Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- March 31, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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The rain water which has come in contact with Sunlight, Moon light and wind has these properties :
Jeevaneeya – Improves quality of life, is Enlivening.
Tarpana – satiating
Hrudya – It is Good for heart.
Cand soothing to the mind and Digestive system
Buddhi prabodhanam – Increases intellect
Tanu – Thin
Avyaktarasa – imperceptible taste
Sheeta – Cold in potency
Laghu – Light to digest
Amrutopamam – Compared to Amrut or nectar
If rain water is good or bad it depends on the season and place where it rains.
These properties described here are of rain water collected in a clean vessel directly, a little while after the rainfall. Also, it should be consumed within few hours of collection as it loses its properties if kept for longer hours.
But, nowadays, with this increasing industrialization and pollution, rain water has lost its qualities. So, it may not be good to consume.
Rain water which makes the boiled rice kept in a clean silver utensil neither too moist nor changes its colour, is to be considered good for drinking.
Seawater should be used for drinking only during Ashvayuja month. (During September,October or autumn season).
Reason for this is, during Ashvayuja month there will be the appearance of Agastya nakshatra (the star Canopus) which removes the poisonous properties of water, therefore, even water from other sources can be drank during this month.
Rain water which is collected in clean vessel and which has not changed its color, taste and odour, is suitable for drinking always.
In the absence of this water, the water from other sources of earth, which resembles rainwater in all qualities, which is collected from clean place with black or white soil, and which is exposed to sunlight and breeze.
Water of the rivers
- Which flow into the western ocean (Arabian sea)
- Which has sweet taste and pure water (uncontaminated) is good for health, where as the water of rivers flowing into eastern ocean is not ideal for consumption.
- The water of rivers arising from Himalaya and Malaya mountains, and which get well churned up by dashing or hitting against rocks are good for health, whereas if the same water gets stagnated or gets contaminated gives rise to worms (intestinal infections), filariasis, diseases of the heart, head, and throat.
- Water of rivers of the Prachya/gauda(central Bengal and parts of Orissa), Avanti /malwa round about the modern city of Ujjain ), (Aparanta/konkana(comprises of Goa north kanara districts of Karnataka),causes hemorrhoids.
- Water of rivers arising from Mahendra mountains northern part of the eastern gaths) causes enlargement of the abdomen and filariasis
- Rivers arising from Sahya and Vindhya mountains(mountain ranges of central India) causes leprosy (and other skin disease) anaemia and diseases of the head
- Rivers which arise from Pariyatra (western part of the Vindhya mountains)mitigate the (aggravated) dosas, bestow strength and sexual vigour, the water of the sea causes vitiation of all the three dosas.
The water of kupa (deep well), tadaga (artificial pond) etc should be considered similar in qualities and properties of the desert, marshy lands and mountains
During varsa ritu (rainy season) rain water is best and river water is least suitable for consumption.
Water which is
- Dirty, mixed with mud, weed, algae and leaves,
- Which is not exposed to sunlight and wind
- Which is a mixture of old and fresh water
- Which is thick, frothy not easily digestible, containing worms, hot (by nature)
- Causes tingling of teeth by being very cold
- Rain water which is un-seasonal
- Seasonal but that of the first rain (before the appearance of Agastya Nakshatra, is contaminated with the webs, saliva, urine, faeces of spider etc., and various other poisonous substances, should not be used for drinking
- Water which is dirty, mixed with mud, algae, weeds and leaves, which is not exposed to sunlight and wind.
- Which is a mixture of old and fresh, which is thick, not easily digestible, frothy, containing worms.
- Hot (by nature)
- Causes tingling sensation in teeth by being very cold
- Un seasonal rain water
- Seasonal but that of the first rain (before the appearance of Agastya Nakshatra, contaminated with the webs, saliva, urine, faeces of spider etc., and various other poisonous substances, should not be used for drinking.
- Drinking water in between meals – healthy habit
- Drinking water after meals – causes obesity (or good for weight gain)
- Drinking water before meals – causes emaciation (Good for weight loss)
- Madatyaya – Alcoholic intoxication
- Glani – Exhaustion
- Murcha – Fainting
- Chardi – Vomiting
- Shrama – Debility (fatigue)
- Bhrama – Dizziness or giddiness
- Trushna – Thirst
- Ushna – Heat (of the sun) or burning sensation,
- Pittasra – bleeding conditions caused by aggravated pitta
- Pitta dominant conditions
- Visha – Useful in Poisoning
- Deepana – stimulates hunger, enhances digestive fire
- Pachana – helps with digestion, cures indigestion
- Kanthya – good for the throat
- Laghu – easily to digest
- Basti shodhana – cleanses the urinary bladder
- Relieves Hidhma – relives hiccup
- Adhmana – flatulence
- Anila – In aggravation of Vata
- Shleshma – In aggravation of Kapha
- It is ideal on the days of Panchakarma therapy
- Navajvara – fever of recent origin
- Kasa – cold, cough
- Ama – accumulation of undigested materials
- Peenasa – rhinitis (running nose)
- Shwasa – dyspnoea
- Parshvaruja – pain in the flanks.
Water which is boiled and then cooled is
- Anabhishyandi – Does not increases stickiness or moisture in the body
- Laghu – light to digest
- Useful in Pitta conditions.
Water which is kept overnight, is not ideal for consumption. It aggravates all three doshas.
Tender coconut water is
- Snigdha – unctuous
- oily Swadu – sweet
- Vrushya – aphrodisiac
- Hima – coolant
- Laghu – easy to digest
- Relieves Trushna – thirst
- Pittanila hara – balances Pitta and Vata.
- Deepana – enhances digestion
- Bastishodhana – cleanses urinary bladder
Fruits that cause acidity and bloating
- March 31, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Many women do not eat unhealthy and oily, yet there is the problem of bloating. Shouldn’t you know why this happens?
Bloating problem
Some women have problems with bloating by eating unhealthy and oily. Yes, this is possible after eating out for a week. But many women have the problem of bloating even without eating all these things. Shouldn’t you know why this happens? If yes, then let us tell you why this happens.
Many women also have bloating problems with everyday foods. Yes, high fructose (natural sugars) and fiber content cause bloating in many women. Apart from this, they also have the problem of bloating with things like gluten. If you are troubled by the problem of bloating and want to avoid it, then avoid eating these 12 foods too much from today.
You might not believe that bloating can cause problems with apples as well. But it is true, many women have problems with bloating by eating more apples. Although apple is considered very famous and healthy fruit, but it contains high amount of fructose and fiber. And both of these components can cause bloating. To avoid this problem, you should replace apples with other fruits like bananas, blueberries, grapes, oranges, or strawberries.
