Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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CAC Ashwagandha tablet is an herbal and purely ayurvedic formulation. Ashwagandha has been called the kings of Ayurvedic herbs. Its root has a horsey smell. It boosts your immune system and relieves stress. It is made from the goodness of Ashwagandha also known as Indian ginseng. It helps you recover from anxiety and depression, boost your brain. It may also modestly enhance strength performance, improve glucose metabolism, increase testosterone levels It is a good antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and anti-stress properties.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – 650 mg
Uses of Ashwagandha churna:
- Stress buster
- Arthritis
- Constipation
- Insomnia
- Skin conditions
- Stress
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Diabetes
- Nervous breakdowns
- Fevers
- Snake bites
- Memory loss
- Reduce blood sugar levels
- Reduce symptoms of depression
- Boost testosterone and increase fertility in men
- Increase muscle mass and strength
- Lower cholesterol and triglycerides level
- Help calm the brain
Reduce Cholestrol
Consuming Ashwagandha powder can help reduce total cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Also it can help increase the amount of HDL (good cholesterol). Research in the World Journal of Medical Science also mentions that ashwagandha has a hypolipidemic effect, which may help some in lowering cholesterol .
For Insomnia
People struggling with sleeplessness can take ashwagandha on the advice of a doctor. According to this study, ashwagandha leaves contain a compound called triethylene glycol, which can help in sleeping in deep sleep. Based on this research, it can be said that Ashwagandha can be consumed to improve sleep quality of insomnia victims.
For Stress
The problem of stress can cause many diseases. According to research conducted on mice, the anti-stress properties present in Ayurvedic medicine ashwagandha can reduce stress and protect it from diseases caused by it .
Increase in Sexual Ability
Ashwagandha is a powerful medicine, which can improve the quality of semen by improving the sexual ability of men. Ashwagandha can increase sperm quality as well as its number. This research has been done on the decreased fertility due to stress (oxidative stress, chemical stress and mental stress).
In Diabetes
Diabetes can also be avoided through the Ayurvedic medicine Ashwagandha. The hypoglycemic effect present in it may be helpful in reducing the amount of glucose.
For Immunity
If the body’s immunity will not be better, then it becomes difficult to fight against diseases. The immunomodulatory effect present in it may alter the immunity of the body according to its requirement, which may help in fighting diseases . Therefore, ashwagandha is believed to help enhance immunity.
For Thyroid
The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland in the throat produces the necessary hormones. When these hormones become unbalanced, the body weight begins to decrease or increase. Due to this, many other kinds of problems also have to be faced. This stage is called thyroid.
For Eye disease
Increasingly people are falling prey to eye diseases. Ashwagandha has antioxidant properties, which can help fight cataracts. The study found that ashwagandha can work effectively against cataracts. It may be somewhat beneficial in preventing cataracts from growing.
In Arthritis
Arthritis is such a painful disease .It becomes difficult for the patient to walk and sit and get up. Medicinal properties of Ashwagandha due to its antiinflammatory effect can reduce the symptoms of Arthritis from its root juice. Also, the pain of arthritis can also be relieved.
Carelessness to health and changing routines can rapidly affect brain function. Thus, various studies conducted on animals have found that ashwagandha can positively impact brain functioning and memory. As we have already mentioned above, taking ashwagandha can also improve sleep, which relaxes the brain and can work better.
Strong Muscles
It is also important to strengthen the muscles along with bones. Ashwagandha intake can be beneficial for the muscles. With this, the muscles can become stronger as well as better coordination between the brain and muscles. For the time being, further scientific research is said to be done in this regard. Not only this, ashwagandha can make up for weakness and improve the strength of the leg muscles. Ashwagandha is also known to improve neuromuscular coordination .
For Anxiety and Depression
Ashwagandha powder benefits include protecting against anxiety and depression. The bioactive compounds of ashwagandha have actions such as anxiolytic (Anxiolytic – anxiety reduction drug) and anti-depressant. A research says that consuming it for 5 days can show the same effect as an anxiety-reducing drug. Ashwagandha can control the level of tribulin (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) of the brain, which is increased due to stress. For this reason, ashwagandha is believed to be beneficial in reducing anxiety and depression.
For Inflammation
Ashwagandha has adequate antiinflammatory properties . In this sense, it can be said that it can help reduce inflammation in the skin. Indeed, the most common bacteria responsible for skin infections is Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause facial swelling. The bacteria responsible for this infection may neutralize skin inflammation by neutralizing the antibacterial properties present in the ashwagandha . Ashwagandha paste can be applied where there is inflammation in the skin.
Prevent Ageing
Ashwagandha has antioxidant properties. In this sense, it can also be beneficial for the skin. Antioxidant properties can protect against signs of aging (wrinkles and loose skin) by fighting free radicals formed in the body.
Premature graying of hair
Everyone wants their hair not to be prematurely white. This desire can be fulfilled with Ashwagandha. This Ayurvedic medicine increases the product of melanin in the hair. Melanin is a type of pigment that helps maintain the natural color of hair.
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Woman Champion is purely herbal and ayurvedic formulation. It is a very effective tonic for women and help to maintain their health. It balances all the doshas of body and also maintain hormone levels. It contains herbs like Lodhra, Manjishta, Ashok chaal, Punarnava,Shatavar,Bala,Daruharidra,Nagarmotha that help women typically with mood changes, stress, headache and pain. CAC Women champion helps in leading a life of minimum discomfort during those difficult days every month. It act as antioxidant, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, uterine tonic and immunity booster.
