energy levels and improving concentration.
- It boosts the testosterone levels and increase fertility by improving the sperm qualities.
- It is having powerful effects on testosterone levels and helps in reproductive health.
- As noted in a study in 75 infertile men, the group treated with Ashwagandha showed increased sperm count and motility.
- This herb increase the antioxidant levels in their blood.
- It increases muscle mass and increases the strength.
- It may lower cholesterol and triglycerides i.e. it is also good for your Heart health.
- It reduce the blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity in muscle cells.
Scientific Name- Asparagus racemosus
Common names- Asparagus-fern, Indian Asparagus, Shataver White, Sparrow Grass, Shatawari, Buttermilk Root, Water Root, climbing Asparagus Sataver Yellow , Wild Asparagus, Wild Carrot etc.
- It is used for upset stomach (dyspepsia)
- It is helpful in preventing constipation, spasms in the stomach and ulcers.
- It is also used for fluid retention, pain, anxiety, cancer, bronchitis, tuberculosis.
- It is useful in 3D’s i.e. Diarrhoea, Dementia, and diabetes.
- It eases alcohol withdrawal.
- It is full of antioxidants -You might have heard about it many times but Exactly what is Antioxidant?? Antioxidants are substances that protects your cells against free radicals, Further it may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. On the other hand Free radicals are molecules produced when your body breaks down food or when you’re exposed to tobacco smoke or radiation.It improves different immune function also exhibiting an important protective role in infections that are caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites.
Scientific name- Mucuna pruriens
Common names- Kapikacchu, kevanch, konch, kaunch beej, Cow hage, Cow witch.
Relieving Properties of Konch Beej-
- It is nervine tonic and Neuro resortive.
- It is Aprodiastic or Love potion/Stimulant.
- It is Spermatogenic and erectogenic.
- It is Strengthning.
- It is very effective against Parkinson’s Disease
Scientific name- Crocos sativus
Common names- Autumn Crocus, Azafron, Croci Stigma, Crocus sativus, Indian Saffron, Kashmira, Kesar, Kumkuma, Saffron Crocus, Safran, Safran Cultive, Safran Espagnol, Safran des Indes, Safran Veritable, Spanish Saffron, True Saffron, Zafran.
- It is a Powerful Antioxidant.
- It helps in Improvement of Mood and useful in Treating Depressive Symptoms.
- It is having Anti Cancerous Properties.
- It Acts as an Aphrodistic.
- It may reduce Appetite and helps in Weight Loss.
- It gives a Healthy Glow to the skin, improves skin texture and lighten skin naturally.
Shudh shilajit
Scientific name- Asphaltum punja-bianum
Common names- shilajit ,Mumijo, Asphaltum, Black Bitumen or Mineral Pitch
Medicinal and Nutritional Benefits-
- Shilajit helps in maintaining the muscle strength and aids connective tissue adaptation.
- It is a popular rejuvenator for enhanced energy, vitality & potentially helpful in improvement of various health conditions.
- If it is used on long term basis it helps to Improves brain function.
- Primary compounds in Shilajit helps to control signs of Aging.
- Maintains blood cell count and Prevents against viral diseases.
- It prevents fatigue and increase the energy levels to a great extent.
- It helps to destroy the cancer cells present in Liver showing anti cancerous effects.
- It is helpful in the issues regarding the Male Fertility and Hormone improvement- Several studies and researches revealed that the men consuming Shilajit shows significant increase in sperm count and increased motility of sperm.
- February 18, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
It is a herbo-mineral tablet and is purely ayurvedic formulation. CAC Uric care tablets help in balancing kapha doshas. It reduces Kapha doshas impacting high URIC ACID levels of the body and acts as a potent diuretic. It helps reduce the pain while passing urine and clear the obstruction of urine. Help detoxify kidneys. It is also used to treat cough, oedema, asthma and various kidney problems. It contains ingredients like gokhru, imali kshar, yavakshar, kalmi shora, nausadar, swarna gairik etc. This formulation posseses hypotensive, antimicrobial, aphrodiasic and diuretic properties.
Uses of CAC Uric Care Tablet
- Renal calculus
- Painful urination
- Obstruction in urine
- Reduces blood urea level
- Detoxify kidneys
- Slow down the process of agieng
- Balance Psychological ailments
Ingredients of CAC Uric Care Tablet are:
- Each 650mg tablet contains:
- Gokhru (Tribulus Teritris) 110mg
- Imali kshar (Tamarindus Indica) 90mg
- Yavakshar (Hordeum Vulgare) 180mg
- Kalmi shora ( Potassium nitrate) 90mg
- Nausadar ( Ammonium chloride) 90mg
- Swarn gairik( Red ochre) 90mg
DOSAGE: Take 1-2 tablets twice or thrice daily.
IT helps to reduce the level of uric acid due to its Mutral (diuretic) property which increases the urine output and helps flush the toxins from the body. It also improves the metabolism because of its Ama (toxic remains in the body due to improper digestion) removing nature and inhibits excess production of uric acid.
Imali kshar (Tamarindus Indica)
It improves digestion, hence increase the digestion of protein.
It is alkali preparation of Yava or barley containing Potassium bicarbonate and useful in the treatment of abdominal diseases, urinary problems, high uric acid(vata rakta), Kapha vata vikar, amavata, poison and various other diseases. This medicine has diuretic and diaphoretic properties.
Yava kshaar is also used as ingredient in preparation of other medicines. It is Katu rasa in taste and Katu vipak, Ushna Virya, Vata, Kaphaghna in action. Yava kshara is a useful medicine in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) which is urological condition caused by the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland in males with advancement of age.
