Author Archives: Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
Role of Basti Karma in Ayurveda (Medicated Enema)
- July 12, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Panchakarma therapies are normally utilized to annihilate the vitiated Doshas and help in keeping up with the balance of these Doshas, which is the essential premise of wellbeing. Any of the five Panchakarma therapies can be used, either separately or in mix to forestall or fix an illness.
One such therapy is Basti Karma (Medicated Enema), which is a significant treatment methodology and it is believed to be Ardhachikitsa (half of the multitude of medicines required). Traditionally, Basti is supported to be regulated in sicknesses of Vata Dosha prevalence. Despite the fact that Basti is regulated in the Pakvashaya (rectum and Colon) its dynamic fixings spreads all through the whole body, giving the ideal result.
Basti is defined as “The Karma where in the medications regulated through the anal canal water way comes to up to the Nabhipradesha, Kati, Parshwa and Kukshi locale, beats the vitiated Dosha and Purisha (Morbid humors and fecal matter), spreads the oleation everywhere on the body and is effectively disposed of alongside the agitated Purisha and Doshas is known as Basti.”
Basti Classifications
Basti has two fundamental types Niruha and Anuvasana.
- Niruha Basti contains a combination of Madhu (Honey), Saindhava Lavana (Rock salt), Sneha (Oils), Kalka (Powder of Dravya) and Kwatha (Decoction).
- Anuvasna Basti contains a only oils.
1. Based on Adhisthana (Location)
- Pakvashayagata Basti: Medicated drugs are managed through the anal canal waterway into the colon. It tends to be either Niruha or Anuvasana Basti. This article centers basically around Pakvashayagata Basti.
- Uttara Basti: In guys it is Mutrashayagata Basti, the sedated drugs are managed through the penis to enter the urinary bladder. In females, it tends to be of two kinds. Mutrashayagata and Garbhashayagata Basti. The cured medications are controlled either through the urethra to arrive at the urinary bladder or through the vagina to arrive at the uterus. This depends on the illness condition and the going to Vaidya will endorse the suitable treatment in like manner.
2. Based on Basti Dravya
- Snaihika Basti: The cured medications directed is as Sneha (Ghrita, Taila, Vasa, Majja), through the butt-centric trench into the colon. It is additionally partitioned by the portion of Sneha regulated as follows:
- Sneha Basti: Here Six Pala (240ml) of Sneha is managed.
- Anuvasana Basti: her Three Pala (120ml) of Sneha is managed.
- Niruha Basti: In this kind of Basti, Kwatha (Decoction) is the primary element of the Basti Dravya, joined with Madhu, Saindhava Namak, Sneha and Kalka. Another term utilized for Niruha Basti is Asthapana Basti.
3. Based on Schedule exhorted
- Karma Basti: Here, an aggregate of Thirty Basti are controlled in which there are Eighteen Anuvasana and Twelve Niruha Basti on the other hand.
- Kala Basti: According to Acharya Chakrapani, it incorporates absolute Sixteen Basti. In this, ten are Anuvasana and Six are Niruha Basti.
- Yoga Basti: here, an aggregate of eight Basti are regulated, five being Anuvasana and three Niruha Basti
Basti Chikitsa is clarified correctly under three headings as follows:
(1) Poorva Karma
(2) Pradhana Karma
(3) Paschat Karma.
1. Poorva Karma
- Arrangement of Basti Dravyas
- Snehana
- Swedana
2. Pradhana Karma
- Patient is approached to rests in Vama Parshva (Left sidelong) position.
- The Basti Netra is brought into the Gudamarga (Anus) and the Basti Dravya is directed in a way that is neither too quick nor excessively lethargic.
3. Paschat Karma
- Patient is permitted to rest in a recumbent situation for a couple of moments.
- Snana (Bath)
- Rasadi Samsarjana Krama
- July 12, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
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Hormones are the chemical messengers of the body . Hormones control many of your body’s major processes, including metabolism , menstruation and reproduction.
An imbalance in the hormones can alter normal physiology of the body . Miner imbalance can cause significant effect , especially with menstrual cycle. Main hormone that regulate menstrual cycle include GnRH , Progesterone, Estrogen , LH, FSH, TSH . Any alteration in these hormone can cause menstrual disorders. Commonly seen Menstrual disorders associated with hormonal imbalance are
Thyroid gland plays an important role in reproductive health , directly affecting ovaries and indirectly interacting with sex hormone binding globulin (a protein that binds sex hormones).
Both disorders Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can affect the normal physiology of menstrual cycle.
Hypothyroid women more like to experience oligomenorrhea and menorrhagia and in hyperthyroid women experience hypo menorrhea. Both conditions can cause menstrual disturbance or irregularities and also affect the fertility of female.
Diagnosis is done taking history of patient and blood investigations like TSH or other hormonal investigations.
Treatment is done according to underlying cause.
PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)-
PCOD known as polycystic ovarian disease which is principally a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.
In Polycystic ovarian disease there is an imbalance in the sex hormones due to which females start making slightly more androgens. This causes them to prevent ovulating, due to which females get liable to pimples and grow extra facial and body hair.
In PCOD , the eggs in the follicles don’t mature and not released from the ovaries, but they form very small cysts with in the ovary, hence ovaries become polycystic.
Common symptoms include:
- Acne and blemishes on face
- Weight gain and trouble losing fat around belly
- Extra hair growth on the face and body.
- Thinning hair on the scalp.
- Irregular periods
- Fertility concern
Diagnosis – Diagnosis of patient is done by taking history of patient . Investigations like blood glucose level , ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis are done. Sometimes serum androgens, LH and other hormone estimations may be checked.
The medical treatment of PCOD/PCOS focuses on managing your individual concerns like infertility, hirsuitism, acne or obesity. Thus mainly symptomatic treatment is given like –
- Lowering of glucose levels in body
- Restoration of fertility
- Treatment of hirsutism or acne
- Restoration of regular menstruation, and prevention of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma.
Amenorrhea is the absence of the menstrual periods in a women during her reproductive years i.e. after the age of puberty and before the age of menopause.
What causes Amenorrhea ?
It is important to note that amenorrhea is normal before puberty , during pregnancy and after menopause .
Amenorrhea may be caused by many factors includes
- Defects in one or more areas of reproductive system , such as hypothalamus and pituitary gland , ovaries , uterus
- As side effect of cancer
- As a symptom of endometrial cancer
- One of the most common type of amenorrhea is functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. This is where the onset of amenorrhea can be linked with the factors like stress , change in weight, excessive dieting , exercise.