Due to low fat and no sugar, many women have problems of bloating by eating curd. So avoid eating plain yogurt. Many dairy products can also cause bloating, and if you continue to have this problem, you should make sure that you do not have lactose intolerance. If you are, then you should avoid taking more of the dairy product. Homemade nut milk may be good for you.
Yes, you use raw garlic a lot to make food tasty. But due to raw garlic also you may have the problem of bloating. You should use properly cooked garlic instead of raw garlic. Alternatively, you can use chives instead of garlic to taste.
Due to wheat, rye and barley, the problem of bloating makes many women very upset. They are very high in fiber as well as gluten. And if you eat too much of it, it can cause stomach upset. If you also have problems with these grains, then you can replace grains like oats, brown rice, quinoa and buckwheat.
Everyone’s favorite fruit in summer, watermelon, can also be the cause of bloating in many women. You might not believe it, but it is true that watermelon is rich in fructose which can cause inflammation. You can substitute bananas, blueberries, grapes, orange, or strawberries instead of watermelon.
Dried fruit
Dried fruits also contain a lot of fructose and it causes a lot of women to overeat. Therefore, you can take citrus fruits and berries instead. Because it contains very little fructose content.
Like garlic, onion can cause bloating. Therefore, cook small quantity of onion instead of raw and use it well. If possible, you can use spices or herbs like asafoetida and a green portion of spring onion instead of onion to increase the taste.
Probably most women are aware of the problem of bloating with beans. Although beans contain many healthy proteins and carbs, they also have high fiber content and may cause problems for many women. Instead of eating beans, you can take light-colored lentils. Fiber is usually low but must be soaked before eating.
Lentils contain a high amount of fiber as well as indigestible sugars that increase bloating. But if you have to take it too, then for some time, soak it in cold water by adding lemon juice or vinegar and use it. This reduces the problem of bloating.
Other coniferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are thought to cause bloating. You can substitute spinach, cucumber, lettuce, sweet potato or zucchini.
Carbonated drinks
You can also have bloating problems with all types of fizzy drinks. Therefore, it is better to keep distance from it. And you can replace it with healthier options like water and fresh fruit juice.
It is the main cause of inflammation, with grain being the main ingredient in beer. If you take it and want to avoid bloating, then you can replace it with red or white wine.
Keeping these things in mind, you can easily avoid bloated stomach.
- March 31, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Svadupakarasa – Sweet in taste and also at the end of digestion(After taste)
- Snigdha – Unctuous in nature
- Ojovardhana – Increases Ojus
- Dhatuvardhana – Nourishes and increases body tissues
- Vata Pittahara – Balances Vata and Pitta
- Vrushya – Aphrodisiac
- Shleshmala – Increases kapha in body
- Guru – Heavy to digest
- Sheetala – Coolant
- Jeevaneeya – Promotes long life or longivity
- Rasayana – Anti aging, Rejuvenating
- Kshataksheena hita – Good for emaciated persons, specially after chest injury
- Medhya – Increases intellectual
- Balya – Strengthening
- Stanyakara – Promotes breast milk production
- Sara – Helps in easy bowel movements
- Shramahara – Relieves exhaustion
- Bhramahara – Useful in Dizziness
- Mada – Good in intoxication
- Alakshmi – Used in-auspiciousness
- Shwasa – Relieves dyspnoea
- Kasa – useful in cough
- Atitrut Kshudha – Useful in persons with severe thirst and hunger
- Jeernajvara – chronic fevers
- Mutrakrichra – Good in dysurea and other renal problems
- Raktapitta – useful in bleeding disorders
Buffalo milk is good for people with
- Strong digestion power/fire
- People suffering from Anidra – insomnia.
- It is a coolant
Goat drinks less water and is very active, does a lot of walking. It eats pungent and bitter grass, vegetables, that are light to digest.
Therefore, goat’s milk also carry these qualities in it. It is easy to digest, doesn’t aggravates doshas.
- Shosha – emaciation
- Jvara – fever
- Shwasa – dyspnoea,
- Asthma, chronic bronchial disorders
- Raktapitta – Pitta origin bleeding disorders such as haemorrhoids, nasal bleeding
- Atisara – diarrhoea, dysentery
- Ushtra ksheera (milk of camel) is Ishat ruksha(slightly dry),
- Ushna -hot, Lavana – Salty in taste.
- Deepana – Increases digestion strength
- Laghu – Easy to digest
- Vatakapha nashak – Useful in Vata and Kapha aggravation
- Krumi – Relieves worm infestation
- Shopha – Anti inflammatory
- Udara – Useful in ascites
- Arshas – Haemorrhoids
- Breast milk is useful in Vata and Pitta imbalance
- Asruk – In blood vitiation like bleeding disorders
- Abhighata – Useful in injuries
- Akshiroga – It can be used as eye drops to get relief in eye infections and to relieve redness. It is used in Tarpana and Ashchottana panchkarma therapies, for the treatment of eye diseases. It is also used as nasal drops.
Eve’s milk is not good for heart, hot in potency, useful in Vata disorders, produces hiccups and respiratory problems.
It increases Pitta and Kapha.
It is strengthening in nature.
Milk of single hoofed animals such as horse, donkey etc is
- Very hot in potency
- Useful in vata disorders
- Slightly sour and saltty and causes lassitude (laziness).
- Abhisyandi (causes excess secretion and accumulation in the minute channels or srotas, causing their blockage)
- Guru – heavy to digest
- Amakara – causes Ama and indigestion
- Yuktya shrutam amrutopamam – if it is properly boiled, it is similar to nectar.If it’s not,then it’s poison.
- Dharoshna – Milk drawn from udder, directly in to mouth is similar to nectar. (Provided cow is perfectly healthy without any infection)
Curd has Amla rasa – sour taste Amla paka – undergoes sour taste conversion after digestion
- Grahi – Absorbent,useful in diarrhea
- Guru – Heavy to digest
- Ushna – Hot in nature
- Vatajit – Balances Vata
- Increases Meda – Fat, Shukra (semen), Bala (strength),Kapha, Raktapitta(bleeding disorders), Agni(digestion strength), Shotha (inflammation).
- Rochishnu – increases taste
- Aruchi – useful in anorexia
- Vishamajwara – chronic, recurrent fever
- Peenasa – Allergic rhinitis
- Mutrakruchra – dysuria
- Grahani – malabsorption syndrome, Ulcerative colitis, IBS etc.
- Curd should not be consumed at nights.
- Should not be made hot or heated
- Curd should not be taken along with soup of green gram
- It should not be taken along with honey, ghee, sugar and Amla.
- It should not be eaten on daily basis.
- If used daily, it can cause / worsen fever, bleeding disorders, skin diseases, anemia and dizziness.