Lodhra is a very important medicine used by all Ayurvedic practitioners. All parts of lodhra like roots, bark as well as leaves of this plant are used for medicinal purposes but most useful part its stem. Lodhra is useful in managing female disorders such as leucorrhea (excessive vaginal discharge) caused by vaginal infections as it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties helps to manage excessive menstrual bleeding by promoting blood thickening due to its hemostatic (process which stops bleeding) properties .
Manjistha which scientific name Rubia cordifolia is a type of flowering plant family Rubiaceae. .Manjistha bright red root is extensively used for preparing various formulations aimed at detoxifying the blood, treating skin diseases, improving complexion, and many more.
Manjistha help to subside the pain during dysmenorrhea and help to encourages easy flow during menstrual cycle.Women suffering from PCOD, manjistha actively helps in purifying the blood and restore healthy uterus leading to regular and healthy periods.
Anantmul which scientific name is hemidesmus indicus it is semierect herb family apocynaceae. Anantmul is known to posses healing (ROPAN) and blood purifier (RAKTASHODHAK). It benefits in bleeding disorders and detoxifies the body and alleviates loss of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea, dysentery and improve skin complexion. It can be used externally as well internally.
In females it help in gynecological problems such as menorrhagia, leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea.
Bala which scientific name Sida cordifolia is a subshrub of mallow family malvaceae. The seeds, leaves, roots are used to make medicines. Bala root is used for urinary urgency (urinary incontinence) and vaginal discharges (leukorrhea).
Bala has excellent anti inflammatory properties hence it is used to treat wounds as well as inflammation. Oils that are prepared using Bala are very useful in treating arthritis and various other diseases that affect joints .Bala has good control in large intestine motility absorbing water and nutrients from the intestines. So, it can use in case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Herbal preparations used in female infertility .Bala possesses strong diuretic properties; hence, it helps in cystitis and rejuvenates the urinary system. Bala helps to build a healthy body as well as strengthens the immune system of the body
Gokhru which scientific name tribulus terrestris is an annual plant family zygophyllales. . Gokhru anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties makes it extremely beneficial for improving kidney functions and treating a number of genitourinary problems like urinary track infection, urinary distension, urinary calculi, dysuria, difficulty in micturition, treating osteoarthritis, gout and relieving from sexual problems.Gokshura grows in cold and hot temperatures. gokhru boosting female fertility and stimulate digestive system
Brahmi which scientific name centella asiatica is an perennial plant in the flowering plant family apiaceae . Brahmi used in various skin conditions such as leprosy, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhoea, fever, amenorrhea, diseases of the female genitourinary tract and relieving anxiety and improving cognition.
Ashok chhal which scientific name saraca indica is a plant and family fabaceae.
Ashoka herb has various medical properities espically in its bark and leaves. Ashoka manage heavy, irregular and painful periods. It help to get relief from abdominal pain and spasms. Controlling internal bleeding, especially in the case of piles due to its Kasaya (astringent) property. Ashoka good in Kasht-aartava(dysmenorrhea). Vata dosha controlled mensturation so it is importan that Vata should be under control to manage dysmenorrhea. Ashoka has Vata balancing property and gives relief in dysmenorrhea. This herb controls aggravated Vata and reduces abdominal pain and cramps during the menstrual cycle.
Safed musli which scientific name asparagus adscendens family liliaceae. It is traditionally used for boosting vitslity, improving sexual performance,arthritis. This herb has been used to treat various sexual problems in both men and women since ancient times. This herb is mentioned in ancient ayurvedic scriptures of Charaka Samhita and Raj Nighantu for treating various problems . Musli reduce stress improve sexual vigous in females and regulate hormonal imbalance and regulate mensuration. It also help in muscle building and tissue repairing facilitate weight gain. In nursing mother it helps to increase breast milk production.
Nag kesar which scientific name mesua ferrea family colophyllaceae. Nagkesar pacifies all three dosha vata pitta and kapha. The leaves, seeds, roots, fruits of nagkesar used in Ayurveda for medical properities. Nagkesar is ability to arrest bleeding. In Ayurveda it is used for treating bleeding disorders caused due to Pitta imbalance. Nag kesar helpful to managing indigestion and improves the digestive fire and helps in boosting the digestive power. Extremely beneficial for women suffering from excessive bleeding during menses.
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Giloy or Guduchi has been used from centuries in Ayurveda.
As per its name “Amrita” it shows rejuvenating effects (Rasayana) to our body or it Enduring, Immortal or endless.
It has been used from centuries in Ayurveda and it is very effective and safe herb against various diseases as it is an immunomodulator.
In the Pandemic year 2020, It has been used widely on large scales as it not only cures fever but also build up your immunity to fight against Corona virus.
SCIENTIFIC NAME- Tinospora cordifolia
COMMON NAMES- Guduchi, Heart-leaved moonseed, Gurjo, Giloy
Sanskrit Name- Amrita, Amritvalli
FAMILY- Menispermaceae
Genus- Tinospora
PART USED- Stem, Roots and Leaves
This is tablet is made by the fresh extracts from the stem and leaves of Guduchi which is organically grown and it is made under the guidance of MD Ayurveda Doctors so making it different and effective than other similar product in the market.
CAC Giloy tablet is 100% natural and have no side effect.
It is clinically tested and made up of pure Ayurveda herb.
- It is a large, deciduous and spreads extensively or climbing shrub with several branches that are elongated and twining.
- Leaves – simple, alternate, and estipulate having long petioles up to 6 inches long that are roundish and pulvinate, both at the base and the apex with the basal one longer & it is twisted partially and also half way around. As per the shape of the leaf and reddish fruit it is named as heart-leaved moonseed.
- Flowers- Unisexual, small on separate plants and appears when the plant is leafless. color– greenish-yellow on axillary & terminal racemes.
