Importance of Aushadh Sevankala
- June 28, 2021
- Posted by Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh
- 0 Comment(s)
Aushadh Sevan Kala is the type of Avasthika Kala implied for the legitimate season of medication organization. Aushadh Sevan Kala will help in food a medication cooperation which is useful to accomplish a speedy and economical alleviation to the patient. Kala (time) is a significant factor which should be mulled over while treatment. All Kala relies on the activity of vata dosha. Pitta and Kapha dosha has quiet job among the Kala in light of the fact that the moving property of the medication is by the activity of Vata dosha. So Aushadh Sevan Kalas are vital in Chikitsa of Rogi.
Types of Aushadh Sevan Kalas are;
- Abhakta
- Pragbhakta
- Adhobhakta
- Madhyebhakta
- Antarabhakta
- Sabhakta
- Samudga
- Muhurmuhu
- Grasa bhakta
- Grasantara bhakta
Table of Contents
Abhakta Kala
In abhakta kaala medication is controlled in void stomach so that medication ought to straightforwardly interact with agni. As in abhakta kaala stomach is without kapha consequently the stomach related fire digests the medication totally and one gets the greatest advantages of the medication
Pragbhakta Kala
Pragbhakta medication is controlled not long before the admission of food. Medicine regulated in this kala will get processed without influencing the strength of individual. As the medication will get covered by food, there will be no spewing forth of food. It will assist with restoring the illnesses related with stomach.
Madhyebhakta Kala
In Madhyabhakta kaala medication is controlled in the middle the meal.Madya bhakta aushadhi because of its nature of not spreading (avisari bhava), dies down the illnesses of Madhya sharir, which means medication directed during this kala follows up on samana vata. When this samana vata is remedied, Agni or pachaka pitta begins working appropriately.
Adhobhakta Kala
In Adhobhakta kala, Bheshaja is directed after suppers. Medication is to be directed following suppers. In Vyanavikruti, Bheshaja is regulated after lunch while in Udanavikruti, it is directed after meal.
Antarabhakta Kala
The organization of drug in the middle of two suppers is considered as Antarabhakta. It is indicated in Diptagni Vikara and Vata Dosha Janya Vikara. In which prescription is managed after assimilation of evening feast, then, at that point, after absorption of medication the evening supper is taken. Comparative routine is followed between evening what’s more, morning meal.
Sabhakta Kala
In Sabhakta kaala medication is taken by blending alongside food, in this manner when the food is processed and gets changed over into aahaara rasa, the medication likewise gets processed and its separate accompanies aahara rasa. This cured aahara rasa gets flowed in the body and assists with restoring illnesses everywhere on the body. This sort of drug is given so as to veil the solid taste and smell of drugs.
Samudga Kala
Samudga implies when food.Food taken ought to be Laghu. Aushadha is directed at that point prompt when dinners. No particular dosha dushti is demonstrated for this kaala. A few conditions, for example, pravisruta (vitiated and spreaded), urdhwa and adho visruta dosha, Hikka roga (hicupps), kampa (quakes), akshepa (spasm), urdhva kayagata vikaras and so forth are expressed in which dosha dushti is found in urdhwa just as adho sharira.
Mahurmuhu kala
In this kaala medication is taken over and over with or without food. This kaala is isolated into two:
- Abhakta muhurmuhu
- Sabhakta muhurmuhu
In abhakta muhurmuhu the prescription is taken over and again without food.
In sabhakta muhurmuhu the medication is taken over and again with food. Sabhaktan and abhakta muhurmuhu are picked by the force of patient. Muhurmuhu is demonstrated in Shwasa Kasa, Hikka, Chhardi, Pipasa Vikara. Frequent organization of Aushadha paying little mind to Bhukta or Abhukta is muhurmuhu Kala.
Grasa bhakta
Medication is regulated with every single bolus of food. As per Arunadatta and Hemadri, Bheshaja is to be blended in with every bolus of food. This is to some degree like Samudga kala.
- Sagrasa Bheshaja works with assimilation of the Bheshaja directly from the buccal mucosa.
- Direct retention from buccal mucosa in foundational flow offers fast beginning of activity.
- Grasa Kala Bheshaja animates the Pranavayu. So the Indriya and Chitta prasadana happen. This improves the Prabhava of Vrishya Dravyas
Grasantara bhakta Kala
In Grasantra kala medication is regulated between two bolus of food. One bolus is taken trailed by Bheshaja followed by bolus once more. By and large the Bheshaja dravya is for Lehana.
Dr. Vaidya Karanvir Singh is the younger Vaidya in Chandigarh Ayurved & Panchakarma Centre. He is the fourth generation in his family who is practicing as a general consultant in Ayurved & Panchakarma treatment at Chandigarh. In his practice, he had treated more than 1 Lakh Plus patients worldwide.