Takra (butter milk) – churned curds
- Laghu – easy to digest, Kashaya, amla – sour, astringent in nature,
- Deepana – improves digestion strength
- Kaphavatjit – balances Kapha and Vata
- Useful in Shopha – inflammatory conditions
- Udara – Ascites
- Arsha – hemorrhoids
- Grahani – malabsorption syndrome
- Mutradosha, Mutragraha – urine infection, dysuria
- Aruchi – anorexia
- Pleeha – splenomegaly
- Gulma – abdominal distention
- Ghritavyapat – Very useful in indigestion caused by excess consumption of ghee.
- Gara visha – chronic intoxication
- Pandu – anemia
Mastu is similar to buttermilk.
It is Sara – promotes movement of fluids inside body channels Srotashodhi – cleanses minute channels inside body called srotas
Vishtambhajit – relieves constipation
Laghu – easy to digest.
Fresh Navanita (butter) is
- Vrushya – aphrodisiac,
- Sheeta – coolant
- Varna, bala, agnikrut – improves skin complexion, strength and digestion strength.
- Sangrahi – abosrbent, useful in diarrhea
- Vatapittasruk jit – balances Vata, Pitta and treats blood disorders
- Useful in Kshaya – chronic respiratory ailments leading to emaciation
- Arsha – hemorrhoids
- Ardita vata – paralysis
- Kasa – cough
The butter made directly from milk is
Sangrahi – absorbent, useful in diarrhoea
Raktapittajit – useful in bleeding disorders
Akshirogajit – useful in eye diseases.
Ghee is ideal for improving intelligence, memory, ingenuity, digestion strength, long life, semen quality and eye sight.
- Ghee is very good for children, the aged.
- In tenderness of the body.
- In people desiring pleasant voice.
- In People suffering from emaciation as a result of injury to chest (lungs),
- Parisarpa (herpes)
- In injury from weapons, and fire.
- Disorders of Vata and Pitta origin.
- Poisoning
- Insanity
- Fevers
Cow ghee is the best amongst all fatty products.
It is coolant, is best for maintaining youth, capable of giving a thousand good effects by a thousand kinds of processing methods.
Purana Ghrita (old ghee) is used in the treatment of
- Mada – intoxication,
- Apasmara – epilepsy,
- Murcha – fainting,
- Shira, karna, akshi yoni roga – diseases of the head, ear, eye and vagina
- Old ghee cleanses and heals wounds.
Kilata – Kilata is the solid portion obtained after heating curd or buttermilk
Piyusa – Piyusa is the milk of cow which has just given birth to a calf, upto a period of about three days or till the cow’s milk becomes thin.
Kurcika – is the solid portion obtained after heating buttermilk while Morana (or Morata) is the sour, thin liquid portion left.
- Strengthening
- Increases the semen
- Induces Sleep and increases Kapha,
- Causes constipation,
- Heavy to digest, and aggravates the Doshas
Milk and ghee obtained from cow are best and those obtained from ewe’s milk, the least beneficial(aggravates doshas)
- March 31, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
An allergen is a harmless substance that causes an allergic reaction. Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is an allergic response to a specific allergens. Pollen being the most common allergen in seasonal allergic rhinitis.
- Sneezing
- A runny or stuffy, itchy nose
- Coughing
- Sore or scratchy throat
- Itchy and watery eyes
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Frequent headaches
- Eczema-type symptoms, such as extremely dry, itchy skin, that can blister and weep.
- Hives
- Excessive fatigue
When your body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases histamine, which is a natural chemical that defends your body from the allergen. This chemical can cause allergic rhinitis and its symptoms, including a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes.
Common allergens other than pollens include:
- Grass pollen
- Dust mites
- Animal dander, which is old skin
- Cat saliva
- Mold
- Pet hair or dander
- Perfumes
- Smoke
- Hair spray and fumes
- Air fresheners
Nasal irrigation is a process often used to relieve the symptoms of sinusitis. Using a neti pot filled with a saline solution can help you get rid of some symptoms of chronic sinusitis or allergic rhinitis.
Follow these instructions during Jala neti :
- Fill the pot with the saline solution.
- Incline your head over the sink at a 45-degree angle.
- Insert the spout of the pot into your top nostril. Carefully pour the saline solution down that nostril.
- Repeat the process with the other nostril.
Carefully sanitize your neti pot after every use. Only use distilled water. Because water straight from the sink may have contaminants, like bacteria or parasites, which could worsen your symptoms.
Eucalyptus oil helps to open up the sinuses and get rid of mucus. Main ingredient in eucalyptus oil, cineole, helps people with acute sinusitis and rhinitis recover faster.
To alleviate upper respiratory infections, eucalyptus oil can be used externally on the temples or chest, or inhaled through a diffuser by adding the oil to boiling water.
Drink more fluids such as water or juice. This will help in diluting the mucous secretions and promote drainage. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol, because they can be dehydrating. Also, drinking alcohol worsens the swelling of the lining of the sinuses and nose.
Ginger is a safe and highly effective ayurvedic herb. Apart from its culinary uses, it is very beneficial for our overall health. It soothes the digestive system and improves circulation. Ginger works as a natural antihistamine, potent antiviral agent, and immune booster. You can have some ginger tea to alleviate nasal congestion, sneezing and headaches. While you are sipping your tea, inhale the steam coming out of your tea cup. You can find ginger commercially in fresh and dried form. You can also have it with other herbs, such as turmeric, which is one more powerful natural healer.
It is one of the most effective herbal treatments for allergic rhinitis. It is an antioxidant, astringent, antimicrobial, and analgesic herb. It is capable of reducing allergy-related inflammation without producing any the side-effects. Its better to use fresh nettle, it is available in spring. Cooking the leaves will remove their stinging effects, and after cooking they can be added to your salads, soups, or stews, just like many other green leafy vegetables. It can also be used in its dried form to brew nettle tea.
PERILLA (Perilla frutiscens)
This herb is a member of the mint family, and it can help you win the battle against allergic rhinitis symptoms. It is useful for the treatment of nasal congestion, allergic asthma, sinusitis, and eye irritation. It can also alleviate allergic-related skin conditions. Essential oils found in perilla have an antidepressant effect and boost serotonin levels in the brain. This amazing herb not only reduces inflammation in the body, but it also improves your mood and increases feeling of well-being.
Steam inhalation helps to dilute and loosen the excess mucus in your nasal passages or sinuses, thus making it easier to expel and therefore easier to breath.
These actions are useful for relieving the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as nasal congestion, runny nose, postnasal drip, sore throat, facial pain, nasal itch, eye irritation or watery eyes, and sneezing.
- Eat preferbly light food, drink lukewarm water, Kapha nashaka foods like little spicy food, saindhav salt, soups, legumes etc.
- Avoid heavy food, fermented food, congestive food, food that is too hot or too cold, non-vegetarian food, banana, sour food, yellow grams, etc.