- Male flowers – clustered
- Female flowers – usually solitary.
- It has 6sepals in two series of three each. The outer ones are smaller than the inner. It has 6 petals which are smaller than sepals, obovate, and membranous. Fruits aggregate in clusters of 1-3. They are ovoid in shape with smooth drupelets on thick stalks also with sub terminal style scars, scarlet or orange colored.
Alkaloids, Proteins, Calcium, Natural steroids, Pytosterols, glycosides, Columbin, tinosporaside, palmatine,berberine,tembeterine, tinocordifolioside, phenylpropene disaccharides, choline, tinosporic acid, tinosporon, and tinosporide.
Taste- Katu(PUNGENT), Tikta(BITTER), Kashaya(ASTRINGENT)
It removes the accumulated pitta
It balances the Tridoshas(VATA,PITTA AND KAPHA)
Dosage- 1 to 2capsules twice daily after meals.
with Luke warm water.
- It builds up your Immunity.
- It detoxifies your body thus giving good complexion and natural glow to your skin.
- It is effective and preferred traditionally to treat bronchitis and chronic cough. By the action of pacifying the mucous membrane of the respiratory system so making it an effective drug against asthma.
- It acts as a remedy for fatty liver. One of the biggest benefits of Giloy
- It helps to stimulate and regenerate the damaged tissues of liver.
- It improves digestion and immunes body against hyperacidity, worm infestation, colitis, abdominal pain, excessive thirst and vomiting.
- It reduces Stress and Anxiety by providing calming effect to the body and normalizing your physiological functions.
- It crosses the Blood brain barrier i.e. it has excellent power to enhance memory and cognitive functions.
- It is a health rejuvenator as it enhances natural immunity To fight against various ailments such as Jaundice, fever, Skin disorders, Constipation and Tuberculosis
- Anti Ageing effects- It helps in reducing wrinkles, fine line, dark spots and pimples resulting in flawless skin
- It is well known for its Anti- inflammatory properties that is it helps in reducing pain in the patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
- Antipyretic– It brings down your high temperature i.e. it useful in Fever and very effective in Intermittent Fever(this fever is mostly in an infectious disease).
- It promotes Sexual health- it tackles various issues like impotence and involuntary ejaculation.
- It helps in improving clarity of vision on external application by boiling giloy powder or leaves in water. cool down and apply on eye lids.
Detox Tablets
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Detox tablets are 100% natural & safe containing 1gm herbs extract. The herbs used for formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, & immuno-modulator properties.
The herbs & minerals used for preparation of this churna shows antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator properties.
Parwal Pishti, Shukta Pishti, Giloy Satav, Kamdudha Ras, Jahar Mohra, Akik Pishti, Gandhak Rasayan, Shankh Bhasma, Sutshekhar Ras, Sudhyog Tab, Shwet Parpati, Yavakshaar.
Parwal Pishti:
Paraval Pishti (Coral Calcium) is an Ayurvedic medicine which is used in most of the Ayurvedic treatments for a cough, cold and other Ayurvedic dosha like ‘pitta’. Praval Pishti has a sweet- sour taste to it and mostly comes in powder and liquid form. Predominantly used in conditions of calcium deficiency, Praval Pishti is abundant in vitamin C and natural calcium which increases overall immunity and sustenance of healthy bones and teeth.
Shukta Pishti:
Muktashukti is an ayurvedic name for pearl oyster shell. Muktashukti Bhasma and Mukta Shukti Pishti both contain pearl oyster shell calcium, but both are processed in different ways. Both have similar health benefits and medicinal uses.
Giloy Satav:
Giloy satva for low immunity: Low immunity is not just one health issue, but it can disturb your entire health. Apart from staying in stress, both physical as well as mental, you are more susceptible to several infections. Repeated infections can make your body even weaker and a weak body again is an invitation to many diseases. The only way out is try ayurvedic giloy satva and work on your lifestyle. The later isn’t possible instantly and hence you must start taking giloy satva if you are told that your immune system is not strong enough. To build non-specific immunity, the patient requires 40 days courses of Giloy Satva.
Kamdudha Ras:
Made from herbal and mineral ingredients, Kamdudha Ras (Mukta Yukta) is used in the treatment of many diseases. It serves as a great Ayurvedic medicine that helps in providing relief from digestive issues, chronic fever, burning sensation, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, debility and much more.
Jahar Mohra:
Jahar Mohra Pishti and Bhasma give strength to heart, brain and intestine. Jahar Mohra is indicated in the fever, weakness of heart, palpitation, high blood pressure, rickets, indigestion, vomiting,
diarrhea and burning sensation in the body. It is also used as prophylactic during infectious diseases.
Akik Pishti:
Akik Bhasma (Pishti) is a mineral-based ayurvedic medicine used for the treatment of general debility, heart weakness, and feeling of excessive heat in the body, mental diseases, eye diseases and excessive uterine bleeding in women.
Shankh Bhasma:
Shankh Bhasma (also spelled as Shankha Bhasm) is an ayurvedic remedy prepared from conch shell. In ayurveda, Shankh Bhasma is used for treating diarrhea (loose stools), acne, pimples, liver enlargement
(Hepatomegaly), splenomegaly, abdominal pain, indigestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, acid reflux, abdominal distension and irritable bowel syndrome.
Sutshekhar Ras:
Sutshekhar Ras contains Sutshekhar Ras as a key ingredient. Sutshekhar Ras pacifies the disruption of pitta and vata dosha. Sutshekhar Ras is formulated to treat hyperacidity, acid reflux and other related conditions. Not only this, it helps in binding stool to lower the stress on abdominal muscles. Owing to this, the pain of passing the stool is also curbed. This works progressively to treat gastritis.