Symptoms may include
- Headache and tiredness caused by disease affecting pituitary gland
- Acne and excess body hair growth in male pattern distribution caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Symptoms of premature menopause like hot fluhes , vaginal dryness , poor sleep , reduce libido
Diagnosis of amenorrhea
Amenorrhea is diagnosed from history of lack of menstrual cycle . Pregnancy test must always be carried to rule out pregnancy. Some blood investigations has to be done to find out cause of amenorrhea these include FSH , TSH , prolactin and androgen levels.
USG will be done to look out the uterus and anatomy of the vagina.
Treatment of amenorrhea is done according to the cause. Mainly treatment include some lifestyle changes and hormonal replacement therapy.
Dysmenorrhea is the occurrence of severe lower abdominal pain in women during her menstrual cycle . The pain often has cramping in nature and may radiate to the thighs and lower spine . Lower abdominal pain may be accompanied by vomiting , headache back pain , diarrhea, fatigue etc.
Dysmenorrhea is classifies as primary and secondary.
Cause of dysmenorrhea –
One of the factors contributing to dysmenorrhea may be an increase in prostaglandin concentration before menstruation .
Prostaglandins cause narrowing of the blood vessels supplying the uterus and abnormal contractile activity of the uterus, that cause ischemia, hypoxia of the uterus and which leads to pain.
Treatment of dysmenorrhea include use of NSAIDS , calcium channel blockers to reduce pain . Physiotherapy is also good option .
Menorrhagia is a condition that is characterized by heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding. It is the most common type of abdominal uterine bleeding.
- Hormonal imbalance is the major cause of menorrhagia
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Uterine fibroid
- High levels of prostaglandins
- Diseases of liver, Kidney , Thyroid
- Infection , tumor or polyps in uterine cavity
Diagnostic procedure may include blood test , USG , MRI, laproscopy , hysterocopy
Treatment include Prostaglandin inhibitors , Hormone supplements , Oral contraceptives , dietary modifications , lifestyle changes.
- July 12, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Anaemia is the medical term for the condition of decreased hemoglobin percentage. It means, there are not enough healthy red blood cells (RBCs) to carry oxygen to your body’s organs. The hemoglobin count in an individual’s body falls below its normal level of 15gm/100ml (in female) and 17 gm/100ml (in male) of blood. It causes shortness of breath, fatigue, palpitation and weakness.
In ayurveda science, anaemia is known as “Pandu Roga”. naemia is a disease that typically imbalances. The pathology of Anaemia disease finds its roots in the imbalances Agni of the body (Digestive fire) , low digestive activity leads to the formation of Ama (Toxin). This disruption is caused by pitta that is circulated around the body by aggravated vata.
Anaemia caused by lack of vital nutrients include-
- Vitamin B12
- Iron
- Vitamin A
- Folic acid
- Dizziness or weakness
- fatigue
- Headache.
- Tongue swelling and soreness
- Chest pain
- Dyspnea on exertioN
- Pale or yellowish skin
- Cold feet and hands
- Dry skin or easily bruised skin.
- Irregular heartbeat(palpitation)
- Unintended movement in the lower leg (restless legs syndrome)
- Iron Deficiency Anaemia
- Thalessemia
- Vitamin Deficiency Anaemia
- Aplastic Anaemia
- Sickle Cell Anaemia
Red blood cell loss
- Sudden bleed from trauma
- Bleeding from gastrointestional system e.g. ulcers.
Red blood cell destruction
- Immune mediated body attacks the red blood cells
- Destruction from any infection or parasites
Inadequate production of red blood cell
- Iron deficiency
- Folic acid deficiency
- Anaemia of chronic diseases
- thalassemia
Decreased red blood cell production
- Bone marrow diseases
- Cancer disease
- Kidney diseases
- Other chronic disease
- A diet lacking in certain vitamins and minerals
- Frequently donating blood
- Family history
- Intestional disorders
- Malnourishment
- Menstruation
- Pregnancy
- Chronic diseases
- Heavy alcohol intake
- Age
- A test to determine the size and shape of your red blood cells.
- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Reticulocyte count
- Peripheral smear
- Treatment for iron deficiency anemia is usually involves taking iron supplements and changing your diet plan. Iron supplements can help to restore the iron levels in your body. If the cause of iron deficiency is loss of blood then blood transfusion can replace iron and blood loss quickly.
- Treatment for Vitamin deficiency anemia (folic acid and vitamin C deficiency) involves dietary supplements and increasing these nutrients in your diet.
- There’s no specific treatment for ‘Anemia of chronic disease’. Doctors focus on treating the underlying disease.
- Treatment for Aplastic anemia can include blood transfusions to increases levels of red blood cells. You might need a bone marrow transplant if your bone marrow can’t make healthy blood cells.
- Treatment of these Anemias associated with bone marrow disease can include medication, chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation.
- Treatment for hemolytic anaemias includes avoiding suspect medications, treating infections and taking drugs that suppress your immune system.
- Sickle cell anemia treatment might include oxygen, pain relievers, and oral and intravenous fluids to reduce pain and prevent complications. Doctors might also recommend blood transfusions, folic acid supplements and antibiotics.
- Most forms of thalassemia are mild and require no treatment. More severe forms of thalassemia generally require blood transfusions, folic acid supplements, and medication, removal of the spleen, or a blood and bone marrow stem cell transplant.
- If anaemia is left untreated, the risks of developing complications that affect the heart and the lungs get higher.
- Navayasa loha churna
- Saptamrita loha churna
- Bhringraja asava
- Lohasava
- Kumaryasava
- Dhatri loha
- Draksharishta
- Mandoora vataka
- Ayaskrutu
- Mandooradyarishta
- Punarnavashtaka kwatha
- Drakshadyavaleha
- Amalaki-Emblica officinalis
- Bhringraja-Eclipta alba
- Punarnava– Boerhavia diffusa
- Pippali-Piper longam
- Draksha-Vitis vinifera
- Musta-Cyperus rotundus
- Haritaki-Terminalia chebula
- Vidanga-Embelia ribes
- Giloy-Tinospora cordifolia
- Kumari– Aloe vera
- Shaunthi- Zingiber officinale
- Shatavari-Asparagus racemosus
- Shilajit- Asphaltum punjabinum
- Soak one to two tablespoonfuls of fenugreek (Methi) seeds overnight. Add these to a handful of rice and cook in the pressure cooker. Add salt to taste. Eat methi rice daily for a month.