- Avoid sweets, ice-creams, desserts and cakes
- Avoid yogurt and curds
- Avoid Alcohol and cold beverages
- Keeping two pieces of either cloves or black peppers immediately in the mouth helps during the attack
- Rubbing nilgiri oil, mint oil, or pain balm on chest helps prevent the triggering of attack
- Stay away from things that are responsible for causing irritation like smoke, dust and pollens
- Use mask while going to a public place
- Always prefer warm water baths and drink warm water
- Avoid exposure to hot sunrays
- Regular inhalation of steam relieves the symptoms of congestion
- Go for morning walk in warm weather
- Exercise regularly and practice pranayamas, specifically alternate breathing.
- Avoid residing in dark or dump places. Get out in fresh air
- Avoid daytime sleeping or immediately after dinner as it increases kapha and worsens the condition.
- Get enough rest and proper sleep
- March 30, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
There are many misconceptions about vegan diet. People get confused about the fact that vegan means vegetarian diet, while this is not a reality. In such a situation, it is very important to know what kind of diet it is. Today we will tell you all the important things related to vegan diet.
What is Vegan Diet
For the past few years, the tradition of celebrating World Vegan Day has been started across India on November 1. In this diet a person can only include things like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, dry fruits. In this diet you cannot eat milk and milk products. Experts suggest that cows use a lot of fresh water to grow vegetables to feed and feed water, which is causing environmental damage. This is the reason why the vegan diet prohibits the consumption of everything prepared from animal meat or milk. According to this diet, if you are removing meat, milk and eggs from your food, then it is necessary to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains in the diet for a balanced diet. Also, to get vitamins, protein, fiber etc., there is a need to bring variety in food. So it is important to take care of these things. Interestingly, many celebrities also follow this diet, including names ranging from Virat Kohli to Mallika Sherawat.
Types of Vegan Diet
Before starting the vegan diet, it is very important to know what kind it is after all. For your information, tell us that there are many types of vegan diet. Of which these three are the main
Whole Wheat Vegan Diet: In this type fruits, vegetables, lentils, nuts are included.
Raw Food Vegan Diet: This category includes raw fruits, vegetables, nuts or whatever plant-based food items.
Thrive Diet: This is a mixture of both whole wheat and raw food.
Benefits of Vegan Diet
Full of nutrients
The biggest advantage of this diet is that it is rich in diet nutrients. In this, you get all the important nutrients easily. Plenty of fruits, vegetables and grains are eaten in it, so the nutrients in them easily help you.
Blood Pressure Control
There are no such substances in this diet, due to which blood sugar increases. This is the reason why your diet is always controlled. Also, in this diet, you consume a lot of complex carbohydrates, which keeps high blood pressure under control.
Relieve depression
Vegan diet is rich in fruits, vegetables and nuts, which are rich in anti-oxidants and omega 3. Due to this, the problem of depression and anxiety goes away.
Correct digestion
The biggest advantage of the vegan diet is that the digestive system remains strong with this diet due to the high fiber. This helps you to digest food easily.
To sleep soundly
If you include things like bananas, almonds and sweet potatoes in the vegan diet, it makes you sleep well. People suffering from insomnia should follow this diet and include these things in their diet.
Body detox and energy boosters
Vegan diet is rich in protein and iron. Because of this, the energy level increases. Also, it does not feel tired and also strengthens the body. At the same time, your body detoxes due to foods rich in diet, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals, so that you remain healthy and healthy.
Mistakes To Be Avoid In Vegan Diet
1. Everything is not healthy
If you think that you are just eating salad in vegan diet then there will be no problem. So you are thinking wrong. Yes, people often make many mistakes while following vegan diet, while it is important that you should know the right way to follow it. It is not necessary that all the vegetables consumed in vegan diet are right and are giving you nutritious food. Many claim that soy products are the best choice in vegan. In such a situation, they do not hesitate to eat processed food items. This is a myth. The truth is that such processed food items are very high in calories and also in protein. Eating such food items should be avoided without dietician’s advice.
2. Absence of Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is important for the nutrition of your body. It helps in making red blood cells. It is true that vitamin B12 is found most in animal products, especially in eggs and milk products. In such a situation, when you do vegan diet, there is every possibility that there will be a deficiency of vitamin B12. Due to this many times there are also complaints of anemia. In such a situation, following this diet, you should consult your dietician for an alternative.
3. Replace the item with meat
Whenever it comes to following vegan diet, it comes to mind that it can be used for replacement of meat but it is a misunderstanding. Excessive use of cheeses damages the body because it does not contain the necessary proteins, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, many people start eating excessive amounts of cheese. It is also harmful to the body.
4. Do not drink enough water
In any diet, it is very important that you drink sufficient amount of water. So while dieting, take special care that you have to drink sufficient amount of water. Especially those who are following vegan diet. It is necessary to drink water continuously with fiber. But while following the diet, it is a mistake that everyone forgets to drink water. In the absence of water, excessive fiber often causes damage to the body. Then he is at risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Digestive activity is maintained by drinking water and there is no problem like gas, constipation or bloating.
5. Forget about iron
There is no doubt that meat (meat) is an important source of vitamins, minerals as well as iron. The body quickly absorbs the type of iron present in meat. In such a situation, this problem is caused due to non-inclusion of meat in the vegan diet. Therefore, it is very important to include food items such as lentils, beans, cereals, nuts, seed grains, oats etc. in the diet while following your diet
These reasons make vegan diet unhealthy
A vegan person is unable to include animal protein in his diet and uses soy protein instead. In such a situation it is necessary to use tofu, soy milk and other things. Experts believe that this sometimes causes hormonal problems. At the same time, in addition to vitamin B12, there is also a lack of zinc absorption in the vegan diet. Trouble also increases due to this. There is also the possibility of increasing blood sugar at times while vegan diet. Many times carbohydrate foods are consumed in excess. Vegan diet is also considered to be unhealthy because while eating this diet, there is a problem of eating disorder at times. If you have the problem of overeating, anytime you feel hungry, then you can eat anything at any time. They believe that this diet leads to severe deficiency of vitamin B12, iron and protein and after that you are prone to many diseases. They clearly say that they give all the information to their clients and tell them what kind of problem they may face in the vegan diet. But if they still do not believe then they advise them to take vegan diet.
Healthy vegan diet, but you should get plenty of nutrients
It is absolutely true that you should not try to ignore your nutrients while following vegan diet. If you too follow such a diet, it is very important to know its nutrients.
Many people do not know the difference between protein and calories. In the name of protein, these people start eating high calorie items. Therefore their weight keeps increasing despite dieting. Actually, taking the right amount of protein and vitamins can help in burning calories.