Shwet Parpati:
Shwet Parpati or Kshara parpati is Ayurvedic preparation made by dehydrated homogenous blending of ammonium chloride, potash alum and potassium nitrate. This medicine is useful in treating dysuria, oliguria, colic, urinary tract infections, urinary calculi and hyperacidity. Shwet Parpati is white in colour and is not prepared from black sulphide of mercury. This preparation is called Parpati as it is made in the form of thin flakes. This form of medicine is more beneficial compared to metallic Bhasm.
Yavaksara is an alkaline preparation made with the ingredients in the formulation ,Contaning, Yava (Hordenum vulgare) APT Bhasma, Jala (Water) API
Medicinal properties:
Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Immuno-modulator
These herbal tablets give good results in:
- General weakness
- Overall detoxification of the body
- Stress
- Improves metabolism
- Provides cooling & calming effect.
- Strengthens the body.
Detox Tablet is used to improve the digestion of fatty foods in the body. It is a pancreatic enzyme combination with amino acids. This tablet works by providing additional digestive enzymes, which improves digestion. That is why it is advisable to take this medicine with food. If you forget one dose of it, take it as soon as you remember.
Detox Tablet is used for the treatment of digestive problems. These problems occur when the pancreas is removed by surgery or in some cases it is not working well. It is also used for intestinal gas or as a digestive aid. This tablet is safe if taken according to the dosage prescribed by your doctor.
If you have any of the following, you should inform your doctor before taking Detox Tablet:
- Pregnant
- Plans to become pregnant
- Breastfeeding, or
- Suffering from liver or kidney disease.
When you talk about losing weight, the first advice is to detox the body. Experts also believe that body detox is necessary to have beautiful skin and lose weight. Nowadays, detox has increased. But do you know whether detoxing continuously for days is beneficial or harmful
What is detox?
When we talk about intake-day detox, it means that you follow a special diet throughout the week, which works to detox your body. A seven-day-long detox diet consists mostly of liquids. The quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables is high. Alcohol, caffeine, processed food, salt, dairy products, wheat and other manufactured drinks are prohibited in the detox plan.
Beans, lentils, oats, bean salt nuts, seeds, fish can be used in a 7-day detox program. Almonds or soy milk may be used in place of dairy products.
those who have adopted it consider it an effective way of feeling refreshed and fit. Of course one cannot adopt it regularly but it may be beneficial to adopt it at intervals of few months. Experts believe that giving a maximum of three days to a detox diet is enough. More than this it can be harmful. The body also works for internal cleansing, so a detox diet can make the body work easier.
In today’s time, due to pollution and bad food, everyone’s health is declining significantly. Our body is also like a car. Such as: servicing is done when its condition gets messed up while driving. Similarly, the body also needs cleaning.
So listen, cleansing from inside the body is called detox. That is, you can clean your body from inside by detox. This will keep your body clean and you can also get a lot of benefits.
Why detoxification is important?
Mis-eating, drinking alcohol, smoking, pollution, etc. increases such toxins in the body, due to which you start experiencing many problems. Such as: sluggishness, weight gain, depression, insomnia, pimples, indigestion etc.
The body is detoxed to avoid such problems. Many people start eating less to detox the body. It is important for those people to know that detoxification does not mean eating less, but it means eating healthy.
According to experts, body detoxification can also help in reducing your weight, but at present, there is no study completely agreed and permanent weight loss.
Detoxing removes toxins from your liver, kidney, digestive system, skin and lungs. When your body parts remain healthy, then your health will be corrected automatically.
Some natural and best ways in which you can detox the body at home
1. Take anti-oxidant
Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber and anti-oxidants that help to produce enzymes that clean the liver as well as other body parts. Therefore, you should consume fruits and vegetables according to the changing season.
Understand whether sweetness of fruits is beneficial for health or not
2. Eat light food
The more heavy food you eat, the more it damages the digestive system. Now whether it is oily food or alcohol.
Instead of eating a lot of food at once, eat small meals. By eating light, your weight, cholesterol and blood sugar will also be under control and energy will remain for a long time.
If one consumes alcohol, more than 90% of the alcohol is metabolized in the liver.
The liver enzyme metabolizes alcohol into acetaldehyde (Acetaldehyde) which can also cause cancer. Therefore, its intake should also be stopped.
Eat these 6 Indian foods for breakfast to lose weight
3. Avoid eating foods with sugar
To increase your metabolism and toxins out of the body, you should reduce or stop consuming the sugar and sugar products you take every day.
You should also stay away from chocolate and cold coffee as they can also contain a lot of sugar. You can consume water instead of them, which will be better for your body than these sugar drinks.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the maximum amount given below can be taken in the form of sugar in a day, no matter in whatever form.
4. Drink herbal tea
Best Natural Simple And Healthy Ways To Detox Your Body In Hindi
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To reduce all types of digestive problems, eat Green Tea or Chamomile Tea. Drinking herbal tea also helps in better sleep.
Avoid milk tea as much as possible and drink herbal tea to flush out toxins.
Along with this you can adopt other methods. Such as: cucumber and coriander water, lemon tea etc.
Hair loss can also be prevented by taking a teaspoon of green tea every day
5. Exercise or activity
Best Natural Simple And Healthy Ways To Detox Your Body In Hindi
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If you start your day in a healthy way, you can benefit greatly. It is not necessary that you go to the gym. Instead, you can take a walk, jogging or cycling, or even take your dog for a walk.
You must have seen many people who go for a walk in the morning or are involved in some physical activity, they remain fresh throughout the day. So just for what time you also include some activity in your routine every morning then see how healthy your body will be.