- Mix 1/2 a cup of apple juice with 1/2 a cup of beetroot (chukandar) juice. Add a tsp of honey and shake well. Drink this juice twice daiy.
- Soak black sesame (Tila) seeds in warm water for 2-3 hours then grind it to make a paste and add honey or jaggery (gur) to it. Mix well. Drink it daily with milk.
- Consume fresh pomegranate (Anar) daily because it boosts blood count.
- Have one or two bananas every day. It promotes the production of hemoglobin in the blood.
- Amla (Indian Gooseberry) and red beetroot juice should be taken daily. It strengthens the body, reactivates red blood cells and supplies the body with fresh oxygen.
CAC Anemia Care Kit
- KUTKI CAPSULES- Take one capsule twice daily.
- DETOX PREMIUM SACHET- Take one sachet twice daily.
- NONI CAPSULES- Take one capsule twice daily
- PLATEFER TABLET- Take one tablet twice daily
- Power BLOOD SYRUP- Take 2 Teaspoon twice daily
- July 12, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Ayurveda is the science of life that deals to improve quality of life and treating the root cause of the disease. For fulfilling this various principles has been given in the ayurveda. Ayurvedic treatment is done by two means – Shamana chikitisa i.e with the help of medicines and Shodhan chikitisa i.e. the treatment that is to be done by panchakarma procedures . Shodhan chikitisa is done when dosha accumulation is high.
In Ayurveda there is treatment of many diseases which are not curable by modern science . Sarcoidosis is one among them. Before discussing the treatment of sarcoidosis in ayurveda it is important to know about Sarcoidosis.
What is Sarcoidosis ?
Sarcoidosis is kind of inflammatory disease that effects the multiple organs of the body. It is an autoimmune disorder related with growth of inflammatory cells in different organs of the body. Granulomas, or inflammatory clumps formed in various organs of the body cause inflammation. Lungs and lymph nodes are most effected part with sarcoidosis. Other parts that are affected by sarcoidosis includes- skin , eyes , liver, heart , spleen, brain.
Cause of sarcoidosis
The exact cause of sarcoidosis is unknown. But the factors like Race , Genetics and Gender can increase the risk of developing this condition.
- Men are more prone to this condition then women.
- People who have family history of sarcoidosis are more prone to this condition.
- People of African – American descent are more likely to develop the condition.
Symptoms of sarcoidosis
General symptoms of sarcoidosis may include
- Inflammation of lymph nodes
- Generalized weakness
- Weight loss
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Dry mouth
As Sarcoidosis affects the different parts of the body, So symptoms according to the affecting part are
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain during breathing
- Wheezing
- Dry cough
- Skin rashes
- Skin sores
- Hair loss
- Dry eyes
- Itching and pain eyes
- Burning sensation in eyes
- Sensitivity to light
- Blurred vision or vision loss
How is sarcoidosis diagnosed
Sarcoidosis is diagnosed by taking complete history of the patient and examining the patient physically. Blood investigations like LFT and RFT are performed . Additional diagnostic test like
Chest X-ray
Chest CT – scan
Lung function test
Treatment of sarcoidosis
There is no permanent cure of sarcoidosis in modern science. Symptomatic treatment is done . Steroids and immuno suppressive medicines are given.
Complications of sarcoidosis
When sarcoidosis become a chronic and long term condition then people have complications like lung infection, Cataract, Glaucoma, Kidney failure , liver disorders, Infertility , Heart problems , facial paralysis.
According to ayurveda , Sarcodoisis is a condition that can be co- related with dhatugat vikar and generation of endotoxins in the body is responsible for sarcoidosis . These endotoxins are known as Ama in the ayurveda . The accumulation of the Ama in the circulatory and lymphatic system leads to disturbance of immune system of the body and alter functioning.
After knowing the cause it can , this disorder can be well managed by Ayurveda. In Ayurveda Treatment of sarcoidosis is done by combination of shodhan chikitisa and shaman chikitisa.
Shodhan chikitisa involves procedure of asthapana basti or kashaya basti . This is done after evaluating the prakriti of patient and severity of the disease. With this some combination of medicines is also used to see effective results in patients.
Rasayan therapy is also done after shodhan chikitisa. Beside of these , some life style and dietary modification are also advised.
Some Ayurvedic herbs that are useful in Sarcoidosis are Tulsi , Haridra , Kanchnaar , Punarnava , Gokshura , Amalaki , Ashwagandha, Guggulu. All these medicated herbs have the properties that are required to treat this disease.
Medicines for Sarcoidosis by Chandigarh Ayurveda Centre
CAC Provides the best combination of effective medicines that is Sarcoidosis Care Kit as Ayurvedic treatment of sarcoidosis. These herbal medicines are prepared by using best quality of herbs by following principles of ayurveda.
Sarcoidosis Care kit contains
Kapha Powder Sachet – 1 sachet twice daily
Cough Go Tablet – 1 tab twice daily
Shwaskas Chintamani Ras – 1 tab twice daily
Amrit Tulsi Ras – 2 drops twice daily
Trikatu Tablet – 1 tab twice daily
Kapha Balance Tablet – 1 tab twice daily
This unique combination is very effective which is specially made to treat this kind of ailment which have effect over the all organs of body . The medicines in this kit possess anti- inflammatory , anti-oxidant properties that helps to reduce the inflammation . Medicine like trikatu has shown effective results in treatment of autoimmune disorders.
All medicines in this kit show commutative effect to treat the disease and increases immunity.
For more information visits our website
- July 12, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
According to Ayurveda Varsha Ritu falls in the two hindu months of shravana and bhadrapada (Utarayana kala) and the general body strength of an individual is weak. One must follow a specific Diet and lifestyle schedule in varsha ritu (rainy season) as the chances of having metabolism issues is great during this season. Monsoon is the season where so many diseases can occur in our body due to vitiation of Vata and accumulation of Pita dosha. Imbalance of vata and pita dosha is the major cause of various diseases occurring during the varsha ritu (rainy season).
The sudden change in climate, causing fluctuations in temperature, is the major cause of flu and cold during the monsoon. During rainy season, the immune system weakens and becomes vulnerable to cough, cold and flu. Some symptoms include Fever, Aching muscles, Sneezing, Runny nose and Congestion etc.