Vegan Diet For Weight Loss
Experts believe that this diet is extremely helpful in reducing weight. It does not contain any foods that cause weight gain. Therefore it helps a lot in reducing weight. Also, plant-based foods in it are rich in fiber. In such a situation, taking them quickly fills the stomach and you do not feel hungry throughout the day. This saves you from the habit of overwriting. This is the reason why this diet is helpful in weight loss.
How to Remove tan with Ayurveda
- March 30, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Everybody starts worrying about protecting the skin from the sun as soon as the heat comes. The problem of suntan in this season makes the skin so stained that you do not even recognize your true complexion. Sun tanning causes so much damage to the skin that the skin turns black or there is a feeling that the skin is burnt. The skin of the face is more sensitive, so the sun’s harmful rays affect it the most. Due to these harmful rays, the skin of the face starts to feel dry and lifeless. Generally people think that only in the summer season there is a problem of suntan, but the truth is that suntan can destroy the facial glow if it is in the sun for long or in any season.
What is suntan?
The skin of our body is so sensitive that the environment around us has a profound effect on it. Pollution, sun, rain, cold, heat, wind and dust all affect our skin. If we do not take care of them constantly, then due to these, we get many types of skin problems. A similar problem is sun tanning, in which the skin gets burnt by sunlight and red rashes occur on it. Sun tanning causes a lot of damage to the skin and the skin starts to turn black as well. The skin of the face is more sensitive, so the sun’s harmful rays affect it the most. Due to the effect of these harmful rays, the skin of the face starts to feel dry and lifeless. It also absorbs the moisture of the skin, so due to this, the effect of wrinkles starts appearing on the face and symptoms of premature aging appear on the face.
Why is suntan?
As we discussed earlier, suntan is caused by the harmful rays of the sun. The strong rays of the sun also absorb the moisture of the skin, so the effect of wrinkles starts on the face before time. Falling in sunlight has its effect on the skin in two ways – one which shows immediate effect and the other which shows a gradual effect. To show immediate effect means that the skin changes its color quickly due to exposure to the sun. This is often seen in people who are white. Although their skin is not black. But those who are light dark colored people, their skin becomes black. Lifestyle and diet also have their own role behind being suntan.
- Going out of the sun without a cap and glasses.
- Not using sunscreen before exiting the sun can also result in sun tanning.
- By standing or walking for long hours in the sun.
- Excessive consumption of street food can cause tanning.
- Going to the market without umbrellas in the heat of the day can change the skin tone.
Symptoms of Suntan
Perhaps you will be surprised to read that there may be more symptoms in addition to being a skin tan when there are suntan, which are as follows-
- Skin darkening.
- Warmth of the skin.
- Skin rash.
- Itching on the skin.
- Small small grains are on the body.
- Loss of appetite and thirst.
In summer, the problem of skin tanning increases further. Especially, when the ultraviolet rays of the sun increase the production of melanin in the skin. It also increases the chances of acne, pimples, in the skin.
To avoid this, it is important that Indian men go out with sunscreen according to their skin. But if the skin is tanned, then we are telling you 10 such home remedies that will help you to get relief from skin tan.
Understand the science of skin tan
Actually, tanning is not so dangerous either. The skin produces melanin to protect itself from UV radiation. But in such a situation, when we have to stay in the sun for a long time, then this situation becomes dangerous.
Continuous exposure to the sun can affect the skin. Apart from this, many other serious problems such as skin cancer can also occur.
10 home remedies to protect against skin tan
Let’s know those 10 home remedies that will help you get relief from skin tan immediately.
1. Lemon Juice
The easiest way to get rid of skin tan is to cut a lemon and apply its juice on your face. Allow the juice to dry on your face for a few minutes. After that wash face with cold water.
2. Yoghurt And Besan Pack
To avoid the problem of skin tan, make a face pack by mixing 2-3 spoons of gram flour and 1-2 teaspoons of curd. Add a little rose water to this face pack. Apply this face pack on your face and leave it on for 20-25 minutes. Later wash your face with cold water.
3. Potato Juice
Potato juice gives relief to your skin. It also acts like natural bleach for your face. If you want, take out the potato juice or cut it directly and apply it on your face. You can also cut potato slices and apply it on your face.
4. Honey And Papaya Pack
Mash a ripe papaya, add a little honey to it and make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the skin affected by the skin tan and leave it for a while. Later wash the face with cold water and remove this paste.
5. Strawberries And Milk Cream
Make a paste by mixing some ripe strawberries in two tablespoons fresh cream. Leave this paste on the face for 20 minutes. Afterwards wash this paste with cold water and remove it from the face.
6. Sandalwood Paste
Sandalwood paste is considered the most powerful tan remover. Sandalwood has been applied to the skin in Indian homes for thousands of years. Apply sandalwood paste on your skin and leave it for the whole night. Wake up in the morning and wash your face with cold water.
7. Turmeric And Milk Paste
Mix two teaspoons of turmeric in a little milk and apply it on a thin paste. Turmeric is naturally found to have antibiotic properties. It is also very effective in dealing with skin problems. The natural properties of turmeric help greatly in dealing with the problem of skin tan. Leave this paste on for half an hour. Later wash face with cold water.
8. Aloe Vera
Applying aloe vera gel on the skin regularly gives relief to the skin and also helps in reducing the black wrinkles falling in the skin.
9. Coconut Milk
Applying coconut milk on the skin daily helps to improve your skin. It not only de-tan your skin but also provides necessary nutrition.
10. Whey and Oatmeal
Mix two spoons of oat flour and a few spoons of whey and make a thin paste. Apply this paste on the affected part of your skin. Leave it for half an hour and then wash it with cold water and remove it.
- March 30, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Charak and Sushruta, had quoted Raktamokshana as one of the five Panchakarma procedures and it is traditional Indian medical system of Ayurveda. Raktamokshana is made up of two words Rakta which simply means blood and mokshana means letting it is used for removing impure blood from the diseased body. There are seven Dhatus in the body and rakta is the second dhatus in them. Rakta in its healthy state improves complexion and nourishes the muscle and other tissues. It also has Jeevana as its important function. When this rakta is impair, it results in several diseases occur in body. Panchkarma therepy include vamana (vomiting), virechana (purgation), nasya (nasal irrigation) and basti (enema). The panchakarma treatments remove all the toxins from the body and balances the doshas that control all the body biological functions. Rakta moksha can be done by various means, depending on the ailment and it is used to treat skin disease, herpes, jaundice, abscesses, ulcers and gout, among other ailments.
There are two categories of rakta moksha therapy:
- Shastra visravana
- Anushastra visravana
1. Shastra visravana – In this procedure metal instruments are used to do the procedures.
There are two types of shastra visravana:
- Pracchana – In this procedure we scrap the skin to create several incisions
- Sira vedhana – In this procedure blood is removed by puncturing the skin it is also called venipuncture.