If you do not want to go to the gym, then these 4 body weight exercises at home will also give results
Conclusion: If you follow these simple methods, then toxins will be automatically removed from your body and your skin as well as your body will be cleansed slowly from inside.
It takes some time for you to get their results, so be patient.
Pain o kill tablet
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Pain o kill tablet is ayurvedic and purely herbal formulation. It help to relax your muscles and muscles cramps thus relieving pain. It balances all the three doshas of your body thus maintaining proper blood circulation. It provides soothing effect to the affected area of pain. It contains various herbs like Jivanti, Musta, Usher, Bilwa, Shatavari and Kantkari. All these herbs are natural pain relievers.
this Tablet belongs to the muscle relaxant drug class. It is used to treat spine and joint pain, muscle stiffness, and blood vessels. It also works on the central nervous system and relieves pain.
In addition, pregnant or lactating women should inform their doctor before its use. If you are taking non-prescription drugs, herbal medicines and diet supplements.
This medicine should be taken with food. It is important that you take it regularly. Remember to ask the doctor any questions you may have during medication and treatment. As the treatment progresses, keep it at par with your condition.
The information given here is based on salt. Its uses and side effects may vary from person to person. Neurologist must be consulted before using the drug.
Ingredients :
- Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans) 150 mg
- Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) 350 mg
- Shudh Guggulu (Commiphora mukul) 200 mg
- Shigru (Moringa oleifera) 150 mg
- Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) 200 mg
- Vatsanabh shudh (Aconitum ferox) 20 mg
- Shudh hingul (Ferula narthex) 10 mg
Uses of pain o kill tablet:
- Knee pain
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Backache
- Cervical spondylitis
- Osteoarthritis
- 100% natural & safe product
- This herbal product is formulated under the guidance of MD Ayurveda expert
- Natural & Herbal formula for overall health
Jaiphal in Joint and muscle pain relief
Nutmeg is also known as a natural pain reliever. Nutmeg contains abundant myristicinni, aluminin, and eugenol. Which not only help to speed up the brain and reduce nervous tension, but also reduce joint or muscle pain. Therefore, if you are suffering from joint or muscle pain, use it. By the way, if you want, you can also include it in your food.
Consuming it daily will strengthen your bones and relieve you of all types of joint pain. Digestive problems like constipation gas and acidity are also overcome by consuming nutmeg daily. But keep in mind one thing that using too much nutmeg can harm your health. Therefore, consume it in limited quantity. Apart from this, people of warm nature should not consume it.
The benefits of Shallaki are quite beneficial for arthritis sufferers. Actually, a tritpenoid called bolsavic acid is found to reduce inflammation in the shell. Which proves to be quite effective in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Not only this, Bolsevia is beneficial in preventing inflammation in tissues and breakdown of connective tissue. Use of this cream in arthritis or joint pain also gives great relief.
Glycosaminogon promotes the prevention of excessive wear of joints by inhibiting caries, glycosaminogon is an important element in the structural building blocks of joint cartilage that promotes normal lubrication and has shock absorbing properties, which provide the correct structure of the joints. And work is necessary.
Shuddha Guggulu is used for the treatment, control, prevention, & improvement of the following diseases, conditions and symptoms:
- Arthritis
- swelling
- High amount of cholesterol
- Arteriosclerosis
- Rheumatism
In the treatment of arthritis
Nirgundi also proves beneficial in the treatment of arthritis in arthritis. A light massage of oil extracted from the leaves of Nirgundi provides relief in arthritis, arthritis, sciatica etc. Drinking decoction of its leaves daily in the morning and evening also provides benefits. In addition, it also works as a brain tonic.
The decoction of Nirgundi is beneficial in joint pain because according to Ayurveda, Nirgundi has the property of the suppressor of Vata, which calms Vata and is beneficial in joint pain.
The use of Nirgundi is very beneficial in the treatment of slip disk because according to Ayurveda, Nirgundi has the property of calming the vata dosha which helps in reducing the pain and stiffness in the slip disk.
The use of Nirgundi is also beneficial in pulse, neuralgia because according to Ayurveda, there is definitely an outbreak of pain wherever it occurs. Nirgundi has the property of calming the Vata, hence the Nirgundi pulse gives relief in pain.
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Shilajit of 10gm packing is a herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It balances all the three doshas of your body but mainly works on Kapha dosha.
It is a blackish-brown powder or an exudate from mountain rocks found mainly in the Himalayas. It is an effective and safe supplement that has a positive effect on your overall health and well being. CAC Shilajit is available in the form of Shilajit Satva. It is a potent Immunity Booster and acts as an antioxidant, possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It has a tremendous effect on Male Harmones, Anaemia, Alziehmers disease, improves brain functions, Fatigueness, various Tumours and Cysts like PCOD in females. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties it works on inflamed lymph nodes as well. It balances blood sugar, increases absorption of nutrients, helps in detoxification, helps in reducing mood swings.
USES Of Shilajit:
- Energy booster
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Low testosterone levels
- Tumors
- Anti-aging
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Antiviral properties
- Altitude sickness
- Anemia
- Protect heart health
- Obesity
- Male infertility
Pure extract of Shilajit.
- Continuous consumption of pure Shilajit keeps the body healthy .
- Shilajit has a special type of neuroprotective quality. Therefore, its use protects against Alzheimer’s disease.
- Shilajit plays an important role in keeping our brain healthy. Shilajit is also helpful in increasing memory.
- Shilajit stops the growth of cancer cells in the body and provides strength to fight against it.
- Sex power increases. It is a good medicine for both men and women. Mainly strength can be increased by regular intake.
- If menstruation is uncontrolled in women, then the use of Shilajit is beneficial.