Through the years viral fevers are a common symptoms, but during rainy season, they are the most common viral fevers last from 3 to 7days, however, it is always good to consult your physician before diagnosing anything.
It is highly infectious monsoon-related disease. The most common virus known to cause typhoid is salmonella typhi. The typhoid is usually transmitted through unsanitary food or water, and best part is that it is curable. The most common symptoms of the typhoid are a sore throat, cough, loss of appetite and constipation.
During rainy season diarrhea (Atisaara) is one of the most common health complaints. Diarrhea can be caused due to the consumption of unhygienic food and water.
Some symptoms include-
- Loose watery stools
- Bloating
- Abdominal
- cramps
- Nausea and Fever
Dengue is the most common disease which spread through mosquito bites of Aedes aegypti mosquito caused during rainy season.
Some symptoms include –
- High fever
- Rashes
- Headache
- Decreased platelets count
- Joint and muscle pain
- Hypersensitivity
Case of malaria disease rise in rainy season (varsha ritu) as there is a problem of water clogging in many areas. It is spread through Anopheles mosquitoes.
Some symptoms include-
- High grade fever
- Body ache
- Body chills (shivering)
- Sweating
- Water available in the reservoirs during rainy season is comparatively heavy to digest and the digestive fire is sluggish during this period.
- An individual is likely to experience loss of appetite in rainy season.
- Avoid consuming stale food.
- Avoid leafy vegetables during rainy season.
- Take light and fresh foods prepared from barley, rice and wheat Include cow’s ghee, lean meat, lentils, green gram, rice and wheat in daily diet.
- Before every meal small piece of ginger with rock salt should be consumed.
- If the days are cooler due to heavy rains, take a diet that is sour, salty and oily.
- Take Sour and salted soups of vegetables.
- Onion, lean meat and vegetables may also be used in soups.
- Drink boiled and cooled water mixed with honey.
- Avoid eating uncooked foods and salads and eat warm food
- Don’t drink excess of fluids at this further slows down the metabolism.
- Avoid curds, red meat and any foodstuff, which are heavy to digest.
- One may have buttermilk instead of curds.
- According to Bhavaprakash states that consuming Haritaki with rock salt in Varsha Ritu is beneficial to health.
- Avoid Sleeping in daytime as it interrupt digestion and slows down the metabolism
- Panchkarma therapies can be done.
- Avoid over exertion and over exposure to sun.
- Avoid moving out in afternoon sun.
- Always keep the surrounding dry and clean.
- Stop the water accumulation around you.
- Keep body warm as viruses attack immediately when body temperature goes down.
- Do not enter air-conditioned room with wet hair and damp clothes
- During monsoon walking in dirty water should be avoided
- Avoid getting wet in the rains, keep your feet dry and clean.
- Wear dry clothes to avoid getting infections as immunity is low during this season.
- Use of Perfumes is advocated in varsha ritu.
- Drying clothes with fumes of loban and dry Neem leaves is also recommended in Ayurvedic texts.
Varsha Ritu is the perfect time for body detoxification. Panchkarma is bio purification methods that cleanse your body through five treatments include basti, nasya, swedana, abhyanga, and snehana.
- July 12, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
- Varsha Ritu or Monsoon brings many diseases out of which cold and flu are very common.
- According to Ayurveda Monsoon or Varsha ritu comes under Visarga kaala (The ayana which enhances aapya ansha (or watery ingredients, moisture, fluidity) and strength of the living beings.)
- Months included in Varsha Ritu- Shravana and Bhadrapada i.e. Mid-July to Mid- September.
- During this season all the Doshas goes out of Balance, digestive fire or Agni becomes weak and causes diseases related to digestion. Ayurveda strongly recommend purification practices or Panchakarma during Varsha Ritu. So, diet and lifestyle should not be ignored.
- When cold air starts to breeze and it gets dark and cloudy, you know that it will rain. Also, dehydration, a rise in body temperature, stress, etc. are very common Rains lead to the drop in temperature which makes a person feel lethargic.
- Some Drinks which will help you to Refresh your Mood and help you stay healthy and fit.
Fruits are enriched with nutrition. They are fully packed with minerals and vitamins which is very beneficial for a human body.
Instead of unhealthy tea and pakora one should try drinking homemade fruit juice. It will help a person to generate more energy which helps them to stay active throughout the day.
It is also a good option to maintain one’s health and fitness during the Varsha Ritu. Vegetables are rich in minerals and help a person to develop strong tissues.
They also help to boost up the metabolism and make you feel refreshed.
- It has a high content of protein and calcium which helps to boost bone strength. It is low in calories as it is made by taking out fat in the form of butter from milk.
- The person who is facing regular digestive problems during monsoon season should consume it to tackle their problems.
Here are some lists of juices which you can prepare easily at home and enjoy during the Monsoon or Varsha ritu-
It is one of the healthiest drinks which helps one to stay hydrated and is also very low in calories. It helps to relieve your thirst. It contains a high amount of Vitamin C which makes it a natural hydrant and a savior from common diseases that people face due to adverse conditions of monsoon.
How to make-
This recipe is for one glass of Lemonade
- Make Simple sugar syrup by stirring up water and sugar in a pan or glass or by boiling sugar in water till it dissolves completely then cool it.
- Take 3-4 lemons and squeeze them and then combine the sugar syrup and lemon.
- Now it is ready to drink enjoy this nutritious drink.
- In Varsha ritu it is advised to take Honey. Honey lemonade is a good choice for this monsoon.
How to make-
- It is prepared easily by mixing up these components i.e. Lemon juice, Honey in water.
- It is refreshing magical potion that will make you feel refreshed.
- It helps to detox your body.
- It rejuvenates your skin.
- Honey possesses healing properties when used on wounds and skin conditions.
- It also helps to burns fat.
How to Make-
- Take 2 or 3 medium sized bael fruit open the hard shell then take out the soft pulp with the help of a spoon scoop.
- Add the soft pulp in bowl and then add 1cup of water, soak it for 20 to 25 minutes.
- After that mash the pulp very well then strain it after that add Jaggery or sugar as per requirement.
- You can also add roasted cumin powder, cardamom powder (optional) and 2pinches of black salt.
- Mix it very well and your bael juice is ready to drink.
- It is good for your heart, brain and digestive system.
- It has been used traditionally to cure constipation, diarrhea, getting rid of ulcers.
- It is a healthy choice for the people with diabetes mellitus.