2. Anushastra visravana – This procedure includes all other rakta moksha therapies and do not use metal instruments.
There are four types of anushastra visravana:
- Jalouka vacharana – in this procedure application of leeches is applied to extract blood
- Alabu – a calabash gourd with a candle to create a vacuum over an area of pricked skin, thereby extracting impure blood from that particular area.
- Shrunga vacharana – in this procedure use cow’s horn to suck the blood from the scratched skin
- Ghati yantra – This procedure similar to alabu, but used pots in this procedure instead of a gourd.
Swelling, burning sensation, suppuration, rashes, vatha raktha, skin diseases, elephantiasis, toxic conditions of blood, fibroid, tumor, mastitis, debility, heaviness of body, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, herpes, liver abscess, spleen abscess, suppuration and burning sensation in ears, nose, lips, oral cavity, headache, gonorrhea, bleeding disorder.
Anasarca, emaciated person, pregnancy, suffering from disease such as anemia, hemorrhoids, ascites, consumptions and dropsy.
Person not afflicted with excess cold, hot, excess of sweating and exposure to sun. Prior to rakthamokshana person should take barley juice.
Feeling of lightness in body, subsiding of pain and severity of diseases, cheerfulness of mind.
Causes for excess blood flow rakthamokshana done during excess sweating, hot season and due to deep puncturing.
Raktamokshna is the specialized detoxification process which include the following steps:
- PURVA KARMA – It is carried out in regular periods. It is mainly done in diseases like gout, filariasis, psoriasis, glaucoma, edema, erysipelas, liver and spleen disorders. Cotton swab, gauze pieces are some of the proper instruments used to carry out this procedure.
- PRADHANA KARMA – The various aspects to be considered during Pradhan karma are the following:
Prachhana – this method helps to provide relief from stress, anxiety and tension.
Siravyadha – in this method, according to the disease the vein is selected, after oleation, sudation, the liquid gruel is injected in the patients either in lies down or sits in erect posture.
Size of puncture – the size should be that of one brihi or half barley and in muscular areas, it should be the size of yava.
Jalaukavacharana – in this method tiny sized nicks is applied near the affected region, the blood oozes out and leech is applied to the affected area. When the leech sucks, the mouth takes in the form of the horse’s hooves. Its neck is then covered using wet cotton. When more blood is sucked, the leech leaves the area and moves down, in case it does not leave, turmeric powder is sprinkle on the leech.
Shrings yantra – the horns are applied on the fleshy part of the body. In this yantra the air gets sucked out, which creates a vacuum and blood oozes out.
After the pradhana karmais done, dressing is done with a massage the surrounding wound. This is done with the help of medicated oil. Raktamokshana works as a preventive and curative therpy. This raktamokshana therapy of Ayurveda is a partial or a complete treatment depending on the situation.
Sharad ritu (autumn season) is the best season for raktamokshana therapy. The blood vitiated by pitta, kapha and vata dosha should be removed from leech therapy, pitcher gourd (alabu), and horn of animals (shrunga).
- March 30, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
A blemish is any type of mark, spot, discoloration that appears on the skin. Blemishes on the face may be due to unsightly and emotionally upsetting. Blemishes most are benign and not life-threatening in nature. Some blemishes in the skin can give the signal of skin cancer. Medical treatment or using home remedies may help to reduce the appearance of blemishes.
Some blemishes, like cold sores, are caused by viruses such as HSV-1. The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox in humans.
- Infections – Certain types of skin infections can cause blemishes on the skin. These include Malassezia folliculitis (fungal acne), which is an infection of hair follicles. This condition is caused by an overgrowth of yeast and causes pustules to form.
- Genetics – Acne may have genetically occurred. Certain hereditary conditions may also cause blemishes to occur. These include:
- Darier disease – Warlike blemishes form in the skin that is smelly, oily, and hard to the touch.
- Adult type 3 GM1 gangliosidosis – This is a rare hereditary condition that causes noncancerous blemishes in the skin to form on the lower torso.
- Fabry disease – This is an inherited disorder that involves gene mutation in the body.
- Sun exposure – Overexposure to the sun, the harmful ultraviolet (UV) A and B rays can cause skin cancer, hyperpigmentation, and cause other forms of skin damage.
- Clogged pores – Overproduction of oil by the sebaceous glands can cause blemishes. Hormonal changes also trigger this overproduction of glands, in puberty. Excess oil can mix with dead skin cells, dirt, or bacteria. This results in pimples, pustules, blackheads, and whiteheads forming. Skin pores can become clogged from products, such as makeup, sunscreen, and moisturizers. Hairstyling products can also clog your pores if they get onto your face. Environmental toxins, such as dirt, car exhaust, and pollution, can settle down on your skin, mingled with oil, and clog pores.
- Diet – Food allergies and contact dermatitis both can cause skin irritation and bumps. Dairy products, like skim milk, may cause acne Trusted Source in some people. Diets rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates may also lead to blemishes.
- Medications – Some prescribed medicines may cause acne as a side effect. These include:
- Corticosteroids
- Androgenic steroids
- Lithium
- Anti-seizure drugs
Blemish is a broad term used for any type of skin mark. There are numerous types of blemishes that include:
1. Acne – Acne is a common condition that can appear as:
- Pimples
- Blackheads
- Whiteheads
Acne occurs when sebum, bacteria, or dirt clogs the hair follicles. Acne sometimes leaves dark spots, pockmarks, or scarring on the skin. This acne is also the type of blemishes. Hormonal changes play a role in the formation of acne. Stress may also make acne worse by increasing sebum production, although it is not considered a root cause of this condition.
2. Papules -These are small skin lesions of different types. They are typically around one centimeter in diameter. They can vary in color from pink and to brown. Pimples are sometimes called papules. Papules can occur individually or in clusters form and can be any shape. Examples of papules are
- Chickenpox rashes
- Eczema
- Dermatitis
- Psoriasis and shingles
3. Nodules – Nodules are a collection of tissue in the skin. They are hard to the touch, larger than papules, usually one to two centimeters in diameter. Nodules can occur at any level of the skin. They can vary in color from flesh-toned to red. Examples are Skin tags and warts.
4. Age spots (liver spots) – These are the small, dark spots that can form on any area of the body that is been exposed to the sun. They are most common in people whose age over 50, but they can also occur in younger people. Age spots are a type of hyperpigmentation.
5. Pustules – These are fluid- or pus-filled bumps. Whiteheads and chickenpox blisters are the types of pustules. Other conditions that cause pustules to form include scabies and rosacea, these are common skin conditions marked by blisters and visible blood vessels.