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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CAC Digestion support tablets are a unique mixture of best digestive herbs like kutaz chal, bilav, dhania, mustak, shankh bhasm, piper mint, and dadim that balancesthe ph in the stomach naturally and promotes digestion of all types of food. These herbs present in the formulation control acidity, bloating, flatulence and constipation. All these issues seem minor but they are the root cause of all diseases. If our digestion is proper it enhances proper assimilation of the nutrients in the body.
Each 1000mg of digestion support tablet contains
- Kutaz chal
- Bilav
- Dhania
- Mustak
- Shankh bhasm
- Piper mint
- Dadim
TASTE(RASA) – Tikta(bitter) and Kashaya (astringent)
GUNA(QUALITY) – Laghu(light) and ruksha(dry)
VIRYA(POTENCY) – Sheet(cold)
VIPAKA(RESULTANT- Katu vipaka(Pungent)
PRABHAV (Therapeutic effect) – Antidysenteric
DOSHA KARMA(effect on doshas) – Pacifies kapha and pitta dosha
DHATU(Effect on tissue) – Rasa and rakta
BENEFICIAL FOR ORGANS – All organs in the abdomen
Seeds of kutaj contains
- Conessine
- Isoconessemine
- Conessimin
- Conarhimin
- Conimin
The alkaloid CONESSINE is antidysenteric and anthelmintic, so Kutaj is
mainly useful for dysentery, diarrhea and helminthic disorders.
Stem bark of kutaj contains :
- Conessine
- Isoconessimine
- Kurchessine
- Holadysenterine
BOTANICAL NAME – Aegle marmelos
- Teekshna(piercing), snigdha(unctuous), sangrahi(absorbent)
- Its bitter,pungent, astringent,hot in patency
- Shothahara – Relieves swelling
- Arshoghana – cures piles
- Kapha anil hara – balances kapha and vata doshas
- Deepan(increases digestive fire), pitta vardhak
- Tridoshaghna(balances all three doshas)
- Chhardighna ( relieves vomiting)
- Shoolaghna – relieves abdominal colic pain
- Amaghna – Treats ama(indigestion)
- Its sweet and light to digest
- Amavataghna – treats rheumatoid arthritis
- Agnivardhan – Carminative (increases digestion power)
BOTANICAL NAME – Cyperus rotundus
ENGLISH NAME – Nut grass, java grass, nutsedge
- It has bitter, pungent,astringent taste,cold potency, has light and dry qualities and is pungent after digestion.
- Balances kapha and pitta
- Deepan – Increases digestive fire
- Pachan – Digests ama and treats indigestion
- Aruchihara – useful in relieving anorexia
- Krumi vinashni – Relieves worm infestation
- Pitta jvarahara – relieves fever associated with gastritis and burning sensation
- Jwaratisarahara – useful in diarrhea associated with fever
- Kushtahara – Useful in skin disorders
BOTANICAL NAME – Coriandrum sativum
ENGLISH NAME – coriander
- It has sweet,bitter, astringent taste, light and unctuous qualities, dry dhaniya has hot potency and fresh has cold potency.
- Balances all three doshas
- Trushnaprashaman – relieves excessive thirst
- Sheetprashaman – relieves excessive cold
- Rochan and deepan – improves taste sensations and lights digestive fire
- Good diuretic
- Useful in respiratory disorders
BOTANICAL NAME – Punica granatum
ENGLISH NAME –Pomegranate
- It has sweet, sour, pungent taste, anushna (neither hot nor cold) potency,light and unctuous qualities.
- Sweet pomegranate balances all three doshas
- Hridya – useful in heart problems, maintains healthy heart functioning
- Balya – Strengthens the body
- Stimulates digestive fire
- Cures thirst and burning sensation
- Boosts immunity
Its English name is conch shell. It has pungent taste, light, dry, sharp qualities, cold potency and balances vata and pitta dosha.
- It has coolant nature, improves skin complexion
- Useful in gastritis, abdominal colic, vomiting,nausea, malabsorption syndrome, dyspepsia.
- It’s a natural source of calcium and vit c. It maintains healthy bones,teeth,therefore is good in growig children,post menopausal women who need more calcium
- Helps in ama conditions/indigestion
- Acidity
- Bloating
- Flatulence
- Ulcerative colitis
- Pacifies Pitta and Vata doshas
- Helps in proper absorption and assimilation of food
- Relieves constipation
- Haemorrhoids
- Fissure
Our CAC DIGESTION SUPPORT TABLETS are 1000mg per tablet, which is easy to take in a dose of twice a day(1bd)
It is different in comparison to other pharmacy Digestion support tablets available in open market.
DOSAGE – 1 Tablet twice a day with plain water
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC Sheet Dhara is herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It works on all the three doshas of body but mainly act on pitta dosha. It contains Ajwaion, Kapur (camphor) and Mint leaves that help reduce Acidity and burning sensation in chest region with its cooling effects. It relaxes your mind also maintains Blood pressure. CAC Sheet dhara help in controlling mood swings by which many women are affected nowadays. It also controls burping ,nausea and bloating.
- Peppermint
- Ajwain satv
- Mushak Kapoor
BOTANICAL NAME – Mentha piperata
Chemical composition– Menthol, menthone, menthofuran, isomenthone
Leaves of peppermint are rich source of flavonoids, glycosides, hesperi din, diosmin, carotenes.
Potassium, copper, iron, iodine and sulfur. Along with all these it’s a good source of vitamin c and niacin.