- Various compounds like tannins, flavonoids etc. present in it helps to reduce the inflammation.
- It is very helpful in purification of blood.
- It provides cooling effect to the body.
How to make-
- Peel off the orange and squeeze it manually or with the help of a juicer you can make juice of it.
- Add a pinch of black salt for taste.
- Enjoy this simple and tasty juice.
- Orange juice is rich in several Important Nutrients like vitamin C, folate and potassium.
- Enriched with Antioxidants.
- It may help to prevent Kidney Stones.
- It may improve your Heart Health.
- It may decrease the Inflammation.
This juice maintains the natural glow of the skin with its ample minerals and nutrients.
The Hormones present in Aloe vera is gibberellins and auxin which can heal your skin in monsoon.
How to make-
Cut a large aloe vera leaf, remove the skin in half take out the pulp
Rinse the gel to remove some of the bitterness.
Grind the pulp in a glass of water, add sugar and lemon for taste.
Drink this Aloe vera juice to achieve its goodness this monsoon.
- Amla juice is a very good choice for a health conscious person.
- It is enriched with a good quantity of Vitamin C; it aids collagen production and delays the process of skin ageing.
- It also fights ageing-related skin problems like dark spots, wrinkles, and fine lines.
How to make-
Take Amla fruit cut them in small pieces then simply put amla pieces in the juicer and extract amla juice.
Strain the juice through a muslin cloth or sieve.
The juice is ready to drink and one of the healthiest choice for the monsoon.
How to make-
- Firstly, take 1 cup peeled and chopped lauki in a blender
- You can also add handful mint, ½ tsp cumin powder, ½ tsp pepper, 1-inch ginger, 2pinch black salt and 1 tsp lemon juice and 1cup of water.
- Blend it smooth then pour lauki juice in a glass with few ice cubes (optional).
- It is rich source of iron, vitamins and potassium, having this juice everyday will help you reduce weight.
- In Varsha ritu, people may face digestive issues this juice cures your tummy problems.
- It helps to treat Urinary tract infections.
- Consumption of this juice every morning helps in lowering the cholesterol levels, thus supports your heart health.
- It is an excellent post-workout drink.
- It contains good amount of choline (a neurotransmitter) helps in relieving stress, depression and mental illness.
When to consume these juices?
Consume the desirable juice early in the morning or half an hour before meals.
Recommended Intake- 1-2glasses per day
Top 7 Ayurvedic Skin Care Tips That Will Make Your Skin Glow
- July 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) –
- Manjistha is known as one of the powerful Ayurvedic herbs for glowing skin.
- You can take this internally or can also use it in your regular face pack.
Neem (Azadihrecta indica)-
- Ayurveda refers to Neem as Sarva Roga Nivarini (‘Universal Cure of Ailments’).
- Its calming property is very beneficial for pimple prone skin.
Sandalwood (Santalum album) –
- Ayurveda says that Sandalwood induces Saumanasya Janana (‘Mental Coherence & Placidity’)
- According to Ayurveda science it is known to pacifying the pitta dosha, which means that it has cooling properties.
- Sandalwood paste can be used in a face maskfor oily, acne-prone skin.
- The powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of sandalwood reduce the irritation and redness on the skin.
Tulsi (Holy Basil)-
- It is the ‘Queen of Herbs’ known for its cleansing and toning properties.
Pimple is a type of acne that results from blocked pores due to excess production of oil (sebum), dead skin cells, and bacteria, getting trapped in the pores of the skin.
- Cleanse your face twice every day with neem soap/ herbal face wash and lukewarm water to remove excess dirt, sweat, and oil.
- Drink plenty of water for hydrated and glowing skin.
- Consume fresh fruits and vegetables for healty skin.
- Make a Paste of Mint leaves in water or Rosewater + Lemon Juice and apply all over face and neck.
- Mint leaves have Salicylic acid, Anti-inflammatory, astringent and antioxidant properties which reduces pimple.
- Lemon is very good for acne because of Antimicrobial activity.
Ayurveda has many secrets that can help us in protecting our skin’s natural glow.
There are some natural remedies for radiant and glowing healthy skin include-
Scientific name– Curcuma longa
- Haridra-The Yellow On
- Gauri-The One Whose Face is Light and Shining
- Kanchani-Golden Goddess
- Curcuma longa is the ultimate Ayurvedic ingredients for skin.
- Turmeric has curcumin which has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties.
- Its antioxidant property eliminates the harmful free radicals that damage the skin.
- Turmeric also keeps the skin supple and glowing by enhancing collagen production.
How to use turmeric-
- Mix 4 tablespoons of gram flour with one teaspoon turmeric powder and add enough water or milk to form a smooth paste.
- Apply this paste all over face and neck and leave it for 20 to 25 minutes.
- Then, rinse it off with normal water.
- Repeat this process twice or thrice a week.
- Leaves of green tea maintain the collagen production in the skin because they are rich in flavonoids.
- Green tea leaves help in maintaining healthy and glowing skin.
- Leaves of green tea also reduce the signs of ageing and maintain the elasticity of the skin.
How to use green tea-
- Boil 1 spoon leaves of green tea in water until they impart color.
- After cool it down add 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of cream and 2 spoons of the solution make a smooth paste.
- Apply this paste directly the face and neck and scrub it gently.
- After 15 minutes Wash it off with plain water.
- Repeat this process once or twice a week.
- Rose is an exclusive Ayurvedic ingredient that has soothing properties.
- Its balances Sadhaka Pita which in turn controls our emotions and makes us calmer and happier.
- Rose water helps in getting a naturally glowing skin by reducing stress level.
- It also removes impurities from our skin.
How To Use Rose water
- Use pure rose water prepared at home by using the steam distillation method.
- Dip a cotton ball into rose water then apply it directly over the face and neck.
- Repeat this process twice a day for 10 to 15 days
- You can store your bottle of rose water in the refrigerator.
- Rosewater is generally used as toner as it refreshes and cleanses the facial skin.
- Rose water brightens the skin tone and balances the pH of the skin by stimulating the blood circulation.
Use Ripe papaya-
- Take few pieces of ripe papaya and add 1 teaspoon of Multani Mitti and 1 teaspoon of honey then Mix these ingredients to make a paste.
- Apply the paste all over the face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes then wash off it with plain water.
- Papaya helps you in clearing the oil and dirt that can lead to acne and breakouts on the face Multani Mitti absorbs the excess oil and honey moisturizes and hydrates the skin.