6. Ingrown hair – Hair removal techniques such as waxing, shaving sometimes result in ingrown hairs. These are hairs that grow back into the skin and become trapped hairs. This causes a red bump to form. People who have curly hairs may be more susceptible to ingrown hairs than those who have straight hair. Ingrown hairs can turn into large hairs, fluid-filled ingrown hair cysts. These ingrown hair cysts can be red, yellow, or white in appearance, and maybe uncomfortable or painful to touch.
7. Birthmarks – Birthmarks typically occur either at the time of birth or shortly afterward. They can range in appearance, size, shape, and color. Moles and port-wine stains are types of birthmarks that last for life. Other types, such as hemangiomas fade over time.
8. Melasma – It is very common during pregnancy. It is identified as brownish patches in the skin. It can be due to sun exposure and hormonal changes.
The color of your blemishes may provide clues as to their cause.
1. Red
Many blemishes appear red on the skin. These include:
- Pimples
- Pustules
- Rosacea
- Allergic reactions
- Ingrown hairs
- Cold sores
- Certain types of skin cancer also look red in color.
2. Brown – Skin cancers, such as malignant melanoma, can look dark brown or black in color. Some birthmarks and hyperpigmentation can be brown in color. Melasma causes brown or grayish patches on the skin.
3. Black – Malignant melanoma presents as a dark-colored blemish on the skin. Blackheads may be surrounded by a halo of red or simply appear as black, raised dots in skin.
4. White – Whiteheads and certain types of fungal infections appear as white blemishes Ingrown hairs.
- Detox Premium Powder – Detox premium powder is a very effective ayurvedic medicine to cure blemishes as it purifies the whole body by removing excess toxins from the body. The powder is composed of shukta pishti, giloy satv, gandhak rasayan, moti pishti, akik pishti, shankh bhasma, etc. The ingredient reduces all the signs and symptoms associated with the blemishes.
Recommended Dosage– Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water. - Skin Glow Kadha – Skin glow kadha is an Ayurvedic proprietary that gives the best result in the treatment of acne, blemishes, rashes, and other common skin problems. The decoction is composed of dalchini, giloy, tulsi, chirata, haldi, mahaguni, bahera, etc. The ingredients have anti-aging properties and act as natural astringent that provides freshness to the skin, helps in improving the skin texture, restores the skin balance and naturally improves the quality of the skin.
Recommended Dosage – Take 20 ml twice daily with an equal amount of water. - Blood Purifier Syrup – It is ayurvedic syrup that consists of various natural ingredients such as Khadir Chall (Acacia catechu), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia), Harad (Terminalia bellirica), Baheda (Terminalia chebula), Amla (Emblica officinalis), etc. As
the syrup purifies the blood by removing excess toxins it is very beneficial in maintaining proper circulation and improves the skin naturally.
Recommended Dosage– Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily. - Aloe Vera Gel – Aloe Vera herb is well known for its medicinal properties and has multiple benefits in case of skin problems. The gel is made up of pure extract of aloe vera that has a mixture of rose petals in it. The gel has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties and also provides a
coolant effect to the skin.
Method of Application – Gently apply over the affected area of the skin. - Twak Tailam – Twak tailam is very effective for the skin as it deeply nourishes the tissues and improves the skin luster. The tailam is composed of yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), etc. The tailam supports skin health, helps in reducing uneven pigments, improves complexion, and helps in deep detoxification and blood purification without any side effects.
Method of Application – Apply over the affected area of the skin. - Skin care tablet – Skin care tablet is a pure ayurvedic formulation. It help to maintain the texture of your skin depending on the type of skin you have. It contains various herbs like Haridra khand, Panchnimb churna, Khadir chahal, Chirayta, Mulethi, Chopchini, Gandhak, Ajmoda that work very effectively on all
skin types. Skin care is a blood purifying tablet. It cools and detoxifies the blood, increase blood circulation of the skin. It minimizes the blemishes, lighten sun tan, delay ageing of skin and heal skin problems.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily. - Panchatikta ghrita guggulu – This tablet contains pure herbal ingredients such as Nimba(Azadirachta indica), Patola(Cucumis acutangulus), Guduchi(Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa(Adhatoda vasica), etc. these herbs shows Antioxidant, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, antipruritic, neuro-protective
properties. This tablet is effective in Indigestion, blood purification, blemishes, scars, asthma, and gout.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 tablet twice daily.
- March 30, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Nasyam is an Ayurvedic therapy that involves administration of medicated oil, powder or herbal extracts through the nasal cavity to treat different diseases affecting the area above the shoulder. It is an essential part of the five detoxification therapies in Ayurveda called the Panchakarma treatment. When done properly, Nasyam treatment works wonders to control sinusitis, migraine headaches, breathing difficulties due to congestion, infections, and various other diseases.
In Nasyam, the herbal oils, medicated powder, and other formulations that are given through the nasal route, are absorbed by the blood vessels and they make their way into the circulatory system. As they effectively reach the nervous system through nerve endings in the nasal cavity, they have a calming effect on the nerves, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote sound sleep. Nasyam therapy is also known to slow down the aging process and preventing early graying of hair.
In this nasyam medicated ghee or herbal oils are administered through the nasal passage to eliminate the accumulated toxins in the throat or head. It is also known as the Shodhana Nasyam or cleansing Nasyam, this method helps in getting rid of the doshas immediately from the head region.
] Virechana Nasyam is an efficient way to treat Kapha-related disorders like headaches, cysts, colds, skin diseases, eye diseases, swelling, itching, and stiffness.
In this, instead of oils, dry powders are administered into the nose using a tube. It is very effective in the treatment of conditions like sinusitis, nasal congestion, hoarseness of voice, as well as chronic diseases like tumors and cervical lymph disorders.
This is aslso called Brihmana Nasyam, in this Snehana Nasyam medicated oil mixed with camphor or other plant extracts is administered into the nose. It works best in case of dry sinuses, stiffness in the neck, bursitis, dry nose, and loss of sense of smell.
In this form of Nasyam treatment milk, medicated oils, decoctions, and teas are used to treat disorders caused by Pitta imbalance and vitiation of blood. It can prevent premature wrinkles, graying and thinning of hair, diseases of the eyes, discoloration on the face, etc.
The Pratimarshya Nasya treatment is an amazing therapy for opening up deep nasal tissues and stress relieving. It can be given in any season and is suitable for individuals of any age. It can be given in the morning or evening. Pratimarshya therapy is usually performed after a head massage, oil pulling and applying collyrium.
The Nasyam treatment procedure is hassle-free and it does not take more than half an hour. The therapist will first massage the patient’s shoulder in the upward direction. The medicine is then taken in required dosage and poured into the nostrils so that the patient inhales it. Then Patient is asked to breathe in the medicinal extract, while the therapist continues to massage the area around the nose, neck, shoulders, palms, and feet.