- RASA(taste) – katu(pungent)
- GUNA(quality) – Laghu and ruksha(light and dry)
- VIRYA(potency) – ushna(hot)
- VIPAKA(post digestion property) – katu(after digestion its taste changes to pungent)
- EFFECT ON DOSHAS – balances vitiated kapha and vata dosha
- DIGESTIVE SYSTEM – It relaxes digestive system and gives relief from pain(Antispasmodic). In people suffering from IBS it gives relief from symptoms like pain, diarrhea, bloating etc. Calms down the stomach muscles and improves the flow of bile
- MIND – It has relaxing effect on mind. The menthol component of peppermint stimulates hippocampus area of our brain which is associated with memory and mental clarity. Drinking a cup of peppermint tea before bed really helps people having insomnia.
- HEADACHES AND MIGRAINE – People suffering from constant headaches should add honey in peppermint tea, menthol component in it increases blood flow to brain and gives a cooling sensation.
- EXPECTORANT AND DECONGESTANT – These properties of the herb helps with asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis
- ANTIOXIDANT – Protects body from oxidative damage and improves immunity system.
- HAEMORRHOIDS – Its astringent, anti inflammatory property gives relief in haemorrhoids. Dried plant paste made with water can be applied externally on haemorrhoids.
- BOTANICAL NAME – Trachyspermum ammi
- ENGLISH NAME – Bishops weed, carom seed
- It has pungent, bitter rasa, light, dry, sharp qualities, hot potency and pungent after digestion property
- It keeps kapha and vata in check and increases efficiency of pitta.
- Shoolprashamanam – Treats colic pain
- Its roots are diuretic, seeds are aphrodisiac, anti microbial, fungiside, anti aggregatory.
- Decreases respiratory ailments because of its hot potency and pungent properties
- Its stimulative and carminative properties treats abdominal diseases and piles.
BOTANICAL NAME – Cinnamomum camphora
ENGLISH NAME – Camphor tree
PART USED – Niryasa(extract)
CHEMICALCONSTITUENTS – Campherol, camphene, terpineole, borneol, thymol
- It has bitter, pungent, sweet taste, light and dry qualities, undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion, cold in potency and it balances tridoshas. Cold potency subsides pitta, sweet quality subsides vata and tikta rasa subsides kapha
- Stimulates digestion – Improves secretions of digestive juices and enhances digestion
- Analgesic and anti spasmodic
- Decongestant – Removes mucus accumulated in chest hence helps with the difficulty in breathing in bronchitis, asthma,sinusitis
- Anti inflammatory – Heals muscular pain indiseases like rheumatoid arthritis
- Anti oxidant – Prevents oxidative changes and delays degenerative changes
- It’s a nervine stimulant and improves peripheral sensations
- Acid Reflux
- Burning sensation in chest region
- Bloating
- Nausea
- Burping
- Hiccups
- Maintain blood pressure
- Control mood swings
- Stomach ulcers
- Improves Appetite
- Piles
- Migraine and headaches
Our CAC sheet dhara syrup is easy to take in 1tsf bd dose
It is different in comparison to other pharmacy antacids available in open market.
DOSE – 1 tablespoon of sheet dhara syrup mixed in half glass of water, twice daily, half an hour before meals
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre Hair Live Shampoo is 100% natural & safe prepared from various extracts of herbs & oil. It is used in various kind of hair related issues like Baldness, Greying of hairs etc. It contains very good herbs that work on your hair and roots of hair in your scalp. It makes your hair shiny and thick. The herbs used for formulation of this oil shows antioxidant, anti-dandruff, anti-inflammatory properties. This product is herbal and natural formula for maintaining hair health.
- Til oil (Sesamum indicum) – 90%
- Almond oil (Prunus dulcis) – 5%
- Jotishmati oil (Celastrus paniculatus) – 5%
- Amla (Embelia officinale) – 5%
- Bhringraj (Eclipta alba) – 5%
- Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia) – 2%
- Jatamansi (Nordostachys jatamansi) – 2%
- Neem patta (Azadirecta indica) – 2%
- Hairfall
- Greying of hairs
- Dandruff
- Dry scalp
- Thinning of hairs
- Loss of lusterness
- Baldness
- Alopecia
Bhringraj is traditionally known in Ayurveda for promoting hair growth. A nutrient called methanol present in Bhringraj oil can help in making hair growth easier. Regular massage with its oil improves scalp blood circulation. When a nutrient called methanol present in the oil reaches the root of the hair, it can strengthen hair and prevent baldness .
- Grow hair: A research related to aloe vera gel has believed that it can work to provide necessary nutrition to hair. In addition, it can make the hair strong by increasing blood circulation in the scalp. In this way aloe vera can promote hair growth. Based on this, aloe vera can be considered useful for hair and may prove to be helpful in hair growth.
- Relieve itching of dandruff and scalp: A research involving aloe vera has been found to have antidandruff (dandruff removal) effect. For this reason it is used as a main ingredient in hair conditioner and shampoo. Along with this, it can also be helpful in relieving itching related to the skin. Vitamin-C plays an important role in this work along with the vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12 present in aloe vera. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that aloe vera can be helpful in itching of dandruff and scalp.
- Prevent hair fall: The use of aloe vera can also prevent hair fall. This is clearly mentioned in a research done on hair related to aloe vera. Research has found that aloe vera contains cysteine and lysine, which are helpful in preventing hair loss. On this basis aloe vera can also be used to prevent hair fall.
- Antiseptic and antibacterial properties: Aloe vera is also enriched with antibacterial effects . At the same time, it contains six types of antiseptic agents, including lupole, salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, phenol, and sulfur. Due to the presence of all these, it may be able to prevent infection on the scalp. In addition, it retains the moisture of the hair and hence can also be used as a conditioner.