Use Pure Honey-
- The anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties of honey gives you clear,radiant and soft skin.
- Honey reduces blemishes and makes the skin soft and healthy.
- Apply pure honey equally all over face and massage gently for a few minutes.
- Then, wash it off with lukewarm water.
- Do this process twice a week.
Use Pure Aloe Vera Gel-
- Mix 1 tsp of aloe vera gel, a pinch of turmeric, 1 tsp of milk and one teaspoon of honey in a bowl.
- Apply this mixture all over the face and leave it for 15 minutes.
- Then Wash it off with normal wate.
- Repeat this process once or twice a week.
- Aloe vera nourishes, heals and rejuvenates the facial skin to give a naturally glowing skin.
Use Raw Milk-
- The Raw milk is rich in lactic acid and skin friendly ingredients have a mild bleaching action that reveals a brighter complexion.
- Add 2 teaspoons of milk to 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of besan and mix them to form a paste.
- Apply the paste all over the face and neck and leave it for 20 mins until it gets dry.
- Then rinse off the paste with warm water.
- Repeat this process twice or thrice a week for best results.
- Detox Premium Powder
- Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu
- Skin Care Plus Tablet
- Twak Churana
- Panchsakar Churna
- Skin Glow Kadha
- Aloe Vera Gel
- Blood Purifier Syrup
- Strawberry Face Cream
- Orange Face Cream
Nourish Your Skin with Oil Massage-
- Choose one oil for facial massage according to your skin requirement and choice.
- You can use some oil for healty skin such as Sunflower oil, Coconut oil, Jojoba oil, Sesame oil and Avocado oil etc.
Practice Yoga for Getting a Naturally Glowing Skin-
- Daily practice of pranayama detoxifies your body and improves blood circulations.
Take Healthy Food for Healthy Skin
- Add healthy food in your diet such as Ghee, dairy products, coconut oil, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, animal protein, and seasonal fruits etc.
- the best diet for glowing skin can be determined after skillful examination of specific body type and Dosha
Revised lifestyle-
- Lifestyle has a great stake in your overall health when it comes to Ayurveda.
- It is beneficial to maintain a simple daily routine, drink sufficient water, eat healthily, indulge in daily exercise, execute a healthy diet, and catch undisturbed sleep.
- Detoxifying your body often helps to get rid of toxins and give you a healthy glowing skin.
Top Home Remedies for Liver Diseases
- July 11, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Liver disease can be defined as any condition that damages the liver and prevents it from functioning well or any disease that negatively affects the normal, healthy performance of the liver.
Here are some natural remedies to heal your liver, also prevention and cure of liver diseases naturally-
- It is the most popular herb found in every Kitchen and it can be extremely beneficial for your liver health.
- It possesses anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties and also acts as an antioxidant. The multiplication of viruses causing hepatitis B and C.
- How to use- Add turmeric to your cooking or add half a teaspoon of it to milk and drink it on regular basis.
- It is helpful in detoxification the liver. It metabolizes fat if consumed before meals.
- There are many ways you can consume it – Take 1 spoonful of apple cider vinegar and mix it with one glass of water or add a spoonful each of apple cider vinegar and honey to water.
- Drink it in early morning and take it 2 to 3 times in a week.
- It is delicious and safest natural remedy for liver diseases, especially for liver cirrhosis.
- How to take– Simply peel and cut the fruit and eat it or combine half teaspoonful of lemon juice with 2 teaspoonful of papaya juice and consume it every day.
- Amla is a great immune modulator; it also has liver-protective functions and ensures optimal liver functions as it is a rich source of vitamin C.
- How to take- You can either eat 1 to 2 raw amla a day or consume it after boiling in water.
- A mixture of spinach and carrot juice is an excellent remedy for liver cirrhosis.
- How to take – Combine equal parts of spinach juice and carrot juice. Drink the juice at least once every day for liver repair.
- For control of serum and lipid levels of liver is controlled by the polyphenols present in
- The Pectin and malic acid present in it helps to remove toxins and carcinogens.
- It possesses anti-inflammatory properties that protect the person against fatty
- Apple and leafy vegetables both contains pectin and Antioxidants which helps to removes toxins from the digestive tract and thus, protects the liver.
The following herbal tea helps to detoxify the liver and promote the liver health-
DANDELION TEA- It is one of the remedies that can promote healthy liver function.
Boiling a small amount of roots in water and drinking this twice a day keeps liver diseases at bay.
LICORICE TEA – It has been used from ancient time in several formulations to cure liver conditions.
How to make – Grind the licorice root, add it to boiling water and strain the liquid for a few minutes. Consume it two times a day to prevent or get rid of liver problems.
CHAMOMILE TEA – The Sesquiterpene lactone is the content present in it helps the liver prime its detoxification pathways. This tea is mildly bitter due to presence of this content and it also relaxes the Nervous system.
- Owing to the presence of phytoconstituents, flax seeds prevent hormones from circulating in the blood and reduce strain on the liver.
- How to use- The use of crushed flax seeds on your toast or salads or consumption of it along with your cereals helps to keep liver diseases at bay.
- One should consume avocados and walnuts in your diet to protect your liver from diseases.
- The presence of glutathione in avocados and walnut helps to cleanse out the toxin deposits in the liver.
Beet and Parsley Juice :
- Beetroot is excellent for protection of liver. It is enriched with antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B-6, and iron.
- These presence of these combination helps to protect the liverfrom inflammation and oxidative stress.
- It also enhances its ability to remove toxins out from the body. It also stimulates red blood cell production and helps to build stamina.
- Adding of parsley in beetmay prevent liverdamage, enhance liver function, and boost antioxidant levels. So, Juice it up!
Lemon Shots :
- Early morning intake of Lemonjuice helps tocleanse your liver, stimulate it to flush out all its toxins and revive it again.
- In some studies it is observed that lemon fight against alcohol-induced liver
- It may reduce or even reverse the effects of excessive alcohol consumption on the liver.
Some useful Tips :
- Intake of rich fibrous, low fat diet and avoid intake of oily and spicy food, junk food items, packaged and processed food items.
- Avoid food with added sugar or salt.
- Avoid Alcohol Intake-In order to protect your Liver one should avoid intake of Alcohol.
- Drink plenty of fluids- Drink 2 to 3litres of water per day. Staying hydrated helps the liver to function properly.