Patients are asked to complete all their routine activities and are told to have a light diet an hour before the procedure. The patientl will then be advised to lie down on the massage table, in a comfortable position with extended hands and feet. For the initial 3-5 minutes, a mild massage with Bala oil, followed by mild sedation with cotton dipped in warm water/or hot water steam is given on the face, neck, and forehead.
The head is then lowered to a hanging position so that it is not excessively flexed or extended. The feet are slightly raised, and the eyes are covered with a clean cotton cloth.
The practitioner then drops the warm herbal formulation into the nostrils. Following the Nasyam therapy, a mild massage of the palms, shoulders and soles are done. The patient is then asked to turn to the side to draw the herbal formulation into the throat and spit it out into the spitting pot.
During this step, the patient is asked to lie down. His/her head, cheek, and neck are then subjected to mild sedation, afterwards a herbal smoking and gargling is done to expel out any residual oils or medications in the throat.
Post completion of the therapy, patients are recommended a light meal, and intake of lukewarm water. Also, the patients must avoid alcohol, traveling, smoke, dust, sleeping during the day, and cold water.
- Medicated oil or herbs used should be lukewarm
- Patients must avoid laughing, speaking, and sneezing during the procedure.
- Swallowing the herbal concoction during the procedure should be avoided.
- The herbal oil administered through the nose must be expelled out along with the mucous and morbid doshas, so that none of it is left behind.
- In case of any discomfort during the procedure, one must sprinkle cold water on the face avoiding the head.
- Nasyam therapy works best for individuals with vitiated Kapha dosha when done in the morning. In the case of vitiated Pitta, the therapy should be done during midday, and for vitiated Vata, in the evening.
- Nasyam therapy is practiced at midday during the winters and in the evening during the summers. On rainy days, it is performed whenever there’s sunlight.
- As a routine detoxification therapy, Nasyam therapy should be given before noon in the spring and autumn seasons.
- For the treatment of conditions like stiff neck, hoarse voice,hiccups, and aggravated Kapha, it should be performed twice a day in the morning, and in the evening.
- For other health problems, the Nasya treatment is done every two days a week, or it is done in a gap of 21 days.
- Detoxification of the body by administering oil through the nasal passage during the Nasyam therapy has a lot of benefits, as the body is free of toxins accumulated in the throat, nose, and head.
- Effectively cures migraine, headaches, and conditions like cervical spondylosis.
- Strengthens the immune system and the sense organs.
- Stimulates the central nervous system that regulate emotions and relieves stress.
- Improves skin complexion, hair texture and health and prevents premature greying.
- Nasyam improves brain functions and helps in the management of paralysis.
- Helps in the treatment of degenerative or age related disorders like muscle and joint pain.
- Enhances the functioning of sense organs
- Smoothens your nasal passage, treats nasal allergies and polyps.
- Removes toxins from the head and neck area.
- Prevents goiter, tonsillitis, and motor disorders.
- Alleviates chronic pain.
- Cures insomnia.
- Prevents aging and therefore graying of hair.
- Relieves pain in the ear, head, and throat.
- Relieves tension from the neck and shoulder region.
- Gives relief from toothache and other dental problems.
- Other conditions that Nasyam therapy helps with include hemiplegia, paraplegia, Multiple sclerosis, diseases of the eyelid, and Parkinson’s disease.
- March 30, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Many people suffer from fungal infections at least once in their lifetime. Poor hygiene, warm climate and humidity, are main possible causes of fungal infections. Diaper rash, athlete’s foot, jock itch, and oral thrush are some common examples of fungal infections. Many fungi causing these infections are already becoming resistant to more aggressive forms of medications.
- Hot and humid climates, wearing clothes that are damp, sweating too much, can result in the development of fungal infections.
- Decreased immunity due to some underlying diseases like diabetes, HIV, cancer etc. can cause fungal infections.
- Living in an unhealthy/polluted environment and not maintaining personal hygiene causes fungal infections.
- Wearing dirty clothes, unclean socks and innerwear can lead to fungal infections.
- Wearing too tight clothes can cause sweating, further resulting in the development of fungal infections.
- Obesity can lead to fungal infections. As moisture is be retained in skin folds, further giving a breeding ground to infection causing fungus.
- Stress can also compromise our immunity and can cause many diseases including fungal infections.
- Hormonal changes in pregnancy most of the times leads to vaginal infections.
Yogurt and other probiotics have an rich amount of good bacteria that help get rid of many fungal infections. Fermented foods are another excellent source of probiotics. If these foods are not helping, you can use probiotic supplements as they have more concentrated dosages of the good bacteria.
Cleaning the affected area with Neem decoction twice daily before applying any home remedies or any other medication helps in treating fungal infections and prevents further spread of the disease.
Apple cider vinegar has great antifungal properties. Mix two tablespoons of APPLE CIDAR VINEGAR in warm water and drink it up or you can dip a cotton ball in the mixture and dab all over your affected skin. Do this thrice a daily, it gives beneficial results.
Tea tree oil is naturally antifungal and antibacterial agent. Mix it with any other oil like coconut oil or olive oil and apply all over the infected area. Repeat it three to four times a day. This is one of the most effective home remedies to treat fungal infections.
Coconut oil in its unheated form works as a potent antifungal agent. Applying it over the skin gives relief from the infection and prevents ther further spread. As it is easy on the skin, it is also useful to treat scalp ringworm. Use it on the affected skin three times a day.
Turmeric is rich in antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Mix it with a little water or milk and apply over the infected area. To get benefits internally one can consume it too. Mix it with warm water or honey or have turmeric tea. You can also cook it with milk and drink the turmeric milk.
It is one of the most time-tested natural remedies for any skin infection. Not only does it treats the infection but also soothes and repairs skin damage.
Garlic is one of the most potent antifungal and antimicrobial herbs. People who consume garlic regularly are less susceptible to fungal infections. Grind a couple of garlic with some olive oil and make a paste. Apply it on the infected area for about thirty minutes.
It is yet another active antifungal agent. Mix a few drops of the oil with any other carrier oil(coconut or olive oil) and dab on the affected area. You canalso take oregano oil capsules orally.
Neem leaves are rich in antifungal properties and are extremely good for the skin. Washing the infected area with neem water helps in treating fungal infections. To make neem water, boil neem leaves in water for 2 to 3 minutes. You can consume this decoction internally too get the best results.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid ) boosts our immune system. It protects our body from various infections. A good immune system also helps to treat the various infections faster including fungal infections.
Gingerol present in ginger has potent antifungal properties. Adding ginger to our diet either in the form of ginger tea or consuming it as a spice with foods, effectively helps to prevent and treat fungal infections like Candida. You can consume ginger powder with honey.