- Hair growth
Vitamin-E is found in amla. If Amla is used regularly in hair, it can help in hair growth. According to a research done on the rabbit, positive growth was found in the hair of the rabbit due to the vitamin-E present in the gooseberry. Scientists believe that the use of amla increases the supply of glucose and oxygen in the hair follicles (hair follicles). Also, Amla can help in hair growth by reducing the effect of oxidative stress in hair follicles. This activity can help hair grow.
- Reduce hair fall
The use of gooseberry can also reduce hair fall.. Amla extract can improve hair growth by increasing the number of papilla cells. The results of this study offer amla as a good option for the treatment of hair loss.
- Beneficial in hair ageing
Hair aging can cause a decrease in hair texture, thickness, and quality. In this case, amla can help in preventing hair aging. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Amla acts as a hair tonic and has vitamin-C properties, which can protect cells from being damaged by affecting collagen. Its regular use for hair can prevent untimely hair whitening and damage. On this basis, it can be said that Amla powder is a good nutrient for hair.
- Make scalp healthy
Scalp related problems such as dandruff and dryness can be the leading causes of hair loss. Amla is also used for Ayurvedic treatment of scalp. Amla powder can also help in removing scalp problems like dandruff and dryness.
- Protect hair from getting damaged
An element called tannin is found in amla. This element can help protect hair from sunlight and heat.
- February 22, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
CAC THYROHEAL TABLET is a purely ayurvedic tablets of 800mg. These tablets help in balancing the Kapha dosha mainly. These tablets mainly helps in balancing Thyroid Hormones and also helps in weight management, lowers Cholesterol levels, Improves brain functions, lowers blood pressure. The tablets are prepared from the extract of various herbs like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Kanchnar (Bauhinia variegate), Shudh Guggul (Commiphora mukul), & Gandhir (Coelus forskohlii). All these Ingredients help in treating irregular heartbeats, rapid heartbeat. These herbal tablets maintain the proper function of thyroid glands and treat Hyperthyroidism.
Each 800mg tablet of thyroheal contains
- Brahmi
- Kanchnar (Bauhinia variegate)
- Shudh Guggul (Commiphora mukul)
- Gandhir (Coelus forskohlii)
BOTANICAL NAME – Bacopa monnieri
ENGLISH NAME – Thyme leaved gratiola, herb of grace, indian pennywort
Common name – Brahmi
- RASA(taste) – astringent and bitter
- VIRYA (potency) – Cold
- VIPAKA (Metabolic property) – Sweet
- It balances vata and kapha dosha
- Prajasthapan – Useful in stabilizing pregnancy
- Medhya rasayan – Brain tonic
- Balya – provides strength to the body
- Useful in thyroidism as it works on hypothalamus pituitary thyroid axis.
- Brahmi is anti oxidant and protects our body from free radicals
- Useful in anxiety, ADHD
- Useful in insomnia, great stress buster
- It’s a neurological tonic, useful in disorders like epilepsy, parkinsonism
- Maintains normal blood pressure, also works on liver health
BOTANICAL NAME – Bauhinia variegata
ENGLISH NAME – Butterfly ash, camel’s foot tree
- RASA (taste) – Astringent
- GUNA(quality) – Light, Dry
- VIRYA (potency) – cold
- VIPAKA(metabolic property) -pungent
- DOSHA EFFECT – Balances pitta and kapha dosha
- OBESITY – Decoction of its bark is useful in obesity.
- OSTEOPOROSIS – Same decoction with ginger is useful in treating osteoporosis.
- SWOLLEN GLANDS – Paste of its bark if applied on swollen neck glands (cervical adenitis), reduces the swelling.
- REGULARIZE THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE – Decoction of its flowers with honey helps with the menstrual troubles.
- HEMORRHOIDS – Kanchnara flower powder are useful in piles
- HAEMOSTATIC – Due to its hemostatic property, it helps to control the internal bleeding from the intestine, in raktapitta.
- HEALING – Decoction of its bark is useful in cleansing the wounds and also promotes healing.
- Relieves burning sensation : The decoction of bark, combined with cumin seeds and little camphor helps to relieve the burning sensation of the body.
- DIABETIC WOUNDS – When diabetic wound washes with the decoction of the plant, ensures its fast healing.
- Good anti inflammatory and anti oxidant agent
- Nephro protective activity
Botanical name – Commiphora wightii
English name – Indian bedellium
Common name – Guggul
- RASA – bitter and pungent
- GUNA – dry, light
- VIRYA – Hot
- VIPAKA – pungent
- DOSHA EFFECT – balances all three doshas
- Guggul has its anti-inflammatory properties so it is beneficial in treating acne, psoriasis, arthritis, and eczema.
- Guggul extracts intake can improve the uptake of iodine in the body and therefore improve the function of the thyroid gland to avoid hypothyroidism.
- It is very effective in obesity and diseases of vata and kapha like Thyroidism
- It helps in reduction of bad cholesterol in body,that’s why is usedin treating hyperlipidemia
- Useful in obesity and diabetic patients.
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Irritability
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-hypertensive
- Hypolipidemic
- Boosts thyroid function
- Helps in weight management
- Improves brain health
- Antioxidant
- Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat)
- Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
- Sweating
- Disturbed sleep
- Trembling in your hands and fingers
- Muscle weakness
- Joints pain
- Brittle bones
- Decreased concentration
- Mood swings
- Infertility
- Dryness of eye
- Weak memory
- Irregular menstrual cycle
Our CAC THYROHEAL TABLETS are 800mg per tablet, which is easy to take in a dose of twice a day(1bd)
It is different in comparison to other pharmacy thyroheal tablets available in open market.
DOSE – 1tablet twice daily with plain water, after, meals