- Be Active- Switch to Yoga and pranayama and boost your liver health.
Ayurvedic treatment for Liver disorder
There are many questions in the mind of the people like- How to take care of liver naturally? How to reduce Fatty liver? How to reverse fatty liver?
Stop your worries get treated at the right time with Ayurveda in a natural way and protect your liver and rejuvenate your Life with “CAC Fatty Liver care Kit”.
What is the best treatment for Liver disease?
CAC provides best medication for fatty Liver it consists of the following medications-
- Liver care Syrup-
- It enhances regeneration of liver cells
- Promote functions of liver
- Improves blood flow from the liver.
- It helps in the cases of Fatty liver, Cirrhosis of liver, Hepatitis, Obstructive jaundice and Hepatomegaly.
- Kutki Capsule –
- Helps to pacify the pitta and vata dosha
- Helps in detoxification of body.
- Purifies the blood
- Relieves from constipation and abdominal distension.
- Good for Digestive health
- Helps in cure of the diseases – Liver disorders, Respiratory disorders, Ascitis, Joint inflammatory conditions etc.
- Panchasakar churna-
- It helps in detoxification of the body
- Beneficial in the cases of fatty liver, constipation, abdominal pain, swelling, loss of appetite etc.
- Premium Detox Powder-
- It helps in detoxification or purification of the liver naturally.
- It helps to reduce pain, abdominal swelling etc.
- It is good for your gut health.
- Liver care tablet-
- It helps in balancing the pitta dosha
- It is helpful in treating the Liver disorders like- Hepatitis, Cirrhosis of liver, Fatty liver, Hepatomegaly and obstructive jaundice.
- It helps to remove excessive fat from the liver and maintains your liver health.
- Dosage of the above medications may vary from person to person. So, it is advisable to take it as directed by the Physician.
For detailed description visit-
Role of Ayurvedic Herbs in Amenorrhea
- July 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
In Ayurveda science, amenorrhea is known as Anartava. According to acharya charaka women is suffering from diseases due to aggravated tata. Vitiated vata is responsible for the vishamta of doshas. Anartava is a disease due to vata but other doshas can also cause it. Both vata and pitta can play a role in Anartava but the most common factor responsible for disease is vata.
There are two types of amenorrhea
Primary amenorrhea
Normally women menstruate first at the age of 14 and 15 and women fails to menstruate at this age this condition is called primary amenorrhea.
Secondary amenorrhea-
Secondary amenorrhea occurs when menstrual cycle disturbed for two and three months
Variety of factors can cause secondary amenorrhea include-
- Pregnancy
- Emotional stress
- Overactive thyroid gland
- Mental stress
- Menopause
- Excessive exercise
- Ovarian tumors
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome
- Milky nipple discharge
- Changes in breast size
- Vaginal dryness
- Hair loss
- Headache
- Vision changes
- Extra facial hair
- Pelvic pain
- Acne
- Thyroid function (thyroid-stimulating hormone, or TSH, levels).
- Ovary function (follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH, and luteinizing hormone, or LH, levels).
- Testosterone (“male hormone”) levels, which can detect PCOS.
- Estrogen (“female hormone”) levels.
Chitraka, kumari, Lasuna, pippali, guggulu, satapuspa and shatavari are best herbs for woman who suffers from amenorrhoea.
- Along with mahayograj guggul and raja pravartini vati, kumari asav helps to bring on menstruation.
- It also acts on ovaries and corrects the ovarian functions and induces ovulation.
- It may also influence female hormones and helps to normalize and balance hormone levels, which may help bringing on menstrual periods.
- kumari asav increases menstrual blood flow and regulates the menstrual periods.
- Kumara is beneficial when patient has scanty menstruation and less bleeding.
- If bleeding is heavy, then ashokarishta should be given and if bleeding is less, then kumari asav is beneficial.
- Pippali has Vata balancing property and gives relief in amenorrhea.
- It controls aggravated Vata and reduces abdominal pain and cramps during the menstrual cycle.
- Shatavari scientifically known as Asparagus racemosus is the most significant herb for women.
- It is known as a Rasayana, or rejuvenating, immunity-boosting herb.
- Shatavari cleanses and nourishes the female reproductive organs.
- Shatavari Kalpa is extremely useful for women’s reproductive health.
Ayurvedic detoxification (Panchakarma) is recommended as the first stage of Ayurvedic management.
Sroto rodha will be relieved and proper nourishment will take place after the Panchakarma.
Abhyanga and Swedana
Ayurvedic Snehana and Swedana are very good for pacifying vata dosha and nourishes the system. For snehana karma Dhanwantaram oil is particularly appropriate. The Udvartnam karma with Triphala powder is highly effective in combating amenorrhea.
Snehana –
The sneha will counteract the ruksha qualities of vata, abhyanga using chitraka, guduchi, bala with boiled milk and tila taila helps with the downward movement of Vata.
Useful ghrtas are Phalaghrta and Vrhatsatavari.
Swedana –
In amenorrhea Nadi swedana is recommended with vata pacifying drugs.
Medicated Enema-
Medicated enema is highly beneficial for treating the condition
Basti –
- The udhbhava sthana of Arajaska is the Amashaya and pakwashaya.
- The pakwashaya is the sthana of vata.
- Basti is given to eliminate the aggravated vayu from
- Anuvasana help to encourage the downward movement of Vata.
- The therapy has a Vata-pacifying effect (Vata Shaman) while also unblocking the Purishvaha srotas.
Uttara basti –
- Medicated oils are applied directly inside the uterus.
- This treatment is indicated in yoni vyapat.
- Uttara basti improves the endometrial thickness and stimulates ovulation.
- Phala Ghritham is used for Uttara Basti.
- In case of an underdeveloped uterus, the therapy is performed with Kshara Tailam.
- Kasis Tailam is used for patients with blocked tubes.
- Uttara Basti helps to encourage the downward movement of Vata.
- This is known as Anuloman, meaning to facilitate the downward movement through action.
- The therapy has a Vata-pacifying effect (Vata Shaman) while also unblocking the Artavavahi. the Purishvaha srotas.
- Uttara Basti was given for Sthanik Shodhana.
- On ovary, the effect of drug will be after absorption and then by promoting the Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Ovarian axis, thus Uttarbasti acts locally.
- Samsodhana ensures as a complete eradication of Vikruta Doshas and increases Agneya condition of the body which is resulting into relative increase in Artava.
