- April 9, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Akshitarpana is a Sanskrit word in which” Akshi” means eyes and “Tarpana” means nourishment. This is a procedure for eye nourishment and refreshes the eyes. Akshitarpan (NetraTarpan) is the best therapy to improve eyesight and vision. In this procedure, medicated or plain unctuous substances like Ghrita pour over the eyeball for a specific period of time either a preventive or curative treatment with aimed providing nourishment and improving the efficiency of the eyes. In Ayurveda this procedure commonly called Kriyakalpa for eye diseases, Kriyakalpa means treatment.
Akshitarpan in Ayurveda has an eye care and rejuvenation treatment program. It is generally prescribed after the course of a body detoxifying program, therapeutic purification, and a course of Nasayam.
30 minutes
In this procedure, the eye is filled with medicated oil or ghee for a specific period of time and asked the patients to lie down comfortably. Then make a dough of black gram, a circular ring boundary is formed around the eye socket with the height of one and a half inch, after lukewarm medicinal ghee or oil is poured slowly into the eyes, keeping the eyes closed during this process, the patient should be calm, stable and keep eyes open and close frequently so that the ghee can remain well in contact with the eyes. This procedure is done in a few diseases of the eyes such as refractive error, xerophthalmia, and so on with various herbal medicines. This treatment also enhances the beauty of the eyes.
- Balances Vata and pitta dosha,
- Improves vision,
- Removes dark circles,
- Reappearance and re-energize tired, dry, fat, and injured eyes,
- Give strength to the muscles and nerves of the eyes,
- Giving relaxation to the eye strain due to continuous work on the computer watching television screen for a long time, due to the precision job like jewelry designing and long-distance drive,
- Protects against the formation of cataracts.
- When a patient sees the darkness in front of their eyes
- Dryness of the eyes
- The roughness of the eyes
- Stiffness of eyelids
- Falling of eyelashes
- The dirtiness of the eyes
- Deviated eyeball or squint
- In extreme aggravation of the diseases of the eye
- Injury or traumatic condition of the eye
- Vata –pitta predominant diseases
- VAGBHATTA has further added a list of diseases which is specifically selected for tarpan karma.
- Kricchronmilana (difficulty in opening eyes),
- Siraharsha (congestion of conjunctival blood vessel),
- Sirotpata (episcleritis),
- Tama (blackout),
- Arjuna (subconjunctival hemorrhage),
- Syanda (conjunctivitis),
- Adhimantha (glaucoma).
- According to ACHARYA SUSHRUTA tarpana is not indicated:
- On a cloudy day
- Extreme hot or cold seasons
- In conditions of worries and anxiety
- In conditions of tiredness and giddiness of eyes
- In complications of eyes
- In the condition of acute pain, inflammation, redness, etc.
- Poorva Karma: Sthanika abhyanga & mridu swedan is done.
- Pradhana Karma: Akshi tarpana should be carried out in the forenoon or in the afternoon after the food taken by the patient or when the food has been digested and the head and the whole body of the patient have been treated with purification measures. The patient is made to lie in the supine position in a good-lighted and ventilated room free from dust & smoke. Then the eyes are encircled with firm, compact leakproof daugh made up of paste of powdered Masha. According to Vagbhatta daugh is made up to a height of two angulas. The patient is then asked to close the eyes and over the closed eyes, ghrita is poured with appropriate drugs and liquefied in lukewarm water should be poured to the eye orbit, till the level of the tip of eyelashes. The patient is asked to open & close the eye intermittently & steadily.
- Paschata Karma: After retaining of ghrita in a specific period, the ghrita is drained out through a hole made at the bottom of the dough wall near the outer canthus of the eye, and the eye is washed with lukewarm water. The Kapha which stimulated by the potency of ghrita, should be eliminated by Nasya, and fumigation with the help of Kapha-suppressive drugs. The patient is advised to keep away from exposure to bright lights, wind, sky, and mirrors.
- Balances Vata and pitta dosha,
- Improves vision,
- Removes dark circles,
- Reappearance and re- energize tired, dry, fat and injured eyes,
- Give strength to the muscles and nerves of the eyes,
- Giving relaxation to the eye strain due to continuous work on the computer watching television screen for long time, due to the precision job like jewelry designing and long-distance drive,
- Protects against the formation of cataracts.
- Sukhaswapana – good (sound) sleep
- Avbodhatva – blissful awakening
- Vaishadhya – clearness of the eyes
- Varnapatava – discernment of individual colors
- Nivriti – feeling of comfort
- Vyadhividhvansa -cure of the disease
- Kriya laghvama – easiness in closing and opening the eyes
- Prakash kshamta – ability to withstand bright light
- Netragaurava – heaviness in eyes
- Avilta – indistinct vision
- Atisnigdhata -excessive oiliness
- Ashru srava – lacrimation
- Kandu – itching
- Upadeha – stickiness
- Dosha-samutklishta – aggravation of dosha
- Netrarukshata – dryness of eye
- Avilta – indistinct vision
- Ashrusrava – lacrimation
- Asahyam roopdarshan- difficulty in vision
- Vyadhivridhi – aggravation of disease
Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.