Our CAC URIC CARE TABLET is 650 mg per tablet. Which is easy to take in dose of twice a day (1bd). It is different in comparison to other pharmacy URIC ACID medicines available in open market.
Blood Purifier Syrup
- February 16, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Blood Purifier Syrup is 100% natural & safe prepared from various extracts of herbs. The herbs used for formulation of this syrup shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and immuno-modulator properties. It is best known for purifying the blood. It helps in eliminating the toxins from blood that cause acne and blemishes. It’s a perfect herbal remedy for skin diseases like acne vulgaris, boils, skin rashes, blemishes, urticaria, and nose bleeding.
Ingredients of Blood Purifier Syrup:
Each 10 ml contains extract of:
- Chirayita (Swertia chirayita) – 200 mg
- Khadir chall (Acacia catechu) – 200 mg
- Majith (Rubia cordifolia) – 100 mg
- Chopchini (smilax glabra) – 100 mg
- Neem chall (Azadirachta cordifolia) – 200 mg
- Patol leaves (Trichosanthes dioica) – 150 mg
- Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) – 100 mg
- Via vidang (Embelia ribes) – 100 mg
- Chandan (Santalum album) – 100mg
- Bakuchi seeds (Psoralea corylifolia) – 100 mg
- Harar (Terminalia bellerica) – 100 mg
- Bahera (Terminalia chebula) – 100 mg
- Aamla (Emblica officinalis) – 100 mg
- Haridra (Curcuma longa) – 100 mg
Uses of Blood Purifier Syrup:
- Purifies blood
- Improves digestion
- Cures acne
- Beautifies skin
- Acne
- Blemishes
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Atopic dermatitis
- skin disorders
CAC Blood Purifier is Ayurvedic medicine for pimples and glowing skin. The way it is known by its name that this medicine is helpful in blood purifier, so let’s know what its benefits and uses are.
What is Blood Purifier?
CAC Blood Purifier drug blood purifier – purifies the blood to give skin a natural glow and pimple-free skin. This Blood Purifier is an easy solution to get rid of pimples. Blood Purifier with rich properties of medicinal plants incorporating Ayurvedic formulations. The natural formula of the Blood Purifier medicine purifies the blood and attacks the bacteria thus purifying the blood and improving pimples or other skin diseases.
Benefits of Blood Purifier
Blood Purifier prevents and treats indigestion.This medicine helps you stay healthy and beautiful by clearing your blood. This drug provides pimples, pimples, complexion free skin with a natural glow.
This medicine starts showing its effect within 2 weeks.
it reduces acidity and gastric problems. Being a liquid syrup, it can be easily taken with water. Cleans blood and prevents pimples with natural glow
Turmeric and Manjistha–Manjistha are also known as Samanga. It contains chemical components such as purpurin, munistin and pseudopurpurin, due to which it is helpful in the treatment of skin diseases. This blood purifier also acts as a blood cleanser which helps to remove toxins from the blood. Manjistha also helps in balancing phlegm and bile dosha. Manjistha is beneficial for skin health and has analgesic properties to reduce skin inflammation.
Khadir-Khadira is also known as Kattha. It balances phlegm and bile dosha and is effective in treating skin diseases. It also has the ability to purify the blood which helps in improving the complexion of the skin.
Shweta Sariva – Blood Purifier contains Neem and Shweta Sariva, which can easily eliminate skin problems such as pimples and pimples. Honey (traditionally) as being great for the skin Honey is therefore known to enhance complexion, and helps to achieve glowing skin.
Blood Purifier Syrup is used for the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms:
- itching
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- Skin discoloration
- obesity
- General weakness
- Ulcer
- Diarrhea
- Extreme thirst
- leprosy
- Leucoderma
- Seasonal fever
- wound
- Burning sensation
- Anorexia
- Eye diseases
- Throat infection
- Asthma
- Tuberculosis
- Hiccups
- Thirst
- dizziness
- Fatigue
- Hepatitis
- Worm infection
- Joint pain
- Arthritis
- Headache
- cough
- diabetes
- Dysmenorrhea
- Emmenagogue
- Piles
You can make the blood pure by keeping the liver and kidney healthy. For this, you have to include natural blood purifier foods in your diet.
Blood purifier foods
Keep the blood pure and liver and kidney healthy, know which are 3 natural blood purifier foods.
Blood purifier foods: Consumption of contaminated and unhealthy foods increases the risk of many physical problems, first of all affecting your kidneys and liver. Having liver and kidney problems can lead to many blood related problems such as blood inaccuracy. Blood related problems are not good for health. Remaining pure blood is essential for overall health. You can make the blood pure by keeping the liver and kidney healthy. For this, you have to include natural blood purifier foods in your diet. Learn about some foods that can be used to keep blood pure.
Basil is also beneficial for the body. The anti-bacterial and antinflammtory elements present in it keep the kidneys and liver clean. Digestive power and nervous system are correct. Boiling the leaves of basil in hot water and drinking it like tea provides relief. Blood is clean.
Apple Cider Vinegar
By mixing them together, the uric acid of the body comes out. Blood is pure. It is effective for maintaining pH level and clearing body tissue. Mix two spoons of apple cider vinegar and half a teaspoon of baking soda in an empty glass. Please leave for a while. When the bubble subsides, drink it immediately. Keep in mind, in high blood pressure problem, its intake can be harmful.
There is nothing better than water to purify the blood. Two to three liters of water daily can easily remove impurities in the body. It helps the organ of the body to function properly. Vitamin maintains the flow of minerals. By drinking water, the toxins of the body are released through urine.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice is a natural way of purifying blood. It is rich in Vitamin C. It maintains the pH level of the body. Lemon juice helps in proper digestion and removes toxins from the blood. Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach every morning removes body dirt.