Ayurvedic Formulations for Amenorrhea
- Asokarishtam
• Aswagandharishtam
• Kumaryasavam
• Dasamularishtam
• Hinguvachadi Churnam
• Phalasarpis
• Gulguluthiktham Kashayam
• Sukumaram Kashayam
- Padmasana
- Halasana
- Dhanurasana
- Saravangasana
- Shalabhasana
- Bhujangasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Take Warm, nutritious and easily digested foods such as Kitchari and soups give the GI tract a rest and facilitate cleansing, as does drinking hot water throughout the day.
- Alcohol should be avoided
- Regular meditation and relaxation therapy are important to decrease mental stress.
- Fear, worry and anxiety are “anti-menses” emotions.
- Daily oil massage with dosha appropriate oil can be helpful in restoring balance.
CAC amenorrhea care kit-
- Rajapravartini Vati-Take 2 tablets twice a day with normal water.
- Stri- Poshak Syrup- Take 2 teaspoonful twice a day with normal water.
- Stri – Poshak Capsules- Take 2 capsules twice a day with normal water.
- Ashwagandha Tablet- Take 2 tablets twice a day with normal water.
- Femine care tablets- Take 1 tablet twice daily.
- Rasayan Vati -Take 1 tablet twice daily.
How Ayurveda Can Help to Cure Blemishes
- July 8, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
What are blemishes?
Blemishes are defined as a discoloration of the facial skin. Facial blemishes occur when pores are clogged with bacteria, viruses, sebum and dead skin cells. Pollution and UV rays are one of the most common and major causes that hurt’s skin barrier function by breaking down collagen and the lipids. Every individual has to suffer from irritation, rashes, and breakouts, particularly peaks in pollution. But if an individual starts taking Ayurvedic treatment for blemishes at the starting stage, the condition can cure its root cause and prevent further complications also.
Sun exposure
Excessive exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) sun rays can cause hyperpigmentation, skin cancer, and other forms of skin damage.
Some blemishes, are caused by viruses, like HSV-1, varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes.
Blemishes may have a genetic link.
Some medications may cause acne as a side effect this includes:
- Androgenic steroids
- Corticosteroids
- Antiseizure drugs
- Lithium
Clogged pores
- When your sebaceous gland produces excessive sebum or oil it trapped within the pores and cause blemishes.
- Excess oil can coalesce with dirt, dead skin cells and bacteria etc.
- This results in pimples, pustules, blackheads, and whiteheads to form.
- Makeup, sunscreen, or moisturizers and Hairstyling products can also clog pores if they get onto your face.
- An infection in the hair follicles can cause blemishes to erupt the skin.
- This condition is caused by an overgrowth of yeast and causes pimples to form.
Hormonal disturbance-
- Changes in the hormones will lead to the formation of acne, pustules, blemishes, and other skin problems.
- Mainly hormones fluctuate during puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and many women experience a surge of blemishes during the start of their monthly period cycle.
Stress –
- Stress and anxiety induces the adrenal glands into the overproduction of a steroid known as Cortisol, which in turn makes sebaceous glands produce more oil and turns the skin extra oily.
- To get rid of this, a person should keep away from the stress and take sound sleep each night.
- Persons who consume the diets which are high in sugar and simple carbohydrates may also lead to blemishes.
- Dairy products, such as skim milk, may cause acne, blemishes in some people.
- The food with a high amount of oil, salt, and other species may also lead to blemishes
- Formation of the blackheads, and whiteheads on the skin,
- Itchy and painful rash appears
- Formation of pimples (raised, red spots that contain white or yellow pus)
- Cysts on the skin appears on the face, chest, and back,
- Sometimes mild tenderness and pain feel on the face
If a person regularly consume Pitta aggravated products like oily, spicy, fried, fatty, salty, processed foods, consume excessive coffee, black tea, alcohol, too much exposure to the sun, emotional stress, overworking or under resting, regular use of chemicals based creams, bleaches, and certain medications, all these causes will impure the Rakta dhatu and Mamsa dhatu.
Impured Rakta dhatu and Mamsa dhatu lead to the formation of blemishes and other skin problems.
We can easily treat our blemishes with some common home remedies. Some of the best effective home remedies that can be used by every individual these include-
- Multani mitti is widely known for its beneficial effects on the skin.
- Fuller’s will help to open the clogged pores and expells out the excessive oil and sweat from the facial skin.
How to use it-
- We can make a paste by adding rose water and lemon juice in the multani mitti.
- Apply this paste on your face equally and leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes, then wash off thoroughly.
- This paste will help provide luster and glow on your face and also help in removing the dead skin cells.
Neem (Azadihrecta indica)-
- Neem is well known for Ayurvedic treatment for blemishes & its anti-septic, blood detoxifying, anti-biotic properties, and widely used for many years.
- Neem leaves gives cooling and soothing effect on the skin and reduces redness, burning sensation, tenderness, and other associated symptoms of blemishes.
- Neem moisturizes your skin and makes it softer and its anti-fungal properties provide relief fromt the scars and pigmentation.
How to use it –
- Make a decoction (kadha) of neem leaves and apply it on your face daily.
Potato is good for the reduction of pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes, acne, blemishes, and other skin problems because it has a high amount of starch that works wonderfully.
How to use it-
- You can use potatoes by extracting the juice of potato.
- Apply potato extract on your face directly.
- After 15-20 minute wash it off with normal water and apply moisturizer.
- You can do this procedure daily or three to four times a week, you will show a noticeable result in your skin.
- Orange fruit is high in Vitamin-C, citric acid and very good in repairing the damaged skin.
- Orange feel powder will help in keeps your skin looking younger and radiantr.
How to use it-
- Add 1-2 tsp of orange peel powder with yogurt and honey
- Apply this face pack and leave it for about 20 to 25 minutes.
- After that, wash off with normal water and apply moisturizer.
- This procedure will give a youthful and vibrant glow, day after day.
CAC Blemishes Go Kit-
- Blood Purifier Syrup– Take 2 teaspoonful twice daily.
- Detox Premium Powder– Take 1 sachet twice daily with normal water.
- Panchatiktaghrit Guggulu- Take 1 tablet twice daily.
- Skin Care Tablet– Take 1 tablet twice daily.
- Aloe Vera Gel– Gently applies over the affected area of the skin.
- Twak Tailm- Apply over the affected area of the skin.
- Skin Glow Kadha– Take 20 ml twice daily with an equal